
Affordable Care Act Bites The Big One!

HEAD - STERNThe Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. ACA) was rammed through Congress like poop through a goose!

Many people think they like it. Many are liberals who think it’s the greatest deal in the world for poor people, so they can afford to buy health care.

I’m here to tell you that the Affordable Care Act STINKS!!!

stern - affordable careBecause:

— We were told the premiums would be significantly lower and they are NOT.

— We were NOT told that out-of-pocket expenses would increase dramatically.

— We were NOT told that yearly deductibles would escalate absurdly from where they were around $250 per year way up to a high of $15,000 per year, depending on what sort of coverage you want and what premium you want.

— We were NOT told about all the hidden costs we would have to pay for services and that we wouldn’t know about them until we are billed by doctors, hospitals, et. al.

The ACA is a terrible concept and it is failing Americans on most levels. Another big problem is that most people don’t know it.

We were told that health care companies must cover preexisting conditions; however, many people are finding that their preexisting conditions are either NOT covered or they must PAY MUCH MORE to have it covered.

I’ll give you one thing that is pro Obamacare…. If you want to pay a small premium for poor coverage, it is possible to get a slight deal.

Furthermore, health care providers are playing end-around games with patients and charging more for their goods and services, plus, the costs are rising every six months!

If Obama and Congress wanted to provide everyone with cheaper insurance they should have extended Medicare for all Americans.

People could have been charged the same amounts Medicare recipients are paying for the same Medicare benefits and affordable deductibles.

But, the health providers would throw a major fit.

They couldn’t charge high premiums and deductibles; they couldn’t charge elevated costs for medications; they would have to take in less profit under a Medicare for All program.

Medicare works well for most people on it; it is a proven system and they had it right in front of Obama’s nose!!!

Health care was much better BEFORE Obama sold our nation a bill of goods. It was cheaper and more affordable.

It’s all a fight to pull-in the mighty dollar!

Both President Obama and his Obamacare have been a HUGE disappointment. Interestingly, many people still don’t know it, but in time they will.

Peter Stern, Driftwood, Texas

Blaze of Glory To Perform In Dallas

Public In Dark Over Pacific Trade Treaty

HEAD - EDITORIAL 03Although Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning has urged every United States Senator to read the current version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership prior to voting on granting President Barack Obama trade promotion authority on it, reports suggest that most Republican members have not yet read it and probably won’t prior to the vote.

eddy art 509Republican Senators wanting to fast track the Trans-Pacific Partnership are siding with President Obama without reading the details. According to opponents, Obama is ignorantly plunging ahead to expedite passage of a treaty that he calls “the most progressive trade deal” in history, even though “living agreement” language could doom the President’s intended fundamental transformation of America through this highly speculative treaty.

Unprecedented is the secrecy surrounding the TPP deal.

“If you want to hear the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal the Obama administration is hoping to pass, you’ve got to be a member of Congress, and you’ve got to go to classified briefings and leave your staff and cellphone at the door,” Politico’s Edward-Isaac Dovere has reported. “If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as you read, and forced to hand over any notes you make before leaving. And no matter what, you can’t discuss the details of what you’ve read.”

The “living agreement” protocol allows participating nations to add countries to the TPP without Congress’ approval and would allow any terms of the agreement to be changed without congressional approval.

Conflicts with federal, state, and local laws could be impacted, allowing for sudden tariff changes, regulation alterations, and dispute tribunals falling outside the United States.

Although a few Presidential hopefuls, apparently without reading details of the proposed treaty, are for it (Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Perry, Clinton), a few are yet to commit (Graham, Paul, Carson, Christie, Walker).

Upsetting is the secrecy surrounding the document, the act of keeping its details out of the public domain.

Indeed we do have a secret government where faith in its competence supercedes truth.

— W. Leon Smith

Texas Mesquite Arts Fest Oct. 10-12

Iconoclast Publisher Writes Book

switch big Lone Star Iconoclast and Lone Star Universe editor and publisher W. Leon Smith has written a new book – The Switch Pitcher, a baseball novelette that traces the development and challenges of a young boy who out of necessity learns to pitch both left-handed and right-handed.

 The book was written with a juvenile audience in mind, but adult baseball fans should find it interesting, too, says the author.

 Published by Black Rose Writing, the paperback tells the story primarily from the boy’s point of view and details how he learned to switch pitch as his team, the Pups, were nearing a showdown with the perennial league favorites. However, his new “ambi-disastrous” talent was destined to meet with controversy because “it just isn’t done.”

 According to Smith, his idea in writing this short novel, which he says is more like a very long short story, was to promote to youths the idea of creativity and meeting challenges head- on.

 “It’s the type of book that I, as a youth, would love to read. I think adults will like it, too, especially those interested in sports, baseball in particular,” said Smith. “It’s realistic in that some of the techniques are those that I developed many years ago, even the act of throwing horse apples at times when I ran short of baseballs.”

 The 66-page book is currently available for order at Price is $13.95 per copy. ISBN: 978-1-61296-311-2, Library of Congress Control Number: 2014932464.

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