Psychopaths. Be Prepared. Know What To Look For.

Surviving & Prospering in the New Economy

Surviving & Prospering in the New Economy

You encounter them through business, in your social live, within your family. They make up only a tiny fraction of the population but they destroy lives as long as they live. They prey on you.  They lie, connive, defraud, steal and enjoy your pain.  They are without conscience. They are psychopaths and today we can identify them. See this list of behaviors if you have wondered about someone you know.

The only way to deal with a psychopath in your personal life, strongly recommended by experts such as Dr. Robert Hare and others who now understand the totality of the problem, is to confront them with boundaries. End the relationship. You let them know there will be no further contact. Cut them off entirely. But first you need to prepare yourself.

Your assignment starting now, is to make those who know you and the psychopath, aware of the facts and of the nature of psychopathy. For those resources go here.

By so doing you reduce the damage which the psychopath will do to you and your reputation, which is incalculable.

Getting ready means documenting every act, every interaction.  You can get resources online inexpensively.  You will need the evidence to prove to third parties what happened.  Maintain a journal, keep times and dates.  Copy documents.  Make recordings of conversations.

You thought it was friendship, romance, or just business. Perhaps for you this was the case – but for them it will be war. Documentation is your life line to escape and to sanity.

Setting boundaries is for your benefit. This can happen through letter or phone call. It is not recommended you try a physical confrontation because psychopaths frequently become violent.

Read this posting from one individual exiting a relationship with a psychopath. On the Forum for Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy, you will find hundreds of stories. Notice the absolute sameness of the strategy in which the psychopath engages when the victim, you, escapes or he/she is finished with you.

Cutting them off denies them access to you directly but will not entirely solve the problem. It takes time, tenacity and courage to excise them. You will need support. Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy also provides that support. It is free and waiting for you. You are not alone. You can survive and move on.

February 2010