Daniel Estulin Authors SHADOW MASTERS

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group,” Daniel Estulin’s first book, sold over 3.2  million copies — in 79 countries, 49 languages, five continents. His latest is “Shadow Masters.”

How Governments And Their Intelligence Agencies Are Working With International Drug Dealers And Terrorists For Mutual Benefit And Profit

Shadow MastersSANTA BARBARA, Calif. — “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group,” Daniel Estulin’s first book, sold over 3.2  million copies — in 79 countries, 49 languages, five continents. His latest is “Shadow Masters.”

Estulin is an award-winning international journalist who thrives on controversy. He is considered the pre-eminent historian of the global elite, a scholar of remarkable breadth and erudition and one of the world’s most outspoken public intellectuals. Estulin doesn’t mince words and he doesn’t hold back when naming names, like David Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush, and identifying the cauldrons of chaos they have created. He exposes these and other “Shadow Masters” among the secret global power elite as the coolly vicious orchestrators of wars, terrorism, and grand-scale theft. Estulin also details the mind-boggling sums of money they reap from the proceeds of drug trafficking.

Served by minions with recognizable names like Oliver North, the Shadow Masters further their agendas using public monies and government resources around the world as if they personally owned them, notes Estulin. Meanwhile, banks launder hundreds of billions of narco-dollars yearly. And perpetrators meet annually and off the record to discuss how to move their agendas forward.

These Shadow Masters are well represented in Daniel Estulin’s first book, “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group,” currently being made into a $100-million motion picture by Halcyon. Now, in page after page of “Shadow Masters,” Estulin provides equally egregious revelations.

Major actions of the last two decades are revealed as “move/countermove” in a grisly game of geopolitics, set against the background of a crumbling Soviet Union, a nascent Russia, bizarre assassinations, wars and diamond, drugs and arms smuggling.

Estulin documents how Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, working with the International Monetary Fund, deliberately set up the circumstances for the massive transfer of Russia’s wealth into secret U.S. and other offshore bank accounts, leaving a collapsed economy and millions of people penniless and starving by the early 1990s. This agenda had been prearranged at a number of Bilderberg gatherings.

Mind-blowing from the beginning, Estulin’s book takes an even more astounding contemporary turn with his account of the sensationalistic nature of the international vilification campaign against Victor Bout, reputedly the largest weaponry dealer in the world. A former junior lieutenant in the Soviet Air Force, this “Lord of War” began an aviation transport business in Africa after the fall of the USSR. As conflicts raged all over the continent and airlines pulled out, Bout gained control of almost all the air transport business in Africa. When his business profile heightened in two areas of great interest to the Bilderberger’s  Shadow Masters—arms and air transport—Bout now found himself an international pariah. An intense worldwide defamation campaign was launched, encompassing UN reports, press accounts, and a book titled “Merchant of Death,” by Douglas Farah who admittedly never met or interviewed Bout.  The book’s nickname for Bout is constantly parroted in the U.S. media.

Suddenly intelligence officials considered the patsy Bout to be one of the world’s greatest threats to U.S. interests, in the same league as al Qaeda kingpin Osama bin Laden. Interpol issued a warrant for his arrest; the United Nations Security Council restricted his travel; President George W. Bush signed an Executive Order calling for Bout’s nonexistent U.S. assets to be frozen.

After the Washington Times and the Miami Herald printed erroneous reports connecting him to attempts by FARC rebels in Columbia to buy uranium for a dirty bomb, Bout was arrested in Thailand in 2008 in a U..S-led sting operation, and his extradition was requested. Estulin, the only Western journalist to regularly attend the Thai extradition proceedings, chronicles the mysterious mix of super espionage and Keystone Kops antics comprising the U.S. moves against Bout, and resulting in Thai refusal of extradition, U..S appeals, and Bout’s continuing residence in a Bangkok prison.

Unquestionably, Bout is the man the media most want to talk to, the million-dollar interview, the Pulitzer Prize, the Emmy interview. Estulin has interviewed Bout extensively for Shadow Masters, and tells an amazing story of what happens when the Shadow Master’s wish a person out of the way.

In “Shadow Masters” Estulin is inarguably the world’s most daring and experienced reporter on the global power elite. He meticulously documents his reporting and has developed sources other journalists don’t even know exist. Asked why he practices such a difficult and controversial brand of journalism, Estulin replies, “Because universal corruption and abuse of power and privileges at the deepest levels of society must be exposed and because I refuse to turn my back on inhumanity and violence.”

Publisher TrineDay, 347 pp, $24.95 USD.



April 2010