Press Conference To Demand A Full U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq

Press Conference To Demand A Full U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq

Press Conference To Demand A Full U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq

In solidarity with anti-war groups around the nation, including CODEPINK: Women for Peace, Courage to Resist, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Global Exchange, Institute for Policy Studies’ New Internationalism Project, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, Pax Christi – USA, US Labor Against the War, Veterans for Peace, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Voters for Peace, War Is a Crime, and other local and national groups,the Under the Hood staff, along with active duty soldiers, veterans, family members, legislators, local peace groups and other concerned citizens are planning a press conference on Monday, Aug. 30, at 10 a.m., at the Under the Hood Café & Outreach Center, 17 College St. (@ W. Ave. G), Killeen, to counter the current administration’s claim that the conflict in Iraq is “over” and “success” has been achieved. 

Speakers will include Iraqi-American Dahlia Wasfi, MD, Texas State Representative Lon Burnam, and others.

A coalition of national anti-war groups has made the following assessment

•      The U.S. occupation of Iraq continues and the reduction of U.S. troops in Iraq can at best be called only a re-branded occupation.

•     The U.S. military’s overthrow of the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein did not lead to a better life for Iraqis—just the opposite.

•     The majority of the refugees and internally displaced persons created by the US intervention have been abandoned.

•      Iraq still does not have a functioning government.

•     The Iraq War has left a terrible toll on the U.S. troops.

•      The war has drained our treasury.

•      The U.S. officials who got us into this disastrous war on the basis of lies have not been held accountable.

•      The war has led to the pillaging of Iraqi resources.

•      The war has not made us more secure.

Speakers will discuss these points in more detail and will explain how the ongoing conflict in Iraq has affected soldiers and their families, Iraqi citizens, and the U.S. economy.

August 2010