Daily Archives: August 3, 2010

Veterans Administration — Ending Its Own Addiction

It appears as though the health service of the Veterans Administration is finally beginning to move off its dependency upon the crutch of prescription medicines.

The standing operational policy at VA clinics has long been to send patients directly to the pharmacy.

QuestionAfter all, there’s a pill for whatever ails the veteran, and writing a “scrip” is far simpler, not to mention a damn site faster, than actually wasting time attending to a medical issue.

Besides, while the Government spends uncountable taxpayer dollars on the tools of destruction, it makes a sham attempt at “fiscal responsibility” by procuring only meds that have passed their patent expiration dates.

Thus, the vet is typically being treated not with the latest, state-of-the-art remedies, but with mendicants that are, in many instances, nearly two decades behind current scientific proficiency.

When in doubt, or unable to provide something approximating proper treatment, the VA doctor will prescribe ibuprofen or aspirin in large doses.

The aforementioned are precisely the reasons why I steered clear of VA healthcare for 30 years, until there was no choice.

Now, it would seem, the VA is attempting to wean itself off the teat of laboratory cures in lieu of Mother Nature.

Oh, ‘tis but a wee step, to be sure, but one in the right direction, nevertheless.

In direct contradiction to archaic Federal laws that have stood for more than 70 years, the VA has announced that it will recognize the legitimacy of cannabis as a bona fide curative – at least for veterans in states that have passed medical marijuana laws.

Currently, there are 14 states with “medical marijuana” laws on the books:  Alaska; California; Colorado; Hawaii; Maine; Maryland; Michigan; Montana; Nevada; New Mexico; Oregon; Rhode Island; Vermont; and Washington.  Despite being Federal territory, Washington, D.C. is also on the list.

An already passed law in New Jersey will take effect this January.  Voters in Illinois will decide on the issue this November, while in California all-out legalization is on the ballot.

One might find it somewhat surprising that several of the states on the list are bastions of conservatism that rarely vote Democrat.

Despite the deep pockets of Big Pharma, along with those of gargantuan chemical-industrial conglomerates (such as DuPont and Dow) and the liquor industry, even these megacorporations’ worst efforts can no longer impede education of the public regarding the medical benefits and manufacturing possibilities of hemp.

Vilify the “noble weed” as these entities might try, there is no way to dance around the facts that marijuana use is non-addictive, and there is nothing on record to indicate that anyone has ever died as a direct result of “pot.”

The only reason violence has any association whatsoever with cannabis is because, although being extremely popular, it remains illegal, making profitability a prime motivator for traffickers.  As with booze, prohibition hasn’t worked – it’s time to repeal the Stamp Act.

But, I digress…

The VA has for years withheld medication, specifically painkillers of the narcotic, or opioid, variety (morphine, oxycodone, methadone), from patients who use illegal drugs; such insipidness will no longer be the case.

Lumping marijuana with hardcore narcotics is, by itself, one of the major flaws in drug policy, as they emanate from wholly disparate families.

Calling pot a “narcotic” is akin to comparing your juicy, medium rare rib eye steak to the sprig of garnish placed atop it by the chef.

In accepting its use by vets who have legal access to cannabis, the VA has concluded that the system will ultimately save money on prescription drugs – most of which are potentially dangerous and highly addictive.

This new directive is also vindication of marijuana’s potential for catharthis.

This may only be a baby step, but it’s a giant stride in flushing out our corporate-sponsored Government-controlled habit.

In a world that’s increasingly far too overmedicated, the VA fighting off its own addiction is a welcomed remedy.

For more information, visit the Department of Veterans Affairs:  <; or Veterans for Medical Marijuana Access: http://www.va.gov>; or Veterans for Medical Marijuana Access:  >.


Jerry Tenuto has earned a BS in Radio-Television and an MA in Telecommunications from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.  In addition to some 25 years in broadcasting, he is a seven-year veteran of the U.S. Army.  Since 1995, Jerry has found himself trapped in a “Red” enclave within the middle of the “Blue” state of Illinois, which he refers to as “slow death hell.”

‘No Vote, No Vacation’

Watchdog Groups Demand Senate Vote On The DISCLOSE Act Before The August Recess

Senate VoteWASHINGTON, D.C. — Last month, the House of Representatives passed the DISCLOSE Act to put some common sense limits on corporate funding of elections. But last week, when the bill was called for a vote in the Senate, Senate Republicans voted unanimously to continue debate, which effectively kept the vote from occurring.

Protect Our Elections, , a network of organizations dedicated to fair elections representing more than a million members, now calls on Senator Harry Reid to announce that he will not adjourn the Senate for the August recess until a vote is held.

“We need transparency in the 2010 midterm elections so voters know whether a candidate is being supported by ordinary citizens or corporate barons,” said Protect Our Elections spokesman Kevin Zeese.

“It is telling that GOP Senators are blocking a vote on this legislation that simply requires disclosure of those corporations that are funding election ads. Clearly, these Senators want to keep that funding secret because they are in the pocket of Big Business. It is not a coincidence that within hours after last week’s GOP filibuster, Big Coal announced a multi million dollar campaign to target Democrats, and this is in addition to the promised secretly donated three hundred million that GOP groups like the Chamber of Commerce and Karl Rove’s American Crossroads plan to spend to elect more Congress members who will protect the interests of Big Business over ordinary citizens.”

Protect Our Elections is calling on other good government organizations to join in this call for Senator Reid to stand up to this GOP filibuster of a bill that is meant to protect democracy.

“Tell him, ‘No Vote, No Vacation,’” urged ProtectOurElections.org.

When It Comes To Looking Ahead, Look No Further Than Your Behind

You should be aware that the idea of promoting an important issue through a week of “National Awareness” has gotten plain silly. There was a time when, in order to command the attention of our entire country for a whole week, you actually needed to have an issue that was important—something that could save lives, improve society, or, at the very least, boost the sale of Hallmark cards

But not anymore.

I say this because, as you may or may not know, we’re in the middle of “National Psychic Week.” (For those of you who weren’t aware of this, I’m sorry: But there’s a very good chance you are NOT psychic.) According to one website, the purpose of this week-long focus is to “dispel skepticism [of psychics] through factual awareness.”

Thanks to an article that appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times, I have a better understanding of how it might take an entire week to dispel all that skepticism—especially after reading about Ulf Buck, a blind psychic from Meldorf, Germany, who claims he can read people’s futures by feeling their naked buttocks.

(Warning to women who frequent singles bars: Men who frequent singles bars may be reading this column.)

According to Buck, creases representing success, career and artistic ability extend inward from the extremities of the buttocks (Similar to a map of Hollywood), while five other creases radiate outward. Though Buck explained that those creases represent areas such as love and money, when asked about that crease radiating down the middle, he just said, “Ewww.”

My point is, if you have a habit of sitting naked on wicker furniture, don’t waste your time getting a buttocks reading.

No. My real point is that people no longer pay ANY attention to “National Awareness” weeks because the topics have gotten so stupid.

For example, when’s the last time you observed “National Fresh Breath” week with any level of enthusiasm? Did you gargle more? Brush better? Buy an extra roll of Certs?

(No one in THIS office did, I can tell you that.)

The problem is that there are no guidelines when it comes to petitioning for “National Awareness” status — which is why we have 40 states that participate in “Sky Awareness” week each year. First of all, do we really need a whole week? Unless you’re lying face down getting a buttocks reading, how long does it take to look straight up? Considering that there are 10 states that don’t observe “Sky Awareness” week at all, we can conclude that they either, 1) Think it’s stupid, 2) Put all of their efforts into having a great “Fresh Breath” week, or 3) Have no idea the sky actually exists.

Which could explain the idea behind “Brain Awareness” week.

That’s right. The same people who brought us “Mustard” week and “Bat Survey” week would like us to remember that we have brains. (Even though, oddly enough, those same people scheduled “National Hot Dog” week to take place three months AFTER “National Mustard” week.)

The bottom line, of course, is that coming up with wisecracks about buttocks readings, while cheeky, requires more brain activity than most “Awareness Week” topics.

Though I’m sure that’ll change some day, exactly when is anybody’s guess.

Then again, they do say hindsight is 20/20….

(You can write to Ned Hickson at nhickson@thesiuslawnews.com, or at the Siuslaw News at P.O. Box 10, Florence, OR. 97439)

August 2010