Iran Nuke Document Fabricated, Says Former CIA Official

The Times of London’s document supposedly outlining an Iranian plan to test a component of a nuclear weapon was forged according to a former CIA counterterrorism official.

 WASHINGTON, D.C — The Times of London’s document supposedly outlining an Iranian plan to test a component of a nuclear weapon was forged according to a former CIA counterterrorism official.

Philip Giraldi, a CIA operated until 1992, told IPS that the unnamed intelligence sources believe Israel fabricated the documents published on Dec. 14.

“The Rupert Murdoch chain has been used extensively to publish false intelligence from the Israelis and occasionally from the British government,” Giraldi said.

As a way to confirm the Iranian nuke story, the Times quoted “an Asian intelligence source” which is a term that indicates Israeli intelligence officials were at work, according to IPS.

Plus, the Times failed to disclose to origin of its two-page document.

Moreover, other evidence, such as its lack of state secrets’ confidenciality markings and general specificity, suggests that the document is a forgery, IPS said.

The references to past experiments to a “neutron initiator” also drew red flags since the IAEA found that Iran’s tests on Polonium-210 were consistent with its stated application to radio isotope batteries.

“The IAEA report said the issue of Polonium-210 – and thus the earlier suspicion of an Iranian interest in using it as a neutron initiator for a nuclear weapon – was now considered ‘no longer outstanding,’” IPS noted.

January 2010