Republicans Like Obama? Really?

Editorial The Gallup Poll had a surprising piece of news last week.

The news is that Republicans like President Barack Obama.

More startingly, Republicans liked it when Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize, the poll indicated.

ImageAccording to the polls of Obama’s job approval rating, Republicans increased their support of the president from 12 percent (Oct. 3-5) to 20 percent (Oct. 9-11).

The spike certainly didn’t come from Democratic voters since they have remained a constant 83 percent behind their national political leader’s performance.

So now Gallup says after interviewing over 1,500 people that 56 percent of the Americans approve of Obama’s job.

Some may argue that Republicans are just supporting the office of the president, not the secret Muslim socialist, communist, fascist currently holding that office.

However, it’s more likely that Republican voters who took the poll simply misunderstood the question and answered without thinking, much like how their political leaders operate.

They probably thought they heard that Osama — as in “Osama bin Ladin” — won the Peace Prize and backed their president accordingly.

Or perhaps Republican voters thought that they themselves had won a “Peas” Prize from some agricultural clearinghouse and are now tragically expecting to have their first rounds of lifetime supplies of peas delivered to their homes any minute.

Or perhaps Republicans really do have hearts.


But anyway you look at it, the Prize’s target says less about the receiver than the giver, namely the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, namely Norwegians with nothing better to do than to mess with the domestic affairs of the United States.

And they did it so poorly, too.

Aagot Valle, who according to the Associated Press is a left-wing Norwegian politician who joined the Nobel panel this year, said that she expected disagreement on giving Obama the prize.

“But what I want now,” she said, “is that we seriously raise a discussion regarding nuclear disarmament.”

Good luck with that, Aagot.

Like that discussion is going to happen in the United States where our whole economy is based on making war, not BMWs, cell phones, and whicker.

But that’s what you get when you have a self-serving, do-gooder agenda.

Take Afghanistan.

Last week, after Obama said he didn’t deserve the prize, he deployed another 45,000 troops to Afghanistan, according to the BBC.

And to do what exactly?

Make sure that no other country has the monopoly on war machines.

— Nathan Diebenow

October 2009