Anti-Vaccine Campaign Growing

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Independent studies are finding that vaccines are causing more problems than they are remedying, frequently causing diseases in otherwise healthy individuals, ruining their lives.

Pro-pharmaceutical elected officials have been fast to pass bills that will enhance drug company profits, leaving citizens to pay the cost, not only of the drugs bought, but with lives lost or maimed forever.

According to Eileen Dannemann, director, National Coalition of Organized Women, “Are you sometimes feeling dis-empowered by the relentless force of the establishment to pass unconstitutional bills eroding our rights for exemptions; passing bills that make it legal for schools to give vaccines to underage children without parent’s consent or knowledge (California); passing legislation that forces parents to go to the doctor to get a ‘religious exemption’?

“A few years ago, a guy from California contacted us. He had made up these decals on his own steam and put them on his new Toyota truck.”

The decals tell those who see the car: “The Greatest Lie Ever Told — That Vaccines Are Safe and Effective.”

Dannemann asked, “You or a relative or friend have a vaccine-injured Autistic, ADHD, Bipolar, Asthmatic, juvenile diabetes child? You are spending a fortune on treatments; you are mad as hell, and you are besides yourself trying to get people, government, your school, your pediatrician to listen up!”

She explained that the Vaccine Liberation Army ( “can have any iteration of these high end, outdoor quality decals made for you at a really cheap price. We recommend the above text which our experience shows that it is highly effective in putting an impulse of doubt about the effectiveness of vaccines into people’s minds…even the  medically sold-out elderly.

“We can arrange it for you and in a few weeks. You are all set to blow the establishment out of the water as cars and trucks on the road increases.

“Just think of the impact that one car can make in your town, alone. Just think if we had hundreds of parents within our movement starting to make this kind of HARDCORE commitment across the nation.  You know, the reality is we are in a battle…and we can only win, as Dr. Palevsky and Dr. Mercola say, that parents need to rise to inform the community and educate their own pediatricians.  We have to rise from the bottom up.

“The mental coherence and health of the entire emerging generation is at stake, here. Twenty-five percent (and growing) of children are now on psyche drugs due to the establishment’s purposeful misdiagnosis of “mental illness” rather than vaccine injury.”

September 2012