Daily Archives: September 3, 2012

Another Bucket-List Item Checked Off…

Circumnavigating The Globe!


    One thing that I’d always really wanted to do was to travel around the world, preferably at the equator, by walking, biking, hot-air ballooning or even by covered wagon or swimming if necessary — I didn’t care how.  “What about doing it in an airplane?”  Sure.  Definitely easier on the knees.

So I did it.

First I lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for two years to save up, and then borrowed or begged as many frequent flyer miles as I could.  And then just did it!  Another big item to check off of my bucket list.

     “So how’d it go?” you might ask.  About as well as you can expect — considering that in 21 days I spent 55.5 hours actually sitting in an airline chair, eating airline food and watching airline movies, and another 75 hours getting to airports, sitting around airports, sleeping at airports and getting back from airports.  Plus going through 30 different security checks in nine different airports as well.

When I tell people that I actually did all of that, they just look at me and think that I made the whole thing up.  So that’s why I always take photos.  Nobody believes me otherwise.  And even then, still nobody believes me.  “Nah, those pictures were PhotoShopped.”  No, really.  I actually did do it!

“So.  What did you learn?”  Nothing much — except that everywhere that I went, people were always very friendly and kind to me.  And NOBODY I met ever deserved to be killed.

Of all the hundreds of people I met on my travels — perhaps even thousands — not one of them deserved to be blown up by a drone or irradiated by depleted uranium or run down by tanks or attacked by militarized police with tear gas or occupied “for their own good” or bombed by “peacekeeping” forces or any of that other stuff that America has now become famous for.

And what I have discovered after circumnavigating the entire globe, mostly at the equator, and going to or flying over so many different countries is this:  That America used to be famous for our democracy and our “can do” attitude and our inventiveness.  But not any more.  Now America is just famous for developing its whole new advanced unique and expensive technology for killing people.  Sigh.

So now that I’ve actually circumnavigated the entire globe, do you want to know what the latest, most exciting, most fabulous, most creative item on my recently-updated bucket list is gonna be now?  WORLD PEACE!  And I’m not the only one who has this item on their bucket list either.

Do you?

PS:  Once back home in the good old U.S.A., what was one of the first things that I saw TV?  Paul Ryan — channeling GWB.  During his recent speech at Tampa, Ryan obviously looked and sounded just like George Bush’s clone — the exact same insincere smile, pseudo-populist bad acting, use of emotional tear-jerking “patriotic” sucker-punches and shameless making of empty promises that Ryan, like Bush, has NO intention of keeping.  http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/borowitzreport/2012/08/ryan-launches-campaign-theme-of-lying-about-everything.html.

Dubya himself may have been banned from the Republican convention, but his spirit — and his disastrous policies too — obviously still live on in the body of Paul Davis Ryan.

And apparently Tea Party members have been going around saying that Ann Romney looks like a REAL First Lady.   What’s that supposed to mean?   That Michelle Obama doesn’t have blonde hair?  Maybe not.  But Michelle does have courage, integrity, good taste and class — along the lines of Jackie O and Dolly Madison.  Can you even begin to imagine Michelle allowing Mitt to “offshore” thousands of American jobs or strap a dog to the top of a car for 12 hours?

PPS:  There was hardly any snow on Mt. Fuji as we flew by it.

PPPS:  At all the duty-free shops around the planet, I got to sample Chanel #5 perfume, which used to be my mother’s favorite.

Paying Taxes Down the Road – a.k.a., Piracy

The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is defrauding hard-working and hardly working Texans. TxDOT and CAMPO are supported by Governor Rick Perry and the majority of Texas Legislators. Both agencies are lobbied by wealthy special interests who ensure that they will reap vast profits that do not necessarily ensure that the Texas public is being served in the best interests of the community good.

The latest CAMPO email tries to make its special interest plans palatable to Texans by stating:

CAMPO Approves $230 million Plan to Finance Future Transportation Projects

In June, the Transportation Policy Board approved an innovative plan to generate new funding for future transportation projects in Central Texas. Under the plan, CAMPO will allocate $130 million to the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) to help pay for construction of the $200 million MoPac Improvement Project. In turn, the CTRMA will, over a 25-year period, deposit $230 million into a Regional Infrastructure Fund, which will be used to fund other transportation projects in the CAMPO region.

In reality, this “innovative plan” is a fraudulent attempt to develop more toll road packages that benefit the wealthy lobbies such as CINTRA, which is a mega international toll road corporation. It is NOT in the best interests of the Texas community when TxDOT lies about its tax dollar holdings and whines that it has no money to build and maintain Texas free roads, but then suddenly “finds” $130 MILLION “somewhere” to put into a plan for toll roads on MOPAC, a.k.a., LOOP 1.

Toll roads must be a last resort. They create long-term debt for the state (taxpayers) and pay out 80 percent off the top of all toll revenue earned to the mega corporation every day and for the life of the toll contract, which is usually up to 70 years, long after the road has been paid for. Very few toll roads become free roads after they are paid for.

Neither TxDOT, CTRMA or the Regional Infrastructure Fund has ANY real oversight by the people of Texas. No one knows how much money TxDOT holds or spends. The people have no control over the decisions by TxDOT or the CTRMA. While they both hold “community meeting” which they must by law, they do not truly listen to community voices.

Texans must contact their respective Texas (state) Senators and House Representatives to immediately put a stop to the proposed MOPAC toll project as it is NOT the most important road issue that requires resolution or upgrading. The found $130 MILLION should first be used to build and maintain our current FREE roadways. Texans must come before servicing profit-seeking lobbyists. There are more important and urgent projects that Texans need.

To contact your Senator: http://www.senate.state.tx.us/75r/senate/members.htm

To contact your House Rep: http://www.house.state.tx.us/members/

Peter Stern, Driftwood, Texas

September 2012