Obama Asked To Debate Demo Challenger

WASHINGTON, D.C — Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, who has filed for the Democratic Party nomination for U.S. President, has officially “thrown down the gauntlet” and is demanding that she and President Obama “debate the real issues” in an open forum.

Said Foster, “The staging for the GOP primary has left Americans gagging and gasping for shreds of sanity and solutions to the real problems which confront us as individuals, as a nation, and across the globe.

“Due to careful manipulation and pressure no relevant answers or action have been heard from the present occupant of the White House, who is expected to stand for re-election, presumably on his record and not on his looks or other irrelevancies.

” The office of President could have done much to solve the problems in the last three years. The Obama Administration failed miserably to do anything productive, continuing the politics of the previous administration. They need to leave.”

She added, “As a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President this year I am therefore challenging President Barack Obama to a debate on the real issues. Those issues are below, reflected in the platform for my campaign, which calls for a transition to a constitutional federal government.”

Pillsbury-Foster expressed doubts that Obama has the ability to debate the key issues. She said, somewhat jokingly, “It is likely Barack will refuse to debate even though the issues are easily understood and clear. If he does, the debate will likely take place online with First Dog, Bo, standing in for him. This is not rocket science. To make it equal, my son’s cat, Meow-Meow, will undertake the job.”

 Pillsbury-Foster Campaign Platform /Transition To Constitutional Federal Government

Peace Now – 

End corporate wars across the globe.

Support Our Military –

Bring our military home with the support needed to ensure their injuries, including PTSD and TBI, do not spell the end of their productive lives.

Save Social Security –

Ensure Social Security is not only saved but provides benefits reflecting the money entrusted and compensation for the fraud which systemically took place. – Every retiree should get as much as a member of Congress or the President from federally funded retirement.

Return to a Constitutional Federal Government –

Like the camel sneaking into the tent, the Federal government, and office of president, has assumed powers which are explicitly forbidden by the Constitution. My administration will reverse this, providing a transition to a future where the people govern themselves, as envisioned by our founders.

End Federal Income Taxes –

The constitution does not provide for this form of taxation.

Return to Sound, Constitutional, Money –

End the FED. In accordance with the Constitution, allow states to start their own banks and determine their own financial course.

Hold the Guilty Accountable and Make the Guilty Pay –

No more slaps on the wrist while the guilty are allowed to keep the loot. It must be returned to the American people to fund our transition, with interest, penalties, and punitive damages. We have the power and we can enforce the judgment.

Enforce Individual Rights –

Rescind all legislation which attempts to tell people what to do when they harm no one.

Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment

Simply justice, long overdue.

February 2012