Debates: Questions I Would Have Asked

Monday’s Presidential debates are the grand finale of three. I saw the types of questions Bob Schieffer was scheduled to ask and had a problem with it, so I sent him an e-mail. Here it is:

Mr. Schieffer,

I would like to suggest that you change the questions you plan to ask during the third debate in order to bring to the forefront some of the things happening in America that the mainstream media prefers to ignore and to really determine how the candidates think and what they actually know. The current proposed questions will only result in a rehash of rhetoric that is highly speculative and is virtually meaningless to American voters.

I suggest questions such as these:

Does British Petroleum have unnecessary influence over HAARP at its various locations throughout the world and therefore the U.S. Navy?

Can you explain the functions of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and its influence on the rise in number of major earthquakes worldwide?

Since there is now proof that the 2004 Presidential election was stolen from John Kerry, do you think that former President Bush and Karl Rove should face prosecution because of their influence on this illegal act?

The 911 Truth Movement has proved that the attacks did not happen as the White House report suggests and the demolition of the buildings was staged in advance. Would you be in favor of a new independent study of this turning point in American history to bring the parties responsible to justice?

To one: Name the first 10 presidents of the United States, in order.

To the next: Name the second 10 presidents of the United States in order.

At what stage do you think the American populace should be told about the incidence of Fukushima radiation entering our country. Now, or after people start to die from it?

Will you be willing to sign an Honesty Bond prior to the election stating that you will step down immediately if, upon election, campaign promises are not kept?

If elected, will you continue to support the use of Drones to kill innocent women and children in foreign countries?

If elected, will you cease the use of executive orders?

If elected, will you promote vigorously a complete audit of the Federal Reserve System and then champion its closing?

If elected, will you redefine all government agencies to eliminate suboptimization, corruption, and abuses of power?

If elected, will you cause independent investigations of each agency of government, including Wall Street, and allow punishment for all crimes that goes beyond financial payoffs and includes incarceration?

If elected, will you actively work to eliminate the use of GMO products in the United States?

If elected, will you see to it that companies that send jobs overseas are fined?

If elected, will you immediately resign from your political party and stand on your own two feet?

If elected, will you immediately see to it that all individuals who have outsmarted the tax system by setting up accounts overseas are fined and prosecuted for robbing from the United States?

Mr. Schieffer, I could list a lot more. I realize that CBS is a very strong pro-war organization and this e-mail will probably not cross your desk, but I am one of the many journalists who are outraged that only “safe” questions with answers that follow party line responses are asked.

I wish you would put the candidates on the spot with these straight-forward questions, so that we can get an idea of which candidate has any guts.

If I were in your shoes, I would throw out the scheduled questions and say that I am ready to get down and dirty to determine what the candidates really think and how aware they are of what America thinks.

If you ask these questions you will become the number one journalist in the world.

About me: I am W. Leon Smith, publisher of The Lone Star Iconoclast, an online independent publication that got its start in Crawford, Texas. My web address is


W. Leon Smith

UPDATE: After the debate Monday, I sent this e-mail to Mr. Schieffer:

Mr. Schieffer,

Regarding Monday’s debate, you dumped journalistic integrity down the toilet. What a waste of everyone’s time! You are simply a shill for the CBS pro-war machine. That became abundantly clear. At least the Giants and the Cardinals played hardball. You didn’t.

W. Leon Smith
The Lone Star Iconoclast

October 2012