Are American Jobs Risking Becoming An Endangered Species?

 Will workers become extinct? Not if Donna Conroy, executive director and lobbyist for has her way. Her grassroots campaign is dedicated to counteracting claims that Americans can’t cut it in science and technology. “We lobby to require employers to seek local talent for U.S. job openings before recruiting abroad,” she says.

Workers CHICAGO, Ill. — Will workers become extinct? Not if Donna Conroy, executive director and lobbyist for has her way. Her grassroots campaign is dedicated to counteracting claims that Americans can’t cut it in science and technology. “We lobby to require employers to seek local talent for U.S. job openings before recruiting abroad,” she says.

The gutting of America’s economic democracy has been occurring for years and can be found in reams of books and volumes of eyewitness testimony, but, according to Conroy, for the past 40 years American tech firms have failed to adhere to EEO policies. “For the last 20 of these years, they have installed surreptitious strategies to legally discriminate against the entire U.S. workforce.  The result: we now have an oversupply of STEM professionals along with new STEM graduates whom we have paid so dearly to educate.  And beyond any reasonable doubt, American companies are going abroad for their top talent, before they recruit locally.”

Said Conroy, “We need US policies that address this systemic problem. We need US policies that stop corporations from stealing American livelihoods from Americans.” She is in the process of counteracting claims that “Americans can’t cut it in science and technology” and articulates “the corporate assault on America’s values, money system and our economic past and future. Our economy is not what we have been led to believe. The predatory practices of the Wizards of Wall Street and their corporate paymasters, concealed by economic double-speak, the true situation of the American job market.”  Conroy unravels the deception of the Axis of Greed and presents a crystal clear picture of the financial abyss towards which Americans are heading, pointing out all the signposts, “unless we honor the American worker.”

According to Conroy, the DOJ has blindly looked the other way while merger after merger has consolidated market share and power into the hands of only a few giant multinational corporations.

She says that the emergeing tech companies, when they face shortages, hire unqualified Americans and “train the hell out of them.” But they resolutely refuse to consider American minorities or qualified American veterans.

She explains that, today, too many tech pioneers are now living the nightmare of contributing to their own obsolesce by training their foreign replacements. The younger pioneers, those approaching their 30s and 40s, too often are delivering pizza rather than higher bandwidth.  “Permanent jobs are being replaced with perm-a-temp jobs. When workers won the perm-a-temp lawsuit against the corporations, they retaliated by reverting to immigration laws, knowing they could bypass American talent and legally recruit only abroad to fill U.S. job openings.”

“Corporations guard the secret of legal bypass closely,” she explains. “They tell Congress and the American public that there are ‘no qualified Americans’ capable of filling these job openings and that only citizens from abroad are the ‘best and the brightest.’ They make Americans feel hopeless in themselves and belittle American technical talent, calling them lazy, ‘washed out and unemployable.’ They say that only foreign citizens can keep them competitive.”

According to Conroy,”If history has proved anything, it’s that the kowtowing to Wall Street and Corporate America isn’t working and certainly benefits aren’t trickling down to Main Street. The result for everyday Americans’ lives has been overwhelming, and that’s a price we can’t afford to risk paying.

January 2010