Conservative George Will Admits Drug War Bogus

Another member of the conservative elite in Washington has admitted that the United States’ so-called “war on drugs” policy is bogus. Columnist George Will said on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” that the drug cartel violence has escalated so much that making legal the importation of marijuana into America is a possibility.

 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Another member of the conservative elite in Washington has admitted that the United States’ so-called “war on drugs” policy is bogus.

Columnist George Will said on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” that the drug cartel violence has escalated so much that making legal the importation of marijuana into America is a possibility.

Will stated: “80 percent of the Mexican cartels’ revenue is from marijuana. If you really want to go after the Mexican cartels — and I’m not saying that’s the only criteria for public policy — you’d legalize marijuana.”

Will’s statement arrived the same week as a Gallup poll showed more support for the legalization of marijuana in the United States than ever before.

“We have legalized gambling in this country over two generations; it used to be considered a sin and a crime. We, with no national debate and no decision moment — we just did it – we legalized prostitution, as anyone who opens a telephone book and looks under ‘escort’ can tell you. And we may be doing,” he said.

“We’re probably in the process now of legalizing marijuana,” Will added.

Currently the state of California has a ballot initative to legalize marijuana for recreational use by adults.

So far, the idea has the support of 56 percent of Californians, according to a Field Research Corporation poll.

Should marijuana sales be taxed in California, the revenue could reach $1.5 billion, said California State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, of San Francisco.

Will and other have noted that a sin tax on marijuana sales could offset the rising costs of privatized healthcare in this country.

November 2009