Taxpayers Forced To Support Perry

Taxpayers in Texas have decided to forgo an adequate education for their children and instead feed that money to Governor Rick Perry to help pay for his Presidential bid.

Unfortunately for some, this means that Perry, through Texas taxpayer theft, has stolen a 100 percent endorsement of all Texans, even those who know him as scum. You don’t donate to a Presidential campaign unless you support the candidate, do you? This rule, of course, does not apply in Texas, where lobbyists and corporatists decide where the money goes and who gets supported, not you and me.

Several weeks before making his bid official, Perry decided that it was okay for the Texas Department of Public Safety to pay for his security.

“I’m going to be promoting Texas,” he said. “I’m going to be traveling to places where the Texas story needs to be told, and we will tell it.”

One might argue that other Presidential candidates in the past have done the same thing to Texans, including former Gov. George W. Bush, to the tune of $3.9 million. Other candidates currently running for the GOP title aren’t sinking to these tactics, so why does Perry think it is okay for Texans to lavish him as he snaps at the dangling carrot?

If you are pro-Perry, you might argue that he needs protection and deserves it.

Actually, the only protection he needs is what he’s willing to personally pay for. He has the money, more than most Texans.We owe his campaign absolutely nothing.

What he has pulled is an un-American stunt, stained with the type of filth that is reminiscent of something Santa Anna might applaud.  Forcing people to help pay for his deceptive campaign is about as low as you can get.

The Iconoclast opinion is that if you are planning to venture out into the rain, carry your own umbrella, not mine.

We do not need yet another terrorist in the White House who will strive to ruin this country.

Perry’s record in Texas is horrible. Do we really want to have another idiot like George W. Bush in charge? If honesty, integrity, and accountability were involved, Bush would today be stomping at rats in his cell at Sing Sing, as would his papa.

Perry is a dumbified version of Bush, if you can sink that low.

He should pay for his own security. That’s what a true Texan would do. He, obviously, is not one.

— W. Leon Smith

January 2012