2 Letters: DuPont, Muccolini

Dear Editor,

As President Obama continues to push for mandatory health care after he said he was against it when he ran, I hear nothing from either ex president Bush or the senile John McCain. I will never forgive George W. on how he ignored our Mexican Boarder. But I am further disgusted with him and McCain for now showing the slightest concern about fining and jailing those citizens who refuse to be part of this unconstitutional health bill!

Has American really been taken over? Has the Federal Reserve and others who pull the strings finally finished the take over of the United States? It looks like I’m going to have to become a Mennonite or Christian Scientist to stay out of jail, because I refuse to a slave to a liar.

I truly hope that you print this so GW will be too embarrassed to ever show his face in public again.


Joseph Rene DuPont, Towanda, Penn.

Dear Editor:

After the previous eight years of total incompetence, malfeasance in office, an international joke, encouragement of the culture of corporate greed, environmental abuses and alleged war crimes by the former Bush/Cheney regime, America was given a reprieve to see our way clear of this murky mess by the historic election of President Barack Obama.

As a proud “Bush-basher” from the moment “Dubya” occupied the White House until he was sent packing, and as a patriotic participant in one of the largest anti-Iraq war marches in Washington, D.C., it is not without a sense of irony that I now witness the fanatical zealots of the GOP’s ultra right wing now maliciously attacking every progressive measure proposed by our legitimate president.

The former and once respected Grand Old Party has been hijacked by the likes of non-elected blowhards such as television’s Pied Pipers Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and their equally rabid, foaming at the mouth colleagues.

Their followers, who call themselves “pinheads” or whatever, blindly fall in line with all that floods through the “Joseph Goebbels” cable network (aka: Fox News).

Sadly, the GOP morphed into “Greed Over People” when George W. Bush served the interests of corporate America and now has become “Gobbledegook Oblivious Paranoia” as the ultra conservatives would rather see this nation blind sided and crippled than work for the mutual benefit of all.

While political dissent is needed and welcomed for a healthy democracy (evidenced by the non-threatening demonstrations against Bush after his immoral war in Iraq), the dark forces led by these Sith Lords will continue to spew out their evil lies until the educated and literate moderates and independents, who form the vast center of our political spectrum, say “Enough!”

No more villainous behavior at town hall meetings, no more deliberate falsehoods and deceptions, no more unproven innuendoes and smear campaigns, no more silly “birther” counterfeit certificates and no more hidden racial agendas for those who can’t tolerate inevitable cultural changes.

America is on the right track and most of us will come to realize how fortunate we are to have Obama as our president.


Gene Muccolini, Mt. Holly, N.J.

December 2009