Thuma – Proud Crawford Gave Editor The Boot

CrawfordDear Editor,

I just watched the movie “Crawford” and I must say I am proud of that town for giving you the boot! Your recommendation of Kerry is quite horrific, considering his stance on almost everything.

You must be an Obama fan!

I am so sick of liberals.

Joshua Thuma,

College Station, Texas


Dear Editor,

If you or someone in your family gets sick, I am willing to help you. Would you be willing to do the same? If you are, that is the essence of universal health care.

Some people say “why should the government pay for people’s health care?” But government is us, you and me. It is not some far-off entity, distinct from the people. It is by the people, for the people, of the people. Government money is our taxes.

Helping each other is the Christian thing to do. So why has there been no outcry from Christian leaders? Have they forgotten that when Jesus returns, he will say to those he sends to heaven, “I was sick and you helped me.”?

To the hell-bound he will say “I was sick and you did not help me.”

A perfect opportunity has presented itself to the religious community to save lives and improve the lot of millions of fellow citizens, while assuring a place in heaven, avoiding fiery damnation, and giving the church relevance and purpose.

For Christ’s sake, I implore the Christians of America to stand up for universal health care.

”What you do for these, the least of my brothers, you do for me.”

Bruce Benson


To The Editor:

We live in a nation that has a black president. His election was made possible due to a large number of white voters who chose to vote for him. In fact, without the white vote, Obama could not have been elected. This should have put to rest the constant cries of racism in America. But, it hasn’t. If we disagree with our president we are immediately labeled racist.

There is an old saying to the effect that if you can’t stop the message, then shoot the messenger. When people come up with legitimate objections to our present administration’s policies, there are those who will shoot them down with the cries of racism.

Martin Luther King’s most famous dream was that there would come a day when people would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the quality of their character. The policies of an administration represent the character of that administration. The constant cries of racism are doing more to destroy King’s dream than to bring it to reality. In fact, if because of someone’s race, we are not allowed to disagree with his policy, then King’s dream has died. It has been shot down by the very people who will support a person because of his race with no consideration of his character.

Steve Casey, Stonewall, La.

April 2010