Time To Tell A Big Bank ‘Good-Bye’

“Occupy” movements throughout the United States are becoming more numerous each day. The masses are talking and yelling, which is encouraging.

They are finally awakening to a world awash in greed and war and no conscience.

The masses have begun a dangerous trek amid police brutality and acts of inhumanity brought about by our corporate-owned governments, both national and state, which have dealt an inside hand to Americans and are glorifying in the defeat of American ideals.

Their bluffery and buffoonery must be attacked.

Occupationists have made a solid first step in trying to persusade the 99 percent of Americans not privy to great wealth and power to join them in shouting down the big boys.

This, of course, will ultimately not be enough.

A not-too-distant future step must involve taking down a major corporation. A specific one or ones.

This will not be an act of violence, since corporations are not human or animal.

They are political structures designed to bring wealth to stockholders.

There is nothing wrong with individuals deciding that they will not do business with a corporation.

An example might be for occupationists to, for instance, choose a specific financial institution and initiate a “run” on that bank, withdrawing all their funds, closing all of their accounts, and refinancing all of their loans. They could put their money in smaller community banks and attempt to bring down the monster. Occupationists could encourage others to do the same thing, while researching the bank to determine which big corporations do business with that institution and provide “no business” runs against those businesses, as well. An international effort would have to be foretaken, since the United States is becoming a small player in some globalists’ financial empires. We alone are not enough.

To bring down one giant, involving no violence, would be a giant victory in providing undeniable strength to the movement and going beyond words and into action to turn things around.

Members of the 99 percent who are reluctant to cooperate would, of course, be proof that they are slaves to the debauchery caused by these corporations. The influence of the mainstream media to their absurd way of thinking will show that they have been brainwashed to not think outside the box….or even for themselves. They are owned.

The recent violence caused by paid-for-hire anti-constitutionalist officers has been prevalent in many cities where free speech advocates have suffered unprovoked attacks.

These baboons in blue illustrate how far our country has degenerated.

But the anti-war messages are being heard, if not by the corporate bosses, at least by other parts of the 99 percent who are daily becoming enraged at how our elected officials have plundered this country and others at the sway of the corporate world for enormous profits, while the rest of us barely get by even while working multiple jobs while our children are becoming victims of officials pushing to “dumb them down.”

Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Wall Street, and others have vulturized Americans too long.

The time is now to do something about it.

We encourage more of the 99 percent to help, if only to close that bank account and tell the thieves to take a walk, all the way to their cell block.

— W. Leon Smith

October 2011