Daily Archives: October 9, 2011

D.C. Pepper Spray Incident A New False Flag

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Saturday’s pepper spray incident at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum on the National Mall, where nearly 1,000 peaceful protesters were eventually denied entry, has been tagged a false flag incident enacted by an assistant publisher of The American Spectator, Patrick Howley.

Howley revealed in his own “breaking story” that he had consciously infiltrated the group on Friday with the intent to discredit the “occupy” movement. He stated that “as far as anyone knew I was part of this cause — a cause that I had infiltrated the day before in order to mock and undermine in the pages of The American Spectator…”

Since the protesters were “unwilling to be confrontational,” he snuck past the guard at the first entrance in order to infiltrate the building and then confronted another guard. He then “sprinted toward the door” at which time he was first hit with pepper spray, he reported.

The incident caused numerous individuals to suffer from exposure to the spray, including tourists who were not involved in the peace movement. Guards closed the museum in conjunction with the spray incident.

Howley described himself as an “agent provocateur.”

The peace activists from the October2011.org encampment at Freedom Plaza had ascended the museum steps, chanting, “When drones fly, children die.”

Their message is to “Stop the Machine! — Create a New World!” and is intended for “all who are deeply concerned with injustice, militarism, and environmental destruction to join in ending concentrated corporate power and taking direct control of a real participatory democracy. We will encourage a culture of resistance—using music, art, theater, and direct nonviolent action—to take control of our country and our lives. It is about courageously resisting and stopping the corporate state from destroying not only our inherent rights and freedoms, but also our children’s chance to live, breathe clean air, drink pure water, grow edible natural food and live in peace.”

According to Dennis Trainor, Jr.,  “We intended to stage a die in under a drone exhibit. We don’t think a U.S. museum should glorify weapons of mass destruction. We were denied entry, physically beaten back by police, and at least 12 of us (myself included) were hit with pepper spray.”

Said Mike Ferner, acting director of Veterans for Peace, “ Approximately 50 members of Veterans For Peace participated in a march this afternoon from Freedom Plaza to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum on the National Mall.  The museum was featuring an exhibit on unmanned drone bombers that a group of about 250 people from the October2011.org encampment at Freedom Plaza intended to protest.

They opened the doors at one of the three entrances, and when that entryway became full, they went to the second and third entrances.”

Ferner explained, “I was at the first entranceway, holding the door open for people to enter. I saw a police or security officer in a white shirt hold his hands up, telling people to stop. The marchers continued and the officer began pepper-spraying everyone. From everything I saw until that moment, there was no reason for the pepper-spraying. The door of the museum clearly said ‘free admission.’ It did not say ‘Free admission if you are quiet’ or ‘Free admission unless you have opinions contrary to government policy.’

“This was a clear abuse of authority and a use of force far beyond what was called for.  Our members are consulting with National Lawyers Guild attorneys who are working with the october2011.org encampment.”

Veterans For Peace is an organization composed of U.S. military veterans from WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars and every period in between.

Said David Swanson, author of “War Is A Lie,”  “I’ve been coughing and vomiting, and my head aches from pepper spray.

“We intended to hold signs and sing inside the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, protesting its promotion of unmanned drones, missiles, and bombs, including its sponsorship by and promotion of weapons corporations.  We don’t have any museums promoting health coverage or education or retirement security.

“We had marched from the Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square occupations, taking over the streets of D.C.  The museum knew we were coming.  Some of our group got in and dropped a banner.  Hundreds of us did not.  Instead, we were greeted at the door with cans of pepper spray.

“There were three sets of entrance doors.  I was among the first to open the third set of doors.  A guard shook a can of pepper spray in front of me and demanded that we back out.  But a dozen feet away at the second set of doors, people were staggering out and collapsing in pain, having been pepper sprayed in the face.  I started to go toward them, but began coughing and vomiting.  A lot of people were effected, directly or — like me — indirectly by the pepper spray.

“It is not true that we assaulted the police.  Nobody was accused of or charged with that.  I didn’t hear about it until later from the media.  A young woman named Thi Le was told she’d be charged with assaulting a police officer after she was pepper sprayed and handcuffed, but they switched the charge to disorderly conduct and released her a few hours later.

“It is not true that they only pepper sprayed one person.  Many people were pepper sprayed.

“It is not true that the crowd dispersed.  The guards locked the doors and closed the museum.  We had not planned to close the museum but to demonstrate and leave.  With the museum closed and one of our own in custody, we held a rally on the steps as more people made their way over from Freedom Plaza to join us.  We were there for hours. We will be here for as long as it takes.

“Congress comes back to this town on Tuesday. We’re ready. We’re nonviolent. We’re not scared. We’re not discouraged. We’re not fooled. We’ve got demands as clear as a blue sky: ‘Occupy Wall Street, Occupy K Street,  Occupy Everything, And Never Give it Back!’”

A march was planned for Sunday, Oct. 9, with a noon arrival at the White House with the purpose of asking President Obama, “Where’s our beer summit?”

According to Col. Ann Wright (retired), “It’s high time that President Obama met with military families, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, and veterans from other wars who don’t agree with his policies on war and their effects on veterans and families.”

Jeff Merrick, Military Families Speak Out board representative from California and Hawaii, noted that “currently, the American public is overwhelmingly in favor of troops leaving both countries, especially in light of our economic crisis where funds for veterans’ care are needed because of the continuing casualties and families are devastated by long-term care for their wounded.

“We want some answers, and President Obama is the commander-in-chief; he owes answers to those who sacrifice much everyday and have sacrificed in the past for this country.”

When Will The Canary Sing?

Evacuations of Canary Islands Begin

A 4.3 magnitude earthquake struck El Hierro, the smallest of The Canary Islands, late Saturday night — the strongest earthquake to be recorded on the Spanish island since an unprecedented earthquake swarm began a few weeks ago.

The Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) has reported an increase in the intensity of earthquakes recorded on El Hierro, the smallest of The Canary Islands, during the past 48 hours.

The number of earthquakes recorded since July 17 , 2011 on El Hierros has now reached 10,000, according to the IGN.

The IGN has also confirmed surface deformations exceeding 35mm on the 280-sqkm island, where residents have been put on alert for a possible volcanic eruption.

The agency has confirmed that 886 earthquakes, most of them located in the sea to the southwest of the island, have been recorded in the seven days since Oct. 2.

Since Friday morning, there have been more than two dozen earthquakes exceeding 3.0 on the Richter Scale with epicentres both North and South of the NW Ridge and depths between 10 and 15 km have been recorded.  The strongest of the two dozen earthquakes exceeding 3.0 on the Richter Scale  measured 4.3 magnitude on the Richter Scale. It was recorded on Saturday night at a depth of 12 km. The quake produced small rockslides with no injuries reported.

Hierro, a shield volcano, has had a single historic eruption from the Volcan de Lomo Negro vent in 1793. The eruption lasted approximately one month and produced lava flows.

The recent surge in the number and intensity of earthquakes prompted officials from the IGN and The Canary Islands Government to raise the alert level for the Hierro volcano to ‘Yellow’ late last month. The alert remained in place on Sunday.

An Oct. 8 advisory by United States Army Intelligence reported that “An intensified sustained earthquake swarm is now taking place at the Canary Islands and it appears the magma is now on the move again bubbling closer to the surface and incinerating
more rock in the process. Over the last 24 hours, we’ve seen the depths of the tremors rising up to within 11 km from a depth average of about 14.5 to 15 km. The number of seismic volcanic tremors has also doubled at El Hierro since Wednesday.”

The dramatic rise in recorded earthquakes on El Hierro last week prompted officials to evacuate some local residents, shut El Hierro’s main tunnel, and close local schools.

Scientists from several countries have cautioned that should a volcanic eruption occur and part of the Hierro land mass sluff off into the ocean, a mega-tsunami could erupt and have a dramatic effect on the Eastern shores of the United States, where people within a 20-mile radius of the coast would have about eight hours to evacuate.

Bank of America Cries Poverty……

…….. and charges $5 per month for customers to use their debit cards while the company pays millions of dollars to former executives…

Whew! That was a mouthful for a title, but it’s the truth!!!

Bank of America needs to trim its own mega fat and uncontrolled atmospheric costs before it charges customers more and more to do their daily business.

Bank of America takes months and months to set up home closings and then more months to send checks to sellers who just sold their homes. I have a friend whose family sold its home 6 months ago and just received their check.

I sent a request to Bank of America to send me six check registers, a simple request I thought, but first customer service sent only two registers, then another two after I complained and then finally the last of them after complaining five times that the company cannot even perform the simplest requests.

And then the big stuff…

 Forbes recently had an article about Bank of America spending millions for the retirement and severance packages of previous executives:

Bank of America revealed Friday that it forked over $6 million to Sallie Krawcheck, former head of its powerful wealth management arm.

In an SEC filing today, BofA said it awarded Krawcheck a severance package that includes one year of her salary, $850,000, and a one-time, supplemental lump sum payment of $5,150,000.”

Bank of America is a financial institution poster child for what is wrong with our economy. Once upon a time in America big businesses governed themselves intelligently. They made their profits but they also enabled American citizens to take part in the successes, e.g., providing lots of jobs and good lives.

These days, big business like Bank of America have gotten too big and far too greedy without giving back any stability to the U.S. community.

And THAT is why we no longer can support complete deregulation of businesses in this nation. It is why we need a fairer Fair Trade Agreement with our overseas constituent nations and why we need to stop screwing ourselves into the ground by borrowing more credit from foreign sources and we must stop outsourcing American jobs to cheaper, but NOT better qualified, overseas personnel.

It is why we need new anti-campaign contributing laws that prohibit large contributions, gifts and perks by wealthy special interests to our elected and appointed officials.

Peter Stern, of Driftwood, Texas, writes on political issues, is a former Director of Information Services in private industry and government, a university professor, public school administrator and teacher, a disabled Vietnam veteran, and holds three post-graduate degrees.

Mohawks Investigating Mass Murders Of Children

BRANTFORD, Ontario – Elders of the Mohawk Nation in collaboration with the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its Secretary, Kevin Annett, have begun the commencement of forensic excavations on the grounds of the oldest Indian residential school in Canada – the Mohawk Institute run by the Church of England.

Frustrated by the ongoing whitewash by the Canadian government of the murder of residential school children by Catholic and Protestant churches, the Sovereign Mohawk nation of Grand River has begun digging for children’s remains to “finally give them a proper burial and bring to trial those who killed them,” says Mohawk elder Bill Squire.

Squire and eight other Mohawk elders have granted authorization to Kevin Annett and the ITCCS to conduct Ground Penetrating Radar surveys and excavations at the Brantford residential school in order to bring the evidence obtained to international tribunals and human rights courts.

Initial evidence obtained at these digs today confirmed eyewitness accounts of the deaths and burial of children at the Brantford school, as well as the cover up of their remains. It has been noted that the children had been tortured.

According to reports, aboriginal children have been a prime target of the Vancouver Club pedophile ring, which involves senior judges, church lawyers, businessmen, and politicians. A BC Supreme Court witness said, “Indian children go into the Vancouver Club and are never seen again.” As recently as the summer of 2009, aboriginal children have been observed being taken against their will into the rear entrance of the Vancouver Club at 915 West Hastings Street from the Squamish Indian reserve in North Vancouver, during the hours of 1 and 3 a.m.

The Mohawk elders and the ITCCS are issuing a call to other indigenous nations to commence similar excavations at former Indian residential schools across Canada, “rather than rely on the Canadian government and its churches for justice or disclosure.”

October 2011