What’s It Gonna Take?

Public discourse in this country has left the parameters of reasonableness far behind, crashing headlong into the realm of madness. Perhaps the most irresponsible person on the planet, Sarah Palin, thinks she’s cute when inciting rabid masses comprised of the ignorami, whipping them up into a frenzied mob.

Public discourse in this country has left the parameters of reasonableness far behind, crashing headlong into the realm of madness.

Perhaps the most irresponsible person on the planet, Sarah Palin, thinks she’s cute when inciting rabid masses comprised of the ignorami, whipping them up into a frenzied mob.

Sarah, or her handlers (Can you say, “Todd”?  Sure, I knew you could), is (are) well aware of the racist sentiments that fester deep inside the hearts and minimally-functioning minds of her fans.

CartoonAnd, “fans” is a precise description of these angry, aging white folks.  Sarah loves the attention she is afforded by her personal lemmings; they provide the bitter sustenance necessary to feed and nurture her wretched ego.

Of course, Sarah (and Todd) also love the six-figure paychecks for 30 minutes or so of speechifyin’ to blind Palinistas.

Not once has the Almighty Mrs. Palin, since her unfortunate ascension onto the national stage, offered one tangible idea; nor has she put forth so much as one word that might lead to a solution of any problem facing Americans.

Facts be damned, Sarah Barracuda gives her fans just what they want – rhetoric, assumptions, accusations, and hate, all wrapped in a blanket of smart-assed sarcasm.

Emotional pot-stirring is all anyone who looks to Sarah Palin for direction can handle.  

Very few, if any, of these folks will ever be mistaken for individuals who can think for themselves.

The ratings successes of their FOX(Not Really)News and talk radio heroes — Glenn, Sean, Bill-O, Rush, et al. – bear out the low common denominator that unites them.

Lest we forget how continual insidious utterances from Karl (good ol’ Turd Blossom); the disgraced (and dishonorable) Newtie; and, the epitome of black-hearted families, that lovable Cheney clan, serve to churn up the bubbling cauldron of discordance.

And, the ersatz “grassroots” movements with catchy names, i.e. “Tea Party”, are a simple (and simple-minded) method of mobilization of the most banal among our neighbors.

These fools gladly roll around in the manure that’s continually being spread in front of them, never stopping to think for 20 seconds that they have made multi-millionaires out of the puppetmasters who manipulate and control the conservative psychobabble.

What they fail to grasp, possibly above all else, is that the provokers with microphones have, while accusing those in the majority of stealing Americans’ freedoms, usurped their own inborn freedom to choose.

Since first opening her piehole on the campaign trail in 2008, Sarah has invoked a position of hatred for anyone who might not be like the rest of her audience (dare I say, less than white?), while spewing chunks that suggest the righteousness of empowerment through firearms.

Emboldened by the near-seditious, self-serving fecundity of a number of Congressional Republicans on the far, far right — most notable among them the certifiable Michele Bachmann of Minnesota – Sarah has amplified her not-so-veiled call to arms.

Unfortunately, a portion of the adherents who feel that no one other than the right-wing attack machine speaks for them feel it’s their solemn duty to take America back from the Kenyan and his band of filthy Progressives, by any means available.  (As we have all learned in recent months, progressive = socialist; socialist = commie.)

It has been 46 years and four months since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  Disturbingly, a significant number of American adults regarded as good the news of the man’s murder; the majority of them have likely passed on by now.

However, most of those who, at the time, openly applauded or cheered the announcements in middle and high school classrooms are probably still with us; they are the same age as the typical “teabagger” or “birther” or what have you.

We were fortunate to have recently dodged an attack, with the possibility of a horrific outcome, from nine imbecilic domestic terrorist wannabes who plotted to take out law enforcement officers, along with their families, en masse.  (One of these morons was captured in my old neighborhood outside of Chicago.)

Can we cease all this angry talk of rising up before tragedy ensues?

Does there have to be an act of violence before those in control of the “Conservative” discourse rein themselves and their listeners in?

No, Sarah Palin, the media did not create a mindset that embraces violent overreaction.

You are a demagogue who stands at the forefront of responsibility in fomenting such an aura of hostility in our Nation.  And, while utilizing your lopsided personal Christian ideology as camouflage, you love being the instigator.

The very thought of Sarah Palin makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.


(Jerry Tenuto is an erstwhile Philosopher and sometime Educator.  A veteran with seven years of service in the U.S. Army, he holds a BS and MA in Communications from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.  Depending upon your taste in political stew, you can either blame or thank Jerry for his weekly “Out Of The Blue” feature in The Lone Star Iconoclast.  Visit his blog Blue State View at illinoiscentral.blogspot.com)

April 2010