Letters to the Editor

Neutralize North Korean Threat

North Korea continues to expand its nuclear weapons program and is making progress in developing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the Western U.S.  It is working on miniaturizing nuclear weapons to fit on ICBMs by early 2018, and it threatens to attack the U.S. with nuclear warheads.

North Korea is a virulent Communist country with a closed militaristic society governed by Kim Jong-un, who appears to be unstable and ready to aggressively use his military forces.

If North Korea reaches the point of being able to launch ICBMs against us, we might have to launch a pre-emptive conventional strike against their missile sites after beefing up the ground forces in South Korea and putting them on full alert.  Hopefully, the Terminal High Altitude Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system in South Korea will intercept any missile attacks by North Korea.

We will probably have to deploy additional U.S. army, marines and air force units to Japan and possibly Korea and position a number of carrier battle groups off of North Korea prior to the pre-emptive strike.

Donald Moskowitz, Londonderry, N.H.

Moskowitz: Need Armed Security In Schools

Need Armed School Security Officers

The recent tragedy at a Connecticut school shooting points out the need for stronger security measures to help prevent or mitigate loss of life at our schools.

The emergency plans implemented at schools can minimize injuries and deaths, but cannot prevent them when confronted with determined shooters. Buzzers, cameras, identification cards and sign-in books will not stop shooters from forcibly entering schools.

One security measure that could counter the actions of shooters is the presence of armed security officers in every school. Granted, the killers might try to shoot the officers first, but the killers could be focused on shooting the students and teachers, and the officers could take out the shooters.

Another possibility would be to have trained administrators with weapons available to them in a locked and secure location.

Mentally competent people and non-felons may purchase weapons in accordance with the Second Amendment of our Constitution which allows citizens to bear arms, and this right should continue. However, should ordinary citizens, like the Newtown shooter, be allowed to purchase a bullet proof vest? The purchase of bullet proof vests should be a huge tip-off on the purchaser planning a shooting.

We need armed school security officers.

Donald A. Moskowitz, Londonderry, NH

Peter Stern — In Response….

… to Terrell’s letter to get rid of the Fed Reserve with Sales Taxes:

While I agree that the Federal Reserve needs some cleaning up and/or overhaul, I don’t know if it is in our best interests to get rid of it completely.  In addition, sales taxes are just another regressive form of taxation, meaning, they hurt middle class and lower income people the most.  The wealthy benefit from increasing sales taxes more than others.

So, the “Fair Tax” really is not fair for all Americans.  That said, we need to restructure and improve on the Federal Reserve and the powers provided to the members.  Currently, the Fed is not working in our best interests.  However, to “kill” the FRB would turn such functions over to the 2 reigning political parties, which could be worse for all of us.

Peter Stern, Driftwood, TX

Newsom: Fair Tax Plan Important

Dear Editor,

The unemployment report at 7.8% with 32 days left before the election gives a false impression.  Not counted were those who have stopped looking for a job, unemployment is closer to 14% with over 23,000,000 Americans unemployed or underemployed.

More people are looking to the Fair Tax Plan to solve this nation’s economic woes.  It would

(1) give every worker their full paycheck

(2) permit businesses to compete in the world market without having to pay high taxes

(3) Require all the current tax dodgers to pay their fair share.

Any doubters this would work need only think what would happen if everyone has their full paycheck to put back into the economy and if every business and individual did not have to pay federal income taxes or report anything to the IRS ever again.

For more information: fairtax.org.

Roy T Newsom,  Granbury, Texas

Moskowitz: Trade Agreement To Hurt U.S.

The Obama administration is currently negotiating another free trade agreement, which will increase the likelihood of awarding federal contracts to foreign companies located on the Pacific Rim. Countries in Southeast Asia will benefit by the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), add jobs, while the U.S. could lose more manufacturing jobs.

If the TPP is approved by Congress, a provision in the agreement will ban “Buy American” requirements in federal government contracts. Over the past 80 years U.S. companies have received needed help in securing federal contracts due to “Buy American” provisions stipulated in the contracts.

In 2011 the Obama administration supported three so called fair trade agreements originally negotiated by the Bush administration. The policies of Bush and Obama have strengthened manufacturing operations in foreign countries and have led to the movement of U.S. jobs overseas. The TPP agreement would mean the U.S. could eliminate any tariffs on goods from the Asia-Pacific countries, which could cost more U.S. manufacturing jobs.

We have to make it more attractive for U.S. companies to keep jobs in this country. Maybe then we will decrease unemployment from near 8% to a more respectable 4% level and decrease our trade deficits with foreign countries.

 Donald A. Moskowitz, Londonderry, NH

Terrell: Eliminate Fed Reserve With Sales Tax

There is one thing that would, for certain, jump-start the U S economy and create MANY JOBS.  Expect career politicians and congressional lobbyists to resist it mightily.  The reason; its adoption would adversely affect all their pocket books and seriously diminish congress’s power over and control of American citizensIt’s called The FairTax.

The FairTax is a “consumption” tax; a national sales tax.  The IRS would be annihilated; nobody pays income tax anymore and no payroll taxes paid by businesses or employees.  Every earner keeps ALL THEY HAVE EARNED!  The price of all American made goods would drop by an estimated 22%.   That is the figure researchers estimate the income tax and the payroll taxes add to the cost of everything produced in America.

The national sales tax rate would be 23%.  So there’s no increase in cost-of-living for Americans.  But economists estimate that in the first year after the FairTax becomes law, the economy will grow over 10%, exports will grow by 26% and capital spending will increase over 70%.  There are many additional advantages of the FairTax!  Read The FairTax Book to learn much more.

Then ask your congressional candidates about The FairTax and insist they support it!

Glen Terrell, Arlington, Texas


Terrell: Do Not Elect Incumbents

To The Editor:

It’s about to happen again.  Nation-wide, Congress has only a 10% approval rating yet we are about to RE-ELECT 90% OF THE INCUMBENTS!  How can this be?  The only explanation: 90% of us approve of our own representative but want everyone else to elect someone different.

If this continues there will NEVER be meaningful change in Washington.  Things will always be the same; right up until our country collapses under the weight of debt and corruption.

Fellow Americans, we must do something different now.  You can only vote for/against, and possibly replace, one of the 435 members of the House.  Is your representative really worthy of being sent back to Washington?  If he/she has been there for 8 or more years it’s very likely he/she is part of the problem.  If one of your choices in November is an 8+ year incumbent, seriously consider voting for the challenger.  But you say, “The other candidate is a member of the other party and he’s pro this or that.”  A freshman representative of either party will do less harm than an entrenched incumbent.  In two years it will be easier to elect someone different and the country gets a new congress now!

Submitted by:  Glen Terrell,  Arlington, Texas



Joffe: ‘Romney Follows His Own Rules’

Dear Editor,

It is despicable that Candidate Romney issued a preemptive criticism of President Obama even as American Ambassador Chris Stevens was being killed in Libya.  Not only was Romney misinformed and misguided, but he failed to adhere to a basic rule of American politics: politics stops at the water’s edge.  When our country is attacked, we stand behind our President, no matter what political party he belongs to.  Romney’s statements demonstrate how corruptly he values partisan politics over uniting around our country.  He showed greed for power instead of patriotism.  Romney seems to think that he is exempt from our common rules of decency.

Another common convention that Romney thinks he is exempt from is that of candidates releasing past income tax filings during their campaign.  If you want to see a person’s character, look at his finances.  You’ll see what values he really believes in.  We voters have come to expect such transparency from our candidates; it gives us one opportunity to objectively see the real person behind the paid advertisements.  Again, Candidate Romney fails.

Yours truly,

Bruce Joffe, Piedmont, Calif.

MacFarland: Take Guns To Church

To The Editor:

Have we learned nothing?  Why, I repeat, why would anyone these days consider going to a movie, political event or their house of worship unarmed?  Obviously the slaughter of innocents hasn’t made much of an impression on the fools who continue to take these walks on the wild side, and they only have themselves to blame for the consequences of their lack of preparedness.

Really, how many times does the N.R.A. have to tell you that in order to protect your rights, including your right to gather, you need to be packing.  Even PBS types should be able to grasp this simple concept, which leaves me wondering what the congregants of the Wisconsin temple were thinking. Picking and choosing which of your rights to exercise clearly doesn’t work.

If just one member of this congregation would have had the forethought to be armed up with a proper assault weapon (semi-auto, of course) before attending services, perhaps the body count would have been lessened.  Perhaps.  Realistically though, I understand that this is an election year and not the appropriate time to dwell on such as prevention of these incidents.

Better would be another day, another year, another century.  Or not.

Alan MacFarland, Tallmadge, Ohio

Terrell: Fair Tax Act

Dear Editor,

Fellow Americans, there’s been a proposal before Congress for over a decade that would put America on track to a swift and permanent economic recovery.  Congress won’t pass it unless we demand it.  Its adoption would drastically reduce elected politicians’ power and control over US citizens.  It’s called the Fair Tax.

Adoption of the Fair Tax would (1) do away with the IRS, (2) put American businesses on a level playing field with their global competition, (3) ensure those living below the poverty level pay no taxes, (4) bring both capital and jobs back to America, (5) ensure everyone pays their fair share including tourists and those in the country illegally and (6) result in an economic boom.

From page 106 of The Fair Tax Book: “Economists estimate that in the first year after the Fair Tax Act becomes law, the economy will grow 10.5 %.  Exports will grow by 26 %.  Capital spending will increase by more than 70%.”

Every candidate running for congressional office must be asked about their support of the Fair Tax at every opportunity; Town Hall meetings, public appearances and every debate.  Read the book, push hard and the Fair Tax could be adopted soon.

Glen Terrell, Arlington, Texas


Osborne: Rights At Stake

To The Editor,

The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States reasserts the Declaration of Independence’s contention that no ruling king or class of people had rightful power over any others. To wit, under the law of the land all men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights and that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Constitutionally redefined as property).

These are rights due an individual that are protected within our form of government by the courts. And the justice receipt of such rights within our “ever more perfect union” (the direction of ever increasing liberty also prescribed in the Preamble to the United States Constitution) is assured by law as ultimately defined by the highest court.

A lynch mob declaring itself to be just WE THE PEOPLE in exercise of majority rule is no more of a legitimate exercise of power than is treating a woman as nothing more than a container that is subject to risk and damage in survival service to some supposed other potential person that is so defined and judged to be more precious by some religious fanatics bent on public demonstration of nothing more than their own great piety.

Anyone thinking of themselves as being so pure of purpose that they can disregard the good of an individual, that is doing no more than finding and minding their own affairs, will one day find themself unwillingly martyred within the holier-than-thou sanction with which they have blessed themselves. “He who would burn a witch at the stake will one day go up in smoke,” ~ Anon. Or, “What goes around comes around,” same source in youth.

In the meantime, who protects us from Newt?

Sam Osborne,
West Branch, Iowa

The Death Panel Machine

Dear Editor,

The world’s most powerful computer was given a friendly name, “Watson.” Sherlock Holmes’ assistant, Alexander Graham Bell’s assistant, it’s a helpful name.

Watson was introduced to the public as a friendly entertainment. It beat the best human player in “Jeopardy,” a friendlier game than chess. Friendly. Helpful. Entertaining.

Now, the Watson computer is being used by the WellPoint health insurance company to determine how much health care to grant to each of its customers. This machine will determine who gets medical coverage, how much, and who doesn’t. Who lives and who dies.

So how does this machine work? It is programmed to consider a host of factors to diagnose patients’ disease, then it can determine which patients will be covered. Factors like cost and probability of recovery will be calculated, and balanced against the imperative that WellPoint makes a profit. The owners of the company can have the computer reduce the amount of coverage and thereby guarantee increased profit for themselves. If the reduction is done gradually, no one will know, no one will object. A few more people will die a bit younger than before. The average age for life expectancy drops a little. Some people live longer, so its not a hard-line execution. But gradually, this machine will enable a few to become very, very rich by reducing the health and life of everyone else. It’s one more weapon in the billionaires’ class warfare.

We’ve heard Sarah Palin and other Republican hyenas scream against imaginary “death panels” to discredit President Obama’s health insurance reform. Now a private company has a machine that is programmed to run a death panel. Where are the screamers now? Bought off by the company? Will selected beneficiaries get health coverage no matter what happens?
Watson is a death panel machine, being used by a profit making company to harvest the health of its customers. Soon, every health insurance company will be using a Watson. We need health insurance regulation now, more than ever.

Yours truly,

Bruce Joffe, Piedmont, CA

Letter: On The Debt Ceiling Package

It seems, President Obama, that you’ve let us down. You’ve succumbed in the name of bi-partisanship to the witless demands of irrational, ignorant bullies and their craven lackeys who are apparently unaware that they too, in time, will fall victim to their brazen, boastful, shameless victory.

You, Mr. President, could have pushed through a just and simple solution. It was in the realm of your Constitutional authority.

Other presidents are remembered for their reforms, benefiting generations, not for the arduous and forceful mechanics of their execution, overcoming the vitriol of their opposition. Nor will those generations care that another president tolerantly accomodated an unbalanced bi-partisanship to approve a diluted product. They will not praise him. They will not thank him.

This was pure extortion and you, Mr. President, have forfeited your principles and your extraordinary political talent, your opportunity for fearless leadership.

You assure us that in time, the issues in abeyance willl be equitably resolved. Time will tell. The Tea Partyers are not going to quit.

Elizabeth Gerteiny, Westport, Connecticut

False Flag Attacks Enrich War Profiteers

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Thirty-nine years before the 9/11 attacks a top secret military plan called Operation Northwoods was proposed by the U.S. military Joint Chiefs of Staff. This was in 1962. The details of the plan were released to the public 35 years later in 1997 by the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board. I doubt that one person out of a thousand has heard of this operation because the Review Board release was censored by major news corporations. It was kept totally secret for so long because it revealed how top military leaders were planning to have innocent civilians including U.S. citizens murdered in order to wage a war with Cuba.

False Flag

False Flag

Operation Northwoods was an elaborate plan which, if implemented, would allow U.S. military leaders and CIA operatives to conduct covert false flag terrorist attacks on American ships and planes in Cuban waters and surrounding airspace. These attacks would be blamed on Cuba with the help of the corporate news media. It is obvious that some, perhaps many, American lives would be sacrificed in these attacks. The attacks would then be used to garner international backing for a war with Cuba.

The plan was submitted to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara by the Joint Chiefs of Staff headed by General Lyman Lemnitzer. President John F. Kennedy was not willing to carry out a plan that involved deception and murder of U.S. citizens. He removed General Lemnitzer as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Kennedy also fired CIA Director Allen Dulles, along with other top CIA officials.

The following year JFK was assassinated. The generals never got their war with Cuba, but with war-friendly LBJ in power, they were able to convince the news media that U.S. destroyer Maddox had been attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on Aug 4, 1964. The attacks never happened but this did not prevent LBJ from using the Gulf of Tonkin hoax as an excuse to escalate the Vietnam war which then lasted 12 more years, killing 58,000 U.S. soldiers.

Who benefited from the war? Huge fortunes were made by weapons manufacturers, war equipment suppliers and war service corporations. Big banks profited enormously while financing the war effort. The long war vastly expanded U.S. military bases worldwide. Military leaders were rewarded with fast-track wartime promotions.

Who paid for the war? Taxpayers like you and me.

Public paranoia brought on by the 9/11 attacks enabled military and political leaders to wage war against Afghanistan and Iraq even though no convincing proof of who planned and executed the attacks was ever revealed to the public. The government provided no concrete proof that would stand up in a court of law. The 911 Commission consisted of members hand-picked by the Bush administration. The Bush Administration specified that the Commission’s primary goal was not to prove who was to blame but instead to determine what steps needed to be taken to avoid future attacks. Many think the 911 Commission was a whitewash patterned after the Warren Commission.

There are so many important questions that the 911 Commission ignored or refused to answer. How many more years will pass before we learn the truth about what happened on that day?

Details of Operation Northwoods plan can be found online at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods

Larry Payne, Castell, Texas

Thuma – Proud Crawford Gave Editor The Boot

CrawfordDear Editor,

I just watched the movie “Crawford” and I must say I am proud of that town for giving you the boot! Your recommendation of Kerry is quite horrific, considering his stance on almost everything.

You must be an Obama fan!

I am so sick of liberals.

Joshua Thuma,

College Station, Texas


Dear Editor,

If you or someone in your family gets sick, I am willing to help you. Would you be willing to do the same? If you are, that is the essence of universal health care.

Some people say “why should the government pay for people’s health care?” But government is us, you and me. It is not some far-off entity, distinct from the people. It is by the people, for the people, of the people. Government money is our taxes.

Helping each other is the Christian thing to do. So why has there been no outcry from Christian leaders? Have they forgotten that when Jesus returns, he will say to those he sends to heaven, “I was sick and you helped me.”?

To the hell-bound he will say “I was sick and you did not help me.”

A perfect opportunity has presented itself to the religious community to save lives and improve the lot of millions of fellow citizens, while assuring a place in heaven, avoiding fiery damnation, and giving the church relevance and purpose.

For Christ’s sake, I implore the Christians of America to stand up for universal health care.

”What you do for these, the least of my brothers, you do for me.”

Bruce Benson


To The Editor:

We live in a nation that has a black president. His election was made possible due to a large number of white voters who chose to vote for him. In fact, without the white vote, Obama could not have been elected. This should have put to rest the constant cries of racism in America. But, it hasn’t. If we disagree with our president we are immediately labeled racist.

There is an old saying to the effect that if you can’t stop the message, then shoot the messenger. When people come up with legitimate objections to our present administration’s policies, there are those who will shoot them down with the cries of racism.

Martin Luther King’s most famous dream was that there would come a day when people would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the quality of their character. The policies of an administration represent the character of that administration. The constant cries of racism are doing more to destroy King’s dream than to bring it to reality. In fact, if because of someone’s race, we are not allowed to disagree with his policy, then King’s dream has died. It has been shot down by the very people who will support a person because of his race with no consideration of his character.

Steve Casey, Stonewall, La.

‘If’ by Sawyer… Moskowitz, Gerteiny

IfDear Editor,

My years around the poker table “if” dealt lots of laughs from the winners.

Imagine “if” we could place all our “ifs” at the foot of this new Key West statue.

Always thought the first visit to Heaven (“if” a Heaven and I make it) would be to run into God’s (“if” a God) library and check out my book to see His path for me, and “my” path taken.

Mike Sawyer, Key West, Fla.

Letter to the Editor:

Less Safe On Obama’s Watch

As a former naval intelligence officer on a high level staff (Top Secret Cryptographic clearance), I agree with President Obama that the breach of security associated with the Detroit-bound airliner is “totally unacceptable.”  The warning signs were there, but the intelligence community failed to recognize, analyze and disseminate the information.  This is the same type of failure which led to the 9/11 attacks and the Ft. Hood massacre.

Although only a small percentage of Middle East inhabitants are terrorists, almost all of the terrorists emanate from Middle East countries.  We have to pay much more attention to travelers to this country from the Middle East and a few other countries, and our Department of Homeland Security has to work with foreign airports to beef up their security operations.  We need many more intelligence officials who are proficient in Arabic and who can penetrate al Qaida networks in various countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen.

Unfortunately, the Bush Administration transferred a number of Yemini terrorists from Guantanamo Bay back to Yemen, and at least one of them was involved in the planning for the attack on the Detroit-bound airliner.  President Obama wants to close down Guantanamo and transfer the terrorists to the U.S. mainland for prosecution.  Will these terrorists be convicted of their crimes?  Will they be executed?  If not, how long will they stay in prison?  Will they be eligible for parole?  Will they spread their hate for the U.S. to other inmates?  Why take a chance with these hard core terrorists?  Keet them in Guantanamo.

We need President Obama to stop appeasing the leaders of countries that sponsor terrorism including Iran, Syria, and Somalia; and he has to cease bowing to leaders of the world, and appearing subservient to them.  These actions are construed by terrorists as signs of weakness, which give the terrorists inspiration to attack us.

President Obama weakened the CIA operations, and the intelligence agencies in general, when he criticized the CIA for its interrogation techniques.  Although some of these techniques might be unacceptable to the world community, we have to be able to somehow access information from captured terrorists.  I believe the recent failures of our intelligence agencies to provide warnings of potential terrorist activities can be partially attributable to some apathy and lack of initiative within the intelligence community, and President Obama bears some responsibility for the climate of distrust among intelligence officials.

Janet Napolitano is not qualified to fill the position of Secretary of Homeland Security.  We need a professional intelligence/security person in this critical position.  Unfortunately, most high level federal positions, including cabinet positions, go to unqualified politicians for payback for supporting the President during the campaign.

Note: The President was deeply involved and approved the people for these positions.

The U.S. is less safe on Obama’s watch, and we could be susceptible to on-going terrorist attacks due to an appeasing and apologetic President, incompetent Secretary of Homeland Security, and weakened intelligence agencies.

P.S.  Bring on the body scanners.  At my age it could be exciting.

Donald A. Moskowitz, Londonderry, NH

To The Editor

It’s finally happened.  Two events have struck stunning and seemingly insoluble blows to our already weakened democracy, January 19 and 21, 2010, respectively: the special election in Massachusetts to fill the Senate seat vacated by fighting liberal Ted Kennedy won by ultra-conservative Scott Brown and the 5 to 4 Supreme Court decision to uncap the limit on campaign contributions.

The former prevents Democrats in the House from sending a modified health care reform bill to the Senate, thus obliging them to pass the diluted but better-than-nothing Senate bill for the president to sign into law, one that can be improved upon later.

The latter will negatively affect every current and future issue—including global warming, wildlife, the national parks, outsourcing and health care reform—to be voted on by lawmakers, allowing corporations, including foreign companies abroad, to use their endless funds to lure and intimidate candidates and manipulate elections.

Not above the politicall fray, as the nation’s highest court is expected to be, while erroneously applying the First Amendment, the five nonimpartial conservative justices are no better than bullies and thugs, daring any individual or group to cross them, expressly predetermining the consequences of their vote, thereby casting to the errant winds common sense and justice for the many.  In the president’s words, the decision is “a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington. . .”

There are possible solutions, if the uncorrupted and truly civic-minded members of the legislative branch have the brain power, patience and fortitude to set them in motion.

(We can’t expect the likes of senators Joe Lieberman and Evan Bayh who, with their spouses Hadassah and Susan, have mightily profited from their strong pharma/insurance industry affiliations or former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, also with ties to the private health insurance business and whose wife Linda is a high-powered Washington corporate lobbyist, to participate in any rectifying process.)  What has finally been achieved by aggravated debate and negotiation must be enacted so that health care reform can begin.  The president’s comments on this subject in his January 27 State of the Union address suggest an unshakable determination similar to that of past presidents FDR and LBJ, whose Social Security and Medicare acts, feared by many as socialist, are of such benefit to Americans today.

Democrats Sen.. Chuck Schumer of New York and Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, anticipating the Court’s 5 to 4 vote, have been working out possible ways to neutralize it:  a ban on corporate political ads; stricter rules on campaigns and outside groups working together; and shareholder approval of political spending.  Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida is urging Americans to sign his petition, saveourdemocracy.org.

Without serious redress of these unfortunate circumstances, our United States of America, already halfway there, will surely be transformed into the Corporate States of America.

Elizabeth Gerteiny,  Westport, CT  

Parker: Bush Is A Traitor

I want to comment on former President Bush. I’m very angry at Bush for the mess he left behind for President Obama to deal with.

I lost half my 401-K savings, and am facing a layoff from work. It’s hard to move forward, when you’re reminded of eight bad years of the Bush legacy.

Bush is a TRAITOR to the American workers by shipping three million jobs overseas, losing good wages and benefits. That’s why the economy is in trouble!

I hope someday Bush will face very tough times, just like he put our country through!

And I hope I live long enough to see the day when historians will harshly judge Bush as the second worst, and most stupid, president in U.S. history since James Buchanan.

I can tell you this!

Bush was so bad for a president he puts Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, and Herbert Hoover to shame!!!

John F. Parker,

Big Bend, Wis.

2 Letters: DuPont, Muccolini

Dear Editor,

As President Obama continues to push for mandatory health care after he said he was against it when he ran, I hear nothing from either ex president Bush or the senile John McCain. I will never forgive George W. on how he ignored our Mexican Boarder. But I am further disgusted with him and McCain for now showing the slightest concern about fining and jailing those citizens who refuse to be part of this unconstitutional health bill!

Has American really been taken over? Has the Federal Reserve and others who pull the strings finally finished the take over of the United States? It looks like I’m going to have to become a Mennonite or Christian Scientist to stay out of jail, because I refuse to a slave to a liar.

I truly hope that you print this so GW will be too embarrassed to ever show his face in public again.


Joseph Rene DuPont, Towanda, Penn.

Dear Editor:

After the previous eight years of total incompetence, malfeasance in office, an international joke, encouragement of the culture of corporate greed, environmental abuses and alleged war crimes by the former Bush/Cheney regime, America was given a reprieve to see our way clear of this murky mess by the historic election of President Barack Obama.

As a proud “Bush-basher” from the moment “Dubya” occupied the White House until he was sent packing, and as a patriotic participant in one of the largest anti-Iraq war marches in Washington, D.C., it is not without a sense of irony that I now witness the fanatical zealots of the GOP’s ultra right wing now maliciously attacking every progressive measure proposed by our legitimate president.

The former and once respected Grand Old Party has been hijacked by the likes of non-elected blowhards such as television’s Pied Pipers Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and their equally rabid, foaming at the mouth colleagues.

Their followers, who call themselves “pinheads” or whatever, blindly fall in line with all that floods through the “Joseph Goebbels” cable network (aka: Fox News).

Sadly, the GOP morphed into “Greed Over People” when George W. Bush served the interests of corporate America and now has become “Gobbledegook Oblivious Paranoia” as the ultra conservatives would rather see this nation blind sided and crippled than work for the mutual benefit of all.

While political dissent is needed and welcomed for a healthy democracy (evidenced by the non-threatening demonstrations against Bush after his immoral war in Iraq), the dark forces led by these Sith Lords will continue to spew out their evil lies until the educated and literate moderates and independents, who form the vast center of our political spectrum, say “Enough!”

No more villainous behavior at town hall meetings, no more deliberate falsehoods and deceptions, no more unproven innuendoes and smear campaigns, no more silly “birther” counterfeit certificates and no more hidden racial agendas for those who can’t tolerate inevitable cultural changes.

America is on the right track and most of us will come to realize how fortunate we are to have Obama as our president.


Gene Muccolini, Mt. Holly, N.J.

Reid: Flu Vaccine Terrorism, Genocide

Dear Editor,

Some doctors promote vaccinations, but other doctors speak against vaccinations. Many healthy people, who took vaccinations, have become sick and died. Most people were not told about bad vaccination results. For medical treatments we should be educated and have a right to say no. Most U.S. children during the first year after birth have 20 vaccinations and 36 before school attendance. I read that each year 5,000 U.S. children die from vaccinations.

Many people, who took the 1976 Swine flu vaccination, became paralyzed and some died. The recent Swine flu vaccination has many toxic ingredients, including squalene. Squalene was used in a vaccination resulting in Gulf War Syndrome which I read resulted in many thousands of soldiers dead. The U.S. military leaders require that the soldiers take the recent Swine flu vaccination.

The WHO and CDC suggest some of the first people in the general population for Swine flu vaccination to be health care workers. Since a country needs a health care system, some wars include bombing hospitals. A toxic vaccination causing death to many health care workers is as effective as bombing hospitals.

Pandemic laws, which were made in opposition to the true intent of the U.S. Bill of Rights, may be enforced to mandate vaccinations for most of us. The Swine flu vaccination situation amounts to crimes, murders, terrorism, genocide, and war. I hope a lawsuit will get the Swine flu vaccination prevented. If not, other actions will be needed, perhaps impeachments and recalls.

Deborah Reid

Durham, NC

February 2025