Daily Archives: June 14, 2010

Chicago, Houston ‘Treason Season’ Begins 6/14/10

Capt. MayToday is Flag Day, but a substantial part of the Internet community is anxious that it is also a “False Flag Day,” marking the beginning of “treason season” for 2010. Their fears are driven by their knowledge that false flag attacks, from the U.S. 9/11 to the U.K. 7/7, coincided with military/police drills that allowed traitors in each country to preposition and prepare their operations. They note there are two current U.S. hot spots that invite consideration that they may be false flags in the making: Chicago and Houston.

Capt. MayHOUSTON, 6/14/10 — Today is Flag Day, but a substantial part of the Internet community is anxious that it is also a “False Flag Day,” marking the beginning of “treason season” for 2010. Their fears are driven by their knowledge that false flag attacks, from the U.S. 9/11 to the U.K. 7/7, coincided with military/police drills that allowed traitors in each country to preposition and prepare their operations. They note there are two current U.S. hot spots that invite consideration that they may be false flags in the making: Chicago and Houston.


Recent mainstream media reports from the Chicago area sketch out week-long, large-scale disaster/terror exercises that would be a perfect platform for government terror:

“Emergency drills may close Chicago-area roads,” Chicago Tribune, 6/9/2010, http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2010/06/emergency-drill-may-close-chicago-area-roads.html

Chicago has been regarded as a top terror target by both the FBI (which has been trying to set up an attack) and the Internet community (which has been trying to prevent it). To those individuals and organizations — like The Iconoclast — that have defended the Windy City, the present exercises are reminiscent of others held there in May 2006. An article by Major Bill Fox does a good job of showing how near to catastrophe the city came then:

 “Chicago Cops Dodge Blagojevich/Sears Tower Investigation,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 12/23/2008,  http://tinyurl.com/a7fn9g


Houston is the home of the now-notorious BP oil company, and its southern petro-suburb, Texas City is home to BP’s largest American refinery, the nation’s most dangerous industrial site in the last decade.

In the aftermath of the April 20 explosion of the BP Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, Houston has become the command post of a region-wide government operation. With over 200 coordinators now operating in the Bayou City, and perhaps 10,000 military and police along the Gulf Coast following their orders, it’s quite possible that the oil spill has been used as a pretext to prepare the area for a false flag and ensuing imposition of martial law:

“Martial Law Alert: Gulf Coast Evacuation Scenario Summer/Fall 2010,” SoCal Martial Law Alerts, 6/13/2010, http://www.meetup.com/socalmartiallawalerts/

The Iconoclast has written of Houston as the nation’s top false flag terror target for the last six years, specifying the BP refinery in Texas City as the exact target. Our article of over a month ago may be the earliest analysis of the BP Horizon event as part of a false flag operation:

“Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 5/3/2010, http://tinyurl.com/26r5wf9

In the article’s links, the reader will discover that The Iconoclast has correctly sounded the alert for seven major petrochemical explosions in southeast Texas. Six of the seven alerts were issued after we had received insider reports from frightened BP officials that their upper management was behaving suspiciously.

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Captain May, a former army general staff officer and later NBC editorial writer, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, an all American group of veterans and activists. CNN did a widely read “hit” story against them this year, which helped the unit to recruit more Internet activists:

“Some suspect conspiracy in Holocaust Museum case,” CNN, 6/16/2009,


 To join Ghost Troop contact the unit executive officer, 1LT Patti Woodard <ghosttroop@spiritone.com>

Obama Has Become The Articulate Bush

The politics and the policies of the previous and current administrations are identical.  “The King is dead.  Long live the King.”

The Only Change In The New Administration Is The Voice And The Color

The politics and the policies of the previous and current administrations are identical.  “The King is dead.  Long live the King.”

What did Americans do to deserve this?  King Barack “The Great Hope” Obama had such potential, or so many of us thought.  It turns out that he is just a little more grammatically and politically correct than was his predecessor, the stumbling and bumbling King George Walker Bush who accomplished more than any previous President.  Bush was able to bring the U.S. down to its knees — and for that he will always be remembered.

However, will Americans be able to survive the new King who is nothing more than the “bouncing ball” we are supposed to follow when singing the whims and direction dictated by the Corporate-Military Complex.  It’s a rhetorical question, since already we are plummeting to our collective doom.

Pick an issue, any issue.  We are screwing-up all of them.  There is nothing the U.S. will not do to reap huge profits for its Masters.  We’ll fight anyone, anywhere on the planet.  We’ll destroy our environment and ecosystem for big bucks.  We’ll step on the little people and grind them into dust.  We’ll build walls and fences pretending to separate Mexico and the U.S., but we’ll let illegals in to work for businesses looking for cheap labor.  We’ll suck our taxpayers dry, like an angry horde of blood-thirsty mosquitoes.  As a nation and a people we are a mess and it’s not going to get any better.

How do we stop the spiraling-down effect of our nation’s diminishing evolution?  It seems as though we have the Midas touch in reverse.  Everything we touch goes to “Hell in a hand-bag” and we don’t even try to stop ourselves.  We are poisoning everything in the name of greed.

There is a small movement at this time seems more practical than most.  It may be the last glimmer of hope for the American people to get their government back on-track, but it’s a shot in the dark.  Article V of the U.S. Constitution calls for a convention of state delegates that can propose constitutional amendments in the same way that Congress does.  Friends of the Article V Convention hopes to educate the people regarding Article V and to recognize that Congress no longer works for the people of the United States.  It is time to screech Congress to an emergency stop.  We cannot depend on a runaway Congress to come to its senses.  “That ship has sailed.”  However, without a real plan of change the U.S. will remain Corporate-Military America, the land of the ultra wealthy and miserably financially imprisoned.  We all need to step-up and save ourselves.  It’s a dirty job, but no one else is going to do it.

Peter Stern, a former director of information services, university professor and public school administrator, is a disabled Vietnam veteran who lives in Driftwood, Texas.

June 2010