Daily Archives: July 22, 2008

Note To Portland: Switch To Decaf

Note To Portland: Switch To Decaf

Man, what is it with Portland? Does the rain get to people, or are they drinking too much coffee? Around here, you hear it characterized as one of the most civilized cities in the U.S., but a couple of recent stories from The City of Roses makes it sound as rowdy as the reddest redneck hamlet in Texas.

Last week, the cops arrested a motorist there after he ran into a bicyclist, knocked him onto the hood of his car, and took him on a two-block joyride before letting him off

Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles


George Walker Bush

George Walker Bush

It Takes More Than The Help Of G.I. Joe To Break The Power Of Barbie

It Takes More Than The Help Of G.I. Joe To Break The Power Of Barbie

Obscure Barnstormer Upstages Millionaire Hughes

Obscure Barnstormer Upstages Millionaire Hughes

A Texas-born barnstormer coaxed his second-hand airplane into the thick clouds over a New York airfield on July 17, 1938, and to the amazement of wide-eyed onlookers turned a routine flight into an unscheduled trans-Atlantic crossing.

The handful of spectators waited in vain for Douglas Corrigan to set a course for a California. When he vanished from sight on an easterly heading, one witness remarked, “I

The Candidates Are The Science Fiction

The Candidates Are The Science Fiction

A sum of $100 million has been allocated by Congress to the two political parties for security at their conventions, and stories are being circulated of new “science fiction weapons” that Denver and Minneapolis might be tempted to use against hapless protesters, foreshadowing an American police state. It is becoming a deplorable American tradition to humiliate, cage, injure and sometimes kill street protesters, in those cities that host presidential conventions. The weapons said to be under consideration include an energy beam fired by microwave pulse, that makes the skin feel like it

I Won

I Won

Mid-Summer Alert!

Mid-Summer Alert!

Boost Your Brain Power

Boost Your Brain Power

Regardless of age, a frequent complaint is the inability to remember names, events, or where things are located. Use the following suggestions to improve your thinking skills.

Step it up. The body and mind is interconnected. To increase brainpower, increase the oxygen level through improved use of your body. Engage your body in different activities as a springboard to get your mind unto a new frame of reference for thinking. Walk a little faster. Stretch. Exercise. Get the blood flowing to stimulate thinking.

Water, water, everywhere. We are a nation that is drink obsessed and hydration depleted. At a recent holistic conference, Bill Yeary stated that 75 percent of Americans have chronic dehydration and this fact alone is a major contributor to pain and disease. The first thing he does in giving body assessments is to test for proper hydration by simply putting pressure on the hand to see how quickly color returns. The majority of participants were dehydrated despite the tables being strewn with coffee cups and soda cans. To improve overall health

All-Star In Perpetuity

All-Star In Perpetuity

For a number of years now I

Bad Money Karma: The falling dollar & its effect on a former South African bantustan village

Bad Money Karma:
The falling dollar & its effect on a former South African bantustan village

The Evil Of Edu-Speak

The Evil Of Edu-Speak

Joe Diffie Records Live At Billy Bob


United Fascist Church?

United Fascist Church?

John Wesley is turning over in his grave. Never in his wildest dreams would the director of the Methodist denomination have imagined that his Christian brethren would knowingly subsidize an entire center whose sole purpose was propagating a political ideology against their own charter and morals.

But that is just what happened last week in Dallas when the United Methodist Church



Formulas for Fishing Success With Jay Yelas — CATCHING SCHOOLERS


It might be summertime, but did you know that bass have already gone back to school? Back to schools of baitfish, that is. That’s because there are huge clouds of baitfish everywhere. The baitfish that hatched earlier in the year are now the ideal size for bass forage. And sometimes during the day, bass will tear through these schools devouring as many as they can. When bass are targeting schools of baitfish like this, they can make easy targets for anglers.

To make this happen, you need to find the schools

Border Wall Protests Target Hidalgo County Judge


Obama Overracted To New Yorker: Daily Show

NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. – Sen. Barack Obama and the U.S. media overreacted to a magazine cover depicting the presumptive Democratic candidate for president as a Muslim extremist, according to satirical news show, The Daily Show. Fake news anchor Jon Stewart said that the New Yorker

TWC Extends Hours For Unemployment Insurance Claims


Germany Catches Obamania

BERLIN, Germany – Presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Sen. Barack Obama, landed on the cover of a German magazine called Zitty.

The headline, according to Wonkette

July 2008