Monthly Archives: June 2008

Kazoo The Pain Away

Kazoo The Pain Away

“Did you have fun?” she asked me.

“Yeah, but it was long,” I replied.

“Long? But it lasted an hour and a half,” she said feigning offence.

“I know. But it wore me out,” I answered.

And with that, my old friend and I went our separate ways

And Now, A Brief Pause

And Now, A Brief Pause

Briefs can be legal documents, or they can be underwear. And while this column is about underwear, it isn

Fireworks Restrictions Take Excitement Out Of Having Facial Hair

Fireworks Restrictions Take Excitement Out Of Having Facial Hair

First, the good news.

According to the National Council on Fireworks Safety, fireworks-related injuries have dropped by 75 percent in the last decade.

The bad news, as anyone over the age of 30 can tell you, is that today

Court Rewards Exxon For Valdez Spill

Court Rewards Exxon For Valdez Spill

Twenty years after Exxon Valdez slimed over 1,000 miles of Alaskan beaches, the company has yet to pay the $5 billion in punitive damages awarded by the jury. And now they won

They Shoot Dogs, Don

They Shoot Dogs, Don

White Outlaws Lead Indians On Frontier Raids

White Outlaws Lead Indians On Frontier Raids

A much anticipated report reached the governor

Border Crossings, Sex, And Gas

Border Crossings, Sex, And Gas

Rogue Nation

Rogue Nation

Time To Change The Course Of U.S. History

It is time for the American people to take back their nation from irresponsible and lackluster special interest-motivated elected officials. Impeaching top members of the Bush administration may be in order.

The majority of Americans should be unhappy with our nation

Letters To The Editor

Two 501c3 Non-Profit Organizations Need Help

To The Editor:

The Hedley Senior Citizens in Hedley, Texas and the Hall County Home Delivered Meals in Memphis, Texas are two very small and rural organizations in the Texas Panhandle, both needing financial donations.

With your one donation you will be helping two organizations.

We share a Board of Directors, but we are two separate entities. Hedley has a population of 390 people and our Senior Citizens serves 55 people daily including 20 home bound. We are working out a 103 year old building that is NOT handicapped accessible with bad A/C & heater. Memphis has a population of about 2300 and the Meals on Wheels program serves 68 home bound people a day. With the costs of food, fuel, and utilities increasing, our funding just does not go a long way and most of our elderly can

Courting Dubya

Courting Dubya

Our Supreme Court is broken, and the splint we need would be equivalent to the Lilliputians building one for Lemuel Gulliver.

In a span of less than one week, the Supremes went from bitch-slapping King George XLIII, his successor wannabe Doddering John, and the entirety of fanatical Right-wing chickenhawks by restoring the basic American right to habeas corpus, then opening the floodgates of handgun proliferation across our cities.

When the Supremes upheld the right of the uncharged masses currently incarcerated in Gitmo, both Fearless Leader and Mac went on the attack, reiterating the fearmongers

Thank Your Mayor Today

Thank Your Mayor Today

The United States has some pretty awesome mayors.

The 1,100 mayors in the U.S. Conference of Mayors should be especially commended.

And we mean all of them.

Meeting in Miami, Fla. last Monday, the USCM assembly adopted a resolution supporting the extension of Medicare health care coverage to all Americans.

It passed not by just a few votes; it passed unanimously!


Because mayors understand the true costs of health care better than most elected officials, according to Dr. David Prensky, a retired dentist from Palm Beach, Fla.

“[Mayors] are closer to the grassroots, where their communities and constituents are suffering. Meanwhile, their city budgets are being shattered by health costs for their own employees,” said Prensky.

Specifically, the mayors support the “United States National Health Insurance Act” (H.R. 676), also known as the “Improved and Expanded Medicare for All Act,” sponsored by Rep. John Conyers of Michigan and 90 other members of Congress.

In layman

Checking The Tag May Be The Patriotic Act Of All

Checking The Tag May Be The Patriotic Act Of All

One of our competitors has closed its doors. Not surprising news during this economic downturn, certainly, but definitely sad news and a sign of the times. What bothers us at American Joe most is that the company sold American-made apparel, as do we. So the influx of foreign-made goods has once again struck at the heart of our great nation and the American worker.


Amber Rhodes: Songwriter, Performer


Ten July 4th Boating Safety Tips


Super-Sized Summer Dropshot

From the time the weather began to warm early this year until now, every lake in the country has seen the local angling population hammer the resident bass with every bait and presentation under the sun. And now, with the return of summer

The Second Amendment: A Tale Told By Idiots

The Second Amendment: A Tale Told By Idiots

As Uncle Hugh used to say, “If everybody had a gun, my job would be a lot easier. You wouldn

Television Debut Slated July 4 Of ‘Inshore Fishing with Super Dave

Texas Shallow Water-Saltwater Fishing Show

SAN ANTONIO “Inshore Fishing with Super Dave

War Talk


V.W. Democrat Calls Big Oil


Bolton Prediction: Israel To Attack Iran

LONDON, England

June 2008