Letters To The Editor

Dear Editor,

Mortgage Debt forgiveness is the quickest, safest and most clear cut way to get our nation out of this economic mess. Our President and his administration are working overtime to help our ailing financial system fix this spiraling economy and start America on the pathway to growth and prosperity. The root cause of this problem is the toxic bad mortgage loans that banks irresponsibly wrote during good times but their bad habits have come back to bite them and our economy, thus affecting all Americans. The best solution is not a bad bank, or the government giving away trillions more of tax payer dollars without knowing if it will really work. The best way to solve this economic meltdown is to construct a plan that would allow banks to forgive these bad mortgage loans and get them off their books. Such a plan would be mortgage debt forgiveness.

What is Debt forgiveness? Debt forgiveness is when debts, in the case only mortgage debts, would be canceled or renegotiated to erase the toxic assets, ease the burden and create an environment were growth and prosperity can be attained. Debt forgiveness is nothing new and it has been used for thousands of years to solve the problems of nations with bad economies. Ancient Rome and Greece used debt forgiveness to boost their bad economies and give them a fresh start toward growth. Debt forgiveness is still used today and it is commonly viewed as the best way to relieve the financial problems facing newer or severely troubled economies. It is not unusual for debt forgiveness to take place if there is a strong indication that a nation

February 2009