Daily Archives: February 18, 2009

The Texan Santa Anna Hated The Most

The Texan Santa Anna Hated The Most

Jose Antonio Navarro, a courageous patriot who endured fiendish torture rather than renounce the cause of the independence, finally returned to Texas on Feb. 15, 1845, after three hellish years in a Mexican dungeon.


Never Had Food Poisoning? Thank A Humor Columnist

Never Had Food Poisoning? Thank A Humor Columnist

Being a journalist, I naturally have journalist friends who, whenever we get together, want to talk about (yawn) heady issues facing the nation and the world. This is done in a discussion format similar to “Meet the Press,” except that our debates are often interrupted by someone

Gov. Perry Responsible For High Cost Of Electricity In Texas

Gov. Perry Responsible For High Cost Of Electricity In Texas

A governor leads by example. During the past eight years the example set by Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been one that places the needs of his wealthy campaign contributing special interests consistently above those of the Texas community.

Currently, the skyrocketing cost of electricity may be directly attributed to the previous willful actions of Perry and his legislative “Lieutenants” like former House Speaker Tom Craddick.


In 1999 legislation was passed that provided deregulation of electricity. Costs increased. Several years ago Perry pushed to deregulate costs of electricity, promising Texans that competition would encourage lower monthly bills. Well, Perry got what he wanted, but again, Texans are paying higher and ever escalating costs for their electricity.

The industry itself presents the concept that the reason for high costs is due to our increased dependence on natural gas and its higher cost. This is nonsense.

Compared to other states that also depend more on gas, Texans is the leader of higher costs of electricity.

Consequently, the real reason Texans pay higher costs of electricity is due to a governor who places the needs of his wealthy campaign contributing special interests than that of the Texas community. Perry

A Sun Day

A Sun Day

For weeks I

Projects Continued: Breaking the Farm Jack

Projects Continued: Breaking the Farm Jack

A few days ago, Zack decided we should take a little break from our workshop project to move an old trailer out of an even older barn. This trailer probably hadn

Madam Jane Predicts: Social Security Pensioners Will Be The New Upper Class

Madam Jane Predicts: Social Security Pensioners Will Be The New Upper Class

Things have been totally out of whack in the political world lately. The American economy is all shot to hell, 1.7 million Americans just lost their jobs, Congress is giving Israel billions of dollars to shoot Hamas-infiltrated zoo animals in Gaza

Letters To The Editor

Dear Editor,

Mortgage Debt forgiveness is the quickest, safest and most clear cut way to get our nation out of this economic mess. Our President and his administration are working overtime to help our ailing financial system fix this spiraling economy and start America on the pathway to growth and prosperity. The root cause of this problem is the toxic bad mortgage loans that banks irresponsibly wrote during good times but their bad habits have come back to bite them and our economy, thus affecting all Americans. The best solution is not a bad bank, or the government giving away trillions more of tax payer dollars without knowing if it will really work. The best way to solve this economic meltdown is to construct a plan that would allow banks to forgive these bad mortgage loans and get them off their books. Such a plan would be mortgage debt forgiveness.

What is Debt forgiveness? Debt forgiveness is when debts, in the case only mortgage debts, would be canceled or renegotiated to erase the toxic assets, ease the burden and create an environment were growth and prosperity can be attained. Debt forgiveness is nothing new and it has been used for thousands of years to solve the problems of nations with bad economies. Ancient Rome and Greece used debt forgiveness to boost their bad economies and give them a fresh start toward growth. Debt forgiveness is still used today and it is commonly viewed as the best way to relieve the financial problems facing newer or severely troubled economies. It is not unusual for debt forgiveness to take place if there is a strong indication that a nation

Turn Off The News

Turn Off The News

Why should politicians be the only ones with stimulus plans? I happen to have a stimulus plan of my own. It would stimulate good moods and help rid of us of bad feelings and depression. It

One Veteran

One Veteran

End Of An Error? — Veteran Asks Obama, Chet Edwards To Overturn Bush’s ‘Feet On Dry Land’ Decision That Denies Compensation To Sailors Harmed By Agent Orange

Veteran Asks Obama, Chet Edwards To Overturn Bush’s ‘Feet On Dry Land’ Decision That Denies Compensation To Sailors Harmed By Agent Orange

VALLEY MILLS, Texas The cases of literally thousands of Blue Water sailors suffering from diseases and complications of poisoning by Agent Orange, and yet denied compensation and pension by the Department of Veterans Affairs, are not hopeless.

According to Bart Stichman, chief litigator of the case of Commander Haas, the officer denied a writ of certiorari by the U.S. Supreme Court in the matter of his affliction, Congress could act in the current session to enact a bill to repeal the Adjudication Policy that has been used to deny the benefits to those suffering from a large number of incurable diseases including cancer, diabetes and their complications.

An attorney employed by the National Veterans Legal Services Program of Washington, D.C., Mr. Stichman said, “There will need to be legislation to overturn the decision” made when the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs amended the M-21-1 Policy Adjudication Manual to require that only those who placed their feet on dry land may be compensated and pensioned when diagnosed with these diseases.

Yet the substantive public law enacted by Congress extends the same privilege to those who served in the coastal waters of the Republic of Vietnam. Many sailors are drawing such benefits today. The only difference between their cases and those who do not draw benefits is the date they filed the claim. If it came after the inauguration of George W. Bush, then their claims have been denied. Those who filed for compensation and service connection during the Clinton Administration enjoy full benefits, medical care, prescriptions, eyeglasses and dental care.

During the latest session of Congress, Representative Bob Filner, Democrat of California’s 51st Congressional District and Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, introduced a bill that would have reversed the policy. The session closed before the bill could be voted out of committee.

If similar legislation is introduced during this session, then passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President, those thousands of sailors denied compensation and pension during the past eight years would become eligible, and their claims approved notwithstanding any other barriers to their eligibility.

F The Debt

F The Debt

So what if CEO Lloyd Blankfein says that Goldman Sachs



Winter Soldier Hearings Feb. 28 In Austin


Choke Canyon Gives Up Seventh ShareLunker — 15.45-Lb. Bass New Lake Record

15.45-Lb. Bass New Lake Record

ATHENS, TexasBrad Bookmyer of Leander had his fishing trip cut short Jan. 21, but he was happy about it. After hooking two fish so big he could not turn them and keep them from getting off the hook, he landed a 15.45-pound largemouth bass that was 22 inches in girth and 26.25 inches long.

The fish is the seventh ShareLunker to come from Choke Canyon and weighs nearly a pound more than the previous lake record, a 14.66-pounder caught in 1991.

Bookmyer was fishing in 10 feet of 53-degree water when the fish took a crankbait. “I immediately quit fishing to get the fish into the minnow tank at the Calliham Store as soon as possible,” Bookmyer said.

The fish is the third to be entered into the ShareLunker program during the current season, which runs through April 30. Anyone legally catching a largemouth bass in Texas waters, public or private, weighing 13 pounds or more can enter the fish into the program by calling program manager David Campbell at (903) 681-0550 or by paging him at (888) 784-0600 and leaving an area code and phone number.

Bush Offshore Oil Drilling Plan Halted


Bush To Test Image At Talk In Canada


Bush Alive Contrary To TV Headline

CAPE TOWN, South Africa

Bush Granted Jobs To Loyalists In Last Days


Pro-Bush Signs Vanish In Dallas


Bush Buddy Might Run For Texas Governor As Democrat


February 2009