Daily Archives: September 5, 2011

Weather! … Or Not?

CRAWFORD, Texas — Hundred-plus-degree heat has blanketed Texas for weeks. The old saying that weather constantly changes in Texas has, this summer, become a misnomer. Weather worldwide has been in a volatile state for several years — changing to a more violent state as scientists and politicians began arguing for or against global warming.

The Iconoclast several years ago pointed out that beginning in 2002 the occurrence of major earthquakes began increasing substantially. Prior to 1998, the average number of major earthquakes dating back to the 1700s was about a handful per year worldwide. The jump into the 30s per year was noteworthy, according to data collected from the U.S. Geological Survey.


This past week, with the earthquake on the eastern seaboard and a major hurricane that hit in its aftermath, and the record-breaking drought continuing in Texas and Oklahoma, the disasters seem to be increasing.

The reason has not been determined, although there are several  individuals with ties to science and technology who are investigating everything from oil companies utilizing HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) to bombard the ionosphere with waves to find locations on which to drill for oil when the waves bounce back down to earth, to the U.S. Navy experimenting with HAARP to alter weather patterns for both military and economic purposes worldwide, to radiation gathering steam as it travels from places like Japan, to the advent of a suspected brown dwarf star coming in contact with our solar system and causing some disruptions on earth.

Here are a few links regarding HAARP:


Some of these investigations may seem “far out,” but because of the fact that dynamic weather patterns have emerged and no solid answer as to why has been answered, some of these aforementioned elements perhaps merit consideration without immediately being tagged as “conspiratorial.”

It was after George W. Bush became president and appointed individuals who have been described as his “cronies” from the oil industry into key positions in government that the advent of more earthquakes began. Oil companies and military corporations have substantial ties to HAARP, such as those involving both British Petroleum (which acquired Atlantic Richfield Co. — ARCO — in 2000, a company involved in the structure of HAARP) and BAE Systems Advanced Technology (one of the world’s largest military contractors). After the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico with BP’s oil surge last year, more questions emerged as to “why,” for which no solid answers in the mass media have ever been given. There is serious speculation that remedies to the fuel disaster have not really been solved.

Some scientists have explained that the non-publicized frequencies erupting from HAARP in Alaska and similar operations in other countries not only cause major disruptions on ocean beds because of violent vibrations, but also result in a heating effect, which can trigger hurricanes and, ultimately, tsunamis.

Regarding BP, the Iconoclast received an e-mail from a scared informant within BP on Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2007, consisting of a confidential British Petroleum memorandum written by a company security manager entitled: “Live security/terrorism exercise.” It explained that on Oct. 4 several agencies had been running a “command post terror exercise” in Texas City, and told various national and state law enforcement agencies that an exercise would occur on Oct. 18. It was listed as a major event. Through Capt. Eric H. May, military intelligence writer for the Iconoclast, a red alert for Texas City was posted on the Internet. Three hours later, at 2 a.m., in nearby Port Arthur, an explosion occurred with fire shooting up 100 feet, trees igniting like matchsticks, and toxic chemicals spewing into the city air. Oil reached $90 per barrel by the end of the day, a record.

About a year earlier, in 2006, May had predicted a BP refinery explosion, as well, in which 15 workers died and over 170 were injured, based on inside information and analysis of several related elements, from a military perspective.

Whether radiation can affect weather is another question being asked.

William Fox, a former U.S. Marine Corps major with expertise in military intelligence and investigations, recently sent a letter to the Icelandic Parliament warning of a serious radiation threat.

In the letter, Fox said, “Some of the radiation that is continually crossing from west to east across the United States with the jet stream is also falling on Iceland. As the Fukushima radiation crisis continues, radiation continues to circle around the northern hemisphere, accumulating over time in food and water as well as in the air. People in Iceland may not yet be breathing in five hot particles a day, as alleged in the article Seattle Residents Exposed To Five Radioactive ‘Hot Particles’ Per Day…


…which describes a level of exposure for Scandinavian Americans in Seattle that may very likely cause a significant number of them to die of cancer and other ailments over the next 5-10 years, but it is still enough that Icelanders in Iceland need to start thinking about their own civil defense measures.”

Several years ago, the Iconoclast conducted a series of interviews with highly regarded scientists from throughout the world, when it was documented that radiation does travel (the Iconoclast cover headline was “Have DU Will Travel”). The federal government had taken the political position that radiation does not travel, but was proved wrong following extensive research conducted by London scientist Chris Busby following the United States’ raid of Iraq with radiation producing weapons — the radiation spiking even in London — several countries away.  The Iconoclast (which is not controlled by major corporations) was the only newspaper in the United States to run the story, although the finding otherwise saw significant coverage worldwide.

In a 1983 article appearing in The Washington Post, staff writer Thomas O’Toole wrote: (headlined Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered) “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of  the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.”

The article stated that the astronomers did not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, or a nearby photostar that never got hot enough to become a star.

Astronomers have explained that the body is so cold, “it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on earth.” Its distance was estimated at 50 billion miles from earth, which in cosmic terms is close.

John DiNardo, a science educator in physics, says that over the years, this body has gotten much closer to earth as it journeys on its orbit, and is now affecting the weather here.

“For over two hundred years, and especially during the past three decades, astronomers and national governments around the world have been aware of a colossal celestial body, which they have unanimously determined to be a brown dwarf star, cruising toward, and now into, our solar system, This mystery body is being drawn in by the ever-increasing gravitational force of attraction between its own great mass and the even greater mass of our sun. Its focus, or target, is the sun.

“Scientists and researchers have long remained silent, fearing that what happened to Dr. Robert S. Harrington, chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, would likewise happen to them if they were to speak out about this intruding brown dwarf star. Dr. Harrington died suddenly in January of 1993, just as he was expected to announce to the world his conclusion that his intensive calculations had been verified by his mid-1992 telescopic observations of the southern skies below the South Pole. Dr. Harrington had dispatched an appropriate telescope to the Black Birch Observatory in New Zealand, and had apparently studied the photographic plates upon their subsequent delivery to his laboratory in Washington, D.C.” DiNardo, and other scientists, think Harrington was murdered, to keep his observations quiet so as not to alarm the world.

In a dispatch sent to the Iconoclast on Aug. 3, DiNardo predicted that in a few days an earthquake would occur on the east coast of the United States caused by coronal mass injections by the sun. An earthquake occurred there on Aug. 23.

He wrote, “I have not seen any public announcements from scientists alerting the public to the fact that CMEs and extraordinary solar winds indeed cause earthquakes, nor have I seen any evidence that today’s scientists even understand the mechanism by which coronal mass ejections and solar winds provoke earthquakes.”

He explained that this cause-and-effect phenomenon is based upon the principles of electricity and magnetism.

DiNardo said that, basically, earth’s crust is shifting which could be allowing earth’s molten core to heat up, causing magma plumes to billow up through the molten rock mantle to impinge on the crust of the earth, which is causing “unprecedented shifts in the magnetic poles, the seabed eruptions, the wildest weather in recorded history, the greatest earthquake activity in recorded history, and the greatest volcanic activity in recorded history.”

He notes that the orbit of the dwarf star historically impacts earth about every 3,600 years, bringing major global catastrophes. One he mentioned included the “Great Flood of Noah’s day” which, he explained, fits that timeline.

Records are definitely being broken in Texas, all over the state, as days of 100+ degree temperatures increase in number. Water rationing is occurring, electricity brown-outs are threatened, farmers are sweating the possibility of going out of business, and the adopted psychology of expecting frequent changes in the weather has driven many Texans into the doldrums.

The question being asked is this:

Is Mother Nature responsible for this new brand of weather? Or not?

Iconoclast Publisher’s New Novel Entitled ‘Epitaph’




W. Leon Smith, publisher of The Lone Star Iconoclast, has authored a new novel, Epitaph, which is available at Amazon.com in both paperback and Kindle versions.

W. Leon Smith

W. Leon Smith

Epitaph is an Orwellian type thriller about a minority newspaper man who, along with an elderly farmer/rancher, challenge a military/corporate land grab. This emotional, riveting book is loosely based on actual events, including cave exploration, love interests, cattle mutilations, murder, depleted uranium testing, Comanche Indians, and a unique twist about a man fighting to undo racism. The book culminates in a decision that could change things forever. Continue reading

September 2011