New Health Care IRS

Health care for individuals in need is important. However, the way the Federal government went about it is stupid.

Maybe “stupid” is too mild a word, for it was yet another purposeful assault on individual freedom and marked a turning point toward control of and intrusion into the masses.

It is one thing to force drivers to deal with insurance companies with a requirement that they possess liability insurance. To opt out, just don’t own a car. But to force all Americans to deal with insurance companies regarding health insurance is insane. It removes all individuality and the choice to have or have not. To live in America you must now reckon with one of the sleaziest industries on earth — or be fined.

This is a direct act of fascism that the Democratic Party has embraced, just as its dancing partner, the Republican Party, pushed flagrant assaults on the populace under the Bush Administration. The two parties are corporate owned and operated. Individualism is their enemy and does not play well in their “owning” individuals.

A health care program should have been pursued that offered a net for those really in need, to be funded by the Feds, leaving insurance companies completely out of the mix. Most of the funding could have come from not bowing to big corporates in their flawed profit-based extensions of wars. It would be a simple matter of bringing the money home and using it here to take care of Americans.

The approved plan takes away Americans’ rights to choose and puts them in even deeper control of the Federal government which is providing a gigantic award to the insurance industry that has been out of control for decades.

This commentary is not in praise of the Republican Party whose members, while in total control of the government, lavishly exploited Americans for corporate friends while trying to destroy the U.S. Constitution. The latest acts, by Democrats, are merely extensions of Republican strategies. Both parties are crooked, and their adherents are blind to what is real.

Let’s face it. Individualism is dead.

You can thank both political parties and their array of “neocon” and “weeocon” suits for the rotten economy, for instigating unnecessary wars, for no accountability, and for losing touch with traditional American values, which — to them — are additional obstacles to wipe out in their pursuit of greed.

Sinister forces rule in Washington.  It’s a shame that 99 percent of our so-called leaders haven’t a clue (or simply don’t care) about the true spirit of America. They’ve either been bought or bowed to threats.

Washington is no longer “us.” It is “them.”

— W. Leon Smith

April 2010