Daily Archives: March 18, 2009

Prohibitionists Win The Battle But Lose The War

Prohibitionists Win The Battle But Lose The War

Ax-swinging Rangers raided night clubs in Houston, Galveston, and Austin on March 15, 1935, pouring bootleg beer down the drain and confiscating cases of hard liquor in the losing battle to keep Texas dry more than a year after the rest of country had fallen off the wagon.

The first attempt by Lone Star legislators to restrict their constituents

Asylum-Seeker Jailed For His Opinions

Asylum-Seeker Jailed For His Opinions

Happy St. Patrick

Happy St. Patrick

Can We Please Get Some Real News?

Can We Please Get Some Real News?



Truisms: Part One

Truisms: Part One

There are many “true things” in this world. We all discover these little gems for ourselves. For instance, some of my “true things” include “There

Facing a Thought Crime Tribunal

Facing a Thought Crime Tribunal

Keep The

Keep The

The Texas Legislature Meets A Son Of A Beach

The Texas Legislature Meets A Son Of A Beach

As Uncle Hugh used to say, “It

Rush Limbaugh Is The Democratic Party

Rush Limbaugh Is The Democratic Party

Texas Ranks Second In Child Homelessness

AUSTIN, Texas – Texas is number two on a list of states with the most children that experience homelessness in the nation, according to a new report

Ken Martin, executive director of the Texas Homeless Network, told the Associated Press that he could have told that the report

Pentagon Plays Down Burn Pit Health Risks In Iraq

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. troops were exposed to cancer-causing chemicals while living near open-air burn pits in Iraq.

The Pentagon knew about the risks yet downplayed them, according to a new leaked report dated 2006.

The report stated that testing difficulties caused investigators problems in proving the chemical exposure broke military guidelines, though another report leaked last December indicated that exposure levels regularly jumped above safe levels up to six times.

This second report, released by the editor of VAWatchdog.org, Larry Scott, focused on the Balad Airbase, 70 kilometers north of Baghdad.

An Army investigator stated that the Balad burn pit was the worst environmental site he had ever visited, according to the report.

Coinciding with the leaked report, the Pentagon released a fact sheet downplaying the dangers of the pits to troops, though by their own admission, the fact sheet stated that the levels of toxic particles were higher than military standards in five of every six cases by up to six times the amount in 2007.

The Army Times reported that the samples and their reports taken from Balad were classified.

The toxic chemicals released from the burning garbage pits include arsenic, benzene, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, sulfuric acid, and dioxin, the infamous poison found in the herbicide Agent Orange used extensively during the Vietnam War.

Chuck Norris Hints At Texas

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Forget about the Republican fight for the governor

Cheney Led Assassination Squad: Hersh

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Former Vice President Dick Cheney lead an assassination squad directly from his office during the Bush administration, according to an investigative reporter.

Seymour Hersh made this revelation last week before an audience at the University of Minnesota discussing “America

Shot By A Gun That Didn’t Make Any Noise

My shipmate lived out the last years of his life in a ranch house tucked up away from the state highway on a rutted dirt path past a dairy barn, a memorial to pioneer settlers and two lazy hounds wagging their tails and barking up a storm.

He and I rode the same class of destroyer. On his voyages to Vietnam, he was exposed to Agent Orange, the deadly defoliant that contains Dioxin. He did not speculate, he knew deep down in his working man

March 2009