Tom Geoghegan Is Your New Bicycle — Liberals Go Ga-Ga For Street-Fighting Labor-Lawyering Dog-Save Nobody Knows

Liberals Go Ga-Ga For Street-Fighting Labor-Lawyering Dog-Save Nobody Knows

CHICAGO, Ill. Chances are, you have no earthly idea who Tom Geoghegan is.

But if you’re a liberal, and you haven’t heard that Geoghegan is running for the congressional seat once occupied by President Barack Obama’s new chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, then it’s time to take away your citizenship, secretly fly you to Argentina against your will, and have an Augusto Pincohet look-a-like spank you blind with an ostrich feather.

News of his bid for Illinois’ 5th District took the liberal blogosphere by storm all through January. Scores of progressive organizations, such as the Progressive Democrats of America and The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, have endorsed Geoghegan (pronounced gay-gun). Famed documentary filmmaker Robert Greenwald has even produced some short campaign ads for him.

And you should have at least heard one syrupy echo about his award-winning book Which Side Are You On? from either a liberal magazine (The Nation), a former presidential speech writer (James Fallows), or the monster media behemoth known as The Huffington Post.

In fact, to illustrate how ga-ga grassroots progressives are for Geoghegan, feminist dog-lover Kathy G. just had to quote Ben Adler’s blog on her blog The G Spot:

“In light of all the adoration for Tom Geoghegan and his congressional candidacy in the liberal press, I think it’s time to start listing Tom Geoghegan facts, akin to ‘Barack Obama Is Your New Bicycle’ <>. Here’s what I’ve got:

February 2009