Gov. Perry Responsible For High Cost Of Electricity In Texas

Gov. Perry Responsible For High Cost Of Electricity In Texas

A governor leads by example. During the past eight years the example set by Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been one that places the needs of his wealthy campaign contributing special interests consistently above those of the Texas community.

Currently, the skyrocketing cost of electricity may be directly attributed to the previous willful actions of Perry and his legislative “Lieutenants” like former House Speaker Tom Craddick.


In 1999 legislation was passed that provided deregulation of electricity. Costs increased. Several years ago Perry pushed to deregulate costs of electricity, promising Texans that competition would encourage lower monthly bills. Well, Perry got what he wanted, but again, Texans are paying higher and ever escalating costs for their electricity.

The industry itself presents the concept that the reason for high costs is due to our increased dependence on natural gas and its higher cost. This is nonsense.

Compared to other states that also depend more on gas, Texans is the leader of higher costs of electricity.

Consequently, the real reason Texans pay higher costs of electricity is due to a governor who places the needs of his wealthy campaign contributing special interests than that of the Texas community. Perry

February 2009