Daily Archives: December 23, 2008

French Exiles Try To Pull Fast One On Spaniards

French Exiles Try To Pull Fast One On Spaniards

A boatload of Napoleonic exiles sailed from Philadelphia on Dec. 18, 1817, on a mysterious mission to establish a secret beachhead in Spanish Texas.

Because he always liked to keep power in the family, Napoleon Bonaparte put no fewer than four siblings on as many European thrones. His oldest brother Joseph ruled Spain for five years before fleeing with 50 million francs to, of all places, New Jersey.

In the aftermath of the disaster at Waterloo in 1815, the Little Corporal himself tried to reach sanctuary in the United States. But the victors got wind of his vacation plans and deposited him for safekeeping on the island of Saint Helena 1,200 miles off the coast of Africa.

Hundreds of Napoleon

Chicago Cops Dodge Blagojevich/ Sears Tower Investigation

Chicago Cops Dodge Blagojevich/ Sears Tower Investigation

A Chicago Police Department official, who refused to be identified by name, stated that city law enforcement would avoid investigating allegations against embattled Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and Mayor Richard M. Daley.

Former Army intelligence officer Capt. Eric H. May, military/political editor of the Lone Star Iconoclast, recently repeated that the governor and mayor were co-conspirators in a May 2-4, 2006, attempt to sabotage Chicago

American Capita-Socialism

American Capita-Socialism
Corruption Is A Way Of Life In America

Who is to blame?

As long as humans have been inhabiting the earth and up through modern times, those in power often engage in corrupt activities to acquire more power, influence, and wealth.

Currently, Illinois is in the news regarding the questionable actions and activities of its governor, which also has uncovered the fact of corruptive influences throughout the state legislature and others holding high positions.

Back in the 13 colonies corruption was prevalent in many forms. When the colonists were free of English rule, they needed revenue to pay bills and provide public services. Lotteries became a method to generate government income. At one time all 13 original colonies established lotteries, usually more than one, to raise revenue. Playing the lottery became a civic responsibility. Proceeds from the lotteries helped establish some of the nation

Misunderstood Blagojevich

Misunderstood Blagojevich


Cold Snap Puts Deep-Freeze On Taking Out The Trash In Your Underwear

Cold Snap Puts Deep-Freeze On Taking Out The Trash In Your Underwear


The Electoral College Has Gotta Go

The Electoral College Has Gotta Go

With the final vote count now certified, we can be very thankful that the victor

Santa Letter Alleges Child Abuse: Police

PHARR, Texas

The (Almost) Eight Nights of Hanukkah

The (Almost) Eight Nights of Hanukkah

On the first night of Hanukkah

My loving parents gave to me

A wholesale-direct Nintendo Wii.

On the second night of Hanukkah

My dear Bubby gave to me

Two Playstation game cartridges

Incompatible with Nintendo Wii.

On the third night of Hanukkah

My sweet Nonna gave to me

Three pairs of boxers


Christmas At Juvy Hall

Christmas At Juvy Hall

This column began about three decades ago. I began working on it in 1985. I

Xmas Party Ends Once CEO Shot


Christmas Truce 2008

Christmas Truce 2008

It was remarkable.

World War I spontaneously stopped on a battlefield in Flanders.

No one thought it would have happened, especially on orders from up the ranks. Earlier that autumn, the Allied and Central Powers ignored Pope Benedict XV

Morman Predicts Nuclear Holocaust By Christmas


Best Use Of Christmas Trees In 2008


Spurs Rookie Gives Teens X-mas Cheer


SMU Has World


The Mississippi Christmas, 1931

Last night, I went to Midnight Mass at St. Michael

December 2008