Comet To Wipe Out Republican Party — GOP Faces Extinction: Texas Populist

GOP Faces Extinction: Texas Populist

SAN ANTONIO, Texas Punk is dead. Unions are dead. Latin is dead. Communism is dead.

The Republican Party… dying? Wha?

Yup, that’s what David Van Os told The Lone Star Iconoclast, and he’s not about to change his mind any time soon.

The San Antonio-based labor lawyer has faced Republicans in three political campaigns in 10 years. Though he lost all three, including a bid to become chairman of the Texas Democratic Party this August, his tea leaves say it’s looking mighty grim for the red team.

So what’s the reason he gives for the GOP’s demise? Silly haircuts? Draconian labor laws? Poisoned water? Berlin Wall graffiti? A comet from heaven?

“I think George W. Bush and Dick Cheney destroyed the Republican Party,” said the former Democratic candidate in an exclusive interview.

“The Republican Party hitched their wagon to Milton Freeman’s mythology to completely deregulate big business. That mythology has now been discredited. It just did not turn out right. It’s been discredited. It’s brought the whole world into chaos,” he added.

Need proof? Take 9/11.

President Bush had plenty of warnings issued to him from all the intelligence agencies on Capitol Hill. But did Bush call his Cabinet or even a working group to try to prevent the catastrophe? Nope.

“[Bush] does absolutely nothing. He doesn’t want his vacations to be disturbed,” said Van Os. “As the 9/11 Commission said in their report, the red light was blinking.”

A similar light blinked before the $8 trillion housing bubble burst this year, but instead of telling Wall Street to cool its jets, the Bush administration drove their getaway truck with a bailout bill worth $700 billion that the financial elite is using to balance its ledgers.

“I mean, that was an armed stick up. They basically pointed guns at the country and Congress and said, ‘If you don’t relieve us Wall Street aristocrats of our gambling losses, you’re going to take you all down with us!’ he said.

Indeed, it was as if al-Qaeda had magically materialized on Wall Street in Brooks Brothers suits.

“[Treasury Secretary] Henry Paulson being given the blank check book to be the rescuer is like Osama bin Ladin being given the job of investigating the 9/11 tragedy,” said Van Os.

Paulson previously served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the behemoth Wall Street investment bank Goldman Sachs.

“And [the Democratic majority in Congress] gave in with a lot of help from the press present company excluded. I mean, the press did the same thing they did in stampeding the country into war in Iraq,” he noted.

Van Os stands with former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi in this damning assessment of the American media, which still reports that the recession was caused by the credit crunch. Hint: it’s the $8 trillion housing bubble, stupid!

“Buliosi makes this point that it’s so ironic that the mainstream press with the complicity of leading Democrats continued to get away with the fraud of saying that for all of Bush’s faults, national security and the war on terrorism are his strong points,” he said.


October 2008