Daily Archives: October 16, 2008

Governor Outrages Texans By Patroling War Chiefs

Governor Outrages Texans By Patroling War Chiefs

Gov. Edmund J. Davis paroled a pair of Kiowa war chiefs on Oct. 8, 1873, a grandstand gesture the Reconstruction Republican knew would be unpopular with his constituents but which he hoped would guarantee the federal guns to keep him in office.

The uproar over the surprise release of Santanta and Big Tree was not limited to outraged Texans. Gen. William T. Sherman, who helped to put the renegades behind bars, quickly jotted off an angry letter to the governor. Predicting a bloody rampage by the Kiowas, he prayed Davis would be the first to lose his scalp.

By the end of the Civil War, the vast majority of Lone Star Indians had been exterminated or expelled. The ferocious exceptions were the Comanches and Kiowas, masters of the western half of the state who succeeded in stemming the tide of white expansion.

Taking advantage of the chaos that followed the collapse of the Confederacy, the elusive warriors launched an unprecedented offensive which actually depopulated previously settled sections. By 1870 the Texas frontier was being rapidly rolled back as terrified pioneers sought safety in the east.

Three years earlier, Washington had promised the Plains Indians the impossible. The Treaty of Medicine Lodge granted the nomads an enormous sanctuary south of the Arkansas River, including the Texas Panhandle, where the buffalo would be a federally protected species.

It was, however, up to the army to enforce the treaty, and neither Sherman nor his superior, Gen. Phillip Sheridan, wanted to serve as game wardens for the buffalo preserve. Sherman, in fact, advocated the wholesale slaughter of the bison herds, which he called “the Indians

Laws Of Science Don

Laws Of Science Don

Sarah Palin: Speakin

Sarah Palin: Speakin

Vigilant Shield and Jokers Gone Wild!

Vigilant Shield and Jokers Gone Wild!

A Hot-Cold-Silent War False Flag Alert

In prior alerts, we felt it our public duty to identify strategic-scale disaster response exercises. These military style operations have an inherent potential to be covertly hijacked and turned into false flag operations. The Sept. 11, 2001 World Trade Center attacks and the July 7, 2005 London subway bombings employed concurrent major exercises that “went live”!

Operation Vigilant Shield, running from Nov.12-18, 2008, is much too big to ignore, as it will link multiple concurrent exercises including USSTRATCOM Global Lightning 09, Bulwark Defender 09, Canada Command Determined Dragon, California National Guard Vigilant Guard, and State of California Golden Guardian. Unfortunately, according to USNORTHCOM, specific information about Vigilant Shield scenarios will not be available for weeks, permitting less time to analyze the situation.

Once an urban area has been designated an exercise target, that designation increases its odds of actually experiencing a future false flag attack. It takes considerable resources to corrupt an area, and false flag insiders like to get a return on investment. Since Houston, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and Phoenix have already been “prepared” in prior exercises, they remain especially vulnerable. In addition, Vigilant Shield will probably add new areas in northern California to the potential target list.

Jokers Gone Wild

The recent $700 billion Wall Street bailout underscores America

Assassination Of Barack Obama?

Assassination Of Barack Obama?

Clearly, a black man running for the presidency of the United States is NOT without a huge risk of assassination. The motives may be racial and/or political.

Few people know that on Aug. 24, 2008 three men were arrested, initially, for planning an assassination attempt on Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

While authorities captured three men who conspired to kill Obama, their activities were pronounced a low-level threat and the men were dismissed as merely drug addicts without any chance of succeeding in their effort.

According to Wikipedia, the online free encyclopedia:

“The 2008 Barack Obama assassination scare refers to news reports of an alleged plot by Shawn Robert Adolf, Tharin Robert Gartrell and Nathan Dwaine Johnson to assassinate Senator Barack Obama, the 2008 Democratic Party presidential nominee, at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. The trio were tied together by officials who alleged they planned to shoot Obama with a high-powered rifle based on their reported white supremacist belief that an African American should not be elected President of the United States. Gartrell was arrested August 24 and found to be in possession of rifles and other weaponry; Adolf and Johnson were arrested shortly thereafter. In a televised interview prior to his arrest, Johnson identified Adolf as the man who allegedly hatched the plot and planned to be the shooter. Although suspected white supremacist associations led federal authorities to investigate possible ties to a larger group, federal authorities downplayed the three would-be shooters as drug addicts who had little chance of actually carrying out the plot. The three men have been charged with drug and weapons charges, but not for threatening a presidential candidate.”

Such actions already are leading some to consider various “conspiracy theories” and that the life of Senator Barack Obama will be under constant threat of assassination, during his campaign and afterwards should he become the next President of the U.S.

The fact that the authorities

Fickle Fashion

Fickle Fashion

A couple of years ago, my darling daughter prodded me into subscribing to a good fashion magazine. “Mom,” she chastised me then, “You lived in big cities. You worked. You made art. You wore designer clothes! You read Vogue religiously! What happened to you? You don

Not Another Rant About Sarah!?

Not Another Rant About Sarah!?

I fear that by focusing once again on Sarah Palin may have the disquieting effect of legitimizing her inclusion on the Palin-McCain ticket.

So, I won

Sustainable America

Sustainable America

Two recent news items caught my attention this week. The first was the $800-plus billion bailout that the U.S. Congress just passed in an attempt to forestall the inevitable economic recession brought on by eight years of failed economic policies. The other news item was quite a bit more obscure. It involved a man, Chip Paillex, who planted a 30-foot by 30-foot garden at his new country home to help feed his family of four. By the end of the growing season, this 30 x 30 plot had produced far more vegetables than his family could eat. The end result was that his family wound up donating over a hundred pounds of surplus vegetables that year to families in need. This led to the creation of a nonprofit organization, Grow-a-Row, which now takes in over 250,000 pounds of home-grown, donated vegetables per year for charity.

What struck me about these two stories is the contrast in worldviews they present.

Wall Street America is driven by the gilded version of the American Dream: rampant consumerism at all cost. This mentality has led to yet another debt and drain on the American taxpayers to the tune of somewhere between $5,000-$10,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States. Many of my neighbors are pondering what this means for the economic future of the country. They worry about losing their plastic cracker box palaces and their SUVs. They worry about the rising cost of Big Macs and gasoline. It

Election Time Again

Election Time Again

We stole votes differently in Depression-time Greene County; we stole them one at a time. Actually, we bought them but the process of their purchase was the same as theft. We don

As The World Burns…

As The World Burns…

America has hit the bottom of a deep hole. Here, she faces a clear choice: fear or freedom.

It goes without saying that she must spend energy to live. It

Texas Education Bureaucrats Flunk Freshman Money

Texas Education Bureaucrats Flunk Freshman Money

As Uncle Hugh used to say, “There

Coincidence, Or


Obama Bad-Mouths VP

DOVER, Delaware

Voodoo Priestess Seeks Pay For Political Work


Non-Citizens Jump Hoops To Get Texas IDs


First President


Laura Bush Wants Home In Dallas


Barrack Osama




Texas Public/Private Fascist-Type Partnership First Of Its Kind In U.S.


October 2008