The American Giant — ‘Vote Early, Vote Early, Vote Early’ Say Voting Advocate

‘Vote Early, Vote Early, Vote Early’ Say Voting Advocate

SAN ANTONIO, Texas Just when you thought youths, minorities, and the poor in America couldn’t get any more screwed out of their vote this year, guess what happens.

An American porn star takes a shot.

Last week, Teri Weigel, 46, attempted to mock the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (better known as ACORN) in the thick of controversy surrounding some of its voter registration mishaps.

Said Weigel in a short YouTube video entitled “Acorn McCain Girl” <>:

“Today on FoxNews, I just happened to hear that ACORN is signing up everybody EVERYBODY! So I thought that if they heard this message, they could contact me through my site to sign up my puppies, so on Nov. 4, my puppies and I can go down and vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin,”

“Right, puppies? Aren’t you excited?” she continued, speaking to her five dogs. “You want to sign up? They want to sign up.”

After chanting the names on the Republican presidential ticket, the bikini clad Playboy Playmate-turned-occasional-prostitute (according to her Wikipedia entry) proceeded to encourage her pooch Elmo to “sing” for the GOP nominees.

“Arooooooo! Arooooooo!” Weigel howled.

The level of rhetoric and voter suppression reached this pitch because ACORN, an advocacy group for America’s poor, announced it registered 1.3 million new voters in swing states in a presidential election season that might have the highest turnout ever in U.S. history.

Since then, the Republican Party has filed many county-level lawsuits in Ohio, and the FBI has raided ACORN’s offices to intimidate voters, said civil rights advocates. These types of voters youths, minorities, and the poor tend to lean Democratic.

Weigel’s “joke” stemmed from accusations thrusted on some ACORN employees said to have falsified voter registration forms. These forms were signed Mickey Mouse, Tony Romo and the rest of the Dallas Cowboys starting line, and other well-known characters and celebrities.

Republicans, including Sen. John McCain, have used this opportunity to draw the Democratic presidential ticket into the fray; however, Sen. Barack Obama stated that his relationship with ACORN was limited to helping the organization implement a motor voter law in Illinois at one time.

Explained Obama further at last Thursday’s presidential debate:

“This is typically a situation where ACORN probably paid people to get registrations, and these folks, not wanting to actually register people, because that’s actually hard work, just went into a phone book or made up names and submitted false registrations to get paid. So there’s been fraud perpetrated on probably ACORN, if they paid these individuals and they actually didn’t do registrations. But this isn’t a situation where there’s actually people who are going to try to vote, because these are phony names.”

Moreover, ACORN legally cannot destroy voter-registration cards even suspicious ones. It must give all of them to state election authorities for final judgment. ACORN also said that it has fired registrars who submitted falsified cards.

Extreme Intimidation

During the vot

October 2008