Assassination Of Barack Obama?

Assassination Of Barack Obama?

Clearly, a black man running for the presidency of the United States is NOT without a huge risk of assassination. The motives may be racial and/or political.

Few people know that on Aug. 24, 2008 three men were arrested, initially, for planning an assassination attempt on Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

While authorities captured three men who conspired to kill Obama, their activities were pronounced a low-level threat and the men were dismissed as merely drug addicts without any chance of succeeding in their effort.

According to Wikipedia, the online free encyclopedia:

“The 2008 Barack Obama assassination scare refers to news reports of an alleged plot by Shawn Robert Adolf, Tharin Robert Gartrell and Nathan Dwaine Johnson to assassinate Senator Barack Obama, the 2008 Democratic Party presidential nominee, at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. The trio were tied together by officials who alleged they planned to shoot Obama with a high-powered rifle based on their reported white supremacist belief that an African American should not be elected President of the United States. Gartrell was arrested August 24 and found to be in possession of rifles and other weaponry; Adolf and Johnson were arrested shortly thereafter. In a televised interview prior to his arrest, Johnson identified Adolf as the man who allegedly hatched the plot and planned to be the shooter. Although suspected white supremacist associations led federal authorities to investigate possible ties to a larger group, federal authorities downplayed the three would-be shooters as drug addicts who had little chance of actually carrying out the plot. The three men have been charged with drug and weapons charges, but not for threatening a presidential candidate.”

Such actions already are leading some to consider various “conspiracy theories” and that the life of Senator Barack Obama will be under constant threat of assassination, during his campaign and afterwards should he become the next President of the U.S.

The fact that the authorities

October 2008