Petraeus with a Kiss (A Critical Review)

Petraeus with a Kiss
(A Critical Review)

Petraeus the Prima Donna

“An ass-kissing little chickenshit … I hate people like that.”

Admiral William Fallon

talking about General David Petraeus

Give credit where credit is due. This week General Petraeus fully understood his role when he came to Washington. His costume was dazzling, bedecked with nine rows of fruit salad and a fine collection of qualification badges. His spit shined shoes creaked with excitement, but his expression was as firm as his comb-over hairdo, and he was ready.

The four-star wanted to put on a stellar performance for a sold-out Congress. Everything was at stake, and everyone knew it.

Congress was a good crowd, especially when you consider that two thirds of the American people, whom they are supposed to represent, now oppose the war. Two thirds of the Iraqi people believe that the surge has only made things worse, and a majority of them think that shooting an American G.I. is an act of national liberation.

Congress gave Petraeus the best help they could by scheduling his performance for the day before and the day of 9/11, when (they hoped) there would still be some residual patriotic sentiment in favor of continuing to kill Arabs and call it democratization. The House Armed Services Committee started things off favorably by letting the general appear without bothering to take an oath to tell the truth. They didn

September 2007