Repeal The 22nd Amendment? — Congressional Candidate Byron De Lear Takes On Bush War Machine In California

Congressional Candidate Byron De Lear
Takes On Bush War Machine In California

STUDIO CITY, Calif. As the November general election rolls near, some perplexed voters are attempting to ascertain the difference between Democrats and Republicans, especially in districts where the lines between the two are becoming blurred.

In Southern California, incumbent U.S. Rep. Howard Berman (D) has adopted much of the neoconservative policy that even some Republicans have come out against. Here, some deem Berman the Lieberman of the West.

According to the Green Party candidate for the 28th Congressional District of Southern California, Byron De Lear, his Democratic opponent has distanced himself from progressives by voting with Bush to block a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq, and even more telling, in 2005 co-sponsored legislation to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which sets term limits on the presidency.

De Lear wants the Green Party to be represented in Congress to clean up the problems deposited by unaccountable office holders of the two major parties.

“Never has a philosophy of a country shifted so radically as it has under George Bush who has championed the use of torture, secrecy, and military pre-emption. With the potential threat of nuclear war facing Americans today, a new voice of tempered reason is needed,” said De Lear, the son of an opera singer father and concert pianist mother who in 2004 quit his job in production for 20th Century Fox and founded Global Peace Solution, an organization committed to brokering peace resolutions throughout the Middle East.

De Lear’s television talk show, Global Peace Network, has been broadcast via satellite throughout North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Now, De Lear has shifted his focus to ending the war in Iraq, invigorating the American economy, and taking a “full court press” approach to tackling the ill effects of global warming.

De Lear says that the United States is headed down a path of destruction, but that the upcoming mid-term elections can make a difference.

“As we move forward into the 21st century and embrace a newfound ability to foster cooperation with our global community in ways and means never seen before, a great many people around the world are talking transformation and change, making human rights, dignity and humanitarian ideals the primacy of good governance. It is imperative for America to take part in this change. On the other hand, George Bush is trying to set up an Imperial Presidency with unconstitutional actions such as unwarranted wiretapping of Americans, devious signing statements, and justifying torture. My opponent, Rep. Howard Berman, not only marches in lockstep with Bush’s war in Iraq, but has even co-sponsored legislation (H.J. RES 25) last year to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution removing term limits from the White House. It is time for the people to stand up and stop the dismantling of core American values before the coup is complete. We must act.”

De Lear agrees with the wisdom of retired military leaders John Murtha and John Kerry and calls for a responsible, phased withdrawal from Iraq. He understands that the Iraqi people cannot stand up until the U.S. military stands down. He adds, “While Americans have called for Congress to hold the Bush Administ

September 2006