Daily Archives: September 4, 2006

Letters To The Editor

To the Editor:

The tragedy of 9/11 did not happen without warning. Early in 2001 the Bush administration was warned by Clinton officials on at least three occasions of the grave threat al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden posed to America. Counter-terrorism head Richard Clarke offered a plan to defend us against al Qaeda.

The Hart-Rudman report warned that we were unprepared for the growing “mass-casualty terrorism” threat to the U.S. It urged the formation of a “Homeland Security Agency” to protect us by coordinating intelligence, an agency Bush failed to create until after 9/11. German intelligence warned Bush that Middle Eastern terrorists were planning to hijack aircraft and use them to attack “American…
symbols which stand out”. In June CIA director George Tenet warned, “It is highly likely that a significant al Qaeda attack is in the near future, within several weeks.” But Bush did virtually nothing.

On Aug. 6, shortly after Bush began a month long vacation, the CIA delivered a report to him entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” Bush

When You Reach The Edge Of The Seas, Stop!

When You Reach The Edge Of The Seas, Stop!

Some people are natural “joiners.”

They have to be a part of something, it


Taking Time For A Moment Of Pause

Taking Time For A Moment Of Pause

As a columnist, I feel each reader is part of an extended family. Most of the time we get together to share a laugh and point fingers at what life and the world brings. Over the years, there have also been a few times when the laughter stopped in order to reflect on something of a more serious nature. While life is often a funny place, there are moments when we must pause and take in the uncomfortable silence of a difficult card that has been dealt.

For 16 years, my wife and I have built a life together and raised a family, with the experiences of our marriage and struggles as parents providing the inspiration for many columns over the years. However, the inspiration for today

Reality Or Racist TV?

Reality Or Racist TV?

The newest edition of CBS

Drought, Mesquite, and the Bible

Drought, Mesquite, and the Bible

My faith is restored. Some of us have been feeling a bit biblical lately, sort of like Job, although he had it a whole lot worse. And skipping around in the Old Testament, I was (not so jokingly) comparing recent events here in Central Texas to the 10 plagues as described in the Book of Exodus (or at least those I remember). Although we haven

Dixiecrats Court Texas In 1948 Presidential Election

Dixiecrats Court Texas In 1948 Presidential Election

Two weeks after accepting the Dixiecrat nomination for president, Strom Thurmond spent Aug. 25, 1948, politicking across the Lone Star State.

That the governor of South Carolina was seen as a serious candidate reflected the unprecedented unpopularity of the incumbent. With the Democratic Party split into three warring camps, how could Harry Truman hope to defeat Republican Thomas Dewey?

Left-wing critics already had turned on the president and formed the Progressive Party to wreck his reelection. Their standard bearer was Henry A. Wallace, who resigned as commerce secretary in 1946 in protest of the new cold-war policy toward the Soviet Union.

President Truman then alienated Deep South Democrats by sending to congress a civil rights bill that posed the greatest threat to racial segregation since Reconstruction. hen the controversial plan was incorporated into the party platform, the entire Mississippi delegation stormed out of the national convention followed by half of the Alabama contingent.

Defiant dissidents from all corners of the old Confederacy as well as California, Maryland, Oklahoma, Indiana, and Kentucky met the next weekend in Birmingham, Alabama. The most influential Texan in attendance was Longview judge Merritt Gibson, who was chosen chairman of the executive committee.

To Strom Thurmond, 45-year-old first-term governor of South Carolina, went the dubious honor of leading the uphill charge. Fellow governor Fielding Wright of Mississippi agreed to be his running mate.

The States

RED ALERT: 9/11/06 (Chicago, Detroit & Houston)

RED ALERT: 9/11/06
(Chicago, Detroit & Houston)
Four-Square Analysis: The Who and Why

Almost five years after the first 9/11, all America is divided into three equal parts, and all of them have strong beliefs:

A third says it just doesn

The Other

The Other

9/11: The Sequels

9/11: The Sequels

The Bush administration has a nasty habit of playing with numbers.

And we expect a continuation of “stay the course” yet again on the fifth anniversary of 9/11.

President George W. Bush and his posse will probably point out that 3,000 Americans died as a result of the World Trade Center towers collapsing, which is undoubtedly true.

However, what will fail to be said is that the United States has already experienced several more sequels to Sept. 11, 2001, that were allowed to happen under the Bush administration.

So far, a little under 3,000 U.S. troops have died as a result of these illegal operations in Iraq. This figure doesn

FDA Approves Viruses To Be Sprayed On Food


Camp Casey III Moves To Washington On High Note


Internet Freedom Initiative Gains Four Senators


FBI Database Holds Over 659 Million Records


FBI Searches Student Financial Aid Data


Camp Casey Adopts A Highway — With Unveiling Of Camp Casey Invention: The ‘Gulp ‘n Grab’

With Unveiling Of Camp Casey Invention:
The ‘Gulp ‘n Grab’

CRAWFORD Last week, the members of Camp Casey 3 were out in bright orange vests collecting trash on the two-mile stretch of highway that passes their front yard. The Gulp ‘n Grab, created by Camp Casey members, will allow trash-picker-uppers to stay hydrated while collecting refuse.

The highway was officially adopted on Tuesday, Aug. 29, when members inquired with officials if they could do unofficial highway adoption and cleanup in the two-mile stretch. Much to their surprise they were told that they could officially adopt that road and now the members are proud parents. The commitment includes a quarter annual cleanup.

The official signs stating that highway has new adopted parents will be up in the next few months.

“We are pleased to be neighbors here in Crawford. And as our civil responsibility we want to keep our highways clean,” retired Army Colonel Ann Wright of Camp Casey 3.



September 2006