Surviving Meltdown by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

Surviving Meltdown by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

Building A Sustainable World – Now

worldThe most important element for sustainability is not energy. It is building materials with vastly increased longevity which can withstand natural disasters, is hydrophobic, fire-proof, strong enough to withstand impact, and is made from natural materials occurring across the entire world. And do not forget, this material can include no petroleum products while being extremely affordable. This last is important because we need to get the job done far sooner than any one imagined necessary.

This is the foundation of the world in which humanity can find the security to realize the dreams this past century has shredded. Those dreams can become the future we share as we build a new world for all of us.

HEAD - FOSTEROne such building material is now being patented and will be on the market shortly. It is called Metacrete.

We need your help to shorten time, bringing people and groups together to carry out a plan which speaks to the multiple injustices done to people and our planet.

The reaction of shareholders to Exxon has told us that emotionally normal people understand why we need to take action. Many also understand why the present predatory system has brought only injustice, anger, and desperation. Many are already taking action, using materials like Metacrete those efforts become a lasting solution.

Our proposal is to start rebuilding with our eyes on the centuries ahead. We must do this both in America and around the world. Once, we were a beacon for freedom and opportunity. Today, we can be an example of how we get off the grids, reject greed, and come together as one people.

We can accomplish this by putting those most at risk, first, focusing on sustainable social justice.

Let me explain what the world can be like if we ensure this happens and how we should proceed.

At present, there is an assumption the best materials are expensive. Those now in the market, which are not usually really green anyway, are expensive and made with elements which include petrochemicals. These are falsely marketed as Green. To change this, we need a standard which allows us to see the fact these new materials, beginning with MetaCrete, are less expensive and better in every way than the faux green products now clogging the market.

When MetaCrete has done its job the world will be a different place for all of us. This is the material which will be the foundation of that world.

Each of us has our hopes for the future. Think about your own hopes as you read about what is possible.

Imagine for a moment the home where you were born. It has never been painted. The pigment went in when your great-grandparents built it. Inside it is always comfortable. Home means security and comfort to you for more reasons than any of us can imagine today.

There has never been any repairs needed though storms have sometimes taken down the trees around the house. Your parents added on once, but that is the only change. Your great-grandparents included Aquaponics and you grow a lot of your own food. Your in-home computer system monitors what has going on. Seed trades with neighbors are part of your tradition and now you grow plants from all parts of the world, keeping track of these and studying their DNA routinely. There is nothing you cannot grow locally, if you want but you often trade with neighbors as well.

In your world most kids study the magical world beyond our normal human vision as soon as they can read, or even before since they can see through the electron microscope which is now standard in homes around the world. They understand this extension of their sight. It is part of their backyard. Such technologies are natural parts of your integrated comm system, which, you understand, underwent multiple changes for a long time. You receive upgrades but these do not disrupt your activities.

Your water is recycled and comes from your cistern, built into the house and replenished by rain, naturally.

With these changes came an explosion in human creativity which also lead to understanding ourselves – and how we could be manipulated.

Energy systems took time to catch up, but now you get all the energy you need from your embedded solar and wind arrays. Nothing has been needed since your grandparents were living here, and they lived far longer than had previous generations.

The world population has been dropping for 200 years. Women finally achieved the full exercise of their natural, human rights as the world was experiencing universal freedom for the first time.

The idea of recurring costs every month is a story from the past. You have none. You care for the land, nurturing it, studying it and its microcultures. You save the time and dollar credits you get from your various projects and studies and donate some of these to projects others are carrying out you want to encourage. The age of great wealth is past, along with poverty.

Right now, you are studying the layers of paint from the works of masters created during the 1600s. Each layer fills in information on the artist and the world in which he lived. You do this with friends, one local and others around the world. You can find out about projects others are pursuing and follow those which interest you. When you were younger you were into Extreme Sports. Your own focus was diving from the stratosphere while painting complex images with your diving group.

Other members of that group went to Mars, where they still live.

You had one child, now grown but still living at home. This is a common pattern. Others build their own homes. Families stay in touch and many choose to live together or nearby. Travel became sustainable long before you were born.

Tonight you are having friends over for dinner, Preparations began a week ago with the harvest of a variation of potatoes you have been working on for some time. They taste like a combination of garlic, Vidalia onions, and butter. You enjoy traveling with your husband and your friends -sometimes. Other times you go alone.

Human understanding, without violence, began growing even before your grandparents were born. Now wars are fought by agreement and with rules – but those participating generally move on to other pursuits. War and re-enactment merged into one pursuit, fulfilling the human impulse, experienced by about 10% of the male population.

Your life is filled with variety you choose. You have lived as a woman from the 1600s in simulations carried out by the venerable SCA, and as a woman from the early 18th Century living in Appalachia. Your own lineage came through there so this was especially interesting and why you chose it.

One wall of your office shows your lineage, based on the DNA analysis begun by your great-grandparents on all lines.

One of your neighbors carves real wood objects. Right now, he is working on a desk which will look like the photo of one owned by one of his ancestral lines in the 1700s. He revived the specific variety used in the original and grew it for this purpose. Other seeds are now re-establishing the forest where the original tree was cut.

Many study the past. Others look forward. Always, you are free to choose.

The First Unexpected Step

The evidence from Housing First, which began as a measure to cut costs in Utah in 2005, showed that most people who have a secure place to live will turn themselves to positive pursuits. They may want or need treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Or they may have disabilities. But these are far easier to handle if they have a home. Utah noticed this and the information trickled through to others.

Homes should come first as we care for everyone.

Therefore, our proposal is to begin with those in need through all causes. But first, we should provide homes, schools and hospitals. Veterans, young mothers, the elderly and disabled, college students who cannot afford a place to live, those homeless for other reasons, especially those who lost their homes to the greed of corporations, such as the mortgage fraud must come first. Also included, refugees from war and those in other countries who have inadequate homes or no home at all.

There are many out there working on these needs, for instance Habitat for Humanity and BuildOn. What if all of us began using a material, like MetaCrete, which solves the problem, demonstrates the possibility for homes which then become places for people to solve their other problems? Temporary homes wear out. These homes are permanent.

What if the celebrities among us call on recalcitrant authorities who are more interested in control than in ensuring houses are built for those who need them?

As we build we will be moving away from petroleum and toward a sustainable world where war does not motivate greed. Every house built then moves us toward a sustainable human culture and to peace with the Earth and each other.

What if we come together to help those in need and by doing so bring peace?

If you can help, contact us.

Specifications and technical information.

3D Printing fot homes is now available. The cost is tiny compared to the benefit all of us will realize. We have estimates for multiple costs, including for building, remediation of polluted land, and more. Rammed earth technologies, precast, Shotcrete and other technologies were also considered and could be used with the MetaCrete. This form of material, which utilizes Kaolin and other minerals, is believed to be ancient in human usage in less advanced forms. MetaCrete is processed to the nano level and combines

Our project geologist knows where every reservoir of appropriate minerals is located along with other essential resources.

Send this along to your friends and associates. Sign up to follow Rebuilding the World at ACP Vision & Action.

When we work together all things are possible.

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, 805-813-7600,

Dave Lincoln,

EcoAlert,  A Project of the Arthur C. Pillsbury Foundation

Sustainable Social Justice – Changing Our World

Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”

There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.”

~ Sun Tzu

HEAD - FOSTERFor over a century war has been made on us, not with weapons of military might, but economic war intended to utterly control us and steal everything we have. Not knowing, we were manipulated, divided, and began to fight each other.

Individuals hiding behind corporate shields are responsible for this, for the mortgage crisis, for the deaths of Veterans left homeless after serving their country. It will not end until those responsible are held accountable.

justice big flatOur actions must solve many problems simultaneously. We have in our hands the power to hasten our removal from dependence on oil and ensure justice is done for the many who have suffered and been victimized.

The road to peace, community, prosperity, and freedom is sustainability. We must extract ourselves from the grid of greed and rebuild our world. Beginning with Social Justice projects we can build locally to demonstrate to our fellow Americans why this works for them, personally.

At one time we will show our neighbors, friends, and associates the benefits of sustainability and the difference we can make in the lives of those abandoned to the streets.

The fact is, most people decide what to do based on what they are facing personally. By showing them how they can reduce their cost of living while living better we will have motivated them to adopt sustainable technologies. But they have to see and experience it themselves.

We can no longer afford to ignore those in need. Sustainable housing and effective treatment for PTSD is the best and least expensive way to put these victims of corporate greed back on their feet.

Utah decided in 2005 it was cheaper to provide housing than to pay the expenses caused by their homeless population. Today, they home first. Then they provide services to help the homeless put their lives back together. Other states and municipalities are following their example. But we can do better. Conventional buildings fail to take people off the grid, demonstrating the benefits of sustainable construction. All of us need to get off this grid.

Sustainability lowers recurring costs. It gives us back time we are now spending making money just to pay those looming monthly expenses. For too long sustainability has been geared for those ‘who can afford it.’ This misperception must be corrected.

The most expensive part of a building is the material used for construction. Netzero material which is hydrophobic, fire-proof, resistant to hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and more is waiting to be used in America, as it is now used in other parts of the world.

Visit the Geopolymer Institute, founded in 1979. The material used, various kinds of clay, such as kaolinite, have been used in Oriental medicine for thousands of years. New processing breakthroughs using nanotechnology techniques have made the resulting material harder and even longer lasting.

“Oh, but it is expensive,” you think. Wrong. It is far cheaper than the faux green materials presently in use and includes no petroleum products whatsoever.

The same formula we will be using is also suitable for repairing the bridges, highways, dams, and other infrastructure now deteriorating across America. We need to ensure it becomes the new standard for construction.

First, we home. Then, we heal.

At the same time local organizing for Veterans will begin, using treatments which really work to extinguish the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Today these treatments, different forms of Neurofeedback, are being used to treat drug and alcohol addiction as well. Addictions, as it turned out, are very often self medication used to cope with chronic anxiety.

Dr. Janet McCulloch, a psychiatrist practicing in Kingston, Canada began using Neurofeedback to treat Veterans and became persuaded of its practicality and thrift. She says, “…with neurofeedback we can help more people more quickly and with less expense. That makes sense to me.”

Starting with a sustainable project for homeless Vets we will show Americans a very different future. Along with the Vets being homed and healed they will find solutions to their most pressing problems.

These are powerful messages, changing what those in our own communities think is possible Hope can be reawakened in people who have given up as our actions will convey this powerful message, aiding all of us to heal.

As they recover, Vets will learn new skills opening doors to jobs and enterprises in Green Commerce.

Every person who recovers is another man or woman who will have made a transition into the future we want for all of us.

How do we get the funding, you may wonder. We demand taxpayers be allowed to direct their tax contribution to a local trust, started and run by the taxpayers, to provide a Veterans Village for their town. Would you contribute the taxes you have already paid? In a NY minute.

Do You Want The Facts?

If You Do, You Are Probably A Conspiracy Theorist

HEAD - FOSTERConspiracy theorists, those who look for the facts, ignoring the pressure of jeers, flawed appeals to authority, and intimidation, are the sanest among us. The steady migration of investigative journalists, who turn their backs on more lucrative employment, is only one indication of this.

In a recent article, Scientific Study Reveals Conspiracy Theorists The Most Sane Of All, the author, J. D. Hayes, cites a recent study, published July 2013, by psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas of the University of Kent in the UK. It was entitled “‘What about Building 7?’ A Social Psychological Study of Online Discussion of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories.”

melinda consTheir conclusion is that, contrary to those mainstream media stereotypes, “conspiracy theorists” appear to be more sane than people who accept official versions of controversial and contested events.

Attempts to demonize our perception on conspiracy theorists erects barriers to protect those whose profits are endangered by the truth.

These techniques for manufacturing opinion were outlined by Edward Bernays, whose book, “Propaganda,” asserts those who rule should use the trust accorded them in exactly this way.

Interestingly, Leo Strauss, whose political philosophy is in alignment with Bernays,asserted the same opinion.  Strauss’ work was largely adopted by those who call themselves NeoConservatives who are anything but Conservative.

The opinion shared was that those in power are justified to lie, cheat and steal to keep and increase their power. The Kochs use these techniques in business and politically.

The use of the term, “Conspiracy Theory” increased rapidly in the wake of the JFK assassination due to its pejorative use in the MSM. This worked to stifle questions already being raised.

The issue which underlies the article by William Saletan, Conspiracy Theorists Aren’t Really Skeptics attempts to validate intellectual bullying, a logical extension of the philosophies of Bernays and Strauss. You don’t get more MSM than the Washington Post.

In the original formulation of American society those in positions of authority were morally and ethically obligated to explain themselves. The facts were to be available to all. Journalists investigated and reported the truth, as they saw it. This changed.

Saletan raised the issue of human psychology but failed to mention a perplexing issue which has long troubled us. This is the presence of those without conscience. For most of the 20th Century therapists believed these individuals could change, the problem was psychological. Today we know this is a neurological issue.

Advances in neurobiology have brought objective understanding. Now, thousands of criminals have been identified as psychopaths using an fMRI. The scan identified malfunctions in areas of the amygdala, which is now known to be associated with conscience, empathy, and compassion.

According to Dr. Robert Hare, serial murderers and con-men are always psychopaths. But Hare has also noted many who are also psychopathic are not violent and well able to control their impulses to gain far more expansive goals.

These individuals are highly intelligent. At any time there are 20,000 psychopaths with I.Q.s over 180 at large in the United States.

It would be instructive to see test results from MRI scans done on Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and their cadre.

The cost of psychopathy has been calculated at around 360 billion a year – in the US. This does not include the highly intelligent ones which, clearly cost far more, given the impact of Cheney and company on America. Could the people who so desperately wanted torture as a tool be emotionally normal?

Today, experts believe the explanation for the financial meltdown now ongoing can be explained by the concentration of psychopathic individuals in corporations, finance and government.

The characteristics of the condition include calloused unconcern for others. This accounts for the oil companies which routinely externalize their costs, leaving those harmed by the toxic waste they cause, to struggle and die.

Those without conscience, willing to lie for their own profit, have long been with us. But today they can avoid the troublesome issue of having their actions known and understood. They have learned to spin.

To ensure this continues they must continue manufacturing public opinion about their previous actions. This is why they began using the term, “Conspiracy Theory.” They work vigorously to ensure the facts remain hidden.

Refusing to accept the officially mandated opinion on any subject, be in the JFK assassination or whether or not to give your child pharmaceuticals as treatment for ADHD has been used to  categorize individuals who refuse to accept predigested conclusions as crazy, stupid or paranoid. When this happens, rest assured, some corporation’s profits could be impacted.

This is a form of control intended to intimidate and inject fear. It also marginalizes vast numbers of people, keeping them in fear so they can be controlled.

To that end they, I call them Greedvilleins, also use our love of each other, country, loyalty, and trust, to manipulate us into wars which profit them and place us in perpetual debt.

If you limit what is acceptable to hold as opinions and deny people full access to the facts you  destroy the trust basis of our society.  Emotionally normal people are not comfortable when they cannot trust those around them.
These are rational responses to existing conditions.

What is insane is trusting psychopaths. Yet these are now common in finance and government. You can be sure they will routinely act with a sublime lack of conscience, for your freedom, your assets and your very life.

To cope with these conditions many still refuse to think about it, thus avoiding extreme anxiety. Others, for instance those who look for the facts, and are demeaned as “conspiracy theorists.”

The presence of highly intelligent psychopaths among us, who generally avoid being prosecuted, is one of these explanations.

Saladan’s article passes today as investigative journalism. It pays well and explains why so many truly honest journalists left to work in the alternative media.

The Foreclosure Meltdown Was Planned

A Whistle Blower Speaks Out

COLUMN MELINDA“The trade in derivatives, using home notes, was designed as a Ponzi scheme. Excel knew it. Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft (CWT), knew it. My fellow junior associates laughed at me, senior associates got mad at me, and the senior partners ultimately asked me to resign or be fired when I wrote repeated lengthy memoranda explaining this out to them.” – Charles Lincoln, III, PH.D., Harvard, J.D., University of Chicago, School of Law

Who is Charles Lincoln, III?

In October, 1993, Charles Lincoln, III began work as an associate at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft (CWT). He had just completed a judicial clerkship for Kenneth L. Ryskamp, U. S. District Judge, Southern District of Florida. During his clerkship with Judge Ryskamp, Lincoln had planned, coordinated, and framed the jury questions for a very large securities fraud trial in Palm Beach against Alan B. Levan’s Florida-based BankAtlantic Bancorp and Subsidiary Bank Atlantic Financial Company (BAFCO), which were heavily involved in Florida Real Estate from 1952-2011.

What he was about to learn, and challenge, would change the course of his life, from one of privilege to destitution.

foreclosure1In many ways, Lincoln might have appeared exactly the kind of associate who could be expected to make partner rapidly. Ambitious, bright, and energetic, CWT hired him because he received top law school grades in Securities, Antitrust, and Banking Law, as well as for his clerkship experience in Securities & Banking cases in the post-S & L Collapse period in Florida. He had also been President of the Environmental Law Society at University of Chicago, School of Law.

In law school, he had become intrigued by the role of securities in establishing, maintaining, and shaping the global-elites of the 20th century. The complexities of hierarchical and socio-political structures had been his greatest interest in Anthropology & History at Harvard.

In his first month at CWT he turned in 393 billable hours, wildly exceeding any expectations. First-year associates are expected to bill at least 2,000 hours per year; Lincoln managed to do this in less than six months. At Cadwalader, Lincoln aspired to a professional specialization in securities litigation, fraud, shareholder’s and directors’ relations, rights and obligations, general agency and relationships of fiduciary duty.

Lincoln had taken up law as a second career after a decade as a working archeologist in Mexico and Central America, during which time he wrote a doctoral dissertation “Ethnicity & Social Organization at Chichen Itza, Yucatan” at Harvard’s Peabody Museum. His dissertation resulted from a project he directed in his 20s, funded by the National Geographic Society, Harvard’s Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, and private donors such as Doris Zemurray Stone and novelist James A. Michener.

As an archaeologist, Lincoln had become frustrated, acutely aware of problems mounting in the world, which originated in finance. Determined to use law creatively as a force for positive change, he enrolled at the University of Chicago, School of Law. At the school, he served as President of the Environmental Law Society (ELS), presiding on a year-long symposium at the Law School in 1990-1991, concerning oil spills in the immediate wake of the Exxon Valdez disaster of March 24, 1989.

Raised as the grandson, and effectively adopted son, of a wealthy petro-chemical engineer and military supplier in Highland Park, Dallas, Texas, Lincoln was not a stranger to the better addresses in New York. The welcome dinner held at the Waldorf Astoria for the 20 associates hired at the same time, of which he was one, did not impress him. Cadwalader, Wickersham, & Taft, though claiming to be the oldest, founded in 1792, the same year as the New York Stock Exchange, was by no means the largest.

Lincoln knew Cadwalader’s history and greatest claim to fame and power. This is its status as primary law firm to the Bank of New York (BNY), now BNY-Mellon, founded in 1784 by Alexander Hamilton, eight years before Cadwalader opened its doors under a different name.

The long relationship between the oldest bank and the oldest Wall Street Law Firm include Cadwalader’s role in setting up BNY to be the very first law firm to be traded on the NYSE. Cadwalader’s historical policies have consistently matched and supported those of the BNY and the thinking of Alexander Hamilton.

Cadwalader’s flagship office was then at 100 Maiden Lane, in New York 10038, close to the heart of the financial district in New York.

Having been hired on for Cadwalader’s litigation department, Lincoln encountered a department which was essentially inactive in 1993. The only active cases involved municipal defense to voting rights act cases in California.

Even the litigators, in 1993, were all working on one particular project which was shrouded in great mystery and secrecy.

The Excel Mortgage Project

Instead of litigation, Lincoln, along with all other first-year associates, were temporarily to work with the “Structured Finance Department” on preparing the registration statement of Excel Mortgage. Lincoln’s role was to review and assess a series of some 1,500 Arizona residential properties in relationship to state and federal environmental law and geographic issues, such as cultural resource management, and other points relating to the entire history and possible condition and liabilities of these properties.

The 1,500 or so properties, subject of his study, were earmarked as assets being “deposited” into the Excel Mortgage Bond Fund, along with promissory notes originated by a number of creditors on homes conforming to a certain size and value profile, but having no other relationship. These were not part of the same communities, not part of a single development project, not built by a common builder, or anything else. This struck Lincoln as strange. Why “pool” all these unrelated properties together? And would be in the completed “pool?” Why was the Bank of New York underwriting this project?

Enter the Securitized Derivative

Excel Mortgage, a highly valued client of CWT was about to become part of history, doing something that had never been done before: registering a bond for sale to the public, which bond was based on pooled notes, a hybrid of debt and equity interests in and contingent claims to realty. This type of financial instrument had never before been sold to the public, though it had existed for about 25 years in the “private placement” market.

Lincoln was unwittingly participating in the first initial public offering (IPO) of a bond, a debt instrument, derived in part from promissory notes, ‘debts,’ and in part from contingent pledges of title, ‘secured equity,’ in residential real estate.

Secutitized derivatives were being born at 100 Maiden Lane.

Bernard Madoff, who founded the NASDAQ when he was 33, was a prominent client of CWT, walking the floors of Cadwalader late at night.

The entire staff of CWT, underwritten by the Bank of New York, supporting Excel, were charged getting these new-fangled “derivative” instruments past examination by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC).

This was an arduous, and expensive task, necessitating a “lint-picking” review, before these ‘derivative instruments’ could be packaged under the name of Excel Mortgage and offered both on the NYSE and NASDAQ. An SEC Registration Statement is an application for Federal Blessings affirming investing in a certain stock, bond, or “other instrument or obligation,” a reasonable investment for an average investor to make.

Supposedly “sophisticated investors” can do whatever they want to do, so long as it’s not expressly fraudulent or otherwise illegal. But the average grandmother investing for her grandkids’ college needs Federal protection. Like “Social Security,” the concept of “Security” in the “Securities and Exchange Commission” is essentially a matter of “Trust us, We’re the Government.”

SEC Registration Statements require, prior to sale of any debt or equity instrument to the public, disclosure of all a companies’ assets and liabilities along with the qualifications of its officers and directors, and more.

Nobody outside of the law firms who prepare such things, and SEC staff, would ever read this, but preparing the registration would bring CWT millions of dollars.

Excel Mortgage, however, was not selling stock in itself as an enterprise or an entity: it was selling a pooled collection of utterly unrelated and unconnected and barely similar promissory notes with contingent interests in, and access to, equity ownership of real property owned by 1,500 different people and subject to 1,500 separate notes and mortgages.

1993 – Anomalies, and Questions, Emerge

Who was to supervise its operation after “Registration?” What coherence did this “enterprise” have ASIDE FROM the Registration Statement? Would anyone ever recognize it as a “business?” If so, how and why? Lincoln was puzzled and perplexed, and not satisfied with any of the answers he was getting.

The SEC did not appear to inquire into post-issuance management or maintenance of the pool of assets. Once “securitized” the notes would still be handled by individual originators or assigned to servicers. Lincoln asked “what was there left to be assigned or handled once the notes and mortgages were pooled?”

The SEC is charged with protecting small individuals and the corporate investor.

The SEC is expected to be involved in examining and making inquiries about a company’s claims for potential and predictions of earnings or profitability.

On what opinion or data would these be based for the Excel Mortgage Pool, since there weren’t any?

The opinions used were based on the “normal statistical performance of similarly credit rated and similarly valued mortgages in similar markets from studies of a group at MIT Sloan School of Management headed by a then no-name professor Frank J. Fabozzi. Fabozzi, with close ties to the Bank of New York, was also among the occasional night walkers at Cadwalader.

The process of preparing an SEC registration statement is a gold-mine for lawyers inclined to highly detailed work. Such a process for registration can normally require, Lincoln said, over a thousand individual revisions. The Excel Mortgage registration would be subject to over 2,000 revisions, but in all this there was still no attention given to claims of ownership, transfer of title, the laws of agency and fiduciary duty of managers, any of the concerns which normally plague the corporate world and frame the concern of SEC examiners and securities lawyers.

What’s In It for CWT?

The careers of young associates, and even older partners, at firms such as Cadwalader, Wickersham, & Taft, Chadbourne & Park, Sullivan & Cromwell, or Skadden, Arps, depend upon work measured in billable hours. Cadwalader had a “billing goal” of multiple millions of dollars for the Excel Mortgage registration project.

Lincoln recalls three relevant details:

First, the firm was never able to reach it’s own goal of billable hours by the time the project was complete.

Second, the firm sent constant “internal memoranda” by e-mail to all employees, down to the lowliest legal secretaries and paralegals, to work harder and BILL MORE HOURS. It was simply inconceivable that Cadwalader might have to refund any part of enormous retainer paid for the Excel Mortgage, SEC Registration Statement project. The money for this had all been advanced by BNY, who counted on Cadwalader to do the job which needed to be done.

Third, the practical purpose of any billable hours stood quite above and beyond any possibility of doubt or question. In fact, any and all billings, however described, so long as they were assigned to the Excel Mortgage Registration Statement Account, were welcomed.

Lincoln was therefore able to unleash his curiosity, delving late at night after hours into issues which ranged far, far afield from the environmental history, condition, and culturally or historically significant use or contents of the subject properties.

Despite some losses during 2007-2008, CWT was in 1993-1994, and remains today, the top firm representing the creators and implementing the designs of “structure finance and derivative securitization” worldwide. Lincoln wanted to understand what he was doing, and what he was involved in creating. The more he found out, the more troubled he became.

As an entry-level associate at Cadwalader, Lincoln received his own office and secretary and paralegal. Little time was spent interacting with others in the office. A quick question might be asked, but friends did not come quickly. Each associate knew what mattered was the hours billed, and friendly socialization was hard to itemize even on the Cadwalader charts. Hanging over the heads of all new associates was the goal of “making partner.”

As an anthropologist, Lincoln saw immediately the subculture of the law firm had its own standards, values, and mandates. The firm had high standards for dress which included ties which remained in place all day, regulations for tie clips or tie pins and cufflinks and belts and, of course, shoes, whether white or “normal.”

Standards for women included skirts below the knee and mandated the length for sleeves and the height of necklines and collars. Even the length of hair, for women, was described and outlined in the firm guide, although one paralegal from the litigation department was granted a special exemption, for cause. Known to and noted by everyone in the firm, for his ponytail and paisley shirts, the associate was hired from SDS in California as “our eyes and ears to the lower classes,” as the senior partners consistently and uniformly described him.

Lincoln, as an undergraduate, had twice been voted, “best dressed man on campus,” but the whole Cadwalader atmospheric ethos of bloodless conformity, as noted above, was for him one of stifling suffocation.

The anomalies which began to intrude on Lincoln’s consciousness during his late hours trying to understand the “entity” being sold almost as if it were a company or entity, without actually being one, became an obsession. At first, this lead only to more billable hours, but the trip down the rabbit hole became increasingly disconcerting.

All questions of real value or reasonable expectations led the inquirer to the Bank of New York’s heart, ending any questions.

The Disconnect between Law and Derivatives

Lincoln’s law school classes, under the University of Chicago’s Andrew M. Rosenfield, William Landes, Geoffrey Parsons Miller, and Richard A. Posner, and from his further and ongoing research as a Law Clerk with Ryskamp and now at Cadwalader, had considered the question of real value and reasonable expectations.

Issuing and selling securities, debt or equity, takes place when a company, or group of people who have control over assets they planned to use to make money, or with which they were already doing something generally profitable, or wanted to raise new capital and/or liquidate their ownership and interests in an ongoing and successful venture.

This did not come close to describing what Bank of New York had underwritten for Cadwalader to prepare for Excel Mortgage.

This SEC Registration Statement gave birth to new type of “debt-equity-derivative debt instrument” which had none of the elements or characteristics of a traditional enterprise at all. It was PAPER MADE FROM PAPER, SECURED BY PAPER.

Indeed, the Excel Mortgage Bond, which was soon to be popped onto the market with an SEC certification of Federal conformity was a creation of the lawyers, by the lawyers, for the lawyers.

As one of the most senior associates, now firm chairman, Christopher White, explained to Lincoln when he asked him, “Who will own the interests in these notes once they are securitized?”

He replied, “We will, because everyone will have to pay us to tell them.”

Without any unifying manager or common owner for these properties, the pool of notes struck Lincoln as like nothing so much as “res nullius” in Ancient Roman Law—the legal category of “property belonging to no one”, e.g. virgin forests, wild beasts, and undomesticated fur and game animals of every kind, the un-owned and un-ownable creatures of the deep.

Excel Mortgage was going to pool all these “derivative” real estate mortgage interests, whose only commonalities marking them as similar were the price, promissory note, range, size and “single-family home-residential” nature of the properties, and the credit or FICO scores of the owners.

Having “pooled” these “cherry picked” assets, Excel was going to create a strange creature without an owner until either default or foreclosure moved someone to homestead these unownable notes back to control and “ownership” again.

In essence, the concept was, “everything belongs to everyone in common” and “debt is not individual but collective.”No one owes his or her debt to any person, but everyone owes it to everyone to pay.” This concept seemed, even to Lincoln in 1994, strangely reminiscent of Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.”

The Excel Mortgage Bond to be securitized reflected an artificial “derivative” interests in a non-coherent, uncontrolled mass of wealth, which could and would have to be tamed individually, just like hunting the wild game of the woods.

There would be only a pretense of relationship between the notes originated and the notes collected upon.

There was no one to oversee the transfers, no one to audit the exchanges of values; there were quite simply no responsible parties any more than anyone can take charge of wheat chaff thrown into the wind or the by-products of a paper mill dumped into a river, yet these “derivative by-products” were being STRUCTURED into something said to have value.

Around 1,500 or 2,000 properties had been collected together and placed in a basket or pool. But no single plan of real estate development or construction or sales was involved, nor was any contemplated. Nothing joined these properties as a class. Most were not new, but merely resales.

Raising the Issues

Lincoln dug in further, producing and circulating to all his fellow associates and the senior partners at Cadwalader his own memoranda: lengthy studies and analysis on issues such as the fiduciary obligations in the Law of Agency.

Fiduciary responsibility of issuers of securities to purchasers, holder in due course doctrine, implied covenants of good faith and fair dealing between parties to a contract, privity of contract itself, and commercial paper doctrines such as endorsement and ownership as holder, and the comparative rights and priorities of “naked” holders vs. “perfected” holders.

As Lincoln’s months stretched out among the whirring circular brushes which polished the green and white marble floors of CWT, he spent more-and-more time with the partners of the real estate department, which seemed to understand his worries and concerns better than others, certainly better than the fourth- or fifth-year associate in charge of coordinating the Excel Mortgage Project who kept explaining “this is my road to partner; if I can finish this and make it happen, I won’t have to worry about how to live on these lousy six figure salaries anymore, I’ll finally be making millions, and that’s why we all came here, isn’t it?”

Questions Find Answers

Since it was not why Lincoln had arrived at 100 Maiden Lane this presented a dead end for him.

The real estate connection, and an aborted plan to open a CWT office in California, permitted him to compare the Excel Mortgage project with another, more traditional real estate development in Sacramento, Calif.

An extremely prominent CWT client based in Los Angeles was complaining and encountering major problems because of a parallel but separate and distinct set of misapplications of the law of agency, fiduciary duty, and obligation, also originating from the same historical “Cadwalader Memorandum” on transfer of interests which had triggered the explosion of derivative innovations in the securities realm.

With CWT acting as counsel for an old and distinguished California family and collection of enterprises, the Ahmansons, tracts totaling several dozen suburban “townships” in El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties had sold by the Ahmanson family to a Japanese firm and retained an “Ahmanson Construction Group.”

The intention was to build a resort in the area for the benefit of the Japanese owners acting as “construction agents.”

Normally, construction is performed pursuant to agreements with “independent contractors” who make estimates but are not obligated to continue working if their estimated budgets prove insufficient to complete a project. The Japanese investors were seeking to securitize all the sales in this immense, almost unimaginable project.

Involved were the Bank of New York, with Cadwalader’s long-time California-based H.F. Ahmanson holding company, parent company both to Ahmanson Construction and the since failed Home Savings of America Bank.

The “construction agency relationship” which Cadwalader had created imposed devastating duties and obligations on Ahmanson. As agents, Ahmanson Construction was obligated to use its own money to achieve the ends of the principal, in this case the Japanese company which had purchased the real estate but woefully underfunded the construction of the vast tracts of homes. Ahmanson could not make a profit or even break even. In effect, they had become slaves to the Japanese and might never be compensated.

Lincoln, having reviewed the facts, pointed out to Stephen Meyer, Richard C. Field, and John McDermott, the partners most closely associated with Ahmanson, that by not only failing to protect Ahmanson, but in fact, selling them into quasi-slavery as agents under a contract without guarantees of adequate funding to execute agency obligations, the firm had made a ghastly mistake amounting to nothing less than legal malpractice. This was a breach of fiduciary duty in and of itself.

Lincoln was told, “This firm has a policy of doing no wrong. Therefore, you are wrong. The firm is never wrong. You should reevaluate your conclusions.”

This happened in 1994, only two and a half years after the sensational October 1991 confirmation hearings for Justice Clarence Thomas. The Paula Jones allegations against the new President Clinton, were beginning. “Sexual harassment” became a great boogie-man haunting law firms all over America.

Consequences are Clarified

After reading his memorandum on the Ahmanson project, these senior partners asked Lincoln to leave the room.

When they called Lincoln back in, they told him, very solemnly:

“you know you need to keep your nose clean around here. We have all received reports that you have taken your secretary Alex to lunch more than once and what’s more you gave Holly, the Senior Secretary in recruitment & personnel, flowers for her birthday and Valentines Day. So just remember: never ever do anything, anything at all, that you would not want to see published on the front page of the New York Times. Anything here can be, you know, and anything will be, at the drop of a pin, because everyone is very sensitive to questions of decorum these days, and, after all, you are a married man.”

Lincoln reports he did not even bother to ask how they happened to think of this only after a three-hour meeting concerning the Ahmanson contract of construction agency, when he had never heard about any concerns of this nature before.

At work, Lincoln continued to pile up daunting billable hours doing research on a growing list of issues, each going back to the dissection of the elements of value, which were being “deposited” into the derivative pool. He was determined to understand what was really happening. Why were they doing this?

Confirming what Christopher White had told him before, a Properties Department attorney named Stephen Meyer advised Lincoln to keep his mouth shut, this happening shortly before Lincoln was asked to resign. Both men had made it clear, in nearly the same words, that Lincoln should be careful about questioning or criticizing the firm’s plan for transforming the economy of the Western World, “This is how things are being done these days. We do because we get to charge everybody. This is how the whole world will be managed by 2020; we have a plan.”

As Lincoln was to discover, there was a plan. A book called “Cadwalader 2020” contained a comprehensive manifesto of how the world would be changed by the year 2020. Unsecuritized individual debt would no longer exist.

During Lincoln’s entire time at CWT, the firm maintained a high level of security over the Excel Mortgage work, work which finally involved everyone at the firm. All who worked at the firm had to submit to a frisk on leaving work. No papers or laptop computers or diskettes, this still the era of 3.5 inch diskettes, were to be taken home or removed from the premises, and no external e-mail was allowed connecting to firm e-mail. All firm e-mail was in fact carefully monitored.

To entirely use up the retainer on the Excel work, Lincoln and all the other firs-t and second-year associates found themselves in a large conference room supervised by some of the partners pasting labels on files.

The partners had to review the signature pages before officers of Excel would sign the documents, and the associates were there to prepare and affix signature tabs, saying “sign here, Mr. So-and-So, on to the final pages of Statement before final submission.”

Lincoln said it seemed odd to use attorney billable time to prepare, double-check, and verify signature tabs, even on a super important document until you considered the driving desire of CWT to maximize their billable hours.

Billing rates were $150 an hour for new associates, $60 – 80 an hour for paralegals, and $40 – 50 an hour for secretaries. On being told that he had failed to bill his secretary’s and paralegals’ time for bringing him after hours meals and snacks, Lincoln asked the senior associate in charge of organizing the Excel Mortgage Project how much the firm billed out for the hourly operators of the automated circular marble floor polishers which whirred seemingly ceaselessly day and night throughout the offices. Epstein just glared at Lincoln silently. Those hours were not billable.

CWT was determined to drain every possible penny from the work done for Excel Mortgage, and did. This appeared to be consistent with the Bank of New York’s plan in financing the project in the first place.

As Lincoln’s research continued, the business plan being followed by Excel Mortgage also emerged, in all of its complexity and disturbing detail. The company had seen the potential to redefine a debt, recreating it as equity, and equity can be used as collateral for originating and extending more debt, which can be hybridized with contingent interests in an ever-expanding pyramid of debt, doubled into equity, doubled into debt…. And again, this was the CWT-BNY plan for perpetual inflation.

There was quite simply no plan other than to pool and securitize the notes to issue X millions of dollars in bonds. These would be sold on the major stock exchanges, generating equity. The equity would be used to extend or originate more money to the borrowing public who then “sell” or give their new notes. This then generates more equity through debt, a constantly pooling and production of derivatives then sell to continue the cycle.

Ponzi Scheme Emerges

After his first month of painful research, it took Lincoln an additional six weeks to figure out and map the nature of the pyramid, another six weeks to check his work and accept the results, and then he started writing memoranda, one after the other, each one critiqued by other associates or the senior partners and getting longer and longer.

His first memorandum was entitled “The Law of Fiduciary Duty in Agency.”

His second was “Transfer and acceptance of instruments by endorsement and receipt: who is responsible?”

There were at least four others, the longest of which was over 500 pages.

Lincoln’s conclusion was breathtakingly simple: “Merger of identities destroys the identities merged, there is no individual liability for debt in the absence of privity of contract, and no privity of contract without individual identity of contracting parties.”

It was clear from the elated attitude of the Senior Partners that designing and implementing the Excel Registration Statement, as the first IPO of its kind, stood in their minds as their most important contribution to western civilization, as envisioned through the world of “Cadwalader 2020.”

Finally, Lincoln was asked to resign, about six weeks shy of his first anniversary. His questions and concerns had not ended and the Partners were becoming hostile.

Leaving with a not quite “Golden Parachute” consisting of a $50,000 severance payment, he had vocally identified a series of challenges which the management of Cadwalader had no intention of addressing. It was now clear to Lincoln these were not any kind of mistake or oversight.

Lincoln’s final memorandum at Cadwalader opined, perhaps overestimating general knowledge of the law, “no mortgage note included in the Excel mortgage pool will ever be lawfully collected in the event of borrower/credit-debtor default, because the pooling of identities obliterates individual obligations and rights, and discrete transactions lie at the foundation of our system of contract and debt.”

At the meeting where he finally resigned, the Senior partners, perhaps understanding the American public better than Lincoln, said to him, “Who is ever going to notice lack of privity of contract besides you? They teach you all those archaic “Elements of Law” at the University of Chicago. We know all about it, but nobody does business that way anymore. The economy of the future is now. Nobody cares about endorsements and signatures anymore; it’s all going to be electronic, anyhow.”

Lincoln responded, “Well, then, you’re going to have to change the law.”

The masters of the CWT universe said, “Don’t let the door hit you on your way out. We write the law, we interpret the law, we tell everyone in America what the law means, that’s what we do.

The Price Paid

The next 19 years of Lincoln’s life have been filled with constant attacks from the legal establishment from directions and in ways which exacted a hideous toll on him and those he loves. He has repeatedly learned what it is to be hated, rejected, despised, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. In those two decades he lost his wife, his birth family, and his son, all his inherited property, including several homes and a gigantic private library and personal collections of fossils, numismatic, painted, and sculptural art, his law licenses in three states and even his own not-at-all-insubstantial investments.

Lincoln notes that, after what can only be called a blessed beginning in life with his loving grandparents supporting him, an exceptional education, and basically a privileged and charmed first three decades of life, his consistent pattern of loss only began when he was 33-34 years with his entry into private law practice at Cadwalader, in what, quite simply should have been “the best of all possible worlds.”

Left with nothing, he refused to quit.

All of these events began after those critical months, less than a year, that he had spent at Cadwalader, Wickersham, & Taft.

As historical events unfolded, parallel to his own life, his worst projections regarding the impact of the new market in mortgage derivatives proved to be frighteningly accurate. Lincoln began to research how the runaway Ponzi Scheme could be halted, and reversed.

A Solution

According to Lincoln, for the past 10 years his life has been entirely shaped by the mortgage crisis and its origin in securitization. The question which, he says, drove him is how private property and integrity of contract could be restored in the face of the “New World Order” plan. This is the plan Lincoln first became aware of from the internal firm booklet “Cadwalader 2020,” while he was working at CWT in 1993-1994.

Lincoln believes such restoration is possible. The systemic fraud has not gone unnoticed, as CWT and BNY clearly thought would be the case. Their concern is registering through the rising wave of settlements which are now extinguishing the cases they deem most threatening. These cases are now settling on the courthouse steps for significant amounts and return of the real estate, free and clear of mortgage-related liens.

Banks understand the ominous possibilities they face if juries realize what really happened. And today, it is not just Cadwalader. Nearly every major financial law firm in the United States who is involved, directly or indirectly, in the implementation, defense, or coverup of securitization is potentially liable.

This potential for liability makes the settlements paid out by cigarette companies seem like chump change.

As long as such settlements are few and remain outside the view of the courts, the banks are safe. But the moment juries hear the facts, and see the reality, the banks are toast, and they know it.

And here, Lincoln said, is the leverage point from which change can be enacted. More cases must be litigated using the facts so cases won in the light of day can become case law and precedent. The war can be won, but will be costly. This challenge requires, along with several lines of attack, the means for funding litigation.

One possible solution is to solicit private direct investment in litigation for individual cases in exchange for a share of the awards by the jury. Another is to design an “anti-derivative derivative” plan which bundles and pools both investments and potential awards, allowing Americans at all income levels to invest in the effort.

For this derivative, investors would understand both the risk and the benefits of investing.

Lincoln’s team, they know, cannot fund its efforts as the banks do, by an out-of-control pyramid scheme piling debt on equity to create more debt, but Lincoln sees a certain symmatry achieved by using the weapons created by the originators of the problem against them.

Either solution, Lincoln says, lies directly in the hands of Americans. If the money is available, litigation can go forward. He and the team see a build-out across the country, with litigation taking place in every state as attorneys sign on and funds are available.

They have already begun. Lincoln’s team is now working with homeowners and the currently small number of attorneys willing to litigate. They have no illusions. They are aware they are going up against the most powerful institutions in the world. But they also know that, if they are successful, the crack now forming in the protections constructed by CWT, BNY, and so many others, makes it possible to reverse the ominous trends in the American housing market while proving it is possible to enact accountability for a corrupt establishment and good for the people.

If houses now held by banks go on the market, or are returned to their owners, the heavily inflated prices of homes will drop to their natural market levels based on supply and demand. Communities will stabilize, as will the lives of Americans.

The America which emerges from this crisis can be very different. No stability will ever result from the current expectations of perpetual economic growth relying on perpetual inflation and perpetual motion in the market place, and the resultant social instability.

The 99% need to bring the 1% home to live with the rest of us in peace, Lincoln says.

Given the propensity of the legal establishment to go after activist attorneys, Lincoln admits this will not be without risk, but public involvement can help here, too. He remains confident that many will step forward. They did so in 1775 and in other times of crisis in America.

Failing to act, he said, means abandoning Americans to the cartels and monopolies who are responsible for what has happened to our country.

Lincoln and other members of the team believe strongly most attorneys and judges, when asked to make a choice in the light of day, will do the right thing.

The effort has already begin in New Jersey. Right now he has a case in motion in the Garden State, just across the river from Manhattan, where Cadwalader still holds sway at the ominously named “One World Financial Center.”

Now, they are looking for more attorneys who love and respect the law, and investors who know what matters most and want to make a difference. His website is

War, Mortgages, Measuring Human Spirit

COLUMN MELINDAWhen millions of people are suffering and dying, we tend to focus on the stories of individuals who then come to represent them all.

Anne Frank represents for a vast majority the ugliness visited on Jews during WWII. The stories are haunting. All stories of vast human suffering impact us.

Only those without conscience or empathy can view the suffering of others and not be moved. Anne Frank died before I was born, but sometimes, unexpectedly, you find yourself confronted with a story of human endurance which is overwhelming.

Another saga of suffering, endured by millions as World War II was playing out, is the massive geographical dislocation of millions of Eastern Europeans as the Soviet-German rolled into Germany from the east.

melinda01I learned about this story, unexpectedly, while reviewing a foreclosure case from New Mexico. For Carl Mehner, who with his parents and siblings survived the nightmare of war, dislocation, starvation, the trauma has been life long.

Carl’s father, an accountant in Dresden, Germany, and his wife were Christians of the “Sabbatarian” persuasion. Their faith made them targets of persecution in Germany as possibly sympathetic to Jews.

Carl’s father, never a soldier, was forced into slave labor, separated from his family, and forced to dig anti-tank ditches.

In 1943, separately, they became refugees, attempting to reach the west as the Soviet Army swept in.

Their children were 2, 3 and 6.

Carl remembers sleeping in fields, ruins, deserted and destroyed buildings, hungry all the time. Walking seemed endless through a landscape of burning villages.

First separately, and then together, they struggled to find food for themselves and their children. Carl was always cold and starving. Traumas were continuous.

Reunited, Carl’s parents were determined to reach America. It was a 10-year long struggle. In America, the family worked on a farm for food, as their children attended school.

Eventually, Carl married Frances Phillips from Southgate, Calif.

The couple eventually settled in Albuquerque, N.M. where Carl served as chairman for the modern language department for 22 years, retiring in 2005. Frances ran a court reporting business.

Then, the mortgage meltdown began, taking their home without reason.

Fighting back Pro Se, Carl and Frances endured arrest, harassment, and abuse, as have others. They continue to fight. We never know what is possible until we have given our fullest measure. Carl’s parents taught him this, and he remembers.

Saddam Offered To Leave Iraq In 2002

The Last Step For War – Keeping Saddam Hussein In Iraq

Why did Saddam Hussein stay in Iraq? There was every motive to leave. He had seen what happened to leaders who attempt to withstand the corporate interests who are looking for an opportunity to loot a country. While John Perkins had not yet written his book, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman,” he knew the score. Saddam could never withstand an invasion by America. He was not suicidal. He had gotten his start as a hire for the CIA and knew what was poised to happen to him, his family, and his nation.

 Cast your mind back to those dark days when we were reeling, the images of towers falling from the sky still engraved on our retinas.

 Voices were being raised in objection and silenced.

 Look over the time line appearing in Mother Jones, September/October 2006 Issue, titled, “Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq,” by Jonathan Stein and Tim Dickinson.

 The war against Iraq began June, 2002, with intense bombing. The U.S. military flew 21,736 sorties and attacked 349 targets between June and the official start of the war in 2003.

 Bombing is an act of war.

 Rove, Cheney, and the Bush Administration, thwarted with the lack of evidence that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11, falsified evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Reports by debunked sources, specifically Curveball, known to be unreliable, was treated as trusted sources.

 Every conceivable action was taken to suppress the truth and allow the spin campaign, which began as the White House Iraq Group in August of 2002. This included, Rove, Libby, Rice, as well as Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin.

 Cheney personally lied, over and over again, to get Congress to acquiesce, to the media and to the public.

 The Administration knew they were manufacturing, spinning, to start a war even while Saddam Hussein was offering to allow UN inspectors into his country (Sept. 18, 2002) and all reports from returning CIA moles affirmed Saddam had abandoned WMD programs. This information was buried in the CIA bureaucracy.

 Anything which disagreed with the drive for war in Iraq was suppressed. Lies, ‘sexing up,’ reports, were reported publicly.

 The use of torture has been rationalized and was being used, despite the Geneva Conventions and Protocols on Human Rights and the Conduct of Hostilities.

 The Bush Administration was, collectively, behaving like a bunch of chimps working themselves up to violence, to a person, ignoring their actions and were, effectively, converting a nation dedicated to individual freedom and human rights into its antitheses.

 One Sept. 26, 2002, during a Rose Garden speech, Bush said, “The Iraqi regime possesses biological and chemical weapons.” The same day, during a speech in Houston Bush said of Saddam, “After all, this is a guy who tried to kill my dad.”

 Two days later Bush said in his address to nation: “‘The Iraqi regime possesses biological and chemical weapons, is rebuilding the facilities to make more, and, according to the British government, could launch a biological or chemical attack in as little as 45 minutes after the order is given.”‘

 In an ominous foreshadowing of what was to come, Bush delivered a speech on Oct. 7, 2002, in which he stated, “‘Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof—the smoking gun—that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.” Today we know effective deployment of drone technology was far beyond anything available to anyone – but the U. S.

 Battered and intimidated, on Oct. 11, “Congress—including all serious Democratic contenders—votes to grant Bush power to go to war.”  On Nov. 5, control of the Congress moved to the GOP. The campaign of lies, using fear and their love of country, had allowed the ongoing theft of elections by Karl Rove to work again.

 On Nov. 10 the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1441 offering Iraq ‘”a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations.”” Iraq immediately agreed and UN weapons inspectors returned.

 Saddam Hussein would have known of every comment and been forced to consider his options. His country was being hammered by bombs, his plans to sell oil to partners other than the U. S. were, therefore stymied. It would be a compelling reality for him to consider an exit strategy at this point.

 Only one event could now stop the War in Iraq from going forward, for Saddam to offer to leave Iraq. Given his options, this would have been the only safe thing for him to do. All previous events, now clear to us and documented, show he was being set up. His very life, and those of his family members, were on the line.

 Saddam made just this offer in November of 2002.

 Clearly, the Bush Administration would ignore this request. Saddam, therefore, made contact with the previous administration. The Clintons, through their associate Sidney Blumenthal, former White House aide and his son, Max, pulled out all of the stops to ensure the one event which could derail plans to invade Iraq.

 The offer was made by Saddam, via email, through Max Blumenthal, this forwarded on to his father. With the Clintons’ assurances, they were able to persuade Saddam to stay in Iraq.

 Sidney Blumenthal was then unaware his computer had been hacked. A keylogger was sending his e-mails to another party, who reported this to the CIA. The same party then found herself subject to a barrage of harassment and threats beginning as the Iraqi invasion began.

 How much was it worth to keep Saddam in place? Could pay-offs have been made to ensure the cooperation, and silence, of the Clintons and Blumenthals?

 According to a Los Angeles Times article, titled, “Clintons disclose wealth,”published April 05, 2008, written by Peter Nicholas, Robin Fields, and Dan Morain,when the Clintons left the White House, “in January 2001, they (the Clintons) had amassed more than $11 million in legal debts, incurred during investigations into the Whitewater controversy and the former president’s affair with Monica S. Lewinsky.” Within the next year or so their, “returns show that the family’s annual income shot up after her husband left the White House, rising from $358,000 in 2000 to $16 million a year later, when Bill Clinton listed his occupation as “speaking and writing.” “

 Sidney Blumenthal also left the White House in less than prosperous financial condition. The cause was also a lawsuit stemming from elements of the NeoCon cabal which went into the White House in 2001.

 In 1997, Blumenthal had filed a $30 million libel lawsuit against Internet blogger Matt Drudge and AOL, Drudge’s employer, because of a false claim Drudge made of spousal abuse.

 In fact, the article was the brainchild of Drudge and John Fund, then still on the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal. Drudge had attributed the story to “top GOP sources.” Drudge later retracted the story.

 Drudge publicly apologized to the Blumenthals and the lawsuit was dropped with Blumenthal, who, ironically, settled by making a small payment to Drudge over a missed deposition.

 In his book, The Clinton Wars, Blumenthal claimed he was forced to settle because he could no longer financially afford the suit, which had proven to be expensive. Drudge, who was guilty, had managed to receive support from both solicitations, claiming he was being harassed, and likely from operatives working for the NeoCons.

 Saddam’s actions, in offering to leave, were entirely predictable.

 Soliciting support from the Clintons, by the Bush White House, resulted in a cooperative relationship between the former and then president which was mutually beneficial, ending any threat from the Clintons and sealing them into a role within the power elite, which they continue to enjoy today.


Wayne Newton’s Gift and Watching the Girls

Wayne Newton hired Jamie Phillips, after her equine apprenticeship program, to run his Arabian Horse Farms. Jamie says Wayne is a nice, generous man. She still sends him pictures of her kids at Christmas time.

Wayne made his wedding gift to her Ali Design, an Arab horse. Ali, like most Arabs, is friendly and would love to come in the house and sleep at the end of their bed. Bedouins raise their horses to live inside their tents.

That was 15 years ago now, before her two children and the “girls” arrived in her life.

Jamie and her husband bought a farm in Rock Creek so Ali would have room to run. It is located at 3948 State Route 45.

The “girls” entered Jamie’s life as an alternative to a day job.

Even early a few chickens were running around the yard. Folks would stop and ask if they could buy eggs. From this grew Phillips Egg Company.

The girls are Golden Comets, and each can lay 360 brown eggs a year. Jamie’s chickens, who she calls, “her girls,” go out a lot when the garden is not yielding. If it is, they have to stay in their yard, as the garden is a real magnet for them. So you could say the “girls” are a combination of “pasture raised,” and “free range.” They are always “cage-free.”

The girls chase and catch frogs and whatever they can find. In the summer they peck at the toes of visitors, too, being especially attracted to painted toe-nails, especially red ones.

Raising chickens and eggs commercially was easy to do, Jamie says. The inspection to be certified was free. The food inspector man came out, looked around and signed off. Jamie rigorously follows the rules, labeling instructions on the cartons of eggs, typed and printed out on recycled cartons. The only other requirement is having a thermometer in her refrigerator.

Jamie has also had Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Barred Rocks but prefers the Comets. The flock is not as pretty but their personalities are friendly and they are very, very brave. When she goes out to clean the coop as many as four chickens will try to ride on her because she appears to be roost-able.

The business is growing. They are branching out with their garden, cut flowers, and meat chickens. And every day has its little adventures with the “girls.”

Something Rotten In Ashtabula….

My friend Dave sent me some articles today and two of them included links to articles previously published in the Star Beacon about nasty smells emanating from someplace not far from State Road. The article reported the stench smelled like, “cat urine/ammonia,” and additionally reported there had been over 100 complaints since June.

In a later story Mike Settles, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency spokesman, noted that Detrex/ Elco Corp., 1100 State Road had been issued a notice of violation, “after a number  of citizens complained.” Settles further, helpfully, noted the company had, “14 days to respond with a written plan of action.”

But the article went on to quote the claim by Detrex/Elco’s operations manager, Mike Steib, “the company is in compliance.”

You could see the folks from the EPA looking at each other, waiting to see someone ‘fess up to making the smell. The ‘investigation’ was still ongoing.

Comments in the paper were far more pointed, including, ashtabula area has been a dumping ground that has been ignored for at least 70 years,we have never had any really politicians or inspectors in any dept. clamp down on these irresponsible polluters. personally i believe thats why our area seems a liitle slow if you know what i mean.”

Reports of visits to the Emergency Room, passing out due to the smell, moving out of the area, cancer clusters, and being ignored by the EPA were also included in the long thread of commentary.

But there were a few points which were overlooked, which should be kept in mind. The EPA has precisely one monitor in Ashtabula County. It is located in Conneaut, miles from the source of the problem. The specific substances for which monitoring takes place are very limited.

Also, the complaints have focused on the scent, which implies a substance which is unpleasant and is picked up by the olfactory senses. This brings up other issues. First, substances such as Manganese are not monitored by the station in Conneaut. Second, one of the substances which we know is emitted is Carbonyl Sulfide. When this hits water, for instance in your nose or mouth, it becomes Hydrogen Sulfide, which deadens the olfactory receptors. So, you may well be inhaling something toxic which has no smell – or be unable to smell something which is toxic.

So now you can stop worrying about the smell, it is the least of our problems.

Ashtabula – A Sacrifice Zone To Greed

Ashtabula, Ohio, is facing problems which could overload its already struggling social welfare services.  Across America more people are being forced onto food stamps or facing starvation. Some of these have lost their jobs. Others can no longer work because of disabilities which can be accounted for in other ways.

This appears to be especially true, and becoming more so, in Ashtabula, a small town of 29,000 inhabitants which sits at the epicenter of four super-fund sites, one of the most in any county in Ohio today.

While many of the companies responsible for the toxic waste have packed up and moved operations to third world countries, others have moved in, continuing the same practices. From the perspective of such companies, for instance Millennium, the attractions of the area include the history of previous pollution. Although the impact on the people and environment, calculated monetarily, would be enormous the company has routinely paid a tiny stipend, frequently around $50,000 a year in fines to the EPA.

Diseases and conditions which, two generations ago, were barely known, now account for a significant number of the individuals now requiring aid. Among these conditions are Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis, both neurological in origin, both becoming far more common in Ashtabula.

From multiple directions and sources indications now affirm something has changed. Tracking the incidence of these devastating diseases could result in nothing but more rapid action to identify the conditions which are increasing their incidence in Americans. Yet legislation which would accomplish this is stalled in Congress. In 2010, the House passed H.R. 1362, a act similar to the stalled Senate bill, S. 425: National Neurological Diseases Surveillance System Act of 2011.

The House bill passed with 206 cosponsors. The nearly identical Senate bill has 14 cosponsors, nine Democrats and five Republicans.. Both would provide for the establishment of permanent national surveillance systems for multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurological diseases and disorders. But until both pass and are signed into law, this cannot happen.

Having information freely available not only enables better choices for all of us, today it may well spell the difference between life and death for many Americans. Not knowing forces us to struggle in ignorance of facts essential for our health and well-being. And since these facts widely include information collected and retained by those in public service, whose salaries are paid by taxpayers, this calls into question the motives of those working for government.

In Steve Lerner’s book, “Sacrifice Zones: The Front Lines of Toxic Chemical Exposure in the United States,” we see the unstated policy of ignoring corporate impact in specific areas for reasons which are never stated, also applied to the lives of the people who live there. The section of the Lerner book, which outlines the impact of Manganese poisoning in Marietta, Ohio, could well have been written about Ashtabula.

By so doing, the joining of corporate interests with the power of the state to externalize their costs and so augment their profits. In a rational world destroying the present value of resources which are common to all of us as the life-spans, intellectual and health of people are diminished and destroyed would be automatically treated as crimes.

Evading the consequences of these crimes by using the institutions of government smacks of a violation under color of law. Now, we must ask ourselves if the present compilation of policies is random, or planned.

A“National Sacrifice Zone” is defined as an area so contaminated or depleted of its resources as to have little or no future use. The term has been applied to areas which are badly polluted through previous corporate abuse of resources which go far beyond any right of ownership which can, rationally, be claimed by those responsible. Of the enormous number of examples presently in the forefront of public consciousness are fracking and manganese poisoning.

But the ‘sacrifice zones’ go beyond land, air, water, and the environment of which these are elements. It also includes people. In Ashtabula, and across both Ohio and Indiana, the sacrifice made to corporate prosperity included people’s health, their lives, and an additional cost has been paid in the slow, but inevitable shock suffered as they individually discovered the institutions, for which we pay, were actually working against them.

As you read Lerner’s book you hear the words of ordinary Americans, struggling to understand what is happening to them and why their lives and well being do not matter.

“We thought we had the American dream,” says Lesley Kuhl, who since 2002 has lived with her husband and two young children on a quiet, leafy street in Marietta, Ohio.

Mrs. Kuhl is a Republican, who considered herself conservative, when the threat to her children forced her into action along with both environmental activists and others in her town, like Caroline Beidler, who could no longer ignore the visible impact of pollutants on the health of their families.

Caroline Beidler and her husband, Keith Bailey, a carpenter, had built their “dream home,” in Marietta, Ohio. At the time they were unaware that their little piece of heaven was only four miles, as the crow flies, from the French-owned ferroalloy plant of Eramet Marietta, Inc.

According to Steve Lerner, author of “Sacrifice Zones,” “Eramet (which uses manganese, cadmium, and lead, among other feedstocks, to strengthen steel and purify chromium) releases tons of heavy metal dust into the air. It is one of the county’s top polluters.”

Their efforts transitioned from an informal club which logged the ugly odors carried by the breeze from the plant to increasingly organized efforts to stop the emissions. These struggles began in 2002. They continue today.

Tetrachloroethylene, “a chemical that can cause dizziness, headaches, nausea, unconsciousness, and even death.,” was only one of the pollutants being emitted. Tetrachloroethylene was not even on the long list of chemicals that Eramet admitting having released. In 2004, the company did, “emit 15,000 pounds of chromium compounds into the air and 75,000 pounds into the river and 500,000 pounds of airborne manganese.”

Manganese is a known neurotoxin. Manganese poisoning mimics Parkinson’s Disease, among many other conditions.

At first, Beidler was reluctant to make trouble. Over time she realized just how many road blocks existed between the safety of her children. Little help was forthcoming from state regulatory officials.

They discovered how many ways accountability could be evaded by companies which routinely spend money to influence government but never enough to solve the problems they create. Fingers were pointed in every possible direction but little changed.

According to Lerner, “Total releases of toxic chemicals by Eramet reported to federal officials were radically cut from about 12 million pounds when the company was purchased in 2000 to about 6 million pounds of TRI releases in 2004.”

In December 2005 a report by David Pace of the Associated Press listed Eramet as the top factory nationwide “whose emissions created the most potential health risk for residents in the surrounding community.” Washington County was ranked number one for the “highest health risk from industrial pollution in 2000.”

This was the year Lesley Kuhl really confronted the problem.

The group which formed around Beidler and Kuhl, “began to collect information about air quality in their region and make their network of members aware of key regulatory developments, scientific studies, health studies, and emissions at Eramet.”

The bottom-line motive was the continuing threat to children, their children. In December 2005 Mrs. Kuhl read an article in the local newspaper on the impact of elevated levels of air-borne heavy metals their possible impact on the development of the brains of very young children. The Kuhl children had suffered numerous sinus infections that had to be treated with antibiotics, and one of whom was diagnosed with a developmental disorder. Loss of IQ points was also listed as a possibility.

Further research revealed older people could experience mood and movement problems from exposure. Suggestions for a ‘study,’ to take three years, was not a solution.

Also, the families realized even moving was no guarantee of a safe haven. How could they know where was safe? Their children began to be tested for manganese exposure.

The Kuhls and others continued to be shocked at the disregard for the health and well being of their children. Their knowledge of the problem, and how long it had been known, increased.

Dick Wittberg, another resident, who heads the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department, had carried out a pilot study in the late 1990s. The study compared the ability of children in Marietta to perform physical tasks and answer academic questions. These were compared the results from Marietta with, “a control sample of children from a similar-sized town in Athens, Ohio, located forty-five miles away.”

A battery of 13 tests were administered to fourth-graders in both cities. The children were matched, “for age, sex, and parental education. The tests measured such things as educational proficiency, balance, visual contrast sensitivity, and short-term memory.”

The results were disturbing: “across the board: the Marietta youngsters scored significantly lower on the tests than did those from Athens.” In his opinion, “the study points to some neurological differences and one has to suspect manganese. Nobody knows, for kids, how much [exposure] is too much.”

The stalling tactics continue from Aramet.

Protocols for handling potential pollutants, thus eliminating the danger of impact exist today.  This is not rocket science.  The only impact to be felt if such procedures become standard is to end a threat to public health, the need  for clean-up, all too often paid for by taxpayers, and awaken corporate balance sheets to the reality of a real free market.  There is no inherent freedom to cause harm to others.

It is time to get specific about what protocols must be applied and on the issue of liability.

This is how a free market is applied. You can tell if it is a free market because if government can intervene to limit liability or allow acts which are, by their nature criminal, what you are seeing is corporate fascism.

As bad as the situation is in Marietta, what is facing Ashtabula could be far worse. The toxic releases of Manganese are double what is present in Marietta, the source of pollution, Millennium, is far closer to population centers, and a clock, of which we have only recently become aware, is ticking toward a point of no return for many people.

A study, Parkinsonism Induced by Chronic Manganese Intoxication– An Experience in Taiwan, by Chin-Chang Huang, MD, includes the troubling facts, “Excessive manganese exposure may induce a neurological syndrome called manganism, which is similar to Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, close observation of patients with manganism reveals a clinical disease entity different from PD, not only in the clinical manifestations, but also in therapeutic responses. “ “…after long-term follow-up studies, patients with manganism showed prominent deterioration in the parkinsonian symptoms during the initial 5-10 years, followed by a plateau during the following 10 years.”

The summary, in large part quoted above, ends with, “Although typical patients with manganism are different from patients with PD, the potential risk of inhaling welding fumes, which may accelerate the onset of PD or even induce PD, has been raised during recent years. This controversial topic requires further investigation.

The results of this study should be considered along with this graph showing money spent on lobbying by the American Chemical Council. Source: Open Secrets While it is nearly impossible to know how the money was spent the timing is telling.

Also available to influence legislators are the many corporations who readily donate to non-profits which, people believe, are working solely to protect them. These include, “3M, Amoco, Chevron, Dow Chemical, Exxon, General Motors, Occidental Petroleum, Philip Morris, Proctor & Gamble and W.R. Grace,” according to Integrity in Science, who routinely tracks such relationships.

The people of Ashtabula are not inhaling fumes from working as welding. They are getting it directly and it is time action was taken to establish real standards backed up by real disincentives as those impacted are compensated. In so doing, Ashtabula can begin the process of returning America to a nation of law and justice.

For more information contact Ashtabula Renewal – The Clean-Up
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, Organizing Director, Dave Lincoln, Technical Director

Cut The Inaugural

The present aftermath from Hurricane Sandy should not surprise any of us since we have seen the effects of hurricanes on population centers before. Even today, New Orleans has not been entirely rebuilt, leaving over 30,000 people who formerly had homes still waiting.

The tragedies now enveloping Americans in the communities hit by Frankenstorm, on Oct. 29, could have been avoided. This disaster is a direct result of our failure to make sure the infrastructure on which we depend politically, economically, and to keep us safe in the face of disaster does the job we pay to have done for us by government. The source of the problem is not ‘natural disaster’ but one of design and priorities.

The tens of thousands now homeless, having lost everything, remain mired in the evidence our system has failed. We need to see this and take action.

Instead of providing relief, government talks and gives news conferences. Relief efforts remain, largely from volunteers, including Baptists coming in from Louisiana, veterans of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and residents from surrounding areas who are digging into their own resources to ensure people in need are helped.

Instead of sending out suggestions on supplies to have on hand, the enormously expensive government agencies which were assigned to provide for disaster relief should have:

Stockpiled immediate resources to be made available to put people back into their neighborhoods with temporary housing, complete power generated on site, and sanitary and cooking facilities. Plans for such units, which could have been moved in either by road or helicopter, as needed, were ignored in favor of FEMA trailers and shelters, where available.

The specter of small children and elderly, starving and freezing in America, or anyplace else, is not to be tolerated.

Now, we should be working on fast-tracked plans for rebuilding. Since we know it will be necessary to replace homes, schools, and other buildings quickly, the correct approach would be to do it now by spending money to provide better stability and security in impacted areas proven to be vulnerable to disaster. We need pay for no studies to know where this one is.

Rebuilding should be carried out Deep Green, entirely off the grids. The needed materials and technologies exist. Let’s use them, at the same time demonstrating their thrift and superiority. Homes, schools, and businesses could even now be going up. Construction and rehabitation could take place in as little as a month for the first structures.

This is the plan we should have had in place.

Both major political parties today focus only on continuing their sinecure for job security and profits.

It is time to move forward and it is past time for Americans to join together to make this happen. Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Reformers, Greens, or Justice, we are all one in needing the security we are now paying for so dearly.

The election is over. It is time to begin examining what we have accepted and believed and instead become more discerning.

President Obama will continue in office for the next four years. A simple swearing in would be appropriate and a powerful statement which needs to be heard. We must conserve our resources and use them wisely.

All of us hope and pray for real change. We need it and should demand it from those elected to serve.

Plans are now going forward for an Inaugural. Instead of spending money on what is, essentially, a party for corporate donors, money which was earmarked for this event should be spent on the plan for rebuilding above and for immediate relief for those still homeless and without power and food.

Corporate donors should dig into their pockets and help make it happen. Arrange another time for a party at the People’s White House, when those now in need are cared for.

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster – Rebuild America

Nathan MacPherson – MacPherson Investment Group

Sign the petition HERE

Stealing Elections Texas Style…

Nov. 2, 2006 – Stealing Elections Texas Style: Mrs. Blankenship Goes Out To Vote.


Mrs. Marilyn B. Blankenship noticed what a lovely day it was as she went into vote early at the Renner-Frankford Branch Dallas Public Library at 6400 Frankford Rd. two blocks from her home in Collin County, Texas near Dallas. Mr. Arthur Edwards, the widower of her oldest friend from the 4th grade, accompanied her on the short ride to the Library; he waited in the car for her to finish her brief civic obligation. A native Texan, Mrs. Blankenship appreciated the mild autumn weather. Growing up in Texas, the daughter of two strong parents, had left its mark on her. She had learned self discipline from both of them, along with a strong sense of honesty.

Exercising her civic obligations was something Mrs. Blankenship took very seriously as a Texan and as an American.

After finishing college she had begun teaching school in 1952. Over her career as an educator she had watched the school system of Texas change in troubling ways. Children, she believed, need not just information, they need to acquire inquiring minds so they can think for themselves.

Mrs. Blankenship went into the familiar interior of the Library and picked up her ballot. A long time Republican this time she was determined to vote for change. Taking her ballot she went into the voting booth and inserted her card into the Diebold Voting Machine. Diebold is a local company in Texas; one of their facilities was just down the street.

When she voted for the first couple of candidates the ‘X” showed up just where she wanted it. This time she had decided not to vote for any Republicans, even those she had supported in the past. She came to the list of judges. Judges are a partisan position in Texas. Mrs. Blankenship looked at her notes. She had decided that this time her vote would go to the Libertarian candidates and one or two Democrats of whom she approved. One by one she tried to vote for her choice. Each time the machine, moved the vote to the Republican candidate. Mrs. Blankenship exclaimed in exasperation, leaving the booth to complain to one of the several ladies who was working at the polling place. One of the workers came and watched as again the machines changed her votes.

Shaking with distress Mrs. Blankenship left the Library. She could not be sure if her votes had been counted as she wanted. Now she did not notice the nice weather. Mr. Edwards could see she was upset and asked her what had happened; he advised her to call the F. B. I.

Mrs. Blankenship believes in standing up for the right thing. During the Monica Lewinsky scandal she had gone to the Library and copied down the names and addresses of 100 individuals in Congress who she hoped would vote to censure President Clinton for his deceitful behavior in lying to the American people. A trickle of responses has come back to her, mostly advising her to limit her complaints to her own representatives.

Stealing an election – and her own vote – struck her as far more serious than the misbehavior of Bill Clinton.

Mrs. Blankenship’s concerns over the moral character and the intentions of those in power had been growing over the decades. She had watched as the quality of education offered to the children she taught had become truncated, the focus moving away from the core of essential literacy and understanding of civics and history to a candy coated curriculum that neither prepared the students for real life or established a life time love of learning. It was not a partisan issue, it went much deeper. The advent of Governor Bush has only accelerated the deterioration of the education offered to the children of Texas. Where would it end? Didn’t they want the children to know anything? The question lingered in her mind, worrying her.

And now she was filled with a sense of violation. Did they expect that she would just walk out of the polling place and do nothing? Mrs. Blankenship opened the door of her home, sat down at her desk and began to write letters.

October 24, 2006
I am contacting in writing the Election Bureau of Collin County to continue the paper trail I have created concerning the voting irregularity I experienced on October 23, at 11:45 a. m. at Precinct 74 located at the Renner-Frankford Library in Dallas, Collin County. I filed a complaint by telephone on the day of the irregularity with Jan Lay in McKinney. She suggested I write to my federal representatives who passed the law requiring voting machines to be used which I have done. I have also talked by telephone with the Secretary of State’s office and sent a summary letter along with a copy of my letter to the elected federal persons representing me to Austin.

You will note that I am enclosing two articles of national concern that the Diebold voting machine which I used is not secure. Why are officials dragging their feet on making the computers create a paper trail so that voters like me can be sure that their votes were not stolen by a machine? There is proof that problems in Texas have occurred where votes were added that were never cast and other examples where votes have been credited to candidates not chosen.

The machine I was using recorded a vote for a Republican three times instead of the Libertarian I chose in three cases for individuals.listed in succession on the screen. I was so shocked I spoke out-loud that the machine was not recording my votes, but giving my votes to a candidate I did not choose. I had to make three corrections in successive order to correct these three errors. I was even more shocked when the summary appeared. I saw that Perry, Dewhurst and Combs were being credited with votes I DID NOT CAST FOR ANY OF THEM! I am positive who I chose for those offices and Chris Bell was being denied the vote I cast. These three errors in the summary were corrected by me before the ballot was submitted and my card withdrawn. I will forever believe that the machine I was using was rigged to switch votes to Republicans.

Collin County is known to be a Republican strong-hold , but I do not vote for a party. I vote for each individual candidate. If there is no opposition candidate and I do not want the lone candidate, I do not cast a vote at all in that category. I choose the candidates I support as an independent person who uses my vote as the Constitution intended it to be used. I have been voting regularly since 1952 when I cast my first votes in the presidential election.

Please take seriously my complaint about voting on a rigged Diebold machine and please do not pass this off as a glitch in the machine I was using. I do not think a glitch caused what I experienced in early voting October 23, 2006. I consider the errors as fraud on the part of someone who tampered with the computer in that machine.

Marilyn B. Blankenship

A Bad Evening For Karl Rove

It was obvious the election was going to be stolen months ago. Rove and company were pulling the same old tricks we have been watching since 2000 with the voting machines, ‘de-registering’ voters, and using phone calls to keep people away from the polls. It looked like a cakewalk for Karl.

Then reports started coming through the Voter Integrity mailing lists with reports of voters seeing their votes transferred, not just from Obama to Romney, but Romney to Obama. True? Who knows.

The jumping vote was exactly what Marilyn Blankenship of Dallas, Texas, reported happening when she tried to vote for the Libertarian candidate in 2004 instead of George W. The little mark, all on its own, finds the X Spot has been selected for them. Mrs. Blankenship protested vehemently for several years, to no avail.

From both sides the cheating started as both candidates ruthlessly destroyed the opposition from within their own party. Ron Paul was just the most visible example.

Did Obama design a strategy to ignore the popular vote, going for the Electoral College! Did it, too involve hacking? Who knows. Ol’ Karl ‘s eyes probably bugged out. Our electoral process is dead either way.

Now it is kind of quiet. No one is happy. Those who were supporting Obama as the lesser of two evils can now consider how very bad the last four years have been. The lesser of two evils is still not a good deal.

Mike Adams, of Natural News predicts these events:

#1) Huge expansion of TSA and the surveillance state;

#2) Expansion of secret arrests of American citizens;

#3) Acceleration of national debt blowout and endless fiat currency creation;

#4) Rapid expansion of GMOs and USDA collusion;

#5) Increasingly dictatorial government health care;

#6) Immediate surge in sales of guns and ammo;

#7) Accelerated erosion of the Bill of Rights and civil liberties;

#8) Continued destruction and looting of the U.S. Economy;

#9) A “giant sucking sound” of employers leaving America;

#10) Stepped-up attacks on veterans and preppers.

There is really only one solution. We need to take back the vote to the most local level, voting on paper ballots which are counted openly and transparently at the precinct. People from all political viewpoints have traditionally done this routinely with no friction. Each precinct publishes to the Internet. We can count for ourselves.

It can be done. See you in 2016.

An Early Winter In Ashtabula

Trees are barely frosted with the brilliance of autumn colors, yet the clouds and rain had surprised everyone in Chi-Gong class. “It’s more like winter than September one student said, ” shaking off the drenching received during the walk from her car, sans umbrella.

Chi, also spelled Qi is generally translated as life energy, life force, or energy flow. Qi is the central focus, the underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts, such as Tai Chi. Gong, also spelled kung, translates as cultivation or work. Together, the two words describe systems to cultivate and balance life energy, especially for health.

Students flow through the class in dribbles, some returning faithfully each Tuesday and Thursday.. Alice has been coming, she says, for years. Henry Story was the first teacher. Now, he is back in class moving slowly but with great focus and concentration.

The roots of the practice date back in ancient Chinese culture more than 4,000 years. Many varieties of Chi-Gong developed in different parts of Chinese society. Traditional Chinese medicine applied the practices for its preventative and curative power. Confucianism applied the same understandings to promote longevity and improve moral character. Practices also include meditation and well known forms of martial arts.

Catherine McKibbin is teaching there now.

In Santa Barbara, Calif. a spontaneous classes also take place in local parks, where in the first dim hours of the morning you see figures moving in the mist, following the ancient forms. These classes take place without a word spoken. They began from the solitary practice of one man, who daily used the park himself, preferring to follow this form of active meditation with his bare feet touching the earth, in a place designed for beauty, and solitude. The last time I walked by, dawn just glazing the mountains in the east, eight figures were following his moves.

Yesterday afternoon a package arrived in my mailbox. Opening it, I found a DVD titled, “Five Element Tai Chi – Medicine for the Organs,” sent by Kathleen Boisen, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Kathleen asked me to review it.

Last Tuesday, Alice recommended Jade Garden, in Madison. When I walked in, three hours later, she was there.

We live in a world filled with threads of human action, connecting us in ways which may surprise and enrich us. These bring us closer despite considerations of time and distance.

Why Your Vote Will Not Matter This November

Presidential debates between Obama and Romney will begin next week, beckoning Americans to focus on the candidates and who they should support.

It is time to ask ourselves if either of  the present presidential campaigns or any debate between the two candidates matters.

Eight years ago, on Sept. 28, 2004, an editorial  published by The Lone Star Iconoclast, the hometown newspaper of George Bush in Crawford, Texas, outlined the issues that were being overlooked by the mainstream media. The newspaper endured threats and boycotts after endorsing  John Kerry for President. Kerry had been struggling in the wake of an off-point swift-boat campaign launched by covert manipulations orchestrated by the Rove White House. We suggest you read the editorial again, in full.

 The editorial, which began with “Few Americans would have voted for George W. Bush four years ago if he had promised that, as President, he would…” sent shock waves through the electorate and around the world. The Iconoclast site went down, overpowered by the force of 10,000,000 hits in one day as real, substantial issues came into sharp relief.

Instead of irrelevancies, the ensuing 2004 presidential debates refocused attention on the shocking developments in America and around the world, driven by war, irresponsible spending, the emptying of the Social Security Trust as benefits were slashed, the outsourcing of jobs, granting of cost plus contracts to friends of the administration, and the conversion of a budget surplus to the largest deficit in history.

The editorial concluded that Bush was a liar and cited “elements of a hidden agenda that surfaced only after he took office.”

The Kerry Campaign experienced a surge of support, which most Americans believed would carry him into the White House. The issues have not changed, despite attempts by both candidates to distract you. But we are farther down the path on a trajectory to absolute disaster.

Today the truth about Bush has become obvious, despite constant attempts to make him look good in comparison to Obama, who after a short, giddy period of fervent relief, stunned supporters by continuing the Bush presidency. Most Americans cannot discern a difference between the two administrations.

2004 provided a lesson we need to learn.

Beginning in the summer 2003 flyers were being circulated in the extended Cleveland, Ohio area reading, “Get Rid of Bush.” This was before the primary process had identified the opposing candidate.

Rebecca Anne, then living in the area, remembers the flyers, which urged people to register to vote for the explicit purpose of removing Bush from office. No one, Rebecca Anne said, cared very much who replaced Bush. Anyone would do. The people she knew included a broad range of political affiliations.

The editorial board of The Cleveland Plain Dealer, which has been criticized by liberal columnists for the generally conservative positions on its editorial page, despite the Democratic readership, withheld any endorsement. Then-publisher Alex Machaskee wanted to endorse Bush, over the objections and vote of the editorial board. He was instead persuaded by editorial page editor Brent Larkin to withhold any endorsement.

In the immediate aftermath of the election an article appeared in The Free Press by columnist Bob Fitrakis, entitled “How the Ohio election was rigged for Bush,” on Nov. 22, 2004.

The article cited four community public meetings about “election irregularities and voter suppression – two in the capitol, Columbus, and one each in Cincinnati and Cleveland – a clear pattern and practice of voter disenfranchisement is emerging.”

The 2004 election raised intensity on the troubling issue of electoral integrity. Millions of Americans had waited in long lines across the country to vote on Nov. 2 and went to sleep in the belief John Kerry had been elected President. They woke up the next morning to the news Kerry had conceded in the small hours of the night, refusing to contest the highly questionable outcome of counts in several states.

Today, a growing number of Americans from all parties accept that Kerry was actually elected. The election had been stolen by use of a back door in the voting machines, designed and sold to Americans by wealthy Bush friends. As this realization sunk in questions about the 2000 election also dawned.

Stolen elections require both the means of carrying it out with voting machines that can be remotely programmed and providing probable deniability. But the same people are used for this, over and over again.

The publication of another book, Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk, by Rove confidant John Fund, formerly of The Wall Street Journal, with Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Hans von Spakovsky, serves to illustrate how the Bush strategy for covering up their serial election thefts works. Building on their mainstream credentials operatives such as Fund provide cover which dampens protests by muddying the waters with false facts and rhetoric.

Fund’s first book, “Stealing Elections,” published in 2004, and his presence as a spokesman, has been invaluable as well.

Today, the whole electoral process appears to be a distraction for the public, providing shreds of false hope as the next round of take-downs are put in place, carried out with the callousness of the slaughter house.

Since the moment Bush was inaugurated in 2001 Americans have been subjected to a continuous onslaught of falsehoods, from the infamous weapons of mass destruction used to justify the war in Iraq, and moves by Congress which changed the economic rule book, immunizing the financial sector from wrong doing. Since then, Americans have suffered through a series of shocks which can each be traced back to the income stream of a small number of interests.

Wealth is being transferred from those who earned it to those who use government to fill their own pockets. Changes in statute, rubber stamped by Congress, and the erosion of the rights of Americans, through conversion of our courts, have transformed America.

What began as a trickle into the pockets of special interests has become a hemorrhage, with the 2008 real estate crisis only one of many.

As Americans vote this November, if they bother, the next round of planned takings will begin. The target will, again, be the homes of Americans. This will happen no matter who is elected to fill the office of President and a growing number of Americans realize this.

Today, there are more ‘Obama in 2008’ stickers weathering on cars than new 2012 stickers. Romney signs are still outnumbered by those for Ron Paul.

Ashtabula – No. 1 in the U.S.

My friend Dave received his degree in petroleum geology and went to work for oil companies even before graduation. His career took him to positions on seven continents, the last in South East Asia in 1996, working for Enron. That year Dave quit. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the company’s donation of a school built on land polluted by previous drilling. Enron took a tax deduction. Dave knew children would be dying.

Dave left his highly compensated job and retirement, returning to the U.S. to work, unpaid, for Green Peace, who, at first, were very suspicious. Today Dave is an expert witness, recognized by the courts, for litigation on toxic waste. Dave is obsessively fact oriented, compiling data bases which include the entire US and much of the rest of the world.

It was Dave who told me Ashtabula ranked number one in 2010 (the most recent data available) in the U.S. for pollutants in two categories. The companies involved, Dave said, have paid EPA fines, always exceeding the EPA limits for emissions into the air breathed by residents. One specific instance, on the part of one offending company included a fine, exacted by the EPA for carbon monoxide in 38 malfunction incidents in a five year period and their total fine paid was $100,000. The money was paid to the Ohio EPA, none going to anyone locally. The fine was specifically for, “Exceeding emission limits as the result of the use of a safety valve to bypass the units air pollution control equipment.”

Continuous exposure to 15 – 50 parts per million of these chemicals may cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, central nervous system effects, vertigo, amnesia, weakness and muscle cramps. People impacted may also begin to exhibit symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

Two of the offending plants are only .18 miles apart, located on Middle Road in Ashtabula.

“How long are you staying in the area?” Dave asked. Living with Superfund sites, especially these, may be hazardous to your health, he told me.

For several years now Dave has been working on a website, Were You Poisoned?  Helping folks over come the effects is one of his passions. On his site he points to ways people can remove toxic waste from their systems. He also strongly recommends suing offending companies where companies have admitted their transgressions by, for instance, paying EPA fines.


Remember the Alamo and the Smith Legacy

Erastus “Deaf” Smith is remembered as the eyes and ears of the Texas Revolution. Smith, nearly deaf, also relieved the survivors of the Alamo and was the man who cried, “Remember the Alamo” at the The Battle of San Jacinto, which took place April 20, 1836, in the aftermath of the Alamo massacre. He was Gen. Sam Houston’s most trusted scout and spy.

The right words, heard at the right time, can change history.

History comes to us through time, carried in memory. Erastus Smith rests in an Episcopal cemetery in Richmond, Texas. His blood runs through the veins of W. Leon Smith.

It was the on-point words of Smith’s 2004 editorial, endorsing John Kerry over then-president George W. Bush, in Bush’s hometown paper in Crawford, Texas, which became the framework for the Presidential debates between Bush and Kerry in October.

The editorial, published September 29, 2004, focused on violated promises made by Bush during his campaign in 2000. The reader was reminded of the promises as we lived the reality.

Among these were: The war in Iraq, carried out through deception. The assault on the Social Security trust fund; cuts in Medicare by 17 percent and reduction pf veterans’ benefits and military pay; 50% rise in oil prices; offshoring of American jobs, encouraged by Bush policies; billions spent on government contracts without competitive bids; converting a budget surplus to the worst deficit in history.

The editorial also cited elements of a hidden agenda which only surfaced after Bush took office, including the “dangerous shift away from the basic freedoms established by our founding fathers, and his continuous mistakes regarding terrorism and Iraq.”

The editorial changed the political roadmap. Over the next days the servers which hosted the Lone Star’s website went down several times due to overloads caused by as many as 10,000,000 a day. Americans had been deceived by political rhetoric. Worse was coming.

The flagging Kerry Campaign received a surge of support. On election day, long lines of voters queued up, waiting for hours to cast their votes. Kerry was ahead until all polls has closed. Suddenly, the numbers mysteriously changed. Bush was re-elected.

An election will take place in November. The evidence indicates this election will change nothing about our present trajectory, being already decided.

As we remember the past, distant and recent, we see patterns which instruct, allowing us to change those patterns and so the future.

Ashtabula, River of Many Fishes

The name, Ashtabula, is Algonquian, or Iroquois, in origin, referring to the river which flows into Lake Erie through the small city of the same name. The name means, “river of many fishes.”

The watershed system, which feeds the Ashtabula, includes the West Branch and East Branch of the Ashtabula, Ashtabula Creek, Strong Brook and Fields Brook. A watershed includes sources of water which meet.

The Ashtabula River is one of three, designated as scenic in the county, more than any other county in Ohio. Along its journey woodlands of mixed oak, hemlock-beech hardwood forest, among other species, abound. Land owners are credited for their stewardship for lands, which are also home to black bear and bald eagle.

Beginning in the 1940s, industry began moving onto the lands which comprise the watershed of the Ashtabula River. The contiguous watershed of Fields Brook was one of these.

The six square-mile watershed eventually hosted 19 facilities. Manufacturing ranged from metals-fabrication to chemicals production. Fields Brook flows into the Ashtabula River approximately 1-1/2 miles downstream of the site. Industry left the area some time ago, but left behind its mark in closed complexes, now overgrown with weeds.

A google search of the areas impacted reveal sites from the EPA and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, which cite possible radiological contamination. Another citing notes that the RMI Extrusion Plant, a subsidiary of Reactive Metals, Inc., as a subcontractor to the Department of Energy. This plant was located in the northeastern corner of Ashtabula County, Ohio, approximately three miles east of the center of the city of Ashtabula.

Studies note that the lands surrounding these facilities are residential, and expected to continue to be used by families, who live and raise their families in Ashtabula.

Apparently, in 1986 the same governmental body, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry prepared a public health assessment regarding the Fields Brook.

The record reflects clean ups were attempted.

When I asked a friend, who was born in Ashtabula, why nothing more had been done she told me people were afraid they would lose their jobs at the plants. She recalled the father of a friend, who worked there as an engineer, dying of cancer at an unusually young age.

Soil is permeated by water. As part of the watershed, water continues its flow. As the waters flowed in 1811, so they flow today.

What Henry Story Learned

Henry Story, born in 1941, was raised here. As a small child he began to dream of places far away with an intensity which called to him.

Henry’s parents, Henry Senior and Iola, came to Ohio from Arkansas in 1940s so Henry’s dad could work in a war plant.

After the war, the family moved to a dairy farm in Windsor, Ohio. The elder Henry began milking cows, planting oats and wheat, to be used as fodder for the cows, also raising hogs, chickens and ducks. “They did the whole deal,” as Henry, Jr. put it.

Later, the family moved to East Trumbull. Home was down a dirt road a mile and a half long with no close neighbors. There was no electricity and the water came from a hand pump in the kitchen.

During winter, Henry walked the mile and a half to the bus because the bus could not make it down the road through the snow. He attended school in Rock Creek. His favorite subject, then and today, is history. History takes us out of ourselves in many directions and Henry had already decided on the direction for his life.

Since his earliest years Henry had experienced two dreams. The first was a shiny gold disk with wings. When young Henry saw the disk in his dream he felt himself lifting out of his body and seeing the world from very different perspectives. The second dream, which also recurred, was of a bull, which chased him. He would run, levitating himself into the tree. The disk, he later realized, was the ancient symbol of the Rosicrucian Order. He remembered a reincarnation in China and studying at the Shaolin Temple in China.

Henry’s study of martial arts began by watching Little Ricky on Ozzie and Harriet, after the family had a television.

At age 19 Henry left Ashtabula County to study martial arts. He returned in Ashtabula in 1985 where he began sharing his mastery at the YMCA and later at the Wellness and Total Learning Center. He taught martial arts, and also his philosophy, continuing his own studies until last November, when he suffered a stroke. As he has recovered, his studies have served him well.

Today he is a student in the Qi Gong class he once taught. Now nearly blind, he continues to seek wisdom and solutions which heal body, mind, and spirit.

Occupy The Defense Contractors

As America begins to awaken and take to the streets let us remember the happily profitable defense contractors who are scattered across the country. Over decades past, and up until today, they have received billions for designing, building, and transporting the weapons of war which have destroyed other nations and are now being deployed here at home against us.

Do you feel safer because a river of weapons is being produced from the money you sweat to make?

Some of these weapons, for instance the Sound Cannon, also known as the Long Range Acoustic Device, are already being used against us as we protest. LRAD Corporation and is only one example.

From the wikipedia:

“ Against protesters:
The LRAD device was on hand at protests of the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City[6] but not used; it was extensively used against opposition protesters in Tbilisi, Georgia, in November 2007.[7]

The magazine Foreign Policy has revealed that LRADs have been sold to the government of the People’s Republic of China. American companies have been banned from selling arms to China since the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

Local residents of Dusit in Bangkok witnessed it in use during protests of Triumph factory employees against dismissals on August 28, 2009.[8] The LRAD was used for the first time in the United States in Pittsburgh during the time of the G20 summit on September 24–25th, 2009.[9][10] Pittsburgh police again utilized LRAD as a precautionary measure to prevent unruly crowds from getting out of control following the 2011 Super Bowl. LRAD systems were also purchased by Toronto Police for the 2010 G20 summit.

In 2009, the government of Honduras used it on at least two occasions, on September 22 and 25, to communicate to those seeking refuge in the Brazilian embassy. In addition to embassy staff, these included the deposed president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, his family, and some supporters and journalists.

LRAD was also used against college students in the city of Macomb, Illinois at the Wheeler Block Party at Western Illinois University (“WIU”)[11] on May 1, 2011.[1]

LRAD was also reportedly[12] used by the Oakland Police Department during the clearance of the Occupy Oakland encampment on the morning of 25 October 2011.

Polish Police also acquired LRAD on december 2010 and used them to communicate with protesters during 11 November 2011 riots in Warsaw city. [13]

LRAD use was also reported as the New York City Police department cleared protestors during the Occupy Wall Street protests in Zuccotti Park on the morning of 15 November 2011.”

LRAD Corporation is located at 15378 Avenue of Science, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92128 USA. — Phone: 858.676.1112.

The company which produces tasers, Taser International, their subtext is “Protect Life,” has its international headquarters at 17800 N. 85th St. Scottsdale, AZ. Another office is located in Arlington, Virgina, and yet another, TASER Virtual Systems, at 5464 Carpinteria Ave, Suite I, Santa Barbara, CA 93013.

On Aug. 28, Anonymous released the following information on the producer of drones, which many expect will soon be deployed against Americans within the United States, are all paid for by tax payers.

“August 28, 2011, Alastair Stevenson reports in the International Business Times: The hacker collective Anonymous has released a fresh batch of data taken from Vanguard Defense Industries, a Pentagon and FBI contractor.

The data release was revealed via a post on and later publicised (sic) on the group’s AnonymousIRC Twitter account. In it the group claimed to have released “1GB of private emails and documents belonging to Vanguard Defense Industries (VDI).”

But these are the obvious problems, the end products also imply subcontracters who provide software and other essentials without which the products could not be produced.

There are also the old line, military-industrial complex corporations which are very conscious they are a corporate military presence on alien territory, for instance Northrop Grumman. A friend of mine, a mind-mannered software engineer, and his partner, inadvertently drove into the company parking lot during broad daylight in Maryland to be met by ‘security’ wearing flack jackets and carrying AK47s.

Some defense contractors are open to their relationship with us. Others are covert.

Santa Barbara, that lovely resort where so many 1%ers live on the Pacific coast above Los Angeles, is also the headquarters for Green Hills Software, yet another defense contractor located at 28 Sola St., Santa Barbara, CA 93103. Notice the significant partners on their “defense customers” page for this company who are more easily recognizable.

Complex weapons systems, high level encryption, and other expensive toys used in war, are produced behind the seemingly safe and friendly doors of businesses which donate to local charities as they cash their government checks and pump out their products of death. We need to rethink our attitude here.

War is the health of the corporate state. General Smedley Butler said this of corporate war profits in his book, “War is a Racket,” written in 1937. “The normal profits of a business concern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and sometimes twelve percent. But war-time profits — ah! that is another matter — twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen hundred per cent — the sky is the limit. All that traffic will bear. Uncle Sam has the money. Let’s get it.

Of course, it isn’t put that crudely in war time. It is dressed into speeches about patriotism, love of country, and “we must all put our shoulders to the wheel,” but the profits jump and leap and skyrocket — and are safely pocketed. Let’s just take a few examples:

Take our friends the du Ponts, the powder people — didn’t one of them testify before a Senate committee recently that their powder won the war? Or saved the world for democracy? Or something? How did they do in the war? They were a patriotic corporation. Well, the average earnings of the du Ponts for the period 1910 to 1914 were $6,000,000 a year. It wasn’t much, but the du Ponts managed to get along on it. Now let’s look at their average yearly profit during the war years, 1914 to 1918. Fifty-eight million dollars a year profit we find! Nearly ten times that of normal times, and the profits of normal times were pretty good. An increase in profits of more than 950 per cent.

Take one of our little steel companies that patriotically shunted aside the making of rails and girders and bridges to manufacture war materials. Well, their 1910-1914 yearly earnings averaged $6,000,000. Then came the war. And, like loyal citizens, Bethlehem Steel promptly turned to munitions making. Did their profits jump — or did they let Uncle Sam in for a bargain? Well, their 1914-1918 average was $49,000,000 a year!”

The Occupy Movement is about confrontation, about letting those profiting know we are on to them and will no longer tolerate their assumption of moral justification. Instead, we will non-violently disrupt their lives, never stopping until we, who produce the wealth, control what we justly earn so that our world can be safe for all of humanity.

Research each contractor, each part and component of what they spend. Occupy all of them.

Murdoch, NeoCons, and Greed

If the media had followed the clear rules they had written for themselves, would we now be on the express down elevator to a meltdown of global proportions? Likely not. We would have problems, but we would have seen them more clearly. We needed the truth. We did not get it.

The first problem was that journalists so blithely ignored the standards of their profession.

The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) has established a code of ethics. The tenets of this code are short, clear, concise, and well-founded. But there is no means of enforcement. If journalists would follow them, we could trust the media. Today most of us do not. If a journalist ignores his ethical obligations, either from sloth or a desire to profit, nothing can be done. If raiding the cookie jar can be carried out with impunity, then there will be no cookies. I know this, having raised several children.

The SPJ has existed since 1909, four years before the Federal Reserve Bank came into being. Their founders could have included Ida Tarbell, the journalist who caused the break up of Standard Oil, though the site does not mention her – an indomitable truth teller. Tarbell told the truth, but a handful of years later the dispersed Standard Oil was larger than ever and still carried out the same exploitive pattern of business.

The takeaway: having the truth does not automatically solve the problem. You need to use the truth to build the cultural tools that enact accountability. We need that accountability today as the world melts down around our ears. Those responsible for the economic collapse got bailouts. Those who will be forced to pay are losing everything, even their Social Security.

It was not just banks or oil companies or the “military-industrial complex” of which Ike warned us, though the sense of immunity to accountability these corporate-cultural structures enjoy is another part of the problem. Many individuals made decisions they knew to be wrong. Along with those heading corporations, journalists were a pivotal part of this failure. They had ample opportunity to act ethically and make a decision that would have influenced the values by which all of us live, building the world through those uncounted separate choices. Unfortunately, they chose unwisely and unethically – and their bad choices drove out the good.

Large media (and non-media) corporations have swallowed up newspapers and other media outlets during the last few decades with alarming speed, with the goal being the use of these outlets as an extension of their control. Individual journalists did not have to cooperate – but they did, in large part. The lack of dispassionate, objective reporting in journalism morphed the profession towards use as a perpetual public relations service for those in power. The question became not “What is the truth?” but “What do you want the truth to be?” Power and profit became the unassailable be-all and end-all of corporate journalism.

These journalistic ‘values’ are best exemplified by Rupert Murdoch.

Sex, Lies, and Journalism

The following story, provided previously, illustrates how the cooperative efforts of the Bush White House, working with ‘media,’ such as owned by Rupert Murdoch, can eliminate potential exposure.

What did the culture of Page Six, combined with the Fox cadre of media outlets do to American culture over the last generation?

I first met Doug Dechert at a Fabiani Society Meeting in early 2000. The first words out of his mouth after being introduced was to offer me coverage on Page Six for payment to him of $10,000. My direct comments on Dechert appeared in, Stealing Truth: The John Fund Back Story, first published in January 2009. This article augments the previous version.

Over the next years Dechert occasionally surfaced for us through his relationship with John Fund and others we knew through the Fabiani Society. The period bridged the time when America was being sold the propositions George W. Bush had been legitimately elected President of the United States and Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction. Over those months I had opportunity to observe Fund and Dechert together and with others and reached the conclusion they were well acquainted, sharing many associates.

What else was going on, behind the scenes, besides hacking phone calls, about which we are now informed?

Most Americans, myself included, believed at the beginning of the first Bush W. Administration that the media was functioning as intended by our Founders, as the public source for truth. Today, most Americans understand this is not the case and the change over probably began with the placement of ‘journalists’ who did not respect or follow the tenets of traditional journalism, over a period of years.

The Manhattan Institute, Cato Institute & the Fabiani Society

During 2000 I had an apartment in New York at the Rivergate on 34th Street. At the same time we met Doug Dechert at the Fabiani Society we met Barbara Herbich, who soon after began a relationship with Doug Dechert for a while wearing the infamous diamond ring, said to come with a rubber band leading back to Doug, as a sign of their engagement. Doug moved in with Barbara at her apartment located at 845 W End Ave, Apt 15B. It was there Barbara found her self at loose ends one evening in Doug’s absence. She picked out one of the many videos he had brought with him and popped it in her player. It was not what she expected.

Barbara said she recognized the man, who was unclothed. The woman with whom he was having sex was, in her expressed opinion, a high-class call girl. Barb later expressed to us the opinion Doug was being paid to set up prominent NY men with prostitutes so their later actions could be ‘managed’ politically. Would this service have been provided for Murdoch or for Rove or both?

What prominent men in New York could have been blackmailed during those years? How might this have changed the outcome of events?

Barbara died suddenly in October of 2010. As a side note, the documentary she was then working on, “Nazi Persecution of Polish Christians,” remains unfinished. A talented documentary director, Barbara was working in New York when she met Dechert. MEMORIAL VIDEO

Domestic Violence

Morgan Pillsbury filed charges of domestic violence against Fund in early 2002. The Police claimed no photos were taken (see report, scroll to notes at the bottom of the page). The DA sat on the case. The NeoCon hate machine hit us like a tsunami. Fund’s connections, political and journalistic, came to his aid. One article, especially, told me how personal the attacks would be.

Fund solicited other attacks. Wendy McElroy, a woman who calls herself an individualist feminist and individualist anarchist I had known since the 70s, who wrote “False Rape Charges Hurt Real Victims” for (published July 22, 2003). In so doing she also violated the tenets of journalism, profiting thereby.

Journalists are required to ensure the principals are heard. McElroy failed to call either Morgan or myself. Since I had known her personally since the 1970s, this was a shock. Despite my best efforts I could not even get McElroy on the phone after she published. There was no notice given in advance what so ever.

Instead of carrying out her ethical obligation to seek the facts she wrote the article exonerating Fund and was within weeks hired at FOX News, the major Murdoch outlet long associated with Fund and his fellow NeoCons.

McElroy has made her living for decades writing effective spin for niche groups that want to hear justifications for their positions. These include why women need pornography and why women are as likely to be batterers as men, among other unsupportable assertions. Would she have been hired without providing the hit job under cover of journalism? Soon, we were calling it the John Fund Jobs Program for Needy Journalists.

For me, these events made the political and profit elements, present with Fox News and human ambition, very clear. The subsequent purchase of the WSJ by Murdoch made perfect sense as a political tool which allowed him to reward, punish, and carry out covert operations under the guise of journalism and business as usual.

Also clear, were the strong incentives not to see the ‘elephant in the room’ evidenced by those whose livelihoods depended on pay checks from a media which had been completely centralized, much of it under the control of Rupert Murdoch, then answering to the Bush White House. Political Operatives, disguised as journalists, were in positions of power and control.

Power & John Fund

As a member of the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal for 18 years, Fund was on a trajectory toward greater power in 1998. The power he already possessed provided him with a feeling of invincibility. Already accustomed to sexual access to many women who were attracted to power and money, he became accustomed to ignoring the consequences of behavior that was deceitful and ugly.

His personal and professional life matched in this regard. He knew no matter what he did he would be protected.

In October of 1998, he began a sexual relationship with my biological daughter, Morgan Pillsbury, who was raised by my parents. Morgan first met Fund at a convention I helped organize in Los Angeles in 1985. I had known Fund myself since 1980 when we met at a Libertarian Party Convention, where he came across as nerdy and bumbling but likable. The impression stuck. Over the years we kept in touch. He told the kids to call him Uncle John.

When I heard a rumor that Fund was involved with Morgan, I called him directly. He lied to me, telling me she lived nearby. He claimed that he had been feeding her cat for her while she had been away. I believed him.

Having had experience with Morgan over many years, I knew she could be less than honest . She needed strong evidence to disprove Fund’s claims to me. That is why the audio tape often referred to as the “Weaselsearch tape” was made.

She and I were arguing about her claims of having had a relationship with John when she realized he was calling. Putting me on hold she recorded a conversation with him. The Beep noise is me calling back. I did not realize she was on the phone with him until she played the tape you will hear.

If you listen to the tape, it becomes immediately apparent that Fund did not want me to know the truth. He lied and pressured Morgan to lie about their relationship. There was no reason for this; if he had told me he was in a relationship with Morgan, I would have been surprised and appalled, but it had been many years since we had been more than friends. My time was occupied caring for my severely handicapped son, Arthur, and by my own health needs, not with his love life.

Morgan was no child. She was born July 5, 1967. John was born April 8, 1956. Adults make their own decisions.

If this had remained merely a case of a man lying about his love life, journalism would never have been an issue. But Fund wanted to continue the relationship with Morgan covertly so he could also have relations with other women.

Unfortunately for Fund, Morgan refused to be his dirty little secret – and it was she who brought computer savvy into the relationship. For much of the three years they were a couple, Fund used Morgan’s computer for professional purposes and to receive personal e-mail. Why Fund would have overlooked the chain of evidence thus produced says nothing good about his intelligence of foresight.

And not only did Fund consistently lie about his relationship with Morgan while pursuing other women, he left the evidence on her computer. It was a strange relationship, and I do not pretend to entirely understand it.

At each point I demanded proof from Morgan for just these reasons. I talked to Fund over dinner, on the phone from the apartment the couple shared. I listened as he assured me he loved Morgan and wanted to marry her. I received e-mails and other proof that could not have been falsified, for instance this IM conversation on AOL between Matt Drudge and Morgan. Drudge had been IMing with Fund on Morgan’s computer earlier. Fund went to bed, leaving the window up. Morgan continued the conversation.

Fund’s lies would have exposed him, if not for his connections.

Fund lied to the daughter of Claire George, Leslie. He had told Leslie Morgan was not living with him. Ms. George called Morgan, demanding she stop stalking John. Morgan told her to call John’s land line in two minutes. Standing by the bed she answered, spoke to Leslie, and handed the phone to John. Leslie then emailed Morgan, sharing her father’s opinion that Fund is a sociopath.

Newt Gingrich was also briefed by Fund and responded to our request for intervention with this email. Newt refused to provide information on what had been said, making response impossible.

Morgan’s ‘relationship’ with Sidney Blumenthal was limited to asking for help, being refused, and, according to Morgan, having a Blumenthal associate steal information for the book he was writing on the Clinton Presidency, The Clinton Wars.

Around January, 2002, Fund – despite claims to the contrary by himself and others – was fired from the Wall Street Journal, probably because of the scandal that exploded over his own behavior. A letter from Fidelity Investments advised him to, “make a decision about what to do with the savings you have accumulated in your former employer’s retirement plan.” That employer was the Wall Street Journal. The letter is in Morgan’s possession. Fund opened it in her living room and, as Morgan told me, left it laying on the floor.

Morgan told me he had battered her on multiple occasions, first in New Jersey and then after he stalked her back to Manhattan and insisted on moving in with her in her new apartment. I heard several of those incidents via cell phone – as did Eric Buchanan of Roswell, Georgia.

She finally decided to file charges in both New Jersey and New York. Her hesitation, she later said, was the threat made by Fund to launch an attack on her with the cooperation of Rove and Dick Cheney, both friends and close associates of his. She did not share this threat with me until 2009.

Events escalated.

Fund coerced a false confession from Morgan to hide his acts, using threats of violence. Morgan sent this email to me and others immediately to refute what she had been forced to sign.

Fund solicited and received the cooperation of other journalists to spin what had taken place.

Fund’s “Nuts and Sluts” Strategy

Eric Alterman, a New York based writer known for his partisan political writing, generally perceived as on the left but, in fact, a centrist, authored an article for the May 15, 2003 edition of The Nation, Who Framed John Fund? Morgan and I attempted to contact Alterman. On Mother’s Day morning, June 11th, Morgan received an email from Alterman urgently requesting a response to a list of questions. Alterman received her response within three hours. He used none of the material supplied, did not call to follow up on her reply, and did not ask for the further documents that Morgan had offered. On June 25, 2003 a response from another liberal, Mark Crispin Miller, was published with another from Alterman in The Nation. The exchange is titled, ‘Ugly Tactics Make for Ugly People.’

Alterman sent Morgan a dismissive E-mail on July 4th.

According to Fred Brown, vice chair of the ethics committee for the Society for Professional Journalists, many journalists would pause before writing an article requested by someone in Fund’s circumstances. A journalist who followed the tenets of ethics would also be careful to ensure that all principals had fully aired their cases. Alterman violated every tenet of the code as outlined by SPJ. If you peruse his own website you will see this does not stem from a lack of “credentials.”

Fund was at that time working to have the charges against him in New York dropped. To accomplish that, he had been told he needed to destroy our credibility – Morgan’s as the victim, and my own as a witness.

A perfunctory search of the journalists involved also leads to linkages between these individuals. Alterman states in articles he has written that he is a friend of Katie Rosman, about whom you will read more below. A Google search of their names showed they often appear at the same events and cite each other. Alterman “adores gossip,” by his own report, and admits to being an avid reader of Page Six, a gossip column run by Richard Johnson with associates such as Doug Dechert.

Dechert was a regular attendee at the Fabiani Society, which met the second Tuesday at the Princeton Club, a place where Fund was also a regular. The organization was disbanded in 2007, according to the Manhattan Institute.

The first time I was introduced to Dechert at one of these events, he asked me for $10,000 to be in Page Six. I did not know what Page Six was and would have declined even more rapidly if I had known.

Selling print in this fashion is not news, it is not journalism, and it is not respectable public relations. Discussing the matter with Fred Brown, we agreed that the term “Slime Journalism” worked to describe it (with apologies to slime, which is an important part of the ecosystem). Reading Alterman’s enthusiastic reports on the operation leads one to believe he expects dishonesty and scandal as standard, modeling his professional work on that of Murdoch.

The Fabiani Society was jointly sponsored by two NeoCon think-tanks, the Cato Institute and the Manhattan Institute. The speakers usually represent the opinions marketed by those institutions. Many came only for the opportunity to network or the excellent canapés and ample bar.

Fund sent this email to Morgan at the same time these articles would have been in the works, once again demonstrating his lack not only of professionalism, but maturity.

An article solicited by Katie Rosman, then at Elle, in the autumn of 2003, presents a strategy also intended to silence us using another tack. We met with Katie Rosman at a coffee shop in Manhattan where she asked for an exclusive on the story. We agreed. Soon her contact with us became sporadic. The story was stalled for months, during a critical time period, and then quashed (see correspondence).

Rosman’s career received a real boost by not writing an article for John Fund.

Rosman received a job offer at the Wall Street Journal simultaneous to the article being dropped. Katie Rosman is still working at the WSJ and is a friend of Eric Alterman’s, according to Alterman.

Fund solicited a woman law professor, Gail Heriot to assist him.

The site, John H. Fund, was originally registered at her address in San Diego, 4830 Hart Drive, San Diego, CA 92116. That has now been changed. Heriot put herself in the category of journalist when she wrote to Gene Gaudette, the editor of APJ, with a letter she sent across the Internet, effectively publishing it. Its content is libelous. (You can read that e-mail from Heriot to American Politics Journal and their demolishing response here).

Heriot had written an email to Fund on January 13, 2002 that reveals the reason she supported him. Morgan and Fund were still living together when she wrote, “So allow me to introduce myself.  I am Gail Heriot, the woman whose hotel room you’ve found yourself in a few times over the last six weeks.” See the full letter here.

Gail’s articles also appear in the Wall Street Journal today.

Fund was offered support from a female journalist with whom he was evidently conducting an affair at Christian Broadcast Network. Her name was Christine Hall-Reis. Here is a semi-nude photo that she sent to Fund, which he downloaded to Morgan’s computer and became her property,given to me to use as needed. Fund and Morgan were living together at the time the photo was sent along with the accompanying email.

One can reach no other conclusion that each and every one of these articles was clearly solicited by Fund.

One also has to relish the irony of Fund using women with whom he was intimately involved to deploy a “nuts and sluts” smear campaign.

Fund also received help from individuals hoping to benefit from the opportunity presented who were not compensated. Two such individuals were Eric Garris and Justin Raimondo, now of

Both men had known Fund and myself for many years. Both were members of a small but self-consciously radical group associated with the Libertarian Party and Murray Rothbard, a highly respected free market economist who died in 1995.

I made a call to Eric Garris in 2002 asking for help. Morgan was in hiding, in fear of her life. Fund was using every avenue to destroy my reputation and credibility. Eric refused to help. In 2006 Justin Raimondo wrote an article that appeared on The original has been altered. I responded in 24 hours with this article.

Soon afterward I talked to Lew Rockwell of, founder of the Mises Institute, who employs Eric Garris as a webmaster. Eric had read my assertion that the hit piece on Fund was motivated by the realization neither he or Raimondo would never profit by covering for Fund. Lew told me he talked to Garris right after he read my article. Eric, he said, affirmed I was exactly right.

Black Box Road to the Rove White House

Fund’s relationship with the Bush White House and the purpose of the book he was then writing, Stealing Elections, were less obvious in 2002. Fund has since admitted he has been routinely briefed by the White House, before and after he was fired from the WSJ. His road to being a willing tool of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was long and, in many ways, meteoric.

Fund first worked as a political operative in 1979, according to Justin Raimondo. His services were secured to ensure the nomination of Ed Clark for the Libertarian Presidential Nomination for 1980 by Ed Crane. Far from having an interest in stopping voter or election fraud, Fund himself committed a curious specie of fraud by claiming to be a candidate by taking out papers that year but never turning them in while claiming to be running for office and getting 46% of the vote. Justin Raimondo characterized Fund as “an expert lying propagandist of the sleazier sort.”

Never in all the years I knew him did I hear Fund express any interest in the issues of election or voter fraud. His political interests were more sensational; his personal interests run to Star Wars and Star Trek. If you really knew him, this sudden change in principal interests should have raised questions about his role with those associated with the administration. It did for me.

The book he wrote is now considered by those in the clean elections movement to be a misdirective tool intended to muddy the water on the issue of voter fraud. It focuses in on purported fraud by individuals, ignoring the enormous issues of fraud now ascribed to such companies as Diebold and ES&S. Fund proposed centralizing control over elections as a solution – an idea completely in line with the big and well-connected “black box” mongers – and is nearly successful in undermining the issue by injecting his spin.

Bev Harris of Black Box Voting said of Fund’s position, “It is amazing that this bogus solution is still being put forth. His solutions take us directly to ever more centralized control by a small group of insiders. What is needed is for the people to have local control and access to the results. Complete transparency.”

Mark Crispin Miller was even more explicit, saying, “Despite his pose as an impartial expert on American elections, John Fund is in fact a dedicated party operative, who for many years has turned out rightist propaganda for the GOP. Specifically, he has abetted the Republicans’ election theft by helping to promote the myth of widespread Democratic ‘voter fraud’–a fiction that has been disproved by every reputable study, but one which Fund has pushed at every opportunity. And so whatever he may recommend to help ‘reform’ US elections should be rejected out of hand, as on this crucial subject he enjoys no credibility at all.”

Vickie Karp and others involved in the clean elections movement also agree about Fund and his role as a propagandist and deceiver. All of the agree that Fund’s “solutions,” which provide cover for ever more centralization and displace real reform, are the opposite of transparency.

Inserting himself into that dialog would have been severely hampered had he been in jail for domestic violence. Yet Fund remains a high level political operative. Understanding how he accomplished his goals provides a clear understanding of the covert operation we know as the Bush Administration.

In all cases each of the individuals above achieved, or hoped to profit by using the appearance of journalism to sell lies.

Rupert Murdoch successfully converted journalism to propaganda, used to protect the interests of the elite of which he is a part and made a profit doing it. He acquired the WSJ in 2005, presumably after he realized how useful it would be to own the most prominent American publication on finance and covert politics. Journalists lined up with their hands out to help him.

For all these reasons it is time to lose your illusions, plant in your garden, and some reserve seed for next year.

February 2025