Military Analysis by Captain Eric H. May

Amerika Uber Alles: Our Zionazi Nation

Capt. Eric H. May, Iconoclast Intelligence Editor

While I always hope to be wrong in my worst-case analysis, my Wednesday article, Nuclear November, is supported by a cascade of alarming indicators that make it certain that Israel is about to prove Europeans right in their opinion that it’s the world’s most dangerous nation. Armed with one of the world’s largest nuclear arsenals, they cry out to humanity that they are history’s greatest victims; but more and more of humanity is crying out that they are history’s greatest victimizers.

Recent events support the Judeophobes over the Judeophiles, and warrant the coining of a new word, Judeopathic, to describe the actions of the self-proclaimed Jewish Nation. They either are preparing to start a war with Iran, or are running a bluff to push the West into a stronger anti-Iran position to avert war. Look to Adolf Hitler’s 1936 Rhineland, 1938 Czechoslovakia and 1939 Poland threats for a close parallel. In the first and second cases he was bluffing; in the third he wasn’t. Then as now, informed insiders thought hard about it all, and misinformed masses hardly thought at all.

The coming third world war demands reflection on the second. In my abbreviated but adventurous life, I have enjoyed the friendship and mentoring of U.S. World War Two veterans from both European and Pacific theaters, as well as Russians and Germans from both sides of the front. With Veterans Day, 11/11/11, fast approaching, I dedicate this edition of Amerika Uber Alles, first published by The Lone Star Iconoclast in 2007, to them. I offer it to my readers without updates, believing that what I posted four years ago has stood the test of time.


Amerika Uber Alles: Our Zionazi Nation

Saint Peter’s Prologue

The most persuasive anti-Nazi I ever knew was my mentor, Dr. Peter W. Guenther, who believed that Nazism was monstrous at every level. As a professor of humanities, he thought it was both inhumane and inhuman. As a professor of art history, he thought its aesthetics were artless histrionics. He readily granted that his intellectual opinions were molded by his personal experiences. As a German veteran of World War II, he regretted the loss of his youth, the waste of his friends’ lives and the devastation that they had inflicted on others. He held Hitler accountable for all of this – after all, it was Hitler who had drafted them into the war. He had served from 1939 to 1945, from Poland to Norway, France and Russia. He once quipped that before every one of their invasions their leaders said they were fighting for national defense, but after the shooting started every soldier on every side believed that he was fighting for his own self-defense.

By the time of the Iraq war he was retired from academe, and I was writing military analysis for media. As U.S. forces began storming up the Euphrates Valley in the spring of 2003, hell-bent on Baghdad, we began to discuss the limited American mobilized manpower and materiel, and the overall limitations of blitz tactics. Guided by his insights, I published a then-radical op-ed in the Houston Chronicle that warned of a quicksand war in Iraq, and maybe a world war as a result of it.

As the easy war promised us by the Bush administration wore on into the summer of 2003, Dr. Guenther and I began to note that there were more similarities between Post-9/11 America and Third Reich Germany than just over-reliance on Blitzkrieg tactics, and we determined that the two nations were following parallel political courses. Most disturbing for my mentor, who had become a patriotic American citizen after World War II, was the painful conclusion that our American president, with his global war for a New American Century, was just another German fuhrer, with a world war for a Thousand Year Reich.

“This is a bad copy of a bad original,” he said.

“Drang Nach Osten” — The Eastern Offensive

George W. Bush came into office with a secret war plan and no excuse to implement it – just as Hitler had come into office in 1933 with the same predicament. Both of them wanted the prize of Middle Eastern oil. In Hitler’s case that meant going through “Judeo-Bolshevik” Russia on the way, while in Bush’s case that meant going through “Islamo-Fascist” Iraq. In Hitler’s case the guiding document was Mein Kampf, while in Bush’s case there were two. A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm was presented to the Israeli government in 1996 by American neocons Douglas Feith, Richard Perle and David Wurmser, among others. Resbuilding America’s Defenses was presented to the American government in 2000. Its arguments mirrored the Israeli document, and had been drawn up by the neocons as well. In 2001 Feith, Perle and Wurmser became key Bush administration members.

Neither Hitler’s nor Bush’s plans for world dominance could have been pursued without some good luck. Both leaders entered office with over half their nations opposing them, and an avid opposition that wanted to pull them down. Hitler’s good luck came with the Reichstag fire, blamed on Jewish Communists, which mobilized his fatherland to rally behind him. Bush’s good luck happened on 9/11, blamed on Muslim Fundamentalists, which mobilized his homeland to rally behind him.

In both cases, their followers smiled at their good luck, and began their new order of things. Hitler quickly instituted an Enabling Act for the protection of the German people, slated for expiration in five years, which was quietly continued. Bush quickly instituted a Patriot Act for the protection of the American people, slated for expiration in five years, which was quietly continued. Hitler created the Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) to further protect the German people, while Bush created the Department of Homeland Security (Homeseca) to do the same for the American people.

“Führer Prinzip” — The Unitary Executive

Both leaders were believers in the authoritarian concept. A few weeks before assuming office, Bush said outright that he thought dictatorship would be a fine form of government, if he could be the dictator. They both believed that power should come from above and obedience should come from below, and they offered protection in exchange for loyalty. Thus no one was surprised when Hermann Goering made a fortune helping to run Germany, just as no one was surprised when Irving “Scooter” Libby received a pardon for his pro-Bush political crimes in America.

Both leaders supplemented their new security police and security acts with concentration camps such as Dachau and Gitmo, initially designed for only a small percentage of national enemies. Both dispensed with international rules and regulations in their treatment of enemies in those installations, and applied a wide variety of innovative persuasive techniques to extract information and obtain confessions. The lessons learned in these proto-type camps proved to be invaluable in later establishments such as Auschwitz and Abu Ghraib.

Both leaders relied on agreeable legislatures. In Germany the Reichstag cheered enthusiastically as it endorsed the increase in police powers, the reduction in civil rights and the national march to world war. In America Congress did the same things, but in more subdued fashion, even with a show of dissent. In Germany, Hitler declared a dictatorship under Article 48, provided by the old Weimar Constitution in the event of a national emergency. In America Bush recently issued National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD 51), thereby legalizing a dictatorship in the event of a national emergency.

“Gott Mit Uns” — God’s on Our Side

Neither Hitler nor Bush could have effected their radical plans without a party full of functionaries and a compliant national media, of course. Hitler relied on his “Nazi” party, an acronym of his National Socialist Party. He had a brilliant individual named Joseph Goebbels to control the Reich Propaganda Ministry and rally the public behind Nazi policies. Bush relied on his “Nozi” party, an anagram of Zion. He had a brilliant cartel of Zionists to control the American Mainstream Media and rally the public behind Nozi policies.

The greatest accomplishment of both the Nazi and Nozi parties was convincing themselves and their citizens that they were not conspirators of any sort, but rather the victims of an international conspiracy. The Nazi party said that Judeo-Communism was the hidden enemy, against which all the powers of a determined fatherland had to be directed, and that they were the targets of anti-German propaganda. The Nozi party says that Islamo-Fascism is the hidden enemy, against which all the powers of a determined homeland have to be directed, and that they are the targets of anti-Semitic propaganda.

The rest of the world didn’t buy the pro-war propaganda from Germany’s Nazis three generations ago, and they don’t buy it from America’s Nozis three generations later. The way the rest of the world sees it, what we have been taught to call the axis of evil is not so dangerous to the world as the axis of America and Israel. They see American naval forces massing in the name of national defense against Iran, and they remember Iraq. They see Israeli air forces attacking Syria, and they remember Lebanon. The rest of the world knows who we have become, even if we don’t.

Saint Peter’s Epilogue

Dr. Peter W. Guenther died on his 85th birthday, March 30, 2005, followed six months later by his wife of 58 years, Andrea. They were my Baucis and Philemon, the most elegant couple I ever knew — particularly when I visited them, with my apish martial artist hands and heavy East Texas twang.

I can fairly call him my comrade, since the writing I continued to push and publish carried us far over the line of journalism and into intelligence, and had both of us ducking for cover in mid-July, 2003. The same can be said of my other WWII advisor, Mr. Joseph Coleman, an Army veteran who had served in the Pacific. Thanks to their alarmed admonitions, I went underground on July 17, 2003 — half a day before Bush and Blair started a five-day series of assassinations beginning with Dr. David Kelly in England.

Dr. G and Mr. C saved my life, and those of us who were involved knew it; those who lacked the brains or guts to be involved say that it couldn’t have happened. It’s the same story with all wars, my mentors taught and my experience confirms. The loudest growls inevitably come from from the mouths of paper tigers. For the best account of what it was really happened, see the article by Iconoclast publisher W. Leon Smith. For a sample of our correspondence before things became deadly, see my Rebel Redux.

Captain Eric H. May, the Lone Star Iconoclast intelligence editor, has developed an international readership for his false flag analysis.  Captain May, a former Army intelligence officer, is the commander of Ghost Troop cyber militia.


Nuclear November: Izzies Want Iran War

Capt. Eric H. May, Intelligence Editor

Israel, the country that 60 percent of Europeans considered the world’s most dangerous nation in a 2002 poll, is close to starting yet another war, its third in the last five years, this time with Iran.

The Jewish Nation, propped up by apartheid and war crime, cries that worldwide anti-Semitism is rising up against Worldwide Jewry by paying too little attention to Iran and too much attention to Palestine — and it intends to fix things soon. The cacophony of war drums grew loud on Halloween:

Netanyahu: Nuclear Iran threatens Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Monday that a nuclear Iran would be a serious and direct threat to Israel. “A nuclear Iran poses a heavy threat to the entire world – and to Israel in particular,” Netanyahu said during the opening of the Knesset’s winter session, warning that the regime in Tehran is continuing its efforts to obtain nuclear weapons. — Haaretz, 10/31/11

It grew louder later:

US fears Israeli strike on Iran

Many Israelis are concerned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak decided on an attack on Iran’s nuclear reactors. The US is naturally also concerned over such plans which may send the entire region into a whirlwind. — Ynetnews, 10/31/11

It grew louder still yesterday:

Israel warns West: Time to stop Iran

Israeli ambassadors in Western countries have been instructed to inform high-ranking politicians that the window of opportunity for imposing effective sanctions on Iran is closing, as part of a renewed diplomatic offensive aimed at using new sanctions to stop Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb. — Haaretz, 11/1/11

These dangerous developments corroborate my analyses and admonitions, which can be found in my Veterans Today archive. My latest five about Israel/Iran war prospects should be interesting to intelligent readers, and invidious to the Israel Lobby — as all worthwhile analysis should be:

Bunkered Barack Obama Awaits World War

10/25 — There are unsettling current events that make this presidential appearance in Denver seem like another command post exercise ready to go live for a false flag, world war or both.

San Antonio 10-19-11 Terror Plot

10/22 — It’s a story that bears chilling similarities to the terror attacks conducted against Oklahoma City and New York City, but the Wednesday morning arrest of five Moroccan terrorist suspects in San Antonio quickly passed from the lurid to the ludicrous in media descriptions.

America Awakens to Denver False Flag Danger

9/27 — Denver, location of the nation’s state-of-emergency command apparatus, was the scene of massive terror training Friday. With financial markets crumbling worldwide, Zionists reeling from the push for Palestinian statehood in the UN and an Israeli attack on Iran, as reported by Haaretz, under consideration, a false flag operation may well be in the works, and Obama’s placement in Denver may well be the king retreating to his castle before the battle begins.

Jewish Jihad and World War

9/25 — Before I am assailed by the usual screams from the usual suspects, let me point out that the fear of Jewish jihadists starting a world war is not uniquely mine. There was an op-ed by Jewish dissident Sefi Rachlevsky in Haaretz Wednesday that said the same thing: Netanyahu must be stopped from attacking Iran.

BREAKING: Texas City Terror Scare

9/23 — Late last night I received this report from a reliable source inside the mammoth BP refinery in Texas City, Texas: “This morning at 0930, the fire alarms went off at BP, causing an evacuation. Normally BP announces in advance when it is going to have an emergency drill, but in this case employees said that they were surprised. Many said that they were reminded of the unannounced nuclear exercise of 2006, and believe that something is up.” Nine hours after the emergency drill there was an emergency.

To summarize my five articles:

  • Israel needs U.S. backing for a war with Iran, which can be most easily gained by a false flag terror attack against the U.S.
  • There have been two false flag close calls in the last six weeks, each followed by an Obama retreat to the emergency command citadel of Denver.
  • The U.S.and Israel are rehearsing a joint false flag and world war plan.

The writing is on his wall, and it’s up to the Internet Intelligentsia to do what it does best by investigating it and discussing it, for these are the best means of preventing it.

* For the best and bravest documentary about Israeli false flag terror, watch filmmaker Mike Delaney’s 9/11 Missing Links.

Captain Eric H. May, the Lone Star Iconoclast intelligence editor, has developed an international readership for his false flag analysis.  Captain May, a former Army intelligence officer, is the commander of Ghost Troop cyber militia.

San Antonio 10-19-11 Terror Plot

It’s a story that bears chilling similarities to the terror attacks conducted against Oklahoma City and New York City, but the Wednesday morning arrest of five Moroccan terrorist suspects in San Antonio quickly passed from the lurid to the ludicrous in media descriptions.

This is what they were saying in the morning:

Terror Alert Bomb Scare (Fox News)

Capt. Eric H. May

Documents found inside the van showed the men, all in their 20s, had traveled extensively to high-level security facilities around the country, according to local media reports. Investigators also told the Associated Press that 90-day visas, maps, cell phones and computers were found inside the vehicle.

By the afternoon, though, the story had changed:

Texas courthouse break-in was prank, not terrorism

Officials in San Antonio say that the five foreign men arrested during a courthouse break-in early on Wednesday were pranksters who were likely intoxicated. “There is no reason to think this is a terrorist incident,” Bexar County Sheriff Amadeo Ortiz told reporters Wednesday afternoon.

Many details of the day, however, raise eyebrows across the Internet, increasingly regarded as the printing press of the Second American Revolution by both the establishment, which wants to nullify it, and the anti-establishment, which wants to nurture it. Those details include:

A large RV parked in front of San Antonio’s Bexar County Courthouse, echoing the 4/19/95 moving van bombing of Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

Five Moroccan Muslims reported to have a large amount of cash, maps and documents related to critical infrastructure that they had studied and visited, and a passion for partying — idiosyncrasies shared with the 19 hijackers of 9/11/01, as described by the U.S. media.

A hastily and vaguely announced NORAD interception training mission, extending from 10/18 – 10/20, identical to the NORAD interception training mission occurring on 9/11.

A massive gathering of key terrorism officials and companies in San Antonio for the 10/16 – 10/19 GEOINT Symposium, reminiscent of the Carlyle Group meeting that put George HW Bush and power elite partners in Washington DC on 9/11.

The San Antonio affair occurred on a date that decodes from 10/19/11 to 11911 — 911 from the middle to the left and from the middle to the right. There is only one more “palindromic” 11911 left in this century: 11/9/11, two-and-a-half weeks from now. Not coincidentally, FEMA has chosen that date for its first-ever Emergency Alert System Nationwide Test, during which it will take over all U.S. broadcast stations. The date on which the exercise was determined was 6/9/11, or 6911. Cryptanalysts read the 6 and 9 as “rotational twins” — the same numbers, only in different positions. This makes 6911 the same as 6611 and 9911; both numbers are sinister “numeric harmonics” of 9/11. The same number 6911 was used to encode the Japanese body count one week after Fukushima: Japan Death Toll Hits 6,911. 11/9/11, 11/10/11 and 11/11/11 will be days of exceptional danger, worldwide.

Working with such code analysis, I made a comment below my most recent publication at 5:00 a.m. on 10/19/11, in reply to my European colleague, Abu Salem of Islamic Intelligence. It anticipated the San Antonio terror scare story by a couple of hours:

“Salaam! I am humbled by your kind remarks in the comments. I have been wanting to include this in VT for some time, and couldn’t resist doing so on 10/19/11 (11911). Together with 1/19/11 and 11/9/11, today is one of only three palindromic date codes in this century with 911. Of course Cabalists are quite aware of this, which makes today and 11/9/11 most perilous.”

Captain Eric H. May, the Lone Star Iconoclast intelligence editor, has developed an international readership for his false flag analysis.  Captain May, a former Army intelligence officer, is the commander of Ghost Troop cyber militia.

BP 7/28 Nuke Plan vs. U.S. Officers Coup

Sabotage Five Years Ago Current, Critical

Capt. MayBP, Texas City False Flag Report

Cloak and Dagger Emergency Broadcast

7/28/2005, 9 p.m. (Central)

On the evening of July 28, 2005, the Southeast Texas sky erupts into a hurricane of fire, dozens of miles high and wide, over the blazing BP refinery in Texas City. Captain May’s voice reveals his fear of a BP nuclear attack. His earlier national warnings of a Houston false flag have been validated. The tension builds when a helicopter begins circling his position. At the end of the interview, he calls for a military coup d’etat counterattack.

Ten days later the coup continues:

False Flag“Ghost Troop Officer False Flag Coup Notes”, LIBERTYISNOTFREE, 8/7/05,

The next day Army TRADOC boss General Kevin Byrnes is relieved of command for botching the BP false flag. The matter is mentioned in a mostly misinformed Alex Jones story:

“Four Star Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?”, Prison Planet, 8/10/05,

For the recording of the broadcast, please listen and copy it from the America First Books archive of Captain May’s work:

— Transcript —

Captain May: I am down here in Houston waiting to see if there will be a big flash. We are in condition red here for sure. This is all combat. We have gone to infowar and geopolitical, geostrategic equations because George Bush, that son of a bitch, wanted to kill his home town. He wanted to burn his home city down. And now they have blown up the factory where they planted the bomb so that they could get the bomb out of Houston. The Federal government has declared war on the city of Houston. The city of my parents, my children — our friends, my friends. And he wanted to stab his own town in the back. Like a rich brat stabbing his own aunt in the back to get an endowment. First he is a cold-hearted murderer. He should be stopped at all costs. Ghost troop wants to talk in Russian…(Russian talk)…(Spanish talk …I want to speak in Spanish…We are being made deluded, insane…Bush wants to kill us in our homes…Bush wants to kill us…)

Lenny Bloom: We are on, we are still taping…

Capt. May: This is the biggest thing since the Hindenberg, but the big thing about it is that it is my city down there to the South, y’all. I moved up to the north of Houston, which is north of Texas City where all of this stuff seems to be centered right now, unless we play the scenario out as we predicted in the Ghost Troop 9/11-2B report. The top target, the prime target, trying to level the decrepit, rusted worthless ship channel, in this scenario they made us go with it.

I swear I taste ionization in my mouth. There is flashing going on to the south. Is it a thunder storm? Is it some kind of summer thing? I don’t know. What kind of condition are we living in where a man has to look to this south and calculate whether a mushroom cloud is going to engulf what echelon of his existence. His parents, his children, himself. This is madness. It must be stopped.

Lenny: Certainly they are probably using the Space shuttle to coordinate this attack.

Capt. May: Oh, who knows what they are doing? The technology they are bringing in to bear! All I see is this electromagnetic — like a flashing strobe on a Frankenstein, the old 1930’s Frankenstein movies, where you see what looks like the stuff that comes off nuclear explosions. You know . . . what the hell do I know? I was in the chemical corps. I studied it. I taught it. I do not see any mushroom cloud. What a hell of a night in Houston!

Lenny: Wow!

Capt. May: Welcome home George Bush! Welcome home to Texas! He tried to burn it down. He tried to burn it down! The son of a bitch wanted to burn down Houston. He wanted to light up Texas City. He wanted to explode the San Jacinto monument. He wanted to do something that would get a whole country into a mad war against Arab countries for oil and Israeli political interests. Another flash to the south! There it goes! You know, what the hell is next?

Lenny: Wow! This is the only place anybody is going to get any first-hand information. They will not get it on the British controlled, spy-soaked, monopoly press!

Capt May: Now I am hearing rumbling down… Again, what is this thunder? It looks like a lightening pattern.

Lenny: Just so everyone knows…

Capt May: Artillery? Is there a putsch going on it Houston? Glory be to the Republic of Texas! Texas should lead the way! Texas should rise up and save itself! The police officers of Texas should get a handle on a crime scene getting covered up! This is a crime scene being deconstructed! The same way 9-11 was hauled down … Another flash! … 9-11 was hauled down the day after the towers collapsed. The towers collapsed in perfect symmetry.

Lenny: I just want to say the time is 22:09 hours Eastern Daylight Time Thursday the 28th of July [2005]. Go ahead!

Capt. May: My wife is in the house. We have set up a communications center. We are in a state of warfare to save our lives! And my wife is trying to call people in the neighborhood who she knows in the city, in different parts, to figure out if we can triangulate to do an estimation. I have her doing artillery coordinates to see if my town… There it goes again! Wow! Bigger! Man, it is like that email I wrote. Let me give you that web site Lenny, if these are my last words…

Lenny: Give us the coordinated web site.

Capt. May: The web site is


Note: The group that published the report pushed Ghost Troop to initiate an armed attack on the Houston media, to broadcast the completely muzzled story. I believed the plan reckless, and removed the provacateurs from the command. The publisher pulled the report, but left an important bit of the coup history. For the original report, see:

“9112B Report to SA Skip Midcap, FBI”, Teknosis, 7/22/05,


Lenny: Now when they go to the web site, where on the web site do you want them to go?

Capt. May: Go to any of it. It is compelling now. We are in the middle of goddamned history, man. They are preparing to Psy-Op the country by black-oping his home town. They are getting ready to wax us. Talk about this in the neighborhood. You know my eccentric theory seems pretty valid when I pony up three editorials in the Houston Chronicle saying that this war would turn into quicksand. Saying we would be brought to the brink of World War. Saying it could roll back and destroy us ourselves. All those things are… There it is! Wow!! Wow! Getting bigger. What kind of Tae Kwon Do block can you give to a friggin’ mushroom cloud? More George Bush does not do a fair fight. Don’t let him fool you. Again! Ascending. I haven’t a clue.

Lenny: So there is a big battle going on there?

Capt. May: I cannot believe they are going to keep the grid all night long. Something irregular is going on. Again. Freaky electronic power being controlled directly into the stratosphere. Like, God, I have got to get my coordinates ready. Let me get my compass out. I am looking north. Directly to the south. That puts it directly through an axis in central Houston, Clear Lake, going clear out to Texas City. It could be a flash in any direction along that to me. Again, from my position, and oh boy. I hear the cop siren going. Well, this may be it folks. Another flash. From where I am, the coordinates are going to be the same. The Ignatius Loyola Church, we will make our Alamo there. I was baptized in the church of the Sacred heart in El Paso. La Iglesia del Corazon Sagrado, by Father Marshall. It sure looks like it was a good idea. And Father Garcia, who is the prior of the pastorage, at the time said it was a good idea. And it looks like I have one prophecy more than I care to have folks [voice breaking at 9.00 minutes into the interview]. I think I called them right all along. From where I am at the St. Ignatius Church, I am looking up Lenny, and from where I am looking, to the south, probably 45 degrees up into the atmosphere. So we are talking about something that as you look from the center of a clock is up there at 9:30. Yes, this is up there, above level on the horizon. It is half way up to vertical, 45 degrees up, folks. That is the best coordinate I can give you. And that is real irregular lightening. It is not lightening. It is pulses from a single source. God knows what they are doing. Are they simulating a big British Petroleum explosion. Are they staging raids with the CIA and they are in there in guerrilla units. You know, what are they doing down there? I have not turned on the TV, and God knows what that is going to tell me anyway.

Lenny: Captain May, there is this BP oil refinery where they had planted an atomic device, is that correct?

Capt May: That is the way we are reading it Lenny, unless the flare is an abort code, and they are doing a massive distraction operation to get away from the scene like 9-11. They think on Hollywood terms. They look British but they act Yiddish. That is it. And right now there is something going on. I would not be surprised if tactical forces are not pretty close to being deployed, because you would have to have them out in an operation of this scale. God knows that stuff has got to be 20 miles off. It is 45 degrees over my shoulder. Every time it goes I flinch.

Lenny: And it is no accident the space shuttle is up there . . .

Capt. May: Did we talk about EMP [Electro-Magnetic Pulse]? They are setting it up in the media. EMP is a localized phenomenon. They have set it up in the media, because they are set to do one of those British-Yiddish miracles, like 9/11 itself, there is going to be darkness. My God that went horizontal across the 45 degree plane! It went from straight in front of me to out my right eye. There is weird stuff going on up there. Weird stuff. And it is big stuff. Either that or it looks like it to me, but I am not hearing it. God! Man! The flash, and I am not getting any bang right now. It is just all flash. Now my God there is so much flash I cannot believe there is no bang yet. God, let’s hope bang does not get here. You know what bang comes before. Bang comes before smack! You know when we start hearing bang, that means smack is somewhere next. This is like hurricane Bush bearing down on his home town. There is your tag man. Hurricane Bush blowing beau coup! Code name Beau Coup! Hurricane Bush blowing, codename Beau Coup!

Lenny: Captain May, why don’t we take a quick break and get this up on the Internet for everybody, and then we will call you back.

Capt. May: These are Captain’s orders that are going down as we talk, brother. Good bye and I hope not farewell. I am out!

Lenny: Bye, bye. In twenty minutes I will call you.

+ + + + + + +

For further reading:

“Military Analysis by Captain Eric H. May”, The Lone Star Iconoclast, 2010,

JEWISH TERROR ALERT — 7/22/10 “King David’s Day”

Capt. MayHOUSTON, 7/22/10 — Before you shoot angry email at the publishers of this article, consider the reason they let you read it: America is at risk from an insidious terrorist nation. Does this seem like a bit of wording straight out of Fox News? So be it. Sometimes the most exciting news comes from the most unexpected sources …

Capt. MayHOUSTON, 7/22/10 — Before you shoot angry email at the publishers of this article, consider the reason they let you read it: America is at risk from an insidious terrorist nation. Does this seem like a bit of wording straight out of Fox News? So be it. Sometimes the most exciting news comes from the most unexpected sources …

“Fox News: Israeli Spyring”, Fall 2001,

Carl Cameron’s four-part investigative series is compelling journalism, and exposes Israeli fingerprints all over 9/11. Fox pulled it down from its website shortly after it aired, offering no explanation. Good thing the Internet had copied and could post it.

After the Fox report, consider these words of warning from the U.S. Army, published the day before 9/11 about the Israeli Mossad intelligence agency:

“Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”

 “U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army study,” Washington Times, 9/10/2001,

Afterward, take a look at this:

Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel”, Haaretz, 4/16/08,

Speaking of the Israeli prime minister, read what the British had to say about him:

“British anger at terror celebration”, The Times, 7/20/06,

Is it really so far a stretch to be alert to Jewish terror? Really? To be perfectly honest about it, had this article been headlined with “Muslim  terror” or “Arab terror,” would it have seemed strange at all?

“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

“How Jewish is Hollywood?”, LA Times, 12/19/08,

+ + + + + + +

Captain May, a former army general staff officer and later NBC editorial writer, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, an all American group of veterans and activists. CNN did a widely read “hit” story against them a year ago, which helped the unit to recruit more Internet activists:

“Some suspect conspiracy in Holocaust Museum case,” CNN, 6/16/2009,

DANGER: Tisha B’Av Israeli Attack 7/20-7/22 (Caveat HOU CHI)

Capt. MayHOUSTON, 7/20/2010 — Information from Wall Street chills the blood of the Bayou City. Our number came up in the lottery of manufactured terror events, with that same devil’s mark that presaged 9/11: an inexplicable stampede away from a public service stock through put options. Pre-9/11, the craze had been to dump airlines, but now it’s the Houston power company:

Capt. MayHOUSTON, 7/20/2010 — Information from Wall Street chills the blood of the Bayou City. Our number came up in the lottery of manufactured terror events, with that same devil’s mark that presaged 9/11: an inexplicable stampede away from a public service stock through put options. Pre-9/11, the craze had been to dump airlines, but now it’s the Houston power company:

“Interesting Options Volume for CenterPoint Energy,” Market Intellisearch, 7/13/2010,

“NEW YORK (Market Intellisearch) — Unusual volume of put contracts was traded today. There were 713 puts contracts versus the ten day average volume of 55. On the calls side, 27 calls contracts were traded. Today’s traded Put/Call ratio is 26.41. There were 26.41 puts traded for each call contract. — Posted on 07/13/2010 by Leo Goldman”

This financial bull horn should have brought half a dozen officials at a gallop, but none of the hounds of justice showed nose for hunting conspiracy. They lend considerable weight to the increasingly plausible theory that they are in league with the conspirators.

As if the blunt fact that people were betting something bad was going to happen were not bad enough, there was the emphatic coding, just what you would expect from cutthroat gangsters. The H-town area code, 713, was matched by the bizarre 713 put options effected on 7/13 (713).

+ + + + + + +

It never ceases to amaze me that we watch baseball games in which players and coaches use weird hand signals, watch football games in which they bark number-filled nonsense, watch shows about prison or street gangs (which all use secret codes to communicate), then stare dumbly at anybody suggesting that the elites of Europe and America have their little clubs and codes, too.

We delight in convincing children that Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy reward their accomplishments — or that bogeymen haunt them for their failures. We talk over their heads, tease or distract them if they ask probing questions, and menace anyone who interferes with the fun.

How dare  we jeer anyone  who suggests that conspiracies are part of life! Here’s a theory for the thinking reader …

+ + + + + + +

At present, Israel is the only nuclear power this side of Pakistan in the Middle East — until the Iranians bring their Bushehr nuclear plant to life in September, that is. Israel’s pugnacious prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to see Barry Obama on July 6, and next day Joe Lieberman had two other senators (McCain and Graham) in Tel Aviv, pledging to go to war for Israel. The American People, alas, don’t see the “vital American interest” of fighting a war for Israel, but there might be a provocative event that roused their ardor …

The three amigos of Israel thought ruefully of the squandered opportunity of the USS Liberty, which LBJ sent into the Eastern Mediterranean just in time for Israelis to attack it shortly after initiating their 1967 regional war. They tried for half the day to sink it and kill all survivors, near Egyptian waters, then blame it on the Egyptians. It was a great false flag plan, and came near to success, with Johnson keeping the Navy vessels in the area from rendering assistance. Liberty proved more difficult to destroy than they had expected, though, so they had to go into damage control mode, saying that it all had been a terrible mistake. They knew that they could count on Admiral McCain (John’s father) to sweep it all under the carpet of an understanding investigation. The three amigos each thought of Liberty often, and each thought that he could do a better false flag on a far larger scale.

+ + + + + + +

“Take the BP Horizon,” Joe was saying to John and Lindsey, somewhat officiously, “since now we have it on our national Horizon.”

John grunted at the pun.

“We can do a million things with it, fellas, and it’s all for one for one basic reason …” Joe added, “… we plan!

“What if I told you that nothing about BP was an accident. Not the body count of 11 that our friends in the media reported. Not the unreported fact that it was the 11th anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre, which happened on Hitler’s 110th birthday. Not the fact that BP happened on Hitler’s 121st birthday — which is 11 x 11.

“Now let’s add some time perspective, the fourth dimension. For three months now, we’ve kept the American Sheeple fixated on the Gulf of Mexico while we brought three nuclear subs and three nuclear aircraft carriers into the Persian Gulf. No one in the States knows about it! Now we’ve got everything moving right.”

… More to come later from the Gulf Coast, I hope. — CM

+ + + + + + +

For Captain May’s most recent article:

“Texas City Exposes BP  Explosions,” Al-Jazeerah, 7/20/2010, Editorials/2010/July/20 o/Texas City Exposes BP Explosions By Captain Eric H.htm

Texas City Exposes BP Explosions

Capt. MayThe U.S. Government’s Homeland Security , FBI and Coast Guard have teamed up with BP’s security police in Texas City, Texas to roust journalists who ask questions or take pictures (i.e., do journalism). Claiming Patriot Act powers, they confiscate whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, and from whomever they want.


Capt. MayHOUSTON, 7/15/10 — The U.S. Government’s Homeland Security, FBI and Coast Guard have teamed up with BP’s security police in Texas City, Texas to roust journalists who ask questions or take pictures (i.e., do journalism). Claiming Patriot Act powers, they confiscate whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, and from whomever they want.

 Enter the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, editor of, to do battle with “Brit Pee,” as Texas Citizens are now calling it. He wrote a 7/7 column, still going viral, in which he considered the possible reasons for BP’s platoons of goons. He close with thought-provoking ideas about the BP “nuclear option” to fix the catastrophe along the Gulf Coast. He wrote:

“There is a conspiracy under way right now. It’s a conspiracy between the U.S. government and British Petroleum to cover-up all evidence of what’s really happening in the Gulf Coast.”

“See, rather than tell the truth about what’s happening in the Gulf, BP has resorted to police state tactics to threaten the media and intimidate journalists, threatening them with arrest, detainment and felony crimes if they get close enough to snap photos of what’s really going on in the Gulf Coast.”

“Perhaps BP and the federal government are about to unleash a nuclear explosion to stop the oil outflow, and they don’t want anyone knowing about it until it’s already done.”

“Perhaps the U.S. government is planning a multi-state roundup and evacuation of the population to clear out the entire Gulf Coast region in anticipation of something big and dangerous (such as a nuke, or an oil-soaked firestorm of a major U.S. city, or a dangerous new chemical being dumped in the Gulf by BP, etc.)”

“Gulf Coast now a BP police state,” Natural News, 7/7/2010

Adams does a good job proving that BP, especially in its “Toxic City” backyard, is a criminal conspiracy posing as a cowboy company. I’m a lifelong Houstonian and journalist whose experience with BP confirms his worst fears — in every particular.

+ + + + + + +

The Iconoclast has been receiving emails and calls from anxious employees of BP and other Gulf Coast oil companies since we published a report of bizarre high atmosphere explosions over Texas CIty on the night of July 28, 2005. These occurred only three hours after the third major BP Texas City refinery explosion in 15 months, and only two days after the first NASA space shuttle launch since Columbia’s destruction 30 months earlier. NASA was in Clear Lake City, just a quarter hour away, causing many witnesses to suspect that NASA and BP were up to something together.

The insider report below reached us last year, and it shows exactly what Big Oil is trying so hard to silence with lawyers, guns and money.

— On Thu, 7/30/2009, a BP employee wrote:

From: Izzi Ixxi (a pseudonym — CM)

Subject: BP playing anniversary games

To: The Lone Star Iconoclast

Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 12:22 AM

Hello Captain,

I’ve been watching their moves at work. I have a plant radio and get to hear everything on the Refinery side and the Chemical side. In the last two weeks a lot of Refinery units were evacuated. Everybody had to leave except the skeleton crew. There is one thing that especially gets my attention, an email sent out to the Chemical side. I’m cutting and pasting it for you to read:

“On Thursday July 30 the fiber optic communication line to the TCC docks will be taken down for mandatory maintenance. This means no e-mail, internet, fax, or land line based phone service.  Communication must be done through the docks radio or the cell phone numbers below.  The work is planned not to exceed 16 hours and the contractors are dedicated to return service as soon as possible.” (BP)

Since the 2005 ordeal with the Shelter In Place for 16 hours, I just thought this was something that needed to be brought to your attention. What’s the shuttle doing this week? I tried to look on their website today, and it said landing is to be determined!!! Are they waiting on us?

I know the guys that are running this cable tomorrow morning. I asked the guy who decided what day it would happen. He said, “They are ready for us.” That sounds like BP is calling the shots. Is this just business or are we being set up? Time will tell. I just wanted to keep you informed. You ARE the expert. I’m just telling you what I’m hearing. — Izzi Ixxi

Like many an editor, I keep late hours, so by the time I opened the alarming email it was high noon, and Ixxi’s intelligence was half a day old. I pondered whether there were anything specific enough to warrant exposing Ixxi’s life or living to a killer company. We had never met or even spoken, but I had come to trust the BP Deepthroat who was so aware of the security details in Texas City, including that, in the aftermath of 9/11, Israeli Mossad agents had come to town to set up a counter-terror program for Texas City. The Iconoclast only recently obtained confirmation of this claim, from a senior member of Marathon Oil’s security.

I was just about comfortable with my decision when I leaned that I had made the wrong one. At one o’clock a news alert about Bryan, Texas broke. The college city that provided for Texas A&M was just an hour northwest of us, and it was on fire. Next came a jolting number: 70,000 people were evacuating. The El Dorado fertilizer factory, reportedly chock-full of ammonium nitrate, might blow up like earlier amonium nitrate explosions in the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, or the Texas City explosion of 1947. A military HAZMAT team just happened to be training in the area, and it rushed in to help. The Aggies, whom the rest of us Texans accuse of being a bit slow-witted, were quick to salute their saviors.

BRYAN Chemical fire prompts massive evacuations, KXXV, 7/30/2009,

Not long afterward I caught another report that clarified things better still. At the time that this potential national-level emergency was playing out, Barack Obama was sequestered with his top military aides to participate in National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE-09).

“Obama Participates in Terror Preparedness Test,” CBS, 7/30/2009,

Later Obama kicked back with some buds to drink a few Buds, and the media spent the rest of the day discussing the drinking. They forgot to tell us more about the near-disaster out by Texas A&M, where the George HW Bush presidential library stood, and where Defense Secretary (and former CIA chief) Robert Gates had been the university president for years.

“Beer Summit Begins: Obama Sits Down With Crowley, Gates,” Huffington Post, 7/3/2009,

Joe Biden showed for the festivities, a nice touch, and I thought the pre-brew photo-op went fairly well, although BO didn’t seem particularly festive. It was the Kenya Kid’s first time in the driver’s seat, after all, and for a military exercise in the vital petrochemical core of Southeast Texas. That’s the very area that had become so strangely accident-prone since 9/11. Obama may well have had a bit of NLE-09 PTSD.

Just thinking about his maiden mission must have given him the chills. If that fire in Texas Aggie turf had touched of a fertilizer-filled factory, lots of college kids would have died, and the cause would never have been ascertained. People might have supposed that foreign terrorists had done it, and clamored for more war. The personnel and equipment would be hard-pressed to hang on until the Obama nation mobilized. If the terrorists were American, say some Internet insurrectionists who published conspiracy theories, then he would have to invoke secret emergency powers that W had drawn up for himself in 2007, and refused to show to Congress, NSPD-51. Crazy people had to be kept in check if you were leading your country from a global to a world war, he mused. He smiled his first real smile of the day.

Given time, the Obama nation he was chosen to create would materialize, one way or another. 9/11 had worked wonders for W years ago, and a 9/11-2B could give him the advantage he needed to move the ball in the court of public opinion. It wouldn’t be a bad thing, really, if something like that occurred to refocus America, where people are so cynical about following their leadership.

Biden smiled with avuncular ease. Everyone knew that he could be counted on to step up if they had to replce KK (code-name for “Kenya Kid”). For now, at least, there was still time, and no one was thinking of Plan “Biden. In Obamalot, he was as loyal to Barry as Launcelot was to Arthur, and he liked Barry a lot more than Lyndon ever liked Jack.

+ + + + + + +

Unfortunately, the danger of a BP nuke is not remote. Two years ago, Iconoclast Publisher W. Leon Smith demanded a Congressional investigation of our efforts to defend the Texas Gulf Coast from Big Oil. I exhort all concerned citizens to read his editorial, and the links that it references, as a matter of life and death:

“Time to Investigate Houston Is Now”

The Lone Star Iconoclast, 3/3/2008

For the most complete collection of my articles, books and interviews:

“Capt. Eric H. May Index”

 America First Books, 2003 – present

In the articles section are my latest work on world war and false flag prospects, particularly in Chicago and Houston. At the site as well is the Mission of Conscience history by my former unit XO, Major William B. Fox (USMC). His research into the Ghost Troop missions is invaluable, as it documents our development of cyber-cavalry tactics to save countless lives in the BP explosions of 3/30/2004 and 7/28/2005, and in the Texas City nuclear incident of 1/31/06 – 2/2/2006.
+ + + + + + +

Captain May, a former army general staff officer and later NBC editorial writer, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, an all American group of veterans and activists. Shortly after the Texas City mission of 2006, he developed ALS, a rare, fatal neurological disease, and the former martial arts films instructor is a quadriplegic. The Iconoclast has joined the growing Internet calls for him to be awarded the Medal of Honor:

“Captain Eric H. May Deserves Congressional Medal of Honor,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 2/2/2010,

* To join Ghost Troop write unit executive officer, Lt. Pat Woodard, at

American Alert, 7/7/10 — J-Post Says U.S. Will Fight Iran

Capt. MayBREAKING — “‘US will attack Iran if it must'” Jerusalem Post, 7/7/10,

 [As the article above both supercedes and supports my analysis of Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Netanyahu, I encourage the enlightened reader to read it first, and me afterwards. — CM]

Capt. MayBREAKING — “‘US will attack Iran if it must'” Jerusalem Post, 7/7/10,

 [As the article above both supercedes and supports my analysis of Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Netanyahu, I encourage the enlightened reader to read it first, and me afterwards. — CM]

 * * * * * * *

HOUSTON, 7/7/10 — Queen Elizabeth has returned to the UK after appearances yesterday in New York, first before the UN General Assembly, then at Ground Zero. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spent the day with Barrack Obama, and remains in the U.S. tonight after an interview with CNN’s Larry King. [Given the breaking news above, that interview must be seen. — CM]

HRM’s Independence Day visit was highly significant, and highly symbolic. As she addressed the UN, most of the English-speaking world prepared for an Iran war that might spin out of control. Her presence at the 9/11 crime scene was a reinforcement of the 9/11 cover-up, before returning home to sell the 7/7 cover-up.

In 2005, Prince Charles visited both Ground Zero in New York and the Ninth Ward in New Orleans. The future British monarch stood over the prostrate city that, in the War of 1812, humbled British pride. Many citizens swore before Congress that their levees were demolished with explosives. Shades of 9/11 — were they all lying?

Bush Boyz gloated over the disaster capitalist gold mine they saw before them. King George did a flyover and quipped that it was as if someone had attacked the place with the most devastating weapon ever invented. Mayor Ray Nagin said that if he were suddenly to die, it would be CIA assassination. CNN weathermen and the newsbunnies chattered about “Hurricane 9/11.”

To target a more black population in the Americas you would have to fire your devasting super-weapon into a former slave colony like Haiti… [Breaking news interrupted the rest. More later. — CM]

 For more geostrategy, see “Military Analysis by Captain Eric H. May,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 2010,

 * * * * * * *

Captain May, a former army general staff officer and later NBC editorial writer, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, an all American group of veterans and activists. CNN did a widely read “hit” story against them this year, which helped the unit to recruit more Internet activists:

“Some suspect conspiracy in Holocaust Museum case,” CNN, 6/16/2009,

To join Ghost Troop contact the unit executive officer, 1LT Patti Woodard

ICON EXTRA — Bibi and Rudy in London on 7/7/05!

HOUSTON, 7/7/10 — Bibi knows all about the 7/7 shenanigans of five years ago. He should, since he was within a mile of the scene of the crime when it happened. He had just arrived in London for a three-day stay to be the keynote speaker for an Israeli investment conference, according to USA Today. “9/11 Mayor” Rudy Giuliani was in town on business, too, reported The New York Times, a mere block away from the first explosion. World leaders were meeting in Scotland for the annual G-8 summit. Unbelievable.
“When adders assemble, the wise will tremble”
Under “Beelzebibi” Israel is living up to the European Union poll of 2002, which by a wide margin voted it the most dangerous country on Earth. They are attacking the Palestinian problem, with devastating military power. They are settling the thorny issue of Jerusalem, with extensive illegal settlement. They have three nuclear-armed submarines prowling the Persian Gulf, with three of our nuclear aircraft carriers. The media is silent about the perilous path we are following.


AMERICAN ALERT: Israel and Iran

Capt. Eric H. MayWorldwide, from Israel to Iran and throughout both U.S. mainstream and alternative media, articles are making an alarming argument of a U.S. false flag attack as the beginning of a world war. We may be about to discover the true meaning of the “Global War on Terror.”



— World War and False Flag —


Capt. Eric H. MayHOUSTON, 6/28/2010 – Worldwide, from Israel to Iran and throughout both U.S. mainstream and alternative media, articles are making an alarming argument of a U.S. false flag attack as the beginning of a world war. We may be about to discover the true meaning of the “Global War on Terror.”

I leave it to the discerning reader to peruse the links below, which make the case:

World War

1. “US, Israel Warships in Suez May Be Prelude to Faceoff with Iran,” Arutz Sheva,

2. “Reports: IAF Landed at Saudi Base, US Troops near Iran Border,” Arutz Sheva, 6/23/2010,

3. “Israel to spy on Iran with new satellite,” Press TV, 6/23/2010,

4. “Iran on war alert over “US and Israeli concentrations” in Azerbaijan,” DEBKAfile, 6/23/2010,

5. “G-8 ‘fully believes’ Israel will attack Iran, says Italy PM,” Haaretz, 6/27/2010,

6. “USS George H.W. Bush Conducts First Missile Launch,” Space Daily, 6/28/2010,

7. “Turkey ‘closes airspace’ to Israel,” Aljazeera, 6/28/2010,

False Flag

1. “Kristol: ‘Better’ For US to Attack Iran Than if Israel Did,” World News Daily, 4/5/2010,

2. “Napolitano: Internet Monitoring Needed to Fight Homegrown Terrorism,” FOX News, 6/18/2010,

3. “American-born al Qaeda spokesman appears in new video,” By the CNN Wire Staff, CNN, 6/20/2010,

4. “Supreme Court upholds terrorism support law,” Reuters, 6/21/2010,

5. “Times Square Car Bomber Details Chilling Plot,” Boston Globe, 6/22/2010,

6. “Obama Internet kill switch plan approved by US Senate,” TECHWORLD, 6/25/2010,

7. “FBI/DHS Attempt to Seize Colorado Indymedia Server,” CLG, 6/26/2010,

8. “CIA’s Panetta: Iran has enough uranium for 2 bombs,” World News, 6/27/2010,

Recommended Reading

1. “U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army study,” Washington Times, 9/10/2001,

2. “Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel,” Haaretz, 4/16/2008,

3. “9/11 Was Good for Us! — The Case against Israel,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 4/19/2008,

Captain May, a former army general staff officer and later NBC editorial writer, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, an all American group of veterans and activists. CNN did a widely read “hit” story against them this year, which helped the unit to recruit more Internet activists:

“Some suspect conspiracy in Holocaust Museum case,” CNN, 6/16/2009,

To join Ghost Troop contact the unit executive officer, 1LT Patti Woodard <

Chicago, Houston ‘Treason Season’ Begins 6/14/10

Capt. MayToday is Flag Day, but a substantial part of the Internet community is anxious that it is also a “False Flag Day,” marking the beginning of “treason season” for 2010. Their fears are driven by their knowledge that false flag attacks, from the U.S. 9/11 to the U.K. 7/7, coincided with military/police drills that allowed traitors in each country to preposition and prepare their operations. They note there are two current U.S. hot spots that invite consideration that they may be false flags in the making: Chicago and Houston.

Capt. MayHOUSTON, 6/14/10 — Today is Flag Day, but a substantial part of the Internet community is anxious that it is also a “False Flag Day,” marking the beginning of “treason season” for 2010. Their fears are driven by their knowledge that false flag attacks, from the U.S. 9/11 to the U.K. 7/7, coincided with military/police drills that allowed traitors in each country to preposition and prepare their operations. They note there are two current U.S. hot spots that invite consideration that they may be false flags in the making: Chicago and Houston.


Recent mainstream media reports from the Chicago area sketch out week-long, large-scale disaster/terror exercises that would be a perfect platform for government terror:

“Emergency drills may close Chicago-area roads,” Chicago Tribune, 6/9/2010,

Chicago has been regarded as a top terror target by both the FBI (which has been trying to set up an attack) and the Internet community (which has been trying to prevent it). To those individuals and organizations — like The Iconoclast — that have defended the Windy City, the present exercises are reminiscent of others held there in May 2006. An article by Major Bill Fox does a good job of showing how near to catastrophe the city came then:

 “Chicago Cops Dodge Blagojevich/Sears Tower Investigation,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 12/23/2008,


Houston is the home of the now-notorious BP oil company, and its southern petro-suburb, Texas City is home to BP’s largest American refinery, the nation’s most dangerous industrial site in the last decade.

In the aftermath of the April 20 explosion of the BP Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, Houston has become the command post of a region-wide government operation. With over 200 coordinators now operating in the Bayou City, and perhaps 10,000 military and police along the Gulf Coast following their orders, it’s quite possible that the oil spill has been used as a pretext to prepare the area for a false flag and ensuing imposition of martial law:

“Martial Law Alert: Gulf Coast Evacuation Scenario Summer/Fall 2010,” SoCal Martial Law Alerts, 6/13/2010,

The Iconoclast has written of Houston as the nation’s top false flag terror target for the last six years, specifying the BP refinery in Texas City as the exact target. Our article of over a month ago may be the earliest analysis of the BP Horizon event as part of a false flag operation:

“Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 5/3/2010,

In the article’s links, the reader will discover that The Iconoclast has correctly sounded the alert for seven major petrochemical explosions in southeast Texas. Six of the seven alerts were issued after we had received insider reports from frightened BP officials that their upper management was behaving suspiciously.

* * * * * * * *  

Captain May, a former army general staff officer and later NBC editorial writer, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, an all American group of veterans and activists. CNN did a widely read “hit” story against them this year, which helped the unit to recruit more Internet activists:

“Some suspect conspiracy in Holocaust Museum case,” CNN, 6/16/2009,

 To join Ghost Troop contact the unit executive officer, 1LT Patti Woodard <>

Rush Is Right About A BP Horizon Terror Attack

Capt. MayRush Limbaugh, the superstar of right-wing talk radio, has always been quick to savage conspiracy theories. On Thursday though he revealed his own, which is that the BP Horizon explosion was caused by environmentalists, and that federal “SWAT” teams fanning out across the Gulf of Mexico are part of a national defense response.


 Rush to Judgment?


Capt. MayHOUSTON, May 3, 2010 — Rush Limbaugh, the superstar of right-wing talk radio, has always been quick to savage conspiracy theories. On Thursday though he revealed his own, which is that the BP Horizon explosion was caused by environmentalists, and that federal “SWAT” teams fanning out across the Gulf of Mexico are part of a national defense response.


What better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants, than by blowing up a rig?” he rhetorically asked. “I’m just, I’m just noting the timing here.”


Rush Limbaugh blames ‘environmentalist wackos’ for massive oil spill,” The Raw Story, 4/29/2010,


We shouldn’t dismiss “Rushbo” as a conspiracy theorist, even though the master of talk radio has learned to hurl that pejorative at callers who suggest unpopular explanations that he would rather not hear or broadcast. No, we should recognize that Rush understands political and criminal reality well enough to recognize what I learned in four years with Houston-area police: conspiracy is one of the most common crimes on the books.


I began to listen to Rush in 1990, the same year I was a Desert Storm volunteer. I often disagreed with his geo-political positions, but appreciated his on-air (and self-proclaim) “excellence in broadcasting.” I shared his contempt for the mainstream media, even after I began publishing regularly op-eds in mainstream publications like the Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle, and the Houston Post. I continued to laugh at his satire and oratory, enjoying his brawling bombast even when he put his foot in his mouth. I generally accepted his pro-football analysis, and was disappointed when he flubbed up and lost his position as a Monday Night Football commentator.


Bush’s military misadventures brought us to a parting of the ways. Writing military analysis for the Houston Chronicle, I published pieces forecasting a long, unwinnable “quicksand war” in Iraq. Rush, one of many pro-war hawks with no military experience, predicted the same cake walk that the Bush administration did. I had the strong impression that Rush was waking up to the Bush League errors of the cheerleader in chief in the summer of 2003, but within weeks of his first remarks against George W., he was arrested in Governor Jeb Bush’s Florida on narcotics charges.


An Anti-Lambaugh Conspiracy?


It was my own conspiracy theory that the Bush boys were working in tandem to make sure that Limbaugh parroted the official line — or else. The same view was pretty common among my Texas journalism buddies, who, like me, were personally familiar with the likes of George W., Jeb, George H.W., Joe Albaugh and Karen Hughes. They were capable of any kind of dirty trick or payback.


Like most regular Rush listeners I was convinced when he used to accuse the Clintons of sexual misconduct, Whitewater crimes and even assassinations, most notably White House lawyer Vince Foster. Unlike most “ditto heads” though, I could see the same truths of corruption and killing when the shoe was on the right foot. For those who blame Rush for not criticizing Bush, let them consider that a month after Rush was under virtually arrest, pending Bush League prosecution, George W.’s biggest political danger died mysteriously in Houston, and was as covered up by the mainstream media as Vince Foster had been a decade before:  


Dead Woman Who Accused Bush of RapePravda, 11/12/2003,


It was high irony for this Cold War, Russian-speaking military intelligence officer that I had to read the story of her death in Pravda. Sometimes a good scout has to look behind enemy lines to assess the real situation. To this day I continue to read such sources as Pravda, Haaretz, Al Jazeera and Press TV. Anyone with a background in investigation learns to scan and process as many diverse sources as possible, and to shun the public relations and propaganda that combine to spoil the American monopoly mainstream media.


Conflicting Conspiracies


Two extremely divergent publications below illustrate the value of variety:


The first is an Israeli newspaper noted for its connections with the ruthless and resourceful Mossad intelligence agency. In a story brought out the day Israel refused to attend an Obama nuclear weapons summit – despite their possession of around 200 nukes.


“For the first time, debkafile‘s military sources report, Tehran indicated the possibility of passing nuclear devices to terrorists capable of striking inside the United States.”


Tehran: If Iran is attacked, nuclear devices will go off in American cities,” DEBKAfile (Israel), 4/13/2010,


The second is a discussion forum maintained by supporters of Ron Paul, the Libertarian former presidential candidate who criticizes Israeli belligerence as a big part of the problem in the Middle East.


Someone said to watch for something on April 19, 2010 and June 21, 2010. I don’t know if there is anything to it, but we all know they are up to no good and planning something.”


Israel is going to nuke US and blame Iran,” Daily Paul, 4/17/2010,


Interesting, isn’t it, that the “Paulestinian” pundit above gave an alert period beginning the day before the BP Horizon blew up in the Gulf of Mexico. Take the two sources together and discover what I consider the great geo-political issue of our times:


How much should we fear an Iranian weapon that both U.S. intelligence and the International Atomic Energy Agency say does not exist. How much should we fear an Israeli false flag attack like that they carried out against the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 in an attempt to sink the ship, kill all survivors and blame the attack on Egypt, with whom they had just started the Six Day War? Are unseen powers angling to put us into another quicksand war?


A Confirmed BP Conspiracy


Rush should stand firm with his conspiracy theory about terrorism on the BP Horizon, in the opinion of this expert analyst. While I doubt that environmentalists were behind the mysterious and increasingly suspicious event, I do believe that either the U.S. or Israeli governments were involved – along with BP itself – in what looks like practice for a pending false flag attack. The surge of military and White House officials to the area may well be the prepositioning of forces for such, which would usher in domestic dictatorship and start a war with the patsy, Iran.


I leave the considerate reader with three final articles. They detail my own conspiracy theory, as a professional, about BP conspiring to carry out a false flag attack against their crumbling Texas City refinery, the second largest in the nation, in 2006. The first piece put forth my alarm several days before the pivotal event. The second compares the efforts of two journalists, one of whom opposed the conspiracy by exposing it, and one of whom abetted the conspiracy by covering it up. The third is, I believe, the best available researched account of Big Oil’s false flag efforts since the Iraq war began, and is sufficient to warrant federal prosecution or impeachment for many of the nation’s top officials.


I offer them in the spirit of healthy debate and earnest truth telling to all Americans, right or left, from me to Rush Limbaugh.


Now before anyone labels May as paranoid or a “conspiracy theorist,” not the worst moniker in the world, let us consider some other facts. When a fellow resident of May, a Mr. Jon Watkins, recently visited the Texas City Police Department to share his concerns, he as other citizens found that there were ongoing “SWAT” team exercises in the area that involved numerous police and government agencies, including the Houston Police Department, the Pasadena Police Department and Homeland Security.”


Texas City a strike point for nuclear attack?,” Looking Glass News, 1/28/2006,


“Texas City British Petroleum employee heard `strange abort signal’ on local radio station the morning Army Intel Officer predicted nuclear strike at plant. BP employee also said ‘other strange events’ occurred, leaving her ‘nervous and on edge.’ WMD military support team was conducting a training session at a location near Texas City.”


The 1/31 Nuke: Proof for Ron Paul,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 1/29/2008,


“As an epilogue to my Texas Triangle analysis, I leave a short appendix of interviews and articles below, for the most part broadcast and published a few days before or after the events they address. I believe that the interested reader will find more than enough material here to reach an informed opinion of my efforts.”


The Texas Triangle: Terror and Treason,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 10/24/2007,




Captain May, a fully disabled veteran, is a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, who specialized in “Opposing Forces” (OPFOR) training scenarios for the 75th Training Division in Houston. His email address is For his most recent interview, refer to:


Baghdad’s Neutron Bomb and America’s Nuclear Obama,” The Lone Star Iconoclast,  3/3/2010,


May is also the Commander of  Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, assisted by his chain of command:


  • 1LT Patti Woodard, Executive Officer, GT Oregon Leader 

  • CSM Lee Neadow, First Sergeant

  • SFC Donald Buswell, GT Texas Leader

  • 2LT Bryan Nelson, GT Illinois Leader

  • 2LT John Webster, GT Washington, D.C. Leader

  • MAJ Bill Fox, Public Affairs Officer


 — To join Ghost Troop, write to Captain May.

3/24 – 3/31 False Flag Alert: Mossad/AIPAC

MayThe Obama administration has scored its second great legislative coup with the 3/22 House passage of its much-desired Health Care Bill, which Obama signed into law yesterday. While the mainstream media will focus on the partisan punches thrown from left and right, intelligence insiders note with interest and anxiety that the critical 3/22 date is also a powerful and sinister signal number to secret societies that control the Western world. To achieve its 3/22 date indicator, the House had to come into a special Sunday session.

Lone Star Iconoclast Special Bulletin

The Present Peril

Captain Eric H. MayTEXAS, 3/24/2010 – The Obama administration has scored its second great legislative coup with the 3/22 House passage of its much-desired Health Care Bill, which Obama signed into law yesterday. While the mainstream media will focus on the partisan punches thrown from left and right, intelligence insiders note with interest and anxiety that the critical 3/22 date is also a powerful and sinister signal number to secret societies that control the Western world. To achieve its 3/22 date indicator, the House had to come into a special Sunday session.

The Skull and Bones Order at Yale displays “322” on their coat of arms.  This same Skull and Bones produced two Bush presidents and the Kerry contender who anointed Obama at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. 

Obama sent occult messages while signing the bill into law by having an 11-year-old boy help handle the 22 different pens that he used in the process. As the FBI has conceded, terrorists seem to be fascinated with permutations of the number 11, as with 9/11, 3/11, 7/7 and 7/11 – the dates of “terror” attacks against New York, Madrid, London, and Mumbai:

“New York, 9/ll; Madrid, 3/11; Mumbai, 7/ll,” ABC News, 7/11/2006,

 The observant reader might wonder why ABC and the FBI sabotaged their own headline by using 9 with a double “L” and 7 with a double “L”  instead of “11” with the New York and Mumbai dates, but used the correct “11” in the Madrid date.  Note that the URL is similarly sabotaged, with “9ll” instead of either “911” or “9/11.” This is either an egregious error or a deliberate attempt to keep the American people from understanding terror date codes. It is another link in a long chain of coincidences that has more and more of us believing that the same “terrorists” who carried out terror attacks connected with “magic number” days might just be preparing to carry out another.

Below we examine the last major Obama administration legislative coup – set up on a magic numbered “Friday the 13th” in February, 2009, a date exactly 322 days from the end of the year. We show how close the Stimulus Bill came to signaling a false flag terror attack. If you agree with us after reading the rest of our alarming analysis, then you will also agree with us that the Health Care and Stimulus Bills are disturbingly similar. 

Past as Future


Less than a month after the Obama inauguration the 9/11 Truth and Patriot movements were hoping that under a new administration there finally would be free speech about the abuses of King George and his Bush League, beginning with the truth about Sept. 11, 2001.

On Feb. 6, 2009 the newly installed president held a much-publicized meeting with 9/11 widow and “Jersey Girl” Beverly Eckert, along with dozens of USS Cole and 9/11 family members.  All had lost a spouse or parent to “terrorism.”  They asked many incisive questions, to which Obama provided few decisive answers.

In the next six days, American glasnost became a short-lived reality. Senator Patrick Leahy demanded a “Truth Commission.” As if to accentuate the fact that kerosene won’t melt or demolish steel, the Mandarin Orange Hotel in downtown Beijing burned from top to bottom for 24 hours without falling, let alone collapsing neatly into its own footprint as did the Twin Towers and WTC-7. The gatekeeper Huffington Post, which had previously banned 9/11 “conspiracy theories,” published a two-part op-ed demanding a genuine investigation of the attacks.

At 11:00, p.m. on Feb. 12 a highly supicious aviation disaster over New York State killed the same Beverly Eckert who had a week earlier threatened the American elite with the one thing they can never allow: the truth. An hour later Obama’s Congress posted his Stimulus Bill online. 

The next day – Friday the 13th – a horrified House of Representatives voted in favor of legislation it did not have time to read. Many believed what Eckert and 48 other passengers had discovered the hard way: Obama could be as murderous as his tyrannical predecessor.

“Huff-Po” and the rest of the limp Leftists immediately resumed their head-in-their-hole posture about the attacks of 2001. The more militant wing of the 9/11 Truth Movement mobilized in outraged alarm that the next false flag – 9/11-2B — might be close.  It might even show that a “Nuclear Obama” could one-up a “King George” in mass murder.   

Concurrent and credible chatter from alarmed officials in the Chicago area convinced the writers of this alert that the new president and his Israeli chief of staff “Rahmbo” Emanuel might intend to nuke Sears Tower in the next few days.  Accordingly, we hurriedly published a weekend bombshell: 

“Chicago False Flag?,” America First Books, 2-16-2009,

When Obama signed the Stimulus Bill into law the next day, on Feb. 17, it was supposed to be the highlight of his first year.  The way we read it, though, he was already an abject failure: He had failed to carry out high treason against the Windy City. 

Just hours later, Yahoo! delivered a powerful kick in the pants to Barack with its obvious attack against his name:

“`Obama bin Laden’ Error Hits Yahoo’s Homepage,” Valleywag, 2/17/2009,

Worse came the next morning with a bizarre NY Post editorial cartoon of Feb. 18 linking the Stimulus Bill to a dead chimp, whom some wits began to refer to as “Obonzo”:

We challenge any media critics to give a more plausible explanation of this none-too-subtle racist threat by a Ruppert Murdoch paper against a powerful new savior president in his early honeymoon phase with the media. Factor in the Osama/Obama glitch and it is clear that the mainstream media, mouthpiece for the establishment, was linking terror with Stimulus and Al Qaeda with the Obama administration.

Prophetic Professionals

We highly recommend three current essays by three experts well-versed in realpolitik that will inform the patriot who wishes to be free of the mainstream media paradigm, which is nothing more or less than establishment propaganda: 

ONE: “Expect a False Flag to Precede the Invasion of Iran,” The Truth Seeker (UK), 3/18/2010,

Paul Craig Roberts, the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during Reagan’s first term, offers compelling insider insights about what Israel must do before attacking Iran: namely, attack America! Given that Israel-first AIPAC has been conducting its annual U.S. arm-twisting to push us into another proxy war for them,  their next attack will like come sooner rather than later.

TWO: “Zionism and Jewish Nationalism,” Khaleej Times Online, 3/13/2010,

Alan Sabrosky (PhD, University of 
Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the US Army War College.  His Jewish heritage has given him the authority to accuse a substantial part of U.S. Jewry of a “dual-loyalty” that is nothing more than a euphemism for Israel-first espionage and outright treason.  Such, he contends, was the case on 9/11, carried out by Mossad and their innumerable U.S. Jewish sayanim. He believes that more and more senior U.S. military officers have become aware that 9/11 was a Mossad attack on America, similar to the Israeli Air Force and Navy attacks against the USS Liberty in 1967.

THREE:  “Baghdad’s Neutron Bomb and America’s Nuclear Obama,” The Lone Star Iconoclast, 3/8/2010,

Captain Eric H. May, the Lone Star Iconoclast intelligence editor, has developed an international readership for his false flag analysis.  This, his latest interview, is an amazing adventure down the deadly rabbit hole of PSYOPs and  assassination.

About the Co-Authors

Captain May, a former Army intelligence officer, is the commander of Ghost Troop cyber militia.  LT Woodard is the unit executive officer, while CSM Neadow is the unit’s senior enlisted member. Major Fox, a former Marine Corps officer, is the publisher of America First Books and author of the Mission of Conscience Trilogy about Ghost Troop’s counter terror operations. Dr. Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.  To learn more about their efforts against 9/11-2B (the next 9/11), refer to:

Captain Eric H. May Archive, America First Books,

9/11 and ‘33’ Codes

I take Dr. Kevin Barrett’s side in the ongoing debate about Israel and 9/11, wholeheartedly agreeing with him that Israel was complicit in the attacks. Like many of the 9/11 researchers, I’ve published my own article on this all-important topic:

The Crypto Case for Zionist Treason

TEXAS, 1/25/2010 — I take Dr. Kevin Barrett’s side in the ongoing debate about Israel and 9/11, wholeheartedly agreeing with him that Israel was complicit in the attacks. Like many of the 9/11 researchers, I’ve published my own article on this all-important topic:

9/11 was good for us! The case against Israel


Dr. Barrett, as a long-time member of Ghost Troop, is familiar with some of the cryptanalytic work we do to pick out Illuminatist and Kabbalist secret society fingerprints in false flag terror events. I would ask the objective thinker to consider four date code coincidences — if one chooses to call them that — that pretty much close the crypto case against Israel and its fifth column of U.S. Israel-firsters:

·    New York City’s Holocaust Museum was dedicated on 9/11/97 — four years to the date before the 9/11 attacks. Pity as a perfect concealment for psychopathy.

·    Berlin’s Holocaust Museum was dedicated on 9/9/01 — two days before the 9/11 attacks. Pity as a perfect concealment for psychopathy.

·    Construction on the World Trade Center (North Tower) began on 8/8/68 — 33 years, 33 days before the 9/11 attacks.

·    Chicago’s Sears Tower reached its full height 5/3/73 — 33 years, 33 days before the “Satanic” date of 6/6/06 — coinciding with the Sears Tower ZIP code of 60606.

For those interested in more detail, I recommend my summer correspondence with another Ghost Troop, U.S. Amb. Chase Untermeyer, who served with the unit from 2003 – 2006:

2009 Top 9/11-2B Targets


For those interested in joining Ghost Troop’s ongoing cryptanalysis, please see the just-formed Apocalyptanalysis to apply for membership:

Will Chelsea Clinton Become Jewish?

Chelsea Clinton12/3/2009 — In June CNN wrote a hit piece against Ghost Troop, the All-American cyber militia, because we don’t observe the official line about Jewish influence. Accordingly, I’m using an article from Ha’aretz to establish that Chelsea Clinton is going to marry a Jew:

 May12/3/2009 — In June CNN wrote a hit piece against Ghost Troop, the All-American cyber militia, because we don’t observe the official line about Jewish influence. Accordingly, I’m using an article from Ha’aretz to establish that Chelsea Clinton is going to marry a Jew:

Chelsea ClintonIt’s official —

Chelsea Clinton to wed Jewish boyfriend


Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of America’s most powerful political couple will soon wed a “member of the tribe,” according to various media reports.

I include an article by Samuel P. Jacobs to ask a critical question:

Will Chelsea Convert? 


“The great thing about America is everyone wants to marry a Jewish boy.”

I’m shocked that the Israeli daily (along with the U.S. mainstream media) failed to address this all-important item. Given that Chelsea’s mom is Secretary of State, and half of “America’s most powerful political couple,” surely the American people deserve to know whether she will adopt religion of her soon-to-be husband. We stand on the edge of my expanded regional war — perhaps a world war — in which religious and political loyalties are critical. Can anyone doubt that the Middle East (Israel especially) will take the Clintons’ daughter into account?

The failure of Western media to investigate and report on this item argues that it is either incompetent (if it didn’t think to ask the couple) or insubordinate (if it didn’t bother to tell the people). When public servants, from the Secretary of State to the mainstream media, play “don’t ask/don’t tell” games with the public, we have gone fare from our revolutionary roots. It would seem that Chelsea is indeed an American princess, with royal parents and a monarchial privilege of privacy. Further, it would seem that the Jews are a tribe indeed, who employ their media to support their machinations.

This notion, which certainly would have have been decried as anti-Semitic had it come from Ghost Troop, is one that LA Times Jewish writer Joel Stein made crystal clear in his candid column a year ago:

How Jewish is Hollywood?


“I don’t care Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that they get to keep running them.”

Captain May has served in the U.S. Army, Army Reserve and National Guard during four different decades. His military specialties include Intelligence, Public Affairs and WMD defense. A disabled veteran, he has been on a mission of conscience to expose the 9/11 cover-up since 2004. He is the commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, which was recently attacked by CNN:

Some suspect conspiracy in Holocaust Museum case


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March 2025