Some Famous Quotes…
Here are some good ones. These have been around for some time…
- In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.
— John Adams
- If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
— Mark Twain
- Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.
— Mark Twain
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
–Winston Churchill
- A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
— George Bernard Shaw
- A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.
— G. Gordon Liddy
- Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
— P.J. O’Rourke, Civil Libertarian
- Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
–Ronald Reagan (1986)
- I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
— Will Rogers
- If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free!
— P. J. O’Rourke
- No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.
— Mark Twain (1866)
- Talk is cheap, except when Congress does it.
— Anonymous
- The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
— Winston Churchill
- The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.
— Mark Twain
- There is no distinctly Native American criminal class, save Congress.
— Mark Twain
- What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
–Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)
- A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
— Thomas Jefferson
Real Health Care Needed
In the United States whatever health care program we accept and provide should cover Americans COMPLETELY, no co-pays, no out of pocket expenses, no hidden costs. Affordable Care Act, a.k.a., Obamacare, does not work for many Americans despite what is said about it.
Medicare is the closest program that works for most Americans who use it, but there are still additional costs and Medicare only pays 80 percent of all costs accepted by Medicare. The remaining 20 percent must be paid by the recipient. Yes, you could always get an additional Medicare Supplement that would pay the remaining 20 percent, but you still have to pay the premium for it.
Remember, those on Medicare still need to buy medication out of pocket or via a Medicare Rx Program.
The truth is that affordable health care is still NOT affordable.
Those who worked most of their lives have paid into the Medicare program. Those who are Medicare recipients continue to pay a small premium and deductible each year to remain on it, yet none are completely covered.
Although I don’t support him for President, like Bernie Sanders I believe a Medicare for All approach is the best option for Americans, although the health care industry would fight that to the death… our death.
We still need a real health care solution that works for most Americans. Medicare for All is the start of that solution.
Election Process Needs To Change
We have a very stupid and controlling process of delegates really determining who the candidate will be and NOT the American voters. Same thing with the electoral college in the regular election.
The people should be the ones who determine their President. The process needs to be changed, but of course that would mean those in charge would have to give up power and we all know that won’t happen.
These days the American people and their needs seldom come first.
National Debt Soars Over $18 Trillion
Our National Debt soared over $18 trillion and underscores the inept planning of Obama and his administration and that of previous administrations.
Are we going to manufacture more money to overcompensate the the lack of fiscal restraint? We are acting as poorly and absurdly as did the Adolf Hitler regime under Nazi Germany prior to WWII and the incredible over-inflation that plagued that nation and its resources.
We are following negative history more closely than we imagine. Look at the ongoing and escalating internal chaos spreading around the U.S. Internal unrest, high inflation, lack of good paying jobs, high numbers of illegal immigrants, power and control issues between federal, state, and local governments… it doesn’t look good, folks.
When is the Obama administration going to get serious about fiscal economics? When do both Elephants and Donkeys start working together to put our nation on the best path for healing and resolving so many urgent issues?
Congress has no credibility with the American people. It has a 14 percent approval rating. Do we have to smack each member of Congress over the head with a 2×4 to get their attention???
Peter Stern, Driftwood, Texas
The Myth of Affordable Health Care…
Obama and legislators lied to us.
The insurance industry still manipulates the marketplace. There is no affordable health care. We were better off before Obamacare and it was tough enough then.
Once again I reviewed over 100 health care plans as I have for the past several months and none of them are worth anything. They are not affordable. They suck. The monthly premiums are too high and the yearly deductibles are too high. Middle class people are screwed the most because they really have no way to afford it.
The wealthy can always afford health care for themselves and their family.
The poor will be given government subsidy for private health care or they will go on Medicaid.
Even the elderly will pay more for their Medicare.
However, the remnants of the dwindling middle class are being hurt the most. A lot more people will go into bankruptcy when they need health care services and can’t pay for them. More people will opt to be hunted down by the government to pay the penalty for not having health care. People will simply say… “We can’t pay for this… Come and get us.”
We are in the midst of an American tragedy. What happened to this nation? We are such a mess. What a shame. Where have all the good leaders gone???
Ways To Pay For Texas Roads
I recommend the following collection of options that should all be used together to get Texas back on track with paying for roadways:
Ways to pay for roads
- — Increase the frozen gas tax from 20 cents to 30 cents
- — Charge a 2 cent road tax on all service invoices
- — Use part of the tax on tobacco, cigarettes, cigars and alcohol strictly for roads and/or charge 1 cent more as a road tax on those items
— Increase sales tax half a cent to go towards road building and maintenance
- — Use a minimum of $500 million of the Rainy Day Fund for roadways
- — Charge 1 cent for every dollar spent on a lottery ticket for roads
- — Charge a $1 monthly road payment fee on every new car loan
- — Charge a $1 road fee per day on a hotel or motel room
- — Restructure TxDOT to cut waste of Texas tax dollars
- — Eliminate the CTRMA to save tax dollars, since toll roads are not needed
- — Start paying off road debt of bonds and loan packages
- — Stop tolls and road bond packages completely; these are private roads for the elite and NOT for all Texans.
Using all of the above will provide adequate tax revenue to build and maintain our roadways WITHOUT building toll roads and/or road bond packages.
Illegal Immigration Worsening
It is finally time the U.S. deals expediently and intelligently with illegal immigration and the many issues surrounding it. Some of the issues have become physically chaotic and financially detrimental to our way of life. The main issue with illegal immigrants is that “illegal” means illegal.
It is against the law that immigrants arrive, work and live in the U.S. without first observing the laws governing immigration. Those who do not follow the laws and rules, who live and work here, are doing so illegally and it is the responsibility of our Federal Government and the various state governments to work together in resolving the various problems. American employers must stop hiring illegals because it is against the law to do so.
It is estimated that the illegal immigrant population in the U.S. totals approximately 40 million even though the government stats cite 20 million. Many illegals are hired illegally by U.S. companies and individual citizens. It is done to hire employees more cheaply or because the jobs available are not the type desired by Americans. In addition, illegals do not receive typical job and health benefits. Illegal immigrants arrive here from many different countries, including India, China, Japan, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Cuba, South and Central America, Africa, Vietnam and from many other areas of the world.
Since Mexico borders the U.S. for many miles, and because the Mexican government does not treat citizens humanely and does not provide them with jobs, most of the illegals come into the U.S. from this country. We have permitted illegals in our nation for many decades and have diverted our attention from this issue. Now, we are paying a big price.
There is a political and financial upheaval in Mexico with continuing violence near the border. The illegal drug trafficking and gang-related activity has reached an all time high. The violence has rocked many towns on both sides of the border. Some border towns, e.g., Nuevo Laredo and Juarez, have observed blatant fighting and murders between rivals gangs or cartels, which also have killed Mexican officials as well as American citizens. The once boom town of Juarez is rapidly becoming a ghost town due to the ongoing gang violence. It is estimated that 116,000 homes have been evacuated as homeowners have fled further south or into the U.S. to avoid the bloodshed. The estimate leads to the realization that almost 460,000 residents have fled the town.
Several years ago, a long-time American rancher was murdered by a Mexican [drug cartel] gang member. Many believe that Cochise County rancher Rob Krentz was shot and killed on his ranch some time Saturday, presumably by a drug smuggler. The death, which is being investigated as a homicide, occurred in the San Bernardino Valley, part of the Malpais region. The Krenz family has operated the ranch for 100 years. After this incident and years of violence and burglaries perpetrated by Mexican intruders, U.S. residents living near the Mexican border are banding together to maintain a collective presence that will turn away further intrusive behavior and activity by illegals entering the U.S. They are gathering collectively because the U.S. Government and various state governments are NOT resolving the illegal immigration issue and also are permitting the illegal drug trafficking because many “entities” are benefitting from these acts.
So far, superficial “Band-Aids” are being placed on the deep wounds of illegal immigration and drug trafficking. President Obama wants to provide amnesty to all illegal immigrants now living and working in the U.S. unconditionally. While the Mexican government wants the U.S. to care for the illegal population, Mexico has strict laws prohibiting illegal immigrants to reside and work in its country.
The Mexican government enjoys the economic enhancement it receives from illegal immigrants working and living in the U.S. who send large sums of their earning back home to their families who in turn used the money to purchase goods and services in Mexico. The money sent home is Mexico’s No. 2 source of foreign income after oil exports — totaled $21.2 billion in 2009, compared with $25.1 billion in 2008. Possibly the most money sent to a foreign home outside the U.S. is from illegals originally from India.
There are some states that provide illegals with identification cards and special driver’s licenses even though they do not have a social security number. New Mexico, Hawaii, Washington state and Maryland do not check the immigration status of drivers when they apply for a license.
An additional problem from this situation is that additional illegal practices and scams have occurred. These states have enabled criminals and illegals to develop identities and have increased fraudulent activities. Maryland has been trying to approve a two-license system of which one is to provide illegals with a permit to drive rather than using the license as a document for legal identification purposes.
It is time U.S. employers stop paying low wages to illegals by enforcing the immigration laws currently on the books, which includes jail time and fines to those who employ them. Congress must stop doing what it does best, pushing away difficult problems to future generations.
While the Mexican government sends its envoys to the U.S. to demand better treatment of illegal Mexicans living and working in the U.S., our nation does not object to the Mexican government’s treatment of Mexico’s population. If the Mexican government would treat its citizens humanely with respect and to provide them with jobs, these people would not be endangering their lives by high-tailing it to the U.S. We need to make some demands on Mexican leaders and not let them tell us that we need to keep and employ their refugees who came here illegally.
The same situation occurs with other countries and the immigrants who arrive here illegally. Illegal immigration is a difficult problem that is made worse every day that we do not deal with it. We can no longer ignore the problems inherent in permitting illegal immigrants to live and work here in the U.S. since the issues will continue to worsen politically, socially and economically.
We need to be fair, but legally and enforcement firm.
More Corporate Greed…TWC vs. CBS…
War of the Worlds: Time Warner vs. CBS, vs. Showtime
In case you live in the Twilight Zone and haven’t heard…
There is a battle raging for the past week pitting Time Warner Cable (TWC) against CBS and Showtime networks.
It is interesting that many of the media aren’t telling readers about the action of TWC against CBS and Showtime channels. TWC has dropped the two networks like a hot potato and it has to do with ending contracts and increasing costs to TWC and its subscribers. The two networks are blacked out on TWC and subscribers are madder than hell. Shows affected by the blackout are Dexter, Blue Bloods, various sports programs and others.
Apparently the issue has become like a three-headed beast fighting itself, where none of the heads will win or all of the heads will win. The entity that definitely will NOT win is the three million TWC subscribers who can’t watch their favorite shows. The blackouts also are affecting advertisers who may have to make urgent decisions.
Customers are angry, but may not know who to blame. I blame everyone involved: TWC, CBS and Showtime. All have become too greedy and don’t care who they hurt.
Many in the know are saying that the blackout may continue close to the 2013 football season. Football season is the highest rating time for TV watching.
Some believe that this war may cause TWC subscribers to move to Direct TV or Internet entities like Hulu, Google TV, etc. Advertisers may have to find other markets and may pay more during this urgency period.
TWC has promised refunds to its Showtime customers but none for CBS watchers. The battle is heating up and many customers don’t know who to blame. CBS wants to double (from $1 to $2) what is termed a “pre-transmission” fee… a charge per customer that TWC generally passes along to all subscribers, whether or not they may watch CBS, Showtime, sports or not.
The head of the FCC has requested that the warring entities “kiss and makeup” and to stop hurting their customers. That is about all the FCC can do as it has no real authority to demand anything from any of the parties involved.
So for now, the ones being hurt are the millions of customers who can’t watch their favorite shows and who most likely will get an increase for services no matter who wins.
Special Sessions High Cost To Taxpayers
Rick Perry is demanding a third Special Session. Each of these cost taxpayers a minimum of $2 million. It’s amazing that we can’t find money to finance public education, reduce property taxes, or to build roadways, but Perry sure has enough money to piss it away on his not-so Special Sessions.
And it’s not the first time Perry has wasted our tax dollars on not-so Special Sessions. Maybe eight years ago he called for three Special Sessions to try to get a controversial redistricting map approved. It never happened and finally the courts determined a map that has been batted around in the legislature and the courts to this day.
In fact, Perry has wasted more of our tax dollars on not-so Special Sessions than any previous Texas Governor. We need to point that out to the American people when Perry begins his Presidential run, among all his other idiosyncrasies that could further destroy our nation.
A major issue that many people in Texas don’t seem to understand is that those in charge of the GOP here are NOT the majority of the party. They are extremists, not the core of the Party.
While I have been a Republican since the Eisenhower administration, back in the 1950s, I am not in synch with the current GOP in Texas. The Tea Party appears to be in charge here, at least for a short time, but I believe the majority of Republicans are not on the same platform.
Consequently, there is a schism in the GOP of its members and that is a big reason why the Party can’t pass bills, bonds, what have you, easily.
I believe that very soon there will be a coup within the Texas GOP. It has to happen because the GOP as it is today is useless. Most of what it tries to do is unconstitutional, so because of this, the Party then tries to add amendments to change the laws to permit its absurd direction.
At best, the Texas GOP is ineffective. At worst, it is a corrupt and cancerous tumor.
Stop Toll Road Frenzy
I have written many times about toll roads and why we should not build and use them.
As they do with public education tax dollars, Gov. Perry and legislators divert tax dollars slated for roadways to other interests. We need to use road tax revenues for roadways before we ever contemplate other options including toll roads and bond issues.
We need more transparency re: TxDOT, RMA’s and private road conglomerates and the contracts developed. Most of us don’t see where our tax dollars go.
The fuel/gas taxes have not increased for decades re: cost of living and inflation rates. They have been frozen by Gov. Perry and legislators and they refuse to permit an increase in those taxes citing the GOP does not want to levy new or increased taxation. However, they have no problem diverting state responsibility for education and road costs onto local governments, who in turn increase property taxes or tax rates and/or approve bond programs that increase property taxes. Meanwhile, the state uses education and road tax revenue for other interests. This should be illegal.
Regarding toll roads, private road conglomerates immediately take 80 percent off the top of toll revenues for their revenue and the cost of their expenses. The company usually has a contract with the state for any time period of 50 to 70 years. Generally, tolls will be forever as the state sees tolls as additional EASY revenue.
Toll roads usually initiate long term debt for Texas taxpayers, especially when bond packages are included and/or if TxDOT or the CTRMA takes out a long term loan to include in the initial toll road costs.
Toll roads often are put on already paid for with our taxes roadways, e.g., the proposed toll lanes for MoPac. There should be no toll roads permitted on already existing tax paid roads. The state gets past this legally by saying the proposed toll lanes will be adjacent to the existing roadways, but we know that it is an end around ploy to build them.
Toll roads create other issues, including, more noise and air pollution, devaluing adjacent residential neighborhoods and homes, etc.
Tolls are not considered new taxes, but they really are when you consider that businesses using the toll roads will pass along the toll costs onto their wholesale and retail consumers. We all will pay toll taxes even if we do not use the toll roads ourselves.
Toll roads are built for those wealthy enough to afford to use them. It is a classist ploy to increase revenues by building private roadways for the wealthier. The poorer population can not use them.
RMA’s or private conglomerates will manipulate the actual costs of the tolls at ANY time and will not need prior-approval for doing so. The costs will change during peak hours and/or increases in the tolls may occur for any and for no reason at all.
Regulation of toll roads force people to use them without often knowing they are going onto a toll road. If they don’t have a toll pass their license plate will be photographed and they will be charged via mail for the toll cost, a service fee and possibly a penalty. This is a manipulation and invasion of our privacy and civil rights.
I am against government regulation into our daily lives. Toll roads are a flagrant violation of our rights and privacy. Despite what the state and private companies tell us, tolls are new taxes and force further regulations and other costs and issues onto residents and/or taxpayers. I am totally against toll roads unless they are the last resort. Here in Texas tolls are now the first resort.
Peter Stern, Driftwood Texas
Social Security: Target For Murder
To President Obama and Members of Congress:
Please do NOT cut Social Security. Increase the Social Security Tax and stop diverting those taxes to other interests.
We are told constantly SS benefits are “entitlement” but the real entitlement is that people are entitled to collect Social Security Benefits because they put money into the program their whole working lives and are entitled to collect their benefits when they become elderly and/or disabled.
The President and Congress act as if we are taking THEIR money. We paid for it in taxes and earned the right to collect Social Security Benefits.
Peter Stern, Driftwood Texas
Time To Dismantle SBOE In Texas
It fascinates me that legislators continue to believe and tell the public that they “aim to ensure quality” of public education. They simply do NOT know how to do that and they do NOT have the training to do that. Neither do business people who constantly direct legislators on how to provide quality to public education and who in turn are asked to join committees on public education. Neither can The State Board of Education, which is too political and special interest driven to do it.
Only parents, students, school administrators and teachers have the knowledge and/or training to get public education back on track.
The SBOE should be dismantled. School-Based Management should replaced the SBOE at each district because management should be at the local level.
Get rid of the nonsense State tests that prove nothing about what a child has learned. Educational progress should be determined by the schools via a child’s entire record by each teacher who observes each child and administers tests in the classroom. Teach learning for learning’s sake and not for some obscure and unsubstantiated test. Help children better learn the basics: reading, writing and mathematics.
Treat teachers as professionals, give them a reasonable salary and ensure they get the proper training. Provide mentors, a.k.a., established teachers, for every new teacher hired into the system. Parents should be involved in their children’s learning. Establish business collaboratives so children may be mentored by members of the business community.
All of these things will provide a better quality of education.
Peter Stern of Driftwood, Texas is a former Director of Information Services in private industry and government, a University Professor, Public School Administrator and Teacher, is a disabled Vietnam Veteran and holds three post-graduate degrees.
CTRMA Boondoggle
The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority has a 2012-13 budget of $43.2 million taken from Texas taxpayers and toll tax revenue. The agency was proposed and pushed through 10 years ago by former Rep. Mike Krusee, whom Texans did not reelect because of his questionable special interest motivated actions.
The toll agency, which currently manages two toll roads, should be dismantled. The toll roads that it plans to build and manage on MoPac Expressway are a sham and are not needed. CTRMA borrowed $130 million to add to the toll road building. The proposed toll roads will not ease traffic conditions; they are simply a source of new revenue. Furthermore, Texas does not need ongoing toll roads.
Texans need an intelligent, well-managed, and reality-based Texas Department of Transportation that works in the best interests of the entire community. There is no reason in the world that CTRMA agency head Mike Heiligenstein should be making $250,000 annually for running an agency that plans toll roads in Central Texas, except that he is appointed by Gov. Rick Perry.
Perry and Texas Legislators refuse to let the gasoline tax catch up with inflation and also continue to divert gasoline tax revenue to their other interests, which is part of the reason TxDOT hasn’t sufficient money to build and maintain our roadways.
Lastly, toll roads are an inefficient and poor cost effective method of building and maintaining roads. In addition, the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority may raise toll costs at will without approval and has little oversight to ensure it is working in the best interests of the community at-large. The agency is another governmental intrusion into our daily lives, is unnecessary, and should be dismantled.
Peter Stern, Driftwood, Texas
‘Right to Work’ Agenda
As big business continues to screw American workers, there will be a drive to reinstate unions to combat low wages, poor work environments, fewer sick and personal days, no or little health care plans, fewer vacation days and poor retirement packages. Unions will return. It is cyclical.
TX GOP Shoots To Declare Abortions Illegal
This is nothing short of idiotic. Once again a handful of minorities in control are dictating how others must live. You don’t want to use tax dollars to fund abortions? I can live with that, but to make abortions ILLEGAL is the dumbest thing imaginable.
It will create a huge underground market that will make millions of dollars in revenue and will cause many health issues in the process for many women. It may be mostly poorer women but it will also damage others.
Eventually, it will hit tax payers anyway and it will do little to curb the number of abortions. Those who want and need them will get them anyway illegally. It was that way back in the 1960s and it was stupid then. Apparently, history does repeat itself.
This is a very bad idea and it is unconstitutional against individual and women’s rights. Changing the laws won’t make it constitutional even in this Nazi state. The Red Regime will soon change and all the chaos created by a handful of politicians and their special interests will be flushed down the toilet, where it belongs.
Peter Stern, Driftwood, Texas
Costly Roadways Impacting Landscapes
The move is under way to rip apart our scenic Hill Country in order to provide large profits for developers and road companies from which they may toss some back to elected officials via perks and campaign contributions.
The new road proposals essentially carve up much of our open lands and break up our private properties to new and unsustainable growth patterns. The corrupt process of appointing designated associates by County Commissioners comprising persons with already-voiced interests in either building roads or being involved in development, who then sit down and decide for the rest of the citizens (and LANDOWNERS) of this County what should happen to their lives is undemocratic, blatantly contemptible and should not be tolerated.
Most people know little or nothing about these new proposed roads, and there has been NO PUBLIC INTEREST in building more roads. Instead, it is a top-down bogus process of handing over public tax money to private entities in the form of road contracts and eventual housing and commercial development.
Our lands and our lifestyle must not for sale, nor open to controlled special interest decisions about where increased vehicular traffic, overpopulation and additional air and noise pollution should be directed and how.
Local news media along with community residents must rise up together as a giant tsunami of protest. We recognize that the county is growing and that we must make improvements to our roads, but not this way.
Peter Stern, Driftwood, Texas
Overview: Modern Liberal, Conservative Views
“Liberal” and “Conservative” are two words used to describe two political philosophies and platforms that may not be so easy to view and comprehend. It seems that humans maintain a need and desire to label everything and everyone in their lives and certainly this is recognized in Politics, perhaps more so than in other areas of our daily existence.
Immediately, several such labels come to mind, e.g., liberal, conservative, socialist, fascist, to name a few. The terms “Liberal” and “Conservative” are frequently used in politics and within our modern society; however, the context may vary in actual use and definition at any given time. Furthermore, the terms have changed over time periods and/or have been manipulated to promote special interest concerns, desires and legislation.
There is no specific date attributed to the founding of either the liberal and conservative concepts, yet one could consider that even among primitive humans there must have been some organic, free-thinking cavemen and women who may have been the actual “inventors” of liberal thought and process in its more infantile phase of evolution. Naturally, there would have been a counter primitive conservative influence that wanted to keep life and the things within it as they had been before.
Wikipedia defines Liberalism as:
Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, “of freedom” [1]) is the belief in the importance of [3]
It defines Conservatism as:
Conservatism (Latin: conservare, “to preserve”) is a political and social philosophy that holds that traditional institutions work best and that society should avoid radical change.
It is safe to consider that throughout human history there were individuals and groups who wanted to institute changes in daily living, while others preferred and desired to keep things as they were and had been. Such thinking evolved into modern times as evidenced by such quaint quotes as, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
In essence, the origins and definitions of “Liberal” and “Conservative” are not as easily determined as one would think.
In some history texts John Locke is given credit as “the father of liberalism” whereby he believed that Liberalism “employed the concept of property.”
With sound reason, many believe that Liberalism emerged from historical and social developments that led up to the American and French Revolutions. History shows that the people were liberated from kingly control over their lives. Over time, freedom and maintaining a constitution was associated with the term “Liberal”.
In concept, true Conservatism prefers to keep things as they were, more middle-grounded, The origins of the term underscores in reaction to change. In the wake of the Anglican theologian Richard Hooker called for moderation and a balance of interests for the sake of social harmony and common good.
In modern times, it is not often easy to be a Liberal or a Conservative or to recognize one. In addition, the definition of each continues to change. For example, if we compare the Conservative Dwight D. Eisenhower administration of the 1950’s with the Conservative George W. Bush administration that began in 2000, we may not be able to find level comparisons of these Republican terms.
In other words, President Eisenhower and President Bush may not have agreed on many issues, philosophies and actions; however, each person and his respective administration were deemed Conservative and Republican politically and in concept. In fact, the two administrations were very different.
It appears that our lives and our politics have become extreme. A person today is either Liberal or Conservative, left or right of center as in the past, but more so. These days a Conservative may be nearing Fascist, while a Liberal may seem Radical or Socialist. In truth, Liberal and Conservative traditions are currently extremist philosophies, and yet they may often overlap each other because of their extremist views on various issues – as in Liberal is so far left that it is coming around to the right; while Conservative is so far right that it is coming around to the left.
In a crazy and hectic modern world, it is fitting to have a more unbalanced and often chaotic political system with unstable philosophies and platforms. Moderates or middle-grounded philosophies and platforms are rare, but in my opinion, are urgently needed.
“Liberal” may no longer be used to describe a person who wants positive change or freedom. For example, today’s Liberals and Conservatives are looking for socialistic bail-outs. At the same time, they both want and don’t want government interference into our daily lives, but they want everything on their terms, which seems to change from moment to moment. Conservatives say they don’t want new taxes but they desire toll roadways, which are a form of new taxes. Liberals want to change to a more socialized health care system, but they still accept wealthy campaign contributions from the privatized health care providers, which seems to impede growth and striving for the community good. Conservatives like those in the Tea Party say they prefer middle ground; however, many seem to push for more religion in public education and are anti-abortionists. Both Liberals and Conservatives seem to push towards war to resolve issues, to gain profits for businesses and to uplift the economy. In short, both parties are extremists.
In this topsy-turvy world, even our political system is in constant chaos and prone to extremism at opposite ends of the political spectrum. It all can get very confusing. Who really is Liberal and who is Conservative?
So, welcome to the 21st Century and make up your own mind, but do so intelligently in recognition that to walk a road with some degree of success, it is better to be centered on it. If you walk too far over towards the left or the right, there is the greater potential of falling off — and where would that leave us? Well, It leads us where we seem to be today.
Peter Stern, a former director of information services, university professor and public school administrator, is a disabled Vietnam veteran who lives in Texas.
Urgent Need For Separation Of Church/State
Simply put, the Tea Party crumpets and the religious right zealots are maneuvering for power and control mostly for the next presidential election in 2016.
They are making strides and already have power and clout in most of the “red” states.
They are trying to get into Washington to eventually make Federal changes in how states may gain more power to take control over our lives.
Here in Texas, Gov. Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott encourage giving power to the extremists and offer protection to the two forces gaining control over our lives.
It should be obvious – but not in Texas – that the Christian religion has no business in government or in public education, nor in dictating how the majority of us live our lives. I wonder how these good Christians would feel if we pushed Judaism as the powerful religion and political entity?
Let’s hope the Supreme Court of the U.S. maintains the true separation of church and state. If not, we will continue to lose our precious rights and freedoms in favor of one religion surpassing everything and everyone.
The last time the church had so much power, it supported the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition.
Peter Stern
Texas Tolling Mentality Continues…
In response to “U.S. 290 tollway’s first piece opening in December”
Despite the fact that gasoline tax revenue is diverted to other special interests and also that Gov. Perry and the Texas Legislature refuse to permit the increase of the tax to allow for inflation (as they apparently do permit for yearly toll road increases) the primary focus on building roadways is on developing more and more toll roadways, which truly does NOT help with traffic congestion.
This is unconscionable.
Furthermore, there is no regulation for the increase of tolls at any given time and once the toll road is paid for, the tolls usually remain. This is NOT a legacy we want to leave for our children’s children.
The ruling GOP cries out against new taxes, but what are tolls if not new taxes?
Even if drivers opt NOT to use the toll roads goods and services will increase accordingly as toll costs will be diverted onto customers. Consequently,
I urge all Texans to avoid using toll roads, but also they should contact legislators to stop tolling insanity.
Peter Stern
Driftwood, Texas
Peter Stern — In Response….
… to Terrell’s letter to get rid of the Fed Reserve with Sales Taxes:
While I agree that the Federal Reserve needs some cleaning up and/or overhaul, I don’t know if it is in our best interests to get rid of it completely. In addition, sales taxes are just another regressive form of taxation, meaning, they hurt middle class and lower income people the most. The wealthy benefit from increasing sales taxes more than others.
So, the “Fair Tax” really is not fair for all Americans. That said, we need to restructure and improve on the Federal Reserve and the powers provided to the members. Currently, the Fed is not working in our best interests. However, to “kill” the FRB would turn such functions over to the 2 reigning political parties, which could be worse for all of us.
Peter Stern, Driftwood, TX