Nathan Diebenow

Grand Old Momster

Grand Old Momster

So let

Mogwai Among Bin Laden — U.S. Fed Terrorist Until 9/11: Whistleblower

CHINATOWN, Texas There’s a new meme about to sweep the Internets.

It’s going to have its own Demotivational poster series.

It’s going to have its own T-shirt line like Three Moon Wolf.

It’s going to spank the Keyboard Cat, Dancing Matt, and Dancing Baby.

Plus, it’s going to rickroll the Tron Guy, bro!

It’s “Mogwai among Bin Laden.”

Okay, it’s a total rip-off of “Robocop on a Unicorn.”

But this new meme illustrates an important insight into the foreign policy of the United States.

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds dropped it the last day of July during an interview on Mike Malloy’s radio show with guest host Brad Friedman.

It is the fact that the U.S. government had ‘intimate relations’ with Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban “all the way until that day of Sept.11,” she said.

In other words, America gave not unlike a fictional mogwai creatures from the ’80s film Gremlins a known international terrorist food, water, shelter, and supplies only to see them cut off the day of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.

The details of this relationship are still classified, though “it’s not very difficult to put two and two together on this,” she added.

“There is so much information that, of course, our Mainstream Media has not reported, but there have been some good books written on the topic,” Edmonds said.

The French newspaper Le Figaro, in fact, reported in October 2001 that Bin Laden spent 10 days at an American hospital in Dubai two months before the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon.

There, the man wanted in connection to the bombing of the USS Cole was visited by the local CIA chief, the then-head of Saudi intelligence, and his family, according to French intelligence.

The U.S. and the hospital deny such a meeting took place.

Big Trouble In

Xinjiang, China

Edmonds and other experts have maintained that the U.S. government continued to use Bin Laden, the Taliban, and al Qaeda in the decade after the fall of the the Soviet Union.

The purpose?

Control energy (oil and natural gas) resources, and monopolize military arms sales in Central Asia.

There was one hitch, however.

Can’t disrupt relations with China, Russia, and their satellites Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan out in the open.

Or bad things would happen.

The solution was the Republic of Turkey.

By tapping into this central Asian nation’s culture and credibility, the U.S. could manipulate the region, as it had in Afghanistan against the Soviets in the 1980s.

Plus, the U.S. would have the added advantage of Turkey being an ally of NATO, a remnant Western alliance of the Cold War.

The battleground region is Xinjiang, China.

The Uyghur people (aka Chinese Muslims) call it home.

Enroncare Eats Puppies

Enroncare Eats Puppies

If you want Bernie Cross Maddoff Shield, Bear & Sterns Health Plan, or Lehmana, fine.

You can even have Enroncare, too.

By the way the national healthcare reform movement is going, however, the official mongrel of Texas will outlive us all.

And we

Wall Street Hold

Wall Street Hold

Holy Condoms




Saturday Night Succor




All-Star Aid


Down With OPP?

Down With OPP?

“Psh, yeah, you know me!”

Fed Up


The Growing Colossus

The Growing Colossus


The Power Of Positive Dunking — Mavs’ Layoffs Slam Economic Hype

Mavs’ Layoffs Slam Economic Hype

DALLAS, Texas You know reporting on the economy is still bad when you have to flip to the sports section.

In the Dallas newspaper.

Moreover, you know that the economy is still bad when the Dallas Mavericks professional basketball franchise laid off a few in its workforce late last month.

Don’t worry no actual basketball players were harmed.

Only eight employees on the “business side” of the organization’s 200-plus personel were given pink slips, said owner Mark Cuban.

“The economy has a stranglehold on everybody, and it’s no different for the Dallas Mavericks…,” wrote reporter Eddie Sefko in The Dallas Morning News Saturday, June 27, edition.

“The franchise has been operating under a hiring freeze for several months,” he added. “But with all professional sports teams facing problems with fewer sponsorships and drops in season-ticket renewals, many of them have had to reduce their workforce.”

This news, however, is one of many slams against a fiscal quarter worth of hype that the economy as a whole is improving.

Economist Dean Baker has pointed out that the mainstream media has all along been playing us like we were the Washington Generals.

In his piece “Economic Recovery Is Wishful Thinking,” the co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C. gave two examples of fudged figures that he later described as evidence of “cheerleading” not honest reporting on the state of economy.

One: National Public Radio fudged new home sales figures for the month of April, saying they were up from March when they were in fact down, he said.

“While this was true, the April figure was only 1,000 higher than a March level that had just been revised down by 5,000. April new home sales were 4,000 below the sales level that had originally been reported for March,” Baker wrote in early June.

Two: USA Today misrepresented durable goods orders as a “surge,” even though the figure was “based on a sharp downward revision to the prior month’s data,” he added.

Baker quipped, “This leaves the responsibility of reporting on the economy to others.”

So his prognosis?

“Any serious examination of the data shows that recovery is nowhere in sight. The basic story of the downturn is painfully simple. We have seen a collapse of a housing bubble which has devastated the construction sector and also caused consumption to plunge,” he wrote.

In other words, no one is consuming because they be broke as a joke!

Plus, American families and businesses can’t buy anything on credit because it’s all totally maxed out.

So don’t buy the “green shoots” economic recovery propaganda touted by investment giant Goldman Sachs.

If anything, those are “yellow weeds” cracking open our economic system ever wider, according to New York University economist Nouriel Roubini.

Roubini predicted in his piece “Ten Risks to Global Growth that spending due to President Barack Obama’s stimulus package will create a “short-term growth revival.” <

(Might As Well Face It. You

(Might As Well Face It. You

What Color Is Your Revolution? — U.S. Taxpayers Stimulate Uprising In Iran

U.S. Taxpayers Stimulate Uprising In Iran

DALLAS, Texas Half a billion dollars might not be a lot to give away in this post-Wall Street bailout era.

However, it’s still enough to jump-start your own uprising in an oil-rich Middle Eastern nation from afar.

Ask the last Democratic-controlled Congress.

Under then-President George W. Bush, this Congress approved around $400 million for the CIA to destabilize Iran.

According to ABC News, the campaign would include “propaganda broadcasts, placement of negative newspaper articles, and the manipulation of Iran’s currency and international banking transactions.”

You know, the same kind of crazy stuff that the British pulled on a certain group of North American colonies some 200-plus years ago.

And from what free speech advocate Steve Weissman can tell, the current Democratic president, Barack Hussein Obama, hasn’t cut the purse strings on this multi-million dollar campaign.

“The tea leaves are murky, but they suggest that, so far at least, Team Obama remains wedded to the Bush-Cheney-Abrams destabilization of Iran,” Weissman wrote in a piece called “Who’s Diddling Democracy in Iran?”

Which leads one to wonder, are U.S. taxpayers still funding the civil unrest seen in the Islamic Republic?

Weissman thinks probably so, judging by Obama’s actions prior to Iran’s presidential election on June 12.

Obama had the chance to signal to Iran’s ayatollahs that the U.S. would cease its support of terrorist groups operating inside Iran, he said.

The chance came in late May when the Jundallah aka “Soldiers of God” claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that took the lives of 25 people and wounded another 125 at a Shiite mosque in Zahedan.

Obama’s response?

Well, the Jundallah is still not designated as a terrorist organization by the State Department.

Note: the Jundallah is known to raid Iran from Pakistan with financing reportedly sent by Iranian exiles in the West and Gulf nations.

And while U.S. officials flatly deny funding the Jundallah directly, they still routinely keep in touch with its leader who, coinicidently, trafficks heroin via Afghanistan.

Then, there’s that whole propagnda campaign.

Leading up to Iran’s presidential election, it was going on to promote candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, the main rival of incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Ken Timmerman, the executive director of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran, said that the Persian Service of Voice of America (VOA) totally backed Mousavi.

(This right-winger heavily involved in the Iranian expatriate community added that he favored boycotting the election along with other dissident groups.)

Moreover, Timmerman noted that the U.S. government had to be in support of Mousavi since his “revolution” was “colored” as the election ended and the civil unrest began.

“The National Endowment for Democracy has spent millions of dollars during the past decade promoting ‘color’ revolutions in places such as Ukraine and Ser

Goodbye, Dollar Brick Road

Goodbye, Dollar Brick Road

The crack in the American empire widened last Monday and Tuesday at the summit for the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Yekaterinburg, Russia.

There, Brazil, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan along with India and China and observers Iran, India, Pakistan, and Mongolia shut out United States diplomats from even witnessing the event in person.

However, we know that this group of nations has already taken steps to increase lines of “mutual aid” among themselves instead of with the U.S.

The BRIC bloc itself (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) comprises the world

Know Thy Self-Quarantine


I Forgive Cindy Sheehan

I Forgive Cindy Sheehan

“If you love somebody, set them free.”

Gitmo, Or Crimino?

Gitmo, Or Crimino?

So, when is James von Brunn going to Guant

Sex & Violence 101

Sex & Violence 101

Dr. George Tiller is dead.


February 2025