The Continuing ‘Fukushima 3-11’ Radiation Catastrophe
and Its Relevance to ‘Oslo-Utøya 7-22’
By Major William B. Fox,
W. Leon Smith,
and Dr. James H. Fetzer
“Dr. Janette Sherman, a highly respected physician and acknowledged expert in radiation exposure who has reported a north-east United States 35% baby death spike since Fukushima fall-out reached the nation, concurs with estimates that world wide, the Chernobyl Kill is one million people killed to date reported NOVA News. Extrapolating, worldwide deaths by Fukushima radiation could eventually be hundreds of millions of people, becoming the most significant depopulation event to date…” 1 — Experts: Fukushima ‘off-scale’ lethal radiation level infers millions dying by Deborah Dupre,, Aug. 5, 2011.
Despite silence and coverups in U.S. mainstream media and the recent Japanese government talk about “cold shutdowns,” the Fukushima crisis has actually been growing steadily worse. Radiation levels are spiking higher across the United States, and plumes circling the northern hemisphere are still raining out in Europe and Asia as well as in North America. Please see for example:
Phoenix EPA Data Showed 700 CPM Beta Yesterday 2, by Dr. Majia Nadesan,, 13 Dec 2011. Please also see also the prior blog entry: Phoenix Radiation Increases and Why They Matter 3 by Dr. Majia Nadesan,, 12 Dec 2011.
NYT: Experts suspect melted fuel may be threatening groundwater — “Battle of epic proportions” says Koide — Concerns over recriticality 4 by ENENEWS Admin, 16 Dec 2011.
Iodine-131 now detected in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary… other countries — An indicator of nuclear chain reaction — 10 days after criticality talk at Fukushima 5 by ENENEWS Staff, 11 Nov 2011.
U.S. Deaths Increasing Due To Japanese Radiation 6 by W. Leon Smith, Publisher, The Lone Star Iconoclast, 6 Nov 2011.
According to the aforementioned article by Deborah Dupre, “…the famous physicist, Dr. Chris Busby told the Japanese people this week [in late July 2011] that radioactive air contamination there is now 300 times that of Chernobyl and 1000 times the atomic bomb peak in 1963, inferring that hundreds of millions of people are now dying from Fukushima radiation, including people in the United States.”
When Dr. Busby visited the Fukushima Prefecture in July he also observed:
“It’s all invisible. The trees are still trees, people are shopping, the birds are singing and dogs are walking in the street . . .When you bring out the (Geiger) machines, you can see everything is sparkling and everybody is being bitten by invisible snakes that will eventually kill them.” 7
“Fukushima Teacher Muzzled on Radiation Risks for School Children” by Takahiko Hyuga,, July 28, 2011
No amount of internalized radiation is good for you, particularly when it involves radioactive nanoparticles from fallout that can get inhaled, ingested, or otherwise absorbed into the body. These particles have the capability to get inside every kind of cell in the body, where they disrupt cellular function and encourage every kind of disease and dysfunction known to man. Examples range from increased rates of cancer, cardiovascular ailments, and diabetes to premature aging, birth defects, and lowered IQ’s. We must continue to stay out of the rain (when most fallout comes down), and watch what we eat and drink as radionuclides continue to accumulate in our food and water supplies.
The unspeakably evil effects of radioactive contamination can persist for decades or even centuries. According to the 2003 documentary film.hernobyl Hem
According to Ms. Moret, one can reasonably estimate that every month that goes by, an additional 500,000 to a million Americans are getting tagged with early deaths, and the total excess death toll over the next 25 years in the United States alone could easily range from 20 to 50 million people. In fact, all told, the long term reality we currently face could be even worse than this.
“Denial” Remains a Critical Issue
Many individuals fail to protect themselves because they simply cannot believe that such an extremely serious crisis could actually be in progress without strenuous civil defense warnings by their government, national media, and other alleged guardians of society. Many more fellow citizens find it even harder to accept the idea that extremely evil people have risen to the highest levels and are deliberately causing horrific events while deliberately obstructing the efforts of honest citizens to save their fellow citizens.
There is strong evidence that the ultimate cause of the Fukushima reactor melt-downs was sabotage by the Stuxnet virus, developed by the CIA for Israel’s Mossad. It is well documented that Mossad has already sabotaged Iranian nuclear facilities with this virus. Israeli security firms were in charge of the Fukushima facilities in fall 2010. At that time, the Stuxnet virus was detected on Japanese computer systems. For more background on what really coincided with the massive 3-11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, please see our Fukushima crisis overview page. 10
We have extensively documented major “black operations” (or “false flag” attacks) conducted since 9/11 by a completely psychopathic power elite at war with common citizens around the world. Please refer to the following online works, and give web pages time to load – they are often very long and filled with information:
a) The Mission of Conscience series 11 by Major William B. Fox.
b) The BP Gulf Catastrophe overview web page.12 This was a “dress rehearsal in high treason” where globalists prepared the Obama administration and its Department of Energy for a new magnitude of evil called Fukushima.
c) Fukushima 3-11 overview page.13 This is the horrific tale about the deliberate radiation genocide of a great people;
d) “Aerial Dance of Death” radiation charts and news items. 14 This helps individuals visualize the “invisible” forces of mass “soft kill” destruction circling the northern hemisphere.
e) Oslo-Utoya 7-22 overview web page.15 This involves another false flag “rat attack” directed against another noteworthy people. It was very likely orchestrated by the same criminal cabal as Fukushima.
On the Oslo-Utøya 7-22 web page, we provide extensive evidence that the alleged “lone nut” gunman Anders Breivik did not act alone, but instead has ultimately served as a patsy for intelligence agencies. Major William Fox, a coauthor of this alert, believes strongly that the Oslo-Utøya 7-22 tragedy is relevant to Fukushima 3-11. In both cases Mossad-CIA-MI6 is the most likely culprit. Significantly, both 3-11 and 7-22 took place on occult dates with the same “divisible by 11” false flag attack numerological pattern as New York 9-11, Madrid 3-11, and London 7/7.
Oslo-Utøya also has a likely “nuclear connection.” In the aforementioned interview with Dr. James Fetzer, Dr. Chris Busby described a “Red Mercury”-type mini-nuke manufactured in Dimona, Israel that was very likely used in New York City to help bring down the World Trade Towers on 9/11. Major Fox believes it was probably also used in the 2002 Bali bombing 16 as well as in the Oslo 7-22 attack.
On the Oslo-Utøya 7-22 web page, Major Fox applies his own sociological analysis to explain how an international criminal elite could rise to power and perpetrate such evils as Oslo-Utøya 7-22 and Fukushima 3-11. Understanding the false flag nature of one event helps to gain a deeper understanding of the other, and vice versa. In regard to Oslo-Utoya 7-22, Major Fox also provides a unique personal perspective as a Norwegian-American.
The ultimate issue in this case is not whether others happen to agree with Major Fox’s social and political analysis, but rather if fellow citizens can acquire enough insights to break free of the “deer in the headlights” denial syndrome. Responsible citizens around the world must rigorously conduct their own independent analysis. They must directly confront what is becoming the greatest crisis ever to face mankind — a possible major extinction event for much of humanity.
We, the people, must overcome our fears and develop the insights and conviction necessary to do whatever is necessary to protect ourselves on a grass roots level. We must identify and support honest leaders capable of developing effective strategies that can minimize Fukushima radiation damage as soon as possible. Last, but not least, we must also overcome sinister power elites, governments, and national media whose evil acts and deceptions are literally destroying us.
* * * * * * * * *
W. Leon Smith, publisher of The Lone Star Iconoclast, comes from a long line of champions of liberty who extend directly back to Deaf Smith and other heroes of the Texas War of Independence. Dr. James H. Fetzer, founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and host of The Real Deal talk show, is professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth and a former U.S. Marine Corps officer. Major William B. Fox, president of the America First Institute and America First Books, is a former Marine officer who once ran a reserve intelligence unit. He is also an honors graduate of the Harvard Business School with experience in media, Wall Street, and real estate.
Additional References:
Leuren Moret author archive page,
Dr. Chris Busby author archive page,
American Nuclear Industry crisis web page,
Energy News Radiation monitoring thread,
Footnote URLs:
see also
German Radiation Expert: No way to stop nuclear fuel that’s melted-through — Can only pray it does not touch underground water vein (VIDEO) by ENENEWS Admin, 4 Dec 2011, underground-water-vein-video;
Russian Expert: ‘Fukushima situation far from stabilizing’ by ENENEWS Admin, fukushima-situation-stabilizing;
State of Cold Shutdown: Hosono Says “No One Knows Where the Fuel Is, But I’m Confident It is Cooled” by ex-skf-blogspot, ;
Reactor 4 is falling apart by Mochizuki, Dec 12, 2011, “The wall of the south side is falling apart at reactor 4. Reactor 4 is in the most serious situation. It is assumed that if another aftershock hits it to drop the spent fuel pool hung in the building, the entire area in eastern Japan would be too contaminated to be inhabitable,” http://fukushima-;
Hartmann: Fukushima…Has the China Syndrome now officially begun? (RT Video), 6 Dec 2011, “Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear joins Thom Hartmann. The crisis at Fukushima continues…According to a French nuclear research institute – since the Fukushima nuclear crisis began in March – the plant has leaked more radioactive material into the ocean than has ever happened before in the history of the planet…it’s inevitable that nuclear fuel has leaked into the groundwater – meaning the `China Syndrome’ is officially upon us. He also warned that if underground water gets overheated – it could trigger a hydrovolcanic explosion”;; lastly,
Fukushima Part II? Tokyo to begin burning massive amounts of radioactive waste from disaster area — Burns will continue for at least 2.5 years, until March 2014 (VIDEO), by ENENEWS Admin, September 30, 2011, “We are basically recreating Fukushima all over again -Arnie Gundersen, nuclear engineer,”
5 See also
Major Website: Mystery cloud of dangerous iodine-131 over Europe is absolutely cause for concern — Certainly deserves more than 129 words by IAEA by ENENEWS Staff, 16 Nov 2011 at:
8 Chernobyl Heart (41:10) According to Wikipedia: “a 2003 documentary film by Maryann De Leo. The film won the Best Documentary Short Subject award at the 2004 Academy Awards. The full length version embedded at
9; Transcripts also posted at Veterans Today under the title for hour one: Catastrophic Effects of Radiation Contamination at: and hour two: New Bombs and War Crimes in Fallujah at:
16 Chapter 17; The Bombing Beat Goes On and On: The JFK Assassination Subplot, the McVeigh Subterfuge, Bali and Amman Explosions of the Mission of Conscience series by William B. Fox at
False Flag Alert!
Pieces Falling Into Place For Israeli-U.S. Attack On Iran
(1) According to widely quoted political analyst Webster Tarpley, the Zionist neocon “war party” has made a major “sea change” back towards favoring a direct attack against Iran.
In the years immediately following 2007, the war party shifted to covert “color revolution” tactics to attempt to overthrow the Iranian government, by engaging in the “B-52 Loose Nukes” fiasco and other abortive direct attack measures — all failures, as were “color revolutions” elsewhere, including the recent ouster of “Orange Revolution” leaders who were installed in the Ukraine in 2004.
Tarpley says that the threat of a military campaign against Iran is rapidly increasing. The troubled Obama administration has initiated special forces incursions designed to stir up rebellions among non-Persian nationalities of the Islamic Republic.
“Naturally, the probability of a new fake Gulf of Tonkin incident or false flag staged by the Anglo-American war party and attributed to Iran or its proxies is also growing rapidly,” noted Tarpley on July 21.
(2) Other foreign sources reinforce Tarpley’s concerns. Steve Watson of, on July 27 published that “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated that he believes the U.S., backed by Israel, is preparing to attack…at least two countries in the region within the next three months.”
Watson notes that former CIA head Gen. Michael Hayden has described an attack on Iran as “inexorable.” Warnings have also been issued by former Cuban leader Fidel Castro and former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.
(3) Former U.S. Navy Intelligence officer Wayne Madsen has confirmed the Tarpley story:. On Aug. 3 he reported that “In the days before, during, and after Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen revealed the Pentagon has a military strike plan for Iran, part of that plan may have already been launched.
“WMR’s Lebanese sources report that a number of recent provocations in the region are being viewed by regional intelligence agencies in Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, and Egypt as being launched by the United States Joint Special Operations Command in alliance with the Israelis,” he continued.
(4) Other domestic sources are confirming it, too, such as Paul Joseph Watson who wrote on Aug. 4 in that a Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity memo indicates that Netanyahu is planning a surprise attack “that will make it politically untenable for the U.S. to do anything other than offer full support for a military campaign.”
Watson observed that VIPS has suggested to Obama that he needs to publicly denounce such an attack in order to prevent a wider war and the “ultimate destruction of Israel.”
(5) Tarpley has suggested that the most likely time for an attack over the next three months is during a new moon, which provides maximum darkness for bombers and other stealth weapons. The new moon dates are Aug 10, Sept. 8, and Oct. 7.
(6) He also observes that one of the biggest Israeli and American worries regarding an attack on Iran is the Russian military reaction. Any joint U.S.-Russian exercise during a new moon period should be a cause of special concern, because high-level insiders who run false flag attacks typically utilize military exercises as a pretext to paralyze military reaction to their own false flag terror events.
As examples, numerous military and police exercises took place simultaneously with the 9/11 terror attacks in New York and Washington, D.C., as well as the 7/7/2005 bombings in London.
According to an Aug. 3 report in Interfax News (Xinhua), “Russia and the United States will conduct joint military exercises from Aug. 6 to 14… The drills, code-named `Vigilant Eagle,’ will involve air force servicemen from both countries who will conduct a simulated operation to free an airplane hijacked by terrorists, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Vladimir Drik said.”
(7) There are also signs of “predictive programming” in which controlled mass media use subliminal suggestion to induce fatalistic acceptance of bad Israeli-U.S. policies in advance.
“Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appear Worldwide to herald… ARMAGEDDON 9/11/2010, MOTHER OF ALL WARS `JUST WEEKS AWAY’ …CHURCH LEADERS.”
The author of this article, Beth Gimmel, issued a similar doomsday prediction in 2005, but nevertheless it is easy to see how this warning can affect religious audiences today.
(8) “End timers” may be “right” on at least one intuitive level. The consequences in human suffering from nuclear blasts and accumulated depleted uranium poisoning are totally beyond any rational great power “chess game” calculations.
According to a June 21, 2008 article in Global Research by Physicians for Social Responsibility, regarding Iran, “In the immediate area of (the planned) attacks, our calculations show that within 48 hours, an estimated 2.6 million people would die… In a wider region, over 10.5 million people would be exposed to significant radiation from fallout…”
(9) There are ominous indications of high-level depopulation planning. Radiation expert Leuren Moret in an article entitled “From Hiroshima to Iraq, 61 years of uranium wars: A suicidal, genocidal, omnicidal course,” in Global Research on June 12, 2007 observed that: “Depleted uranium poison gas weaponry, used on a regional scale, meets U.S. National Security Council goals as stated in the `Global 2000 Report: Vision of a Gloomy World’ (1980).”
This report recommended that depopulation in third world countries is now an imperative to the U.S. government for the purpose of securing mineral and other strategic resources: “Global atmospheric pollution from depleted uranium particulates will result in massive depopulation on a global scale. By increasing death rates and decreasing birth rates globally, more than 2 billion people will be eliminated.”
(10) Propaganda is paving the way. In a July 30 interview with Alex Jones, Robert Chapman, a widely read political and economic expert, agreed with Tarpley about trumped up false allegations about Iran’s capability to build nuclear weapons within the next few years. Chapman cautioned that the “war party” is led by psychopathic and even psychotic people who are prepared to attack despite rational arguments. Among many other factors, the continuing economic melt-down and the exposure of their criminal behavior on the free Internet drives them towards desperate “perception management,” “resource conquest,” and “police state repression” measures.
We agree with Americans who believe in the principles for which their country has traditionally stood, and who have no choice except to stand up against those who would sacrifice earth’s habitability for the sake of power. High level malefactors also threaten to permanently blacken United States through one of the greatest atrocities in human history.
We must actively demand the restoration of sane, rational, honorable, and accountable leadership. We urge you to take all steps within your ability to let your elected government officials and other influential fellow citizens know that this is unacceptable policy. It is intolerable for the United State to be blackened by the deaths of millions in a violent and unjustified act that contravenes America’s legitimate national interests, the U.S. Constitution, and all underlying principles of international law.
Additional References:
(1) “Is Use of Depleted Uraniaum (DU) Bioterrorism?” by W. Leon Smith, Editor-In-Chief, Lone Star Iconoclast, Aug. 6, 2010:
(2) “Assembling the Evidence for High Likelihood of Coming Third World War” by David Edward Standridge,, July 30, 2010
(3) “Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran; Part I: Global Warfare” by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Aug. 1, 2010
(4) “A Cakewalk Against Iran” by Philip Giraldi,, Aug. 5, 2010
The following chapters from the Mission of Conscience series by Major William B. Fox cover the summer and early fall of 2007 when the threat of Israeli-U.S. attack was last at it highest level, according to Webster Tarpley. These chapters also include extracts and links to Lone Star Iconoclast articles published while events were unfolding.
Chapter 24
Noble Resolve and the Ignoble Whitewash; Portland and Phoenix Join the Terror Target Club
Chapter 25
The Kennebunkport Warning and the B-52 “Loose Nukes” Push-Back
Chapter 26
TOPOFF, Vladimir Putin, and Yet Another Highly Coincidental Texas Terror Triangle Explosion
For a discussion of “predictive programming” please see:
Chapter 8
9/11 Patterns As Future False Flag Indicators
Chapter 37
“Operation Blackjack,” the Kansas City, KS Nuke, and the Zombie March Towards “Stalingrad II”
About the Co-Authors
Major Fox, a former Marine Corps officer, is the publisher of America First Books and author of the Mission of Conscience Trilogy about Ghost Troop’s counter terror operations. Dr. Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.