Controlling Higher Education: College For Wealthy Elitists Only?

Controlling Higher Education:
College For Wealthy Elitists Only?

The answer may be yes.

Fewer American children and their families will be able to afford the cost of higher education tuition.

Thanks for the sky-rocketing tuition costs of higher education go to Pres. George Bush and legislators who 2 years ago lobbied for their higher education special interests and approved legislation that deregulated tuition costs. Since that time several institutions of higher learning, e.g., the University of Texas (UT) raised its tuition costs at least 3 times and many other universities and colleges followed suit.

Following the latest “trend” of higher tuition costs, Texas A&M today publicly stated it would raise tuition costs by 5.3 percent.

What does this mean for higher education in general and more specifically for American children? Well, it means that fewer American families can afford to send their children to college and that a higher education degree once again will be held by the children of wealthy families.

As working families suffer financially more in our American economy due to fewer jobs, escalating property taxes, high cost of home insurance, unaffordable health coverage and ever-increasing costs of daily living expenditures, we may now add higher education to that formidable list.

Slowly but surely these ongoing cost increases are eliminating what once was the American middle class majority. Soon, we will be a nation of extremists

July 2007