Get Out Of The Road — Protesters Convicted

Protesters Convicted

WACO Iraq War protesters Hiram Myers and Em Hardy appeared in McLennan County Judge Michael B. Gassaway’s courtroom on Tuesday to stand to the charge of obstructing a street. The two were convicted following a three-day trial by a six-person jury.

The two, part of the original “Prairie Dog 12,” were among the 14 arrested on Good Friday of last year at the site of Camp Casey I on Prairie Chapel Road.

Protesting the ordinance that they thought to be a violation of constitutional rights, the 75-year-old Oklahoma lawyer and the 58-year-old Austin psychologist said that they had expected to be charged with violation of the county ordinance that prohibits the erection of shelters in the right of way of county roads and not for obstructing the road.

Cindy Sheehan was on hand and prepared to testify for the defense, accompanied by her sister Dee Dee Miller and fellow protester Major Ann Wright.

The defense’s attorney, David Broiles, said that they are trying to stretch the law and stop the protesters from protesting, which is a violation of constitutional rights.”

After the verdict that took the jury nearly four hours to reach, Myers said, “I think this was a waste of time. It was a waste of taxpayers’ money.”

The two were ordered to pay a $150 fine, plus court costs. They both said that the conviction will not stop them from future protests.

December 2006