Bombs Of War Impact Climate Change

By W. Leon Smith

Scientists throughout the world are emphatic that our dangerously warming climate is the result of the human beast and his emissions of petroleum gases and similar products into the atmosphere. The end result is an imbalance that thrives and grows like tumors on the heart and limbs of Mother Earth.

trenchwalker1The escalation of these tumors became pronounced during the George W. Bush presidency, as did the number of massive earthquakes around the world that many have attributed to HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). HAARP is a sub-arctic facility in Alaska that utilized a high-frequency, high-powered radio frequency transmitter to bounce its targeted beam off the ionosphere  that is outside earth’s surface and back to earth to specific locations in search of oil,  thereby allowing oil companies to excite with vibrations the earth with oceans above it in the quest for underground oil.  This turmoil caused hurricanes and earthquakes. Instrumental in the development of this facility were British Petroleum and BAE Systems Advanced Technologies, a subsidiary of BAE Systems, Inc., one of the world’s largest suppliers of military combat equipment.

During the Bush II era, tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes were prevalent, believed to be caused by the intrusions of “weather altering” forces, which were actually a bi-product of the vibrations put upon the earth by humans. The resultant ionospheric bounce has a domino effect. One thing causes a disruption, which causes another, and another, and another that can go on for centuries.

In a similar vein, the massive explosion of bombs throughout the world has added new tumors to Mother Earth. Take, for instance, the use of depleted uranium to make harder the texture on missiles. The depleted uranium waste product from nuclear power plants needed to be disposed of because of its yet intense radioactive nature. What better place than upon missiles, bombs, and similar military equipment, for the sake of “national security?”

Unfortunately, when ordinances are exploded, the minute particulates of radioactive depleted uranium enter the atmosphere we breathe and eventually sit upon the landscape and venture into rivers, streams, and lakes. Thus explains the exponential increase of birth defects and new cancers in regions such as Iraq and elsewhere around the world.

The Lone Star Iconoclast was the only American newspaper about a dozen years ago to investigate the impact of depleted uranium upon the world. It was learned that during the Battle of Baghdad where “shock and awe” garnered headlines, unreported in the mainstream media was the significance of vast amounts of depleted uranium being unleashed upon the world.

After further study, The Iconoclast published a series of articles under the umbrella of “Have DU – Will Travel” where scientists in London had learned of vastly dangerous spikes in radiation that occurred as a direct result of depleted uranium explosions in Baghdad, whereby these particulates had traveled en mass to other sectors of the world, crossing countries and leaving behind and depositing debris not fit for a sewer in its wake, particulates that will negatively impact the health of humans for generations to come, for it is nearly impossible to clean up.

In 2016, during the Obama administration, the United States alone dropped 26,171 bombs, according to Foreign Policy. This does not count the vast multitude of bombs dropped by other countries either in direct military action or as a means of testing. The end result is a spike in cancers and other health frailties for the human and animal populations throughout the world, not to mention the fishes of the seas. The particulates do travel, possibly and probably even to arctic regions, where their impact on global warming could be immense.

Which brings us to my point.

Studies are being conducted that relate to the manufacture of and use of petroleum products and their contributions to global warming, all the way down to people who drive a car to work. However, we are yet to find a study that links the use of bombs and other military ordinances to global warming, or the bouncing of radioactive beams off the ionosphere as a contributing factor.

It is the duty of Mother Nature to keep Mother Earth in balance. It is a tough job, one made nearly impossible with petroleum caldrons constantly emitting poisons into the air and explosions of bombs ripping the earth and distributing its own mixture of radioactive particulates into the air we breathe and upon the earth, often many miles away, where havoc is the only outcome.

I often wonder if there were no more bombs would global warming eventually correct itself, or at least not get worse?

Is this the underlying culprit that science, politics, and governments are prone to ignore? It is the “big boys” that profit from war and their greed is unquenchable.

Most military regimes are run by billionaires, psychopaths, and maniacs who lure hordes of incompetents into their grasp to kill on their behalf. Is it really safe to question their authority? So far, no one has dared to venture into that chamber of doom. The “sheeple” complex remains intact while the missing puzzle piece of war’s impact on global warming remains hidden out of sight on the floor.

July 2017