National Debt Soars Over $18 Trillion
Our National Debt soared over $18 trillion and underscores the inept planning of Obama and his administration and that of previous administrations.
Are we going to manufacture more money to overcompensate the the lack of fiscal restraint? We are acting as poorly and absurdly as did the Adolf Hitler regime under Nazi Germany prior to WWII and the incredible over-inflation that plagued that nation and its resources.
We are following negative history more closely than we imagine. Look at the ongoing and escalating internal chaos spreading around the U.S. Internal unrest, high inflation, lack of good paying jobs, high numbers of illegal immigrants, power and control issues between federal, state, and local governments… it doesn’t look good, folks.
When is the Obama administration going to get serious about fiscal economics? When do both Elephants and Donkeys start working together to put our nation on the best path for healing and resolving so many urgent issues?
Congress has no credibility with the American people. It has a 14 percent approval rating. Do we have to smack each member of Congress over the head with a 2×4 to get their attention???
Peter Stern, Driftwood, Texas