Daily Archives: August 31, 2012

CAFR — New Video A Must See

Jerry Day of FreedomTaker.com has posted a new video entitled “Introduction to the CAFR – Why You Can’t Get Ahead” which delves into manufactured scarcity by government to keep control of the populace.

He explains that there are two sets of books, the budget and the CAFR, which stands for Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. He says that the public is usually given access to budget numbers which are mere guesses, but the CAFR which are the actual dollar numbers that usually sit in the bank are generally kept secret and are used as tools of manipulation. He notes that CAFRs exist in every level of government, local, state, and federal.

In the video, Day says that abundance is hidden from the public so that control can be maintained by the elite. “The squandering and destruction of newly created wealth is an essential element of controlled tyranny and exploitation. “

He goes on to say that the “scarcity myth is maintained by a matrix of partnerships between corporations and government.”

The video goes into great detail about how this matrix evolves and what its implications are.

Since to solve a problem is to first identify it, this video plays an essential role in that quest. The Iconoclast highly recommends that its readers  follow this link and listen to what Jerry Day has to say.


— W. Leon Smith


August 2012