Treasury Bond Sell-Off Highlights Pending Economic Disaster
Published February 6, 2012 | By W. Leon Smith
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Unknown to most Americans, the Russians have sold off half of their U.S. Treasury bonds during the past year and the Chinese are quickly following suit.
The current United States inflatlion rate is reported at 12 percent.
With Ben Bernanke creating trillions of dollars designed to bail out European banks to buy worthless securities from U.S. banks and to fund the U.S. debt, the inflation rate is expected to rise up to 20 percent by the end of 2012, according to underground economists.
The end effect, it is predicted, will be to force others to dump U.S. dollars as well, as soon as trades are completed, causing hyperinflation in America, and soon a devaluation of the dollar worldwide, which might reach 40 percent.