Texas Education In Tragic Crisis

Texas Legislature Totally To Blame

Teacher layoffs, bulging classrooms, unfunded mandates, teaching to an idiotic test, students being forced to take drugs, the list goes on.

Education in Texas is spinning downward in a tragic crisis that was created during the Bush years and has swelled even more under reason’s jester, Gov. Perry, and his madcap crew of legislators, 95 percent of whom are undeniably insane.

The Iconoclast has quite often pointed out major problems with public education in Texas, but the same old legislators who are in the hip pockets of corporate lobbyists keep getting re-elected so that they can continue to plunder our children.

You would think Perry’s Gardasil rampage would have put a stop to our government’s forcing children to take drugs.


This year, college students were mandated to get vaccines for meningitis, complete with the problems of possible horrible side effects. Many students have refused the jab and were therefore forbidden from registering for classes. Just another idiotic swipe at education by the druggies that run our government.

Every time the legislature has tried to mess with education, including taking studies out of the hands of teachers and local school districts, disaster has followed. It is no coincidence that corporate interests lie in the background of these initiatives. Some lawmaker is getting rich at the expense of Texas schoolchildren.

During his run for governor, Perry played a card that described the Texas economy as being in great shape.

After the election, teachers began getting the pink slip and now nobody even whispers “no child left behind” because every schoolkid has been left behind. Actually this was occurring during the days of GeorgieBoy Bush, only back then he propelled a lie that many bought into.

Each and every legislator who has been involved in creating the education crisis, and that’s nearly all of them, do not deserve to be re-elected. They are incompetent when it comes to serving the public and should not only be booted out, but scorned, ridiculed, and perhaps tried in court in the process.

Putting education in crisis in Texas is not a forgivable sin.

And to think — it was totally unnecessary.

— W. Leon Smith

February 2012